
1798 articles returned for "Nemea" in Hesperia

"Adyton," "Opisthodomos," and the Inner Room of the Greek Temple (Hesperia 68, pp. 189-218)

by Mary B. Hollinshead (1999)

"An Attic Decree Concerning Oropos" -- Errata (Hesperia 56, pp. 158)

by Merle K. Langdon (1987)

"Attic Red-figured Skyphoi of Corinthian Shape" -- Corrigenda (Hesperia 57, pp. 302)

by John H. Oakley (1988)

"Let No One Wonder at This Image": A Phoenician Funerary Stele in Athens (Hesperia 74, pp. 427-449)

by Jennifer M. S. Stager (2005)

"Miserable Huts" in Post-146 B.C. Corinth (Hesperia 75, pp. 397-404)

by Benjamin W. Millis (2006)

"Plastic" Sirens from Corinth, An Addendum to Amyx (Hesperia 68, pp. 135-146)

by William R. Biers (1999)

"Predatory" Goddesses (Hesperia 71, pp. 325-344)

by Mary R. Lefkowitz (2002)

"The Fourth-century Skene of the Theater of Dionysos at Athens" -- Errata (Hesperia 56, pp. 72)

by Rhys F. Townsend (1987)

"The Long-petal Bowl from the Pithos Settling Basin" -- Corrigenda (Hesperia 57, pp. 226)

by Susan I. Rotroff (1988)

"Theseum" East Frieze: Color Traces and Attachment Cuttings (Hesperia 57, pp. 339-349)

by Evelyn B. Harrison (1988)


by K. G. [Kostas] Kolokotsas (1990)


by Chrysoula P. Kardara (1974)

ΛΑΣΑΝΑ, Tuyeres, and Kiln Firing Supports (Hesperia 61, pp. 203-221)

by John K. Papadopoulos (1992)

“I Went Down to Piraeus Yesterday”: Routes, Roads, and Plato’s Republic (Hesperia 89, pp. 725-755)

by Geoffrey Bakewell (2020)

“Most Worth Remembering”: Pausanias, Analogy, and Classical Archaeology (Hesperia 82, pp. 231-261)

by Daniel R. Stewart (2013)

“With a Little Help from My Wheel”: Wheel-Coiled Pottery in Protogeometric Greece (Hesperia 85, pp. 297-321)

by Štěpán Rückl and Loe Jacobs (2016)

A Black-Figured Deinos (Hesperia 4, pp. 430-441)

by Rodney S. Young (1935)

A Black-Figured Kylix from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 20, pp. 61-63)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1951)

A Black-Figured Lekythos at Oberlin (Hesperia 11, pp. 349-353)

by Nathan Dane II (1942)

A Boiotian Decree in Athens (Hesperia 46, pp. 268-276)

by Gerald V. Lalonde (1977)

A Bone Assemblage at Corinth of the Second Century after Christ (Hesperia 56, pp. 255-274)

by David S. Reese, Kevin Rielly and Mark J. Rose (1987)

A Box of Antiquities from Corinth (Hesperia 1, pp. 56-89)

by Lucy T. Shoe (1932)

A Bronze Counterpoise of Athena (Hesperia 45, pp. 163-170)

by C. W. J. Eliot (1976)

A Bronze Pail of Athena Alalkomenia (Hesperia 28, pp. 153-161)

by Karl Lehmann (1959)

A Bronze Warrior from Corinth (Hesperia 61, pp. 79-84)

by Carol C. Mattusch (1992)

A Bucket, by Any Other Name, and an Athenian Stranger in Early Iron Age Crete (Hesperia 67, pp. 109-123)

by John K. Papadopoulos (1998)

A Calyx-Krater by Exekias (Hesperia 6, pp. 469-486)

by Oscar Broneer (1937)

A Cist Tomb on the South Bank of the Eridanos in the Athenian Agora and the Middle Bronze Age in Athens (Hesperia 87, pp. 215-277)

by Anthi Balitsari and John K. Papadopoulos (2018)

A Clay Model of an Ephebe (Hesperia 32, pp. 88-90)

by Dorothy Burr Thompson (1963)

A Colossal Statue of a Personification from the Agora of Athens (Hesperia 51, pp. 99-113)

by Olga Palagia (1982)

A Concordance to Hesperia and Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum (contd.) (Hesperia 37, pp. 399-425)

by Alan S. Henry (1968)

A Concordance to Hesperia and Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum (contd.) (Hesperia 38, pp. 522-529)

by Alan S. Henry (1969)

A Concordance to Hesperia and Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum (contd.) (Hesperia 39, pp. 337-346)

by Alan S. Henry (1970)

A Concordance to Hesperia and Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum (contd.) (Hesperia 40, pp. 459-471)

by Alan S. Henry (1971)

A Contribution to the Vergil-Menander Controversy (Hesperia 20, pp. 34-44)

by Rhys Carpenter (1951)

A Corinthian Inscription Recording Honors at Elis for Corinthian Judges (Hesperia 45, pp. 253-266)

by Noel Robertson (1976)

A Corrected Inscription (Hesperia 7, pp. 476-479)

by Margaret Crosby (1938)

A Cross-Section of Corinthian Antiquities (Excavations of 1940) (Hesperia 17, pp. 197-241)

by Saul S. Weinberg (1948)

A Curse in a Chytridion: A Contribution to the Study of Athenian Pyres (Hesperia 68, pp. 147-154)

by David R. Jordan and Susan I. Rotroff (1999)

A Curse on a Mime Actress in Corinth (Hesperia 92, pp. 723-746)

by David R. Jordan (2023)

A Curse Tablet from the "Industrial District" near the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 67, pp. 215-218)

by David R. Jordan and Jaime B. Curbera (1998)

A Decree from the Athenian Asklepeion (Hesperia 54, pp. 137-139)

by Olga Palagia and Kevin Clinton (1985)

A Decree of the Council of the Areopagus (Hesperia 42, pp. 352-357)

by Daniel J. Geagan (1973)

A Decree of Themistokles from Troizen (Hesperia 29, pp. 198-223)

by Michael H. Jameson (1960)

A Deposit of Archaic and Classical Greek Pottery at Ayia Irini, Keos (Hesperia 46, pp. 299-314)

by Kathryn L. Butt (1977)

A Deposit of Lamps from the Roman Bath at Isthmia (Hesperia 50, pp. 112-140)

by Birgitta Lindros Wohl (1981)

A Deposit of Late Helladic IIIA2 Pottery from Tsoungiza (Hesperia 80, pp. 171-228)

by Patrick M. Thomas (2011)

A Deposit of Late Helladic IIIB1 Pottery from Tsoungiza (Hesperia 74, pp. 451-573)

by Patrick M. Thomas (2005)

A Doorsill from the Library of Pantainos (Hesperia 18, pp. 269-274)

by Gorham Phillips Stevens (1949)

A Double-Sheaved Pulley Block from Kenchreai (Hesperia 36, pp. 389-401)

by Joseph W. Shaw (1967)

A Drought in the Late Eighth Century B.C. (Hesperia 48, pp. 397-411)

by John McK. Camp II (1979)

A Family Gathering at Rhamnous? Who's Who on the Nemesis Base (Hesperia 61, pp. 107-119)

by Kenneth Dean Shapiro Lapatin (1992)

A Family of Eumolpidai and Kerykes Descended from Perikles (Hesperia 73, pp. 39-57)

by Kevin Clinton (2004)

A Family of Sculptors from Tyre (Hesperia 10, pp. 351-360)

by Sterling Dow (1941)

A Fifth Century Hieron Southwest of the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 37, pp. 123-133)

by Gerald V. Lalonde (1968)

A Fragment of a Greek Inventory (Hesperia 54, pp. 141-143)

by Robert A. Moysey (1985)

A Fragment of a Proxeny Decree from Ios (Hesperia 13, pp. 22)

by Robert Schlaifer (1944)

A Fragment of an Archaic Vessel with Stamped Decoration (Hesperia 21, pp. 275-278)

by Shirley Hersom (1952)

A Fragment of an Inscribed Bronze Stele from Athens (Hesperia 32, pp. 138-143)

by Ronald S. Stroud (1963)

A Fragmentary Inscription from the Athenian Agora Praising Ephebes (Hesperia 59, pp. 543-547)

by Stephen V. Tracy (1990)

A Fragmentary Ritual Norm from Athens: Agora I 7538 (Hesperia 91, pp. 649-691)

by Kevin F. Daly (2022)

A Fragmentary Skyphos by the Affecter (Hesperia 48, pp. 393-396)

by John H. Oakley (1979)

A Frankish Estate near the Bay of Navarino (Hesperia 35, pp. 427-436)

by Peter Topping (1966)

A Funerary Epigram from Latos in Crete (Hesperia 59, pp. 669-673)

by Emmanuel Voutiras (1990)

A Funerary Horos for Philiste (Hesperia 77, pp. 359-362)

by Kevin F. Daly (2008)

A Game of Timber Monopoly: Atheno-Macedonian Relations on the Eve of the Peloponnesian War (Hesperia 88, pp. 707-726)

by Konstantinos Karathanasis (2019)

A Garrison Inscription from Rhamnous (Hesperia 10, pp. 342-350)

by John H. Kent (1941)

A Geometric Cemetery on the Areopagus: 1897, 1932, 1947 (Hesperia 43, pp. 325-390)

by Evelyn Lord Smithson (1974)

A Geometric Grave Group from Thorikos in Attica (Hesperia 30, pp. 299-304)

by William A. McDonald (1961)

A Geometric House and a Proto-Attic Votive Deposit (Hesperia 2, pp. 542-640)

by Dorothy Burr (1933)

A Geometric Well at Corinth: Well 1981-6 (Hesperia 57, pp. 21-80)

by Christopher A. Pfaff (1988)

A Glass Opus Sectile Panel from Corinth (Hesperia 70, pp. 349-363)

by Andrew Oliver (2001)

A Gnostic Amulet (Hesperia 2, pp. 475-479)

by G. W. Elderkin (1933)

A Goodly Feast . . . A Cup of Mellow Wine: Feasting in Bronze Age Cyprus (Hesperia 73, pp. 281-300)

by Louise Steel (2004)

A Graffito from Amyklai (Hesperia 28, pp. 162-164)

by Colin N. Edmonson (1959)

A Grave Stele from Attica (Hesperia 37, pp. 182-183)

by Borimir Jordan (1968)

A Grave with a Figured Fibula at Lerna (Hesperia 43, pp. 80-104)

by Keith DeVries (1974)

A Greek Folksong Copied for Lord Byron (Hesperia 14, pp. 33-57)

by C. M. Dawson and A. E. Raubitschek (1945)

A Greek Sculptured Metope in Rome (Hesperia 29, pp. 304-315)

by William B. Dinsmoor (1960)

A Green-Glazed "Modiolus" from Kenchreai (Hesperia 41, pp. 355-356)

by Henry S. Robinson (1972)

A Group of Late Helladic IIA Pottery from Tsoungiza (Hesperia 62, pp. 53-93)

by Jeremy B. Rutter (1993)

A Gymnasium Inventory from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 46, pp. 259-267)

by Diskin Clay (1977)

A Hellenistic Arsenal in Athens (Hesperia 52, pp. 233-256)

by Robert L. Pounder (1983)

A Hellenistic Deposit at Corinth (Hesperia 11, pp. 105-127)

by Gladys R. Davidson (1942)

A Hellenistic Pithos from Corinth (Hesperia 39, pp. 73-78)

by Elizabeth MacNeil Boggess (1970)

A Hellenistic Terracotta Group from Corinth (Hesperia 51, pp. 239-247)

by Nancy Bookidis (1982)

A Hero Shrine in the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 49, pp. 97-105)

by Gerald V. Lalonde (1980)

A Hoard of Greek Federal Silver (Hesperia 8, pp. 116-154)

by Margaret Thompson (1939)

A Knidian Phallic Vase from Corinth (Hesperia 62, pp. 483-505)

by Kathleen W. Slane and M. W. Dickie (1993)

A Kouros Head in Kansas City (Hesperia 43, pp. 467-469)

by Charles H. Morgan (1974)

A Late Corinthian Perseus from Ancient Corinth (Hesperia 52, pp. 64-69)

by Elizabeth G. Pemberton (1983)

A Late Medieval Settlement at Panakton (Hesperia 72, pp. 147-234)

by Sharon E. J. Gerstel, M. Munn, Heather E. Grossman, Ethne Barnes, Arthur H. Rohn, and Machiel Kiel (2003)

A Late Roman Bath at Corinth: Excavations in the Panayia Field, 1995-1996 (Hesperia 68, pp. 441-480)

by Guy D. R. Sanders (1999)

A Latin Epitaph from Athens (Hesperia 37, pp. 178-181)

by Edwin J. Doyle (1968)

A Law in the City Eleusinion Concerning the Mysteries (Hesperia 49, pp. 258-288)

by Kevin Clinton (1980)

A Letter of Trajan to a Synod at Isthmia (Hesperia 44, pp. 396-401)

by Daniel J. Geagan (1975)

A Lex Sacra of the Attic Deme Phrearrhioi (Hesperia 39, pp. 47-53)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1970)

A Lex Sacra of the State and of the Deme of Kollytos (Hesperia 63, pp. 233-239)

by Michael B. Walbank (1994)

A Lost Pinakion Rediscovered (Hesperia 85, pp. 201-205)

by Leena Pietilä-Castrén (2016)

A Macedonian Boundary Inscription of A.D. 114 (Hesperia 34, pp. 248-251)

by Pierre A. MacKay (1965)

A Magical Inscription from Pisidian Antioch (Hesperia 22, pp. 172-174)

by David M. Robinson (1953)

A Marble Head in Princeton (Hesperia 38, pp. 157-158)

by Frances Follin Jones (1969)

A Mid-Sixth-Century Tile Roof System at Gordion (Hesperia 65, pp. 99-119)

by Matthew R. Glendinning (1996)

A Middle-Late Byzantine Pottery Assemblage from Sagalassos: Typo-Chronology and Sociocultural Interpretation (Hesperia 79, pp. 423-464)

by Athanasios K. Vionis, Jeroen Poblome, Bea De Cupere, and Marc Waelkens (2010)

A Miscellany of Engraved Stones (Hesperia 23, pp. 138-157)

by Campbell Bonner (1954)

A Monochrome Mosaic at Isthmia (Hesperia 49, pp. 326-346)

by Pamela M. Packard (1980)

A Monument of Roma at Corinth (Hesperia 43, pp. 470-484)

by Henry S. Robinson (1974)

A Monument to the Battle of Marathon (Hesperia 35, pp. 93-106)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1966)

A Monumental Stepped Statue Base in the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 89, pp. 339-377)

by Elizabeth P. Baltes (2020)

A Mosaic Floor from a Roman Villa at Anaploga (Hesperia 41, pp. 332-354)

by Stella Grobel Miller (1972)

A Mycenaean Chamber Tomb under the Temple of Ares (Hesperia 24, pp. 187-219)

by Emily D. Townsend (1955)

A Mycenaean Fountain on the Athenian Acropolis (Hesperia 8, pp. 317-433)

by Oscar Broneer (1939)

A Mycenean Ritual Vase from the Temple at Ayia Irini, Keos (Hesperia 46, pp. 32-39)

by Sara A. Immerwahr (1977)

A Neolithic Figurine from Lerna (Hesperia 25, pp. 175-177)

by John L. Caskey and Mary Eliot (1956)

A New Athenian Ephebic List: Agora I 7545 (Hesperia 78, pp. 405-419)

by Kevin F. Daly (2009)

A New Bronze Age Site in the Corinthia: The Orneai of Strabo and Homer? (Hesperia 71, pp. 119-148)

by Jeannette Marchand (2002)

A New Document from the Isthmian Games (Hesperia 51, pp. 65-68)

by D. R. Jordan and A. J. S. Spawforth (1982)

A New Edition of the List of Panathenaic Victors IG II2 2313 (Hesperia 92, pp. 515-535)

by Stephen V. Tracy (2023)

A New Ephebic Inscription from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 43, pp. 246-259)

by O. W. Reinmuth (1974)

A New Fragment of a Treasure Record from the North Slope of the Acropolis (Hesperia 34, pp. 25-28)

by Wesley E. Thompson (1965)

A New Fragment of Akropolis 683 (Hesperia 24, pp. 169-171)

by Evelyn B. Harrison (1955)

A New Fragment of an Inscription from the Julian Basilica at Roman Corinth (Hesperia 74, pp. 95-100)

by Paul D. Scotton (2005)

A New Fragment of IG II2 1750 (Hesperia 70, pp. 365-366)

by Stephen V. Tracy (2001)

A New Fragment of the Erechtheion Frieze (Hesperia 64, pp. 325-331)

by Kevin Glowacki (1995)

A New Greek Bronze Head in the Ackland Museum (Hesperia 38, pp. 150-156)

by Sara Anderson Immerwahr (1969)

A New Group of Sculptures from Ancient Corinth (Hesperia 44, pp. 280-301)

by Mary C. Sturgeon (1975)

A New Heracles Relief (Hesperia 17, pp. 137-140)

by David M. Robinson (1948)

A New Inscribed Funerary Monument from Aigina (Hesperia 71, pp. 399-413)

by Irene Polinskaya (2002)

A New Latin and Greek Inscription from Corinth (Hesperia 69, pp. 335-342)

by Michael D. Dixon (2000)

A New List of Victors in the Caesarea at Isthmia (Hesperia 39, pp. 79-93)

by William R. Biers and Daniel J. Geagan (1970)

A New Logos Inscription (Hesperia 27, pp. 74-78)

by David M. Robinson (1958)

A New Look at the Wall of Nikomakhos (Hesperia 40, pp. 330-335)

by Ann Fingarette (1971)

A New Metrical Inscription from Crete (Hesperia 36, pp. 190-192)

by Anastasius C. Bandy (1967)

A New Mortgage Inscription from Ikaria (Hesperia 19, pp. 23-24)

by David M. Robinson (1950)

A New Oinochoe Series from the Acropolis North Slope: Class of Agora P 15840 (Hesperia 31, pp. 82-94)

by Richard Green (1962)

A New Parthenon Fragment from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 24, pp. 85-87)

by Frank Brommer and Evelyn B. Harrison (1955)

A New Type of Early Iron Age Fibula from Albania and Northwest Greece (Hesperia 79, pp. 233-252)

by John K. Papadopoulos (2010)

A Note on Epigraphic Methodology (Hesperia 10, pp. 391-401)

by W. Kendrick Pritchett and B. D. Meritt (1941)

A Note on the Samothracian Language (Hesperia 24, pp. 101-109)

by G. Bonfante (1955)

A Note on the Thessalian Cult of Enodia (Hesperia 8, pp. 200)

by Paul A. Clement (1939)

A Pair of Graffiti (Hesperia 33, pp. 83)

by J. D. Beazley (1964)

A Pebble Mosaic in Peiraeus (Hesperia 34, pp. 77-88)

by M. Katherine Donaldson (1965)

A Peplophoros in Corinth (Hesperia 46, pp. 315-323)

by Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway (1977)

A Personal Letter Found in the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 69, pp. 91-103)

by David R. Jordan (2000)

A Personification of Demos on a New Attic Document Relief (Hesperia 72, pp. 447-466)

by Kevin Glowacki (2003)

A Pheidian Head of Aphrodite Ourania (Hesperia 53, pp. 379-388)

by Evelyn B. Harrison (1984)

A Phrygian Sculptor at Work in Roman Athens (Hesperia 90, pp. 359-410)

by Brian Martens (2021)

A Place of Burning: Hero or Ancestor Cult at Troy (Hesperia 80, pp. 381-429)

by Carolyn Chabot Aslan (2011)

A Poros Kouros from Isthmia (Hesperia 44, pp. 426-430)

by Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway (1975)

A Poros Sphinx from Corinth (Hesperia 46, pp. 245-254)

by James C. Wright (1977)

A Portrait of Cleopatra II(?) in the Vassar College Art Gallery (Hesperia 51, pp. 269-276)

by Christine Mitchell Havelock (1982)

A Prison in Late Antique Corinth (Hesperia 93, pp. 337-379)

by Matthew D. C. Larsen (2024)

A Prize Aryballos (Hesperia 24, pp. 158-163)

by Mary C. and Carl A. Roebuck (1955)

A Pronaos Inventory (Hesperia 33, pp. 86-87)

by Wesley E. Thompson (1964)

A Prytany Dedication from Athens Found at Corinth (Hesperia 79, pp. 417-422)

by Paul A. Iversen (2010)

A Ptolemaic Bronze Hoard from Corinth (Hesperia 20, pp. 355-367)

by Margaret Thompson (1951)

A Public Building of Late Antiquity in Athens (IG II2, 5205) (Hesperia 48, pp. 194-203)

by Alison Frantz (1979)

A Public Column Drum from a Corinthian Quarry (Hesperia 71, pp. 201-207)

by Yannis A. Lolos (2002)

A Purity Regulation from Therasia Purified (Hesperia 40, pp. 235-238)

by Henry R. Immerwahr (1971)

A Reappraisal of the Athena Promachos Accounts from the Acropolis (IG I3 435) (Hesperia 88, pp. 87-153)

by Elizabeth Foley and Ronald S. Stroud (2019)

A Reconstruction of I.G., II2, 1628 (Hesperia 37, pp. 244-254)

by Donald R. Laing Jr. (1968)

A Reconstruction of the Temple of Nemesis at Rhamnous (Hesperia 58, pp. 131-249)

by Margaret M. Miles (1989)

A Record of the Athenian Administration of Delos: Agora I 5162 (Hesperia 83, pp. 495-502)

by Michael B. Walbank (2014)

A Revised Text of the Decree of Themistokles from Troizen (Hesperia 31, pp. 310-315)

by Michael H. Jameson (1962)

A Roman Athena from the Pnyx and the Agora in Athens (Hesperia 78, pp. 481-499)

by Aileen Ajootian (2009)

A Roman Circus in Corinth (Hesperia 74, pp. 585-611)

by David Gilman Romano (2005)

A Roman Corinthian Family Tomb and Its Afterlife (Hesperia 84, pp. 149-206)

by Mary E. Hoskins Walbank and Michael B. Walbank (2015)

A Roman Head in the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (Hesperia 67, pp. 223-229)

by William D. E. Coulson and Iphigeneia Leventi (1998)

A Roman Monument in the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 41, pp. 50-95)

by Stephen G. Miller (1972)

A Roman Poet Visits a Museum (Hesperia 14, pp. 259-269)

by Karl Lehmann (1945)

A Roman Poet Visits a Museum (Hesperia 14, pp. 259-269)

by Karl Lehmann (1945)

A Roman Road Southeast of the Forum at Corinth (Hesperia 80, pp. 287-336)

by Jennifer Palinkas and James A. Herbst (2011)

A Roman Table Support at Ancient Corinth (Hesperia 69, pp. 487-507)

by Aileen Ajootian (2000)

A Roman Tomb at Corinthian Kenchreai (Hesperia 40, pp. 205-231)

by W. Willson Cummer (1971)

A Roman Water-Mill in the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 5, pp. 70-90)

by Arthur W. Parsons (1936)

A Samothracian Enigma (Hesperia 43, pp. 454-459)

by James R. McCredie (1974)

A Sanctuary and Cemetery in Western Corinth (Hesperia 38, pp. 1-35)

by Henry S. Robinson (1969)

A Sanctuary of Zeus and Athena Phratrios Newly Found in Athens (Hesperia 7, pp. 612-625)

by N. Kyparisses and Homer A. Thompson (1938)

A Second Look at the Monument of Chabrias (Hesperia 41, pp. 466-474)

by John Buckler (1972)

A Security Horos in the Collection of the American School (Hesperia 64, pp. 333-336)

by James Sickinger (1995)

A Selection of Columnar Grave Monuments from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 89, pp. 67-82)

by Michael Laughy (2020)

A Shape for Few Seasons: The Rapid Appearance and Disappearance of the Mainland Greek Panel Cup (Hesperia 91, pp. 571-648)

by Jeremy B. Rutter and Michael Lindblom (2022)

A Shield Monument from Veria and the Chronology of Macedonian Shield Types (Hesperia 68, pp. 219-254)

by Minor M. Markle (1999)

A Sixth Century Hoard from Kenchreai (Hesperia 42, pp. 89-101)

by Robert L. Hohlfelder (1973)

A Small Deposit of Bronze Coins from Kenchreai (Hesperia 39, pp. 68-72)

by Robert H. Hohlfelder (1970)

A Social Outcast in Early Iron Age Athens (Hesperia 67, pp. 375-404)

by Lisa M. Little and John K. Papadopoulos (1998)

A Spear Butt from the Lesbians (Hesperia 47, pp. 192-195)

by John McK. Camp II (1978)

A Stand Signed by Euthymides (Hesperia 5, pp. 59-69)

by Lucy Talcott (1936)

A Statue Head of the "Great Mother" Discovered at Samothrace (Hesperia 65, pp. 467-473)

by Katherine Welch (1996)

A Survey of Evidence for Feasting in Mycenaean Society (Hesperia 73, pp. 133-178)

by James C. Wright (2004)

A Survey of the Western Mesara Plain in Crete: Preliminary Report of the 1984, 1986, and 1987 Field Seasons (Hesperia 62, pp. 191-248)

by L. Vance Watrous, Despoina Xatzi-Vallaniou, Kevin Pope, Nikos Mourtzas, Jennifer Shay, C. Thomas Shay, John Bennet, Dimitris Tsoungarakis, Eleni Angelomati-Tsoungarakis, Christophoros Vallianos, and Harriet Blitzer (1993)

A Syrian from Sounion (Hesperia 31, pp. 236-237)

by George M. A. Hanfmann (1962)

A Tang Dynasty Coin in 13th-Century Corinth: Context and Transmission (Hesperia 93, pp. 83-143)

by Ching-Yuan Wu (2024)

A Temple at Hermione (Hesperia 38, pp. 169-185)

by Marian Holland McAllister and Michael H. Jameson (1969)

A Terracotta Herakles at the Johns Hopkins University (Hesperia 51, pp. 357-364)

by Ellen R. Williams (1982)

A Terracotta Tetrapod Dedication at Corinth (Hesperia 22, pp. 209-214)

by Robert E. Carter (1953)

A Tiberian Pottery Deposit from Corinth (Hesperia 49, pp. 135-177)

by Kathleen Slane Wright (1980)

A Tile Standard in the Agora of Ancient Athens (Hesperia 19, pp. 174-188)

by Gorham P. Stevens (1950)

A Transposed Head (Hesperia 60, pp. 503-510)

by Brian Madigan (1991)

A Trio of Griffins from Olympia (Hesperia 59, pp. 549-560)

by Carol C. Mattusch (1990)

A Unique Cement from Athens (Hesperia 29, pp. 118-122)

by Marie Farnsworth and Ivor Simmons (1960)

A Wandering Soldier's Grave in Corinth (Hesperia 43, pp. 512-521)

by Gladys D. Weinberg (1974)

A Well in the Rachi Settlement at Isthmia (Hesperia 62, pp. 257-302)

by Virginia R. Anderson-Stojanovic and David S. Reese (1993)

A Well of the "Corinthian" Period Found in Corinth (Hesperia 25, pp. 350-374)

by Eva Brann (1956)

A Well of the Black-figured Period at Corinth (Hesperia 7, pp. 557-611)

by Mary Thorne Campbell (1938)

A Well of the Late Fifth Century at Corinth (Hesperia 6, pp. 257-316)

by M. Z. Pease (1937)

A Wheelmade Bovid from the Palace of Nestor at Pylos (Hesperia 88, pp. 421-446)

by Emily Catherine Egan (2019)

A World of Goods: Transport Jars and Commodity Exchange at the Late Bronze Age Harbor of Kommos, Crete (Hesperia 80, pp. 511-558)

by Peter M. Day, Patrick S. Quinn, Jeremy B. Rutter, and Vassilis Kilikoglou (2011)

Abaci from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 37, pp. 241-243)

by Mabel Lang (1968)

Acheloös Peplophoros: A Lost Statuette of a River God in Feminine Dress (Hesperia 75, pp. 317-325)

by Mireille M. Lee (2006)

Acrocorinth in 1668, A Turkish Account (Hesperia 37, pp. 386-397)

by Pierre MacKay (1968)

Acropolis 625 (Endoios Athena) and the Rediscovery of Its Findspot (Hesperia 70, pp. 221-254)

by Patricia A. Marx (2001)

Acropolis Museum 581: A Family at the Apaturia? (Hesperia 64, pp. 493-501)

by Olga Palagia (1995)

Activities at Lerna, 1958-1959 (Hesperia 28, pp. 202-207)

by John L. Caskey (1959)

Activities in the Athenian Agora: 1954 (Hesperia 24, pp. 50-71)

by Homer A. Thompson (1955)

Activities in the Athenian Agora: 1955 (Hesperia 25, pp. 46-68)

by Homer A. Thompson (1956)

Activities in the Athenian Agora: 1956 (Hesperia 26, pp. 99-107)

by Homer A. Thompson (1957)

Activities in the Athenian Agora: 1957 (Hesperia 27, pp. 145-160)

by Homer A. Thompson (1958)

Activities in the Athenian Agora: 1958 (Hesperia 28, pp. 91-108)

by Homer A. Thompson (1959)

Activities in the Athenian Agora: 1959 (Hesperia 29, pp. 327-368)

by Homer A. Thompson (1960)

Activity in the Athenian Agora 1960-1965 (Hesperia 35, pp. 37-54)

by Homer A. Thompson (1966)

Activity in the Athenian Agora: 1966-1967 (Hesperia 37, pp. 36-72)

by Homer A. Thompson (1968)

Addenda to the Marble Figurines from Ayia Irini (Hesperia 43, pp. 77-79)

by John L. Caskey (1974)

Addendum to "A Roman Monument in the Athenian Agora" (Hesperia 41, pp. 475-476)

by Stephen G. Miller (1972)

Addendum to "Prytany and Ephebic Inscriptions," Hesperia 51, 1982 (Hesperia 52, pp. 303-304)

by John S. Traill (1983)

Addendum to Hesperia, XXXVII, 1968, pp. 1-24 (Hesperia 38, pp. 530)

by John S. Traill (1969)

Addendum to Samothrace, Volume 3: The Lateral Akroteria (Hesperia 41, pp. 463-465)

by Phyllis Williams Lehmann (1972)

Aegean Feasting: A Minoan Perspective (Hesperia 73, pp. 247-279)

by Elisabetta Borgna (2004)

Aegean Prehistory without Schliemann (Hesperia 85, pp. 91-119)

by Michael Fotiadis (2016)

Agora I 1528 (Hesperia 34, pp. 310-311)

by Wesley E. Thompson (1965)

Agora I 5983, Zeus Exou- ...Again (Hesperia 68, pp. 155-159)

by Gerald V. Lalonde (1999)

Agora I 6701: A Panathenaic Victor List of ca. 190 B.C. (Hesperia 84, pp. 713-721)

by Stephen V. Tracy (2015)

Aion (Hesperia 13, pp. 269-314)

by Doro Levi (1944)

Akritan Ikonography on Byzantine Pottery (Hesperia 33, pp. 108-133)

by James A. Notopoulos (1964)

Akritas and the Dragons (Hesperia 10, pp. 9-13)

by M. Alison Frantz (1941)

Alcibiades (Hesperia 37, pp. 398)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1968)

Alinda in Karia: The Fortifications (Hesperia 83, pp. 709-746)

by Andreas L. Konecny and Peter Ruggendorfer (2014)

Alkman and the Athenian Arkteia (Hesperia 58, pp. 449-472)

by Richard Hamilton (1989)

Amphoras on Amphoras (Hesperia 51, pp. 284-292)

by Carolyn G. Koehler (1982)

Amphoras on Amphoras -- Corrigenda (Hesperia 52, pp. 154)

by Carolyn G. Koehler (1983)

Amulets Chiefly in the British Museum (Hesperia 20, pp. 301-345)

by Campbell Bonner (1951)

An Akroterion from the Temple of Ares in the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 22, pp. 141-147)

by Patricia Neils Boulter (1953)

An Alabastron by the Amasis Painter (Hesperia 8, pp. 247-266)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1939)

An Ancient Fort on Mount Oneion (Hesperia 40, pp. 127-145)

by Ronald S. Stroud (1971)

An Anonymous Hero in the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 47, pp. 196-209)

by Susan I. Rotroff (1978)

An Anonymous Hero in the Athenian Agora -- Corrigenda (Hesperia 47, pp. 474)

by Susan I. Rotroff (1978)

An Archaic Amphora of Thasian Type (Hesperia 60, pp. 363-365)

by Alan Johnston (1991)

An Archaic Inscribed Stele from Marathon (Hesperia 11, pp. 329-337)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1942)

An Archaic Inscription from Attica (Hesperia 39, pp. 139-144)

by James Wiseman and Joseph W. Shaw (1970)

An Archaic Inscription from Samothrace (Hesperia 72, pp. 235-239)

by Nora Dimitrova and Kevin Clinton (2003)

An Archer from the Palace of Nestor: A New Wall-Painting Fragment in the Chora Museum (Hesperia 77, pp. 363-397)

by Hariclia Brecoulaki, Caroline Zaitoun, Sharon R. Stocker, and Jack L. Davis, with Appendixes by Andreas G. Karydas, Maria Perla Colombini, and Ugo Bartolucci (2008)

An Architectural Function for the Lyons Kore (Hesperia 57, pp. 203-206)

by John R. Marszal (1988)

An Archive of the Athenian Cavalry (Hesperia 46, pp. 83-140)

by John H. Kroll (1977)

An Archive of the Athenian Cavalry -- Errata (Hesperia 46, pp. 397)

by John H. Kroll (1977)

An Argive Decree from Nemea Concerning Aspendos (Hesperia 53, pp. 193-216)

by Ronald S. Stroud (1984)

An Assemblage of Frankish Pottery at Corinth (Hesperia 56, pp. 159-195)

by G. D. R. Sanders (1987)

An Athenian Archon List of the Late Second Century after Christ (Hesperia 44, pp. 402-408)

by Susan I. Rotroff (1975)

An Athenian Casualty List (Hesperia 25, pp. 375-377)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1956)

An Athenian Clepsydra (Hesperia 8, pp. 274-284)

by Suzanne Young (1939)

An Athenian Decree Honoring Foreigners (Hesperia 55, pp. 177-182)

by A. J. Heisserer and Robert A. Moysey (1986)

An Athenian Decree of the Year 335/4 B.C. (Hesperia 67, pp. 219-221)

by Stephen V. Tracy (1998)

An Athenian Dedication to Herakles at Panopeus (Hesperia 66, pp. 261-269)

by John Camp, Michael Ierardi, Jeremy McInerney, Kathryn Morgan, and Gretchen Umholtz (1997)

An Athenian Dedication to Herakles at Panopeus: Addendum (Hesperia 66, pp. 643)

by Klaus Hallof (1997)

An Athenian Fruit Measure (Hesperia 18, pp. 108-113)

by Margaret Crosby (1949)

An Athenian Law on Silver Coinage (Hesperia 43, pp. 157-188)

by Ronald S. Stroud (1974)

An Athenian Maledictory Inscription on Lead (Hesperia 5, pp. 43-49)

by G. W. Elderkin (1936)

An Attic Decree Concerning Oropos (Hesperia 56, pp. 47-58)

by Merle K. Langdon (1987)

An Early Athenian Decree Concerning Tribute (Hesperia 13, pp. 1-15)

by B. H. Hill and B. D. Meritt (1944)

An Early Byzantine and a Late Turkish Hoard from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 42, pp. 301-311)

by John H. Kroll, George C. Miles, and Stella G. Miller (1973)

An Early Byzantine Complex at Akra Sophia near Corinth (Hesperia 54, pp. 411-428)

by Timothy E. Gregory (1985)

An Early Geometric Grave near the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 18, pp. 275-297)

by Rodney S. Young (1949)

An Early Ottoman Cemetery at Ancient Corinth (Hesperia 78, pp. 501-615)

by Arthur H. Rohn, Ethne Barnes, and Guy D. R. Sanders, with an appendix by Orestes H. Zervos (2009)

An Early Red-figured Calyx-Krater from Ancient Corinth (Hesperia 57, pp. 227-235)

by Elizabeth G. Pemberton (1988)

An Early Stadium at Nemea (Hesperia 46, pp. 27-31)

by David Gilman Romano (1977)

An Early Tholos Tomb in Western Messenia (Hesperia 23, pp. 158-162)

by Carl W. Blegen (1954)

An East Greek Master Coroplast at Late Archaic Morgantina (Hesperia 59, pp. 265-274)

by John F. Kenfield (1990)

An Egypto-Roman Sculptural Type and Mass Production of Bronze Statuettes (Hesperia 27, pp. 311-317)

by Dorothy K. Hill (1958)

An Emendation to the Prosopography of Roman Corinth (Hesperia 48, pp. 45-53)

by Glenn R. Bugh (1979)

An Ephebic Dedication from Rhamnous (Hesperia 28, pp. 121-126)

by Wallace E. McLeod (1959)

An Ephebic Text of ca. 43/2 B.C.: I.G. II2, 1040 and 1025 (Hesperia 34, pp. 255-272)

by O. W. Reinmuth (1965)

An Epigraphical Correction (Hesperia 41, pp. 141)

by John S. Traill (1972)

An Epigraphical Note (Hesperia 33, pp. 336)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1964)

An Eretrian Proxeny Decree of the Early Fifth Century (Hesperia 5, pp. 273-284)

by William Wallace (1936)

An Honorary Epigram for Empress Eudocia in the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 59, pp. 371-374)

by Erkki Sironen (1990)

An Imitation of the Antique in Architectural Mouldings (Hesperia 35, pp. 141-149)

by Lucy Shoe Meritt (1966)

An Industrial District of Ancient Athens (Hesperia 20, pp. 135-288)

by Rodney S. Young (1951)

An Inscribed Conical Clay Object from Hermonassa (Hesperia 58, pp. 289-296)

by Michail J., Treister and T. V. Shelov-Kovedyayev (1989)

An Inscribed Doric Capital from the Argive Heraion (Hesperia 8, pp. 165-169)

by Lloyd W. Daly (1939)

An Inscribed Funerary Monument from Corinth (Hesperia 76, pp. 359-364)

by Benjamin W. Millis (2007)

An Inscribed Relief in the Louvre (Hesperia 61, pp. 381-384)

by Timothy F. Winters (1992)

An Inscription from Mycenae (Hesperia 15, pp. 115-119)

by Marcellus T. Mitsos (1946)

An Inscription from the Athenian Agora: Thasian Exiles at Athens (Hesperia 64, pp. 61-65)

by Michael B. Walbank (1995)

An Obscure Inscription on a Gold Tablet (Hesperia 13, pp. 30-35)

by Campbell Bonner (1944)

An Official Rescript from Corinth (Hesperia 8, pp. 181-190)

by Oscar Broneer (1939)

An Unpublished Inscription from Lakonia (Hesperia 31, pp. 396-398)

by Eugene N. Lane (1962)

Analytical Table of Coins (Hesperia 5, pp. 123-150)

by Josephine P. Shear (1936)

Anchoring Two Floating Temples (Hesperia 51, pp. 410-452)

by William B. Dinsmoor Jr. (1982)

Ancient Beehives from Isthmia (Hesperia 71, pp. 345-376)

by Virginia R. Anderson-Stojanovic and J. Ellis Jones (2002)

Ancient Catapults: Some Hypotheses Reexamined (Hesperia 80, pp. 677-700)

by Duncan B. Campbell (2011)

Ancient Clay Impressions from Greek Metalwork (Hesperia 45, pp. 41-66)

by Ellen Reeder Williams (1976)

Ancient Greek Pigments from the Agora (Hesperia 14, pp. 152-156)

by Earle R. Caley (1945)

Ancient Metal Reliefs (Hesperia 12, pp. 97-114)

by Dorothy Kent Hill (1943)

Animal Sacrifice, Archives, and Feasting at the Palace of Nestor (Hesperia 73, pp. 179-195)

by Sharon R. Stocker and Jack L. Davis (2004)

ANTIPEX, A Note on the Ion of Euripides (Hesperia 10, pp. 138-142)

by Rodney S. Young (1941)

Antique Sculpture in Prints (Hesperia 38, pp. 223-230)

by Katharine Shepard (1969)

Aphrodite on a Ladder (Hesperia 53, pp. 59-72)

by Charles M. Edwards (1984)

Apollo and the Archaic Temple at Corinth (Hesperia 73, pp. 401-426)

by Nancy Bookidis and Ronald S. Stroud (2004)

Appius Claudius Pulcher and the Hollows of Euboia (Hesperia 41, pp. 128-140)

by Hugh J. Mason and Malcolm B. Wallace (1972)

Arae Augusti (Hesperia 28, pp. 65-85)

by Anna Benjamin and Antony E. Raubitschek (1959)

Archaeological Survey at Kavousi, East Crete. Preliminary Report (Hesperia 65, pp. 373-432)

by Donald C. Haggis (1996)

Archaic Architectural Terracottas from Corinth (Hesperia 59, pp. 47-63)

by Mary C. Roebuck (1990)

Archaic Architectural Terracottas from Halieis and Bassai (Hesperia 59, pp. 65-93)

by Nancy K. Cooper (1990)

Archaic Architectural Terracottas from Sector ByzFort at Sardis (Hesperia 63, pp. 361-390)

by Christopher Ratte (1994)

Archaic Gravestones from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 25, pp. 25-45)

by Evelyn B. Harrison (1956)

Archaic Imported Fine Wares from the Acropolis, Mytilene (Hesperia 61, pp. 355-374)

by Gerald P. Schaus (1992)

Archaic Plastic Vases from Isthmia (Hesperia 61, pp. 227-238)

by William R. Biers (1992)

Archaic Roof Tiles from the Heraion on Samos (Hesperia 59, pp. 181-192)

by Aenne Ohnesorg (1990)

Archaic Roof Tiles: The First Generations (Hesperia 59, pp. 285-290)

by Orjan Wikander (1990)

Archaic Sculptures from Corinth (From the Notes of Edward Capps, Jr.) (Hesperia 39, pp. 313-325)

by Nancy Bookidis (1970)

Archaic Terracotta Reliefs from Ancient Helike (Hesperia 83, pp. 409-445)

by Erophile Kolia (2014)

Archaische Dachterrakotten aus Histria (Hesperia 59, pp. 223-233)

by Konrad Zimmermann (1990)

Archaische Tondacher Westgriechischer Typologie in Delphi und Olympia (Hesperia 59, pp. 235-250)

by Madeleine Mertens-Horn and Luisa Viola (1990)

Architectural Studies (Hesperia 2, pp. 110-148)

by Richard Stillwell (1933)

Architectural Studies Concerning the Acropolis of Athens (Hesperia 15, pp. 73-106)

by Gorham P. Stevens (1946)

Architectural Terracotta Sculpture from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 39, pp. 115-138)

by Richard Nicholls (1970)

Areopagites (Hesperia 27, pp. 38-46)

by James H. Oliver (1958)

Aritstotle's Athenaion Politeia 65,2: The "Official Token" (Hesperia 29, pp. 393-401)

by Alan Boegehold (1960)

Art and Royalty in Sparta of the 3rd Century B.C. (Hesperia 75, pp. 205-217)

by Olga Palagia (2006)

Artemis and a Hero at the Argive Heraion (Hesperia 82, pp. 277-299)

by Christopher A. Pfaff (2013)

Artemis, Dionysos et Pan a Athenes (Hesperia 60, pp. 511-523)

by Lilly Kahil (1991)

Asteras Eipein: An Archaic View of the Constellations from Halai (Hesperia 83, pp. 257-276)

by John T. Barnes (2014)

Athena from a House on the Areopagus (Hesperia 60, pp. 397-410)

by Linda Jones Roccos (1991)

Athenian Agora Inscriptions Cut by One Mason (Hesperia 36, pp. 242-248)

by Stephen V. Tracy (1967)

Athenian Casualty Lists (Hesperia 33, pp. 16-62)

by Donald W. Bradeen (1964)

Athenian Citizenship of Roman Emperors (Hesperia 20, pp. 346-349)

by James H. Oliver (1951)

Athenian Dates by Month and Prytany (Hesperia 46, pp. 255-256)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1977)

Athenian Finance, 454-404 B.C. (Hesperia 70, pp. 99-126)

by Alec Blamire (2001)

Athenian Imperial Coinage (Hesperia 5, pp. 285-232)

by Josephine P. Shear (1936)

Athenian Ionic Capitals from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 65, pp. 121-174)

by Lucy Shoe Meritt (1996)

Athenian Politicians and Inscriptions of the Years 307 to 302 (Hesperia 69, pp. 227-233)

by Stephen V. Tracy (2000)

Athenian Resources in 449 and 431 B.C. (Hesperia 26, pp. 163-197)

by H. T. Wade-Gery and B. D. Meritt (1957)

Athenian Shipbuilders (Hesperia 90, pp. 479-532)

by Mills McArthur (2021)

Athenian Taxes in the Hellenistic Period (Hesperia 93, pp. 29-82)

by Peter Fawcett (2024)

Athenians and Eleusinians in the West Pediment of the Parthenon (Hesperia 60, pp. 331-362)

by Barbette Stanley Spaeth (1991)

Athens after the Liberation: Planning the New City and Exploring the Old (Hesperia 50, pp. 391-407)

by John Travlos (1981)

Athens and Kydonia: Agora I 7602 (Hesperia 77, pp. 73-87)

by Nikolaos Papazarkadas and Peter Thoneman (2008)

Athens and Stymphalos: IG II2, 144+ (Hesperia 55, pp. 319-354)

by Michael B. Walbank (1986)

Athens and the Attalids in the Second Century B.C. (Hesperia 59, pp. 561-577)

by Christian Habicht (1990)

Athens and Troizen (Hesperia 28, pp. 248-250)

by David M. Lewis (1959)

Athens Faces Adversity (Hesperia 50, pp. 343-355)

by Homer A. Thompson (1981)

Athens Honors King Euagoras of Salamis (Hesperia 48, pp. 180-193)

by David M. Lewis and Ronald S. Stroud (1979)

Athens Honors the Emperor Tiberius (Hesperia 28, pp. 86-90)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1959)

Athens: From City-State to Provincial Town (Hesperia 50, pp. 356-377)

by T. Leslie Shear Jr. (1981)

Attic Black Figure from Corinth: I (Hesperia 56, pp. 73-95)

by Ann Blair Brownlee (1987)

Attic Black Figure from Corinth: II (Hesperia 58, pp. 361-395)

by Ann Blair Brownlee (1989)

Attic Black Figure from Corinth: III (Hesperia 64, pp. 337-382)

by Ann Blair Brownlee (1995)

Attic Black Figure from Samothrace (Hesperia 44, pp. 234-250)

by Mary B. Moore (1975)

Attic Black-Glazed Stamped Ware and Other Pottery from a Fifth Century Well (Hesperia 4, pp. 477-523)

by Lucy Talcott (1935)

Attic Inscriptions of the Fifth Century (Hesperia 14, pp. 61-133)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1945)

Attic Manumissions (Hesperia 28, pp. 208-238)

by David M. Lewis (1959)

Attic Pottery of the Later Fifth Century from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 18, pp. 298-351)

by Peter E. Corbett (1949)

Attic Red Figure from the Forum in Ancient Corinth (Hesperia 56, pp. 275-302)

by Ian McPhee (1987)

Attic Red Figure of the Late 5th and 4th Centuries from Corinth (Hesperia 45, pp. 380-396)

by Ian D. McPhee (1976)

Attic Red-figured Skyphoi of Corinthian Shape (Hesperia 57, pp. 165-191)

by John H. Oakley (1988)

Attic West Slope Vase Painting (Hesperia 60, pp. 59-102)

by Susan I. Rotroff (1991)

Attic West Slope Vase Painting -- Corrigenda (Hesperia 60, pp. 308)

by Susan I. Rotroff (1991)

Attis on Greek Votive Monuments: Greek God or Phrygian? (Hesperia 63, pp. 245-262)

by Lynn E. Roller (1994)

Bacchic Erotes at Tarentum (Hesperia 16, pp. 248-255)

by Dorothy Kent Hill (1947)

Banded Pithoi of Lerna III (Hesperia 39, pp. 94-110)

by Martha Heath Wiencke (1970)

Bibliography of Carl William Blegen (Hesperia 35, pp. 287-294)

by Carl William Blegen (1966)

Bibliography of Charles K. Williams II (Hesperia 66, pp. 1-5)

by Nancy Bookidis (1997)

Bibliography of Dorothy Burr Thompson (Hesperia 51, pp. 369-374)

by Dorothy Burr Thompson (1982)

Bibliography of Oscar Theodore Broneer (Hesperia 43, pp. 393-400)

by Oscar T. Broneer (1974)

Bibliography of Rhys Carpenter (Hesperia 38, pp. 123-132)

by Rhys Carpenter (1969)

Bibliography of Virginia R. Grace (Hesperia 51, pp. 365-367)

by Virginia R. Grace (1982)

Bibliography of William Bell Dinsmoor (Hesperia 35, pp. 87-92)

by William Bell Dinsmoor (1966)

Boeotian Pottery from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 31, pp. 369-377)

by A. D. Ure (1962)

Boiotian Tripods: The Tenacity of a Panhellenic Symbol in a Regional Context (Hesperia 77, pp. 251-282)

by Nassos Papalexandrou (2008)

Boudoron, An Athenian Fort on Salamis (Hesperia 29, pp. 316-323)

by Wallace E. McLeod (1960)

Bronze- and Ironworking in the Area of the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 46, pp. 340-379)

by Carol C. Mattusch (1977)

Building Z at Kommos: An 8th-Century Pottery Sequence (Hesperia 69, pp. 189-226)

by Alan W. Johnston (2000)

Buildings on the West Side of the Agora (Hesperia 6, pp. 1-226)

by Homer A. Thompson (1937)

Byzantium and the Avant-Garde: Excavations at Corinth, 1920s-1930s (Hesperia 76, pp. 391-442)

by Kostis Kourelis (2007)

C. Iulius Spartiaticus, "First of the Achaeans": A Correction (Hesperia 64, pp. 225)

by Antony J. Spawforth (1995)

Cakes in the Liknon: Votives from the Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore on Acrocorinth (Hesperia 66, pp. 147-172)

by Allaire Brumfield (1997)

Capital C from the Argive Heraion (Hesperia 74, pp. 575-584)

by Christopher A. Pfaff (2005)

Cavalry Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 67, pp. 81-90)

by Glenn R. Bugh (1998)

Ceramic Cooking Dishes in the Prehistoric Aegean: Variability and Uses (Hesperia 91, pp. 1-61)

by Anastasia Dimoula, Zoi Tsirtsoni, and Soultana Maria Valamoti (2022)

Chairs, Beds, and Tables: Evidence for Furnished Interiors in Hellenistic Greece (Hesperia 75, pp. 219-266)

by Dimitra Andrianou (2006)

Chariots of Early Greece (Hesperia 43, pp. 441-446)

by Dorothy Kent Hill (1974)

Chian Relief Pottery and its Relationship to Chian and East Greek Architectural Terracottas (Hesperia 59, pp. 193-200)

by Eva Simantoni-Bournias (1990)

Chipped-Stone Industries from Neolithic Levels at Lerna (Hesperia 65, pp. 295-372)

by J. K. Kozlowski, M. Kaczanowska, and M. Pawlikowski (1996)

Chronology of the Late Fourth Century (Hesperia 33, pp. 1-15)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1964)

Civil Disobedience and Unrest in Augustan Athens (Hesperia 58, pp. 267-276)

by Michael C. Hoff (1989)

Classical and Hellenistic Curse Tablets from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 92, pp. 311-353)

by Jaime Curbera and Jessica L. Lamont (2023)

Classical Sculpture from the Athenian Agora, Part 2: The Friezes of the Temple of Ares (Temple of Athena Pallenis) (Hesperia 88, pp. 625-705)

by Andrew Stewart, Eric Driscoll, Seth Estrin, Natalie J. Gleason, Erin Lawrence, Rebecca Levitan, Samantha Lloyd-Knauf and Kelsey Turbeville (2019)

Classical Sculpture from the Athenian Agora, Part 3: The Pediments, Metopes, and Akroteria of the Temple of Ares (Temple of Athena Pallenis) (Hesperia 90, pp. 533-604)

by Andrew Stewart, Erin Lawrence, Rebecca Levitan, and Kelsey Turbeville (2021)

Classical Sculpture from the Athenian Agora, Part 4: Concluding Remarks on the Sculptures of the Temple of Ares (Athena Pallenis) (Hesperia 91, pp. 89-132)

by Andrew Stewart, Erin Lawrence, Rebecca Levitan, and Kelsey Turbeville (2022)

Clay Tokens Stamped with the Names of Athenian Military Commanders (Hesperia 49, pp. 86-96)

by John H. Kroll and Fordyce W. Mitchel (1980)

Coastal Change and Archaeological Settings in Elis (Hesperia 74, pp. 1-39)

by John C. Kraft, George Rapp, John A. Gifford, and Stanley E. Aschenbrenner (2005)

Coin Hoards from the Gymnasium Area at Corinth (Hesperia 50, pp. 147-188)

by James A. Dengate (1981)

Coins Excavated at Corinth, 1978-1980 (Hesperia 55, pp. 183-205)

by Orestes H. Zervos (1986)

Coins for the Eleusinia (Hesperia 11, pp. 213-229)

by Margaret Thompson (1942)

Coins Found at Corinth (Hesperia 10, pp. 143-162)

by Josephine M. Harris (1941)

Coins from Some Deposits in the South Stoa at Corinth (Hesperia 36, pp. 348-388)

by M. Jessop Price (1967)

Coins: Corinth Excavations, 1976, Forum Southwest (Hesperia 49, pp. 1-29)

by Joan E. Fisher (1980)

Coins: Corinth Excavations, 1977, Forum Southwest (Hesperia 53, pp. 217-250)

by Joan E. Fisher (1984)

Colonia Laus Julia Corinthiensis (Hesperia 10, pp. 388-390)

by Oscar Broneer (1941)

Colonialism without Colonies? A Bronze Age Case Study from Akrotiri, Thera (Hesperia 77, pp. 1-42)

by Carl Knappett and Irene Nikolakopoulou (2008)

Colophon (Hesperia 13, pp. 91-171)

by Leicester B. Holland (1944)

Comedia: An Actress of Comedy (Hesperia 35, pp. 268-273)

by G. M. Sifakis (1966)

Concerning the Parthenos (Hesperia 30, pp. 1-7)

by Gorham P. Stevens (1961)

Corinth 1976: Forum Southwest (Hesperia 46, pp. 40-81)

by Charles Kaufman Williams II and C. de Grazia (1977)

Corinth 1977, Forum Southwest (Hesperia 47, pp. 1-39)

by Charles K. Williams II (1978)

Corinth 1980: Molded Relief Bowls (Hesperia 50, pp. 189-210)

by Charles Malcolm Edwards (1981)

Corinth 1980: Molded Relief Bowls -- Corrigendum (Hesperia 50, pp. 252)

by Charles M. Edwards (1981)

Corinth Excavations, 1979 (Hesperia 49, pp. 107-134)

by Charles K. Williams II (1980)

Corinth in the Ninth Century: The Numismatic Evidence (Hesperia 42, pp. 180-251)

by D. M. Metcalf (1973)

Corinth, 1969: Forum Area (Hesperia 39, pp. 1-39)

by Charles K. Williams II (1970)

Corinth, 1970: Forum Area (Hesperia 40, pp. 1-51)

by Charles K. Williams II, and Joan E. Fisher (1971)

Corinth, 1971: Forum Area (Hesperia 41, pp. 143-184)

by Charles K. Williams II, and Joan E. Fisher (1972)

Corinth, 1972: The Forum Area (Hesperia 42, pp. 1-44)

by Charles K. Williams II, and Joan E. Fisher (1973)

Corinth, 1974: Forum Southwest (Hesperia 44, pp. 1-50)

by Charles K. Williams II and Joan E. Fisher (1975)

Corinth, 1975: Forum Southwest (Hesperia 45, pp. 99-162)

by Charles K. Williams II and Joan E. Fisher (1976)

Corinth, 1978: Forum Southwest (Hesperia 48, pp. 105-144)

by Charles Kaufman Williams II (1979)

Corinth, 1981: East of the Theater (Hesperia 51, pp. 115-163)

by Charles K. Williams II and Orestes H. Zervos (1982)

Corinth, 1982: East of the Theater (Hesperia 52, pp. 1-47)

by Charles K. Williams II and Orestes H. Zervos (1983)

Corinth, 1983: The Route to Sikyon (Hesperia 53, pp. 83-122)

by Charles K. Williams II and Orestes H. Zervos (1984)

Corinth, 1984: East of the Theater (Hesperia 54, pp. 55-96)

by Charles K. Williams II and Oresetes H. Zervos (1985)

Corinth, 1985: East of the Theater (Hesperia 55, pp. 129-175)

by Charles K. Williams II and Orestes H. Zervos (1986)

Corinth, 1986: Temple E and East of the Theater (Hesperia 56, pp. 1-46)

by Charles K. Williams II and Orestes H. Zervos (1987)

Corinth, 1987: South of Temple E and East of the Theater (Hesperia 57, pp. 95-146)

by Charles K. Williams II and Orestes H. Zervos (1988)

Corinth, 1988: East of the Theater (Hesperia 58, pp. 1-50)

by Charles K. Williams II and Orestes H. Zervos (1989)

Corinth, 1990: Southeast Corner of Temenos E (Hesperia 60, pp. 1-58)

by Charles K. Williams II and Orestes H. Zervos (1991)

Corinth, 2011: Investigation of the West Hall of the Theater (Hesperia 82, pp. 487-549)

by Charles K. Williams II (2013)

Corinth, 2018: Northeast of the Theater (Hesperia 89, pp. 125-190)

by Christopher A. Pfaff (2020)

Corinth, 2019: Northeast of the Theater (Hesperia 90, pp. 773-818)

by Christopher A. Pfaff (2021)

Corinth, 2020 and 2021: Northeast of the Theater (Hesperia 92, pp. 355-404)

by Christopher A. Pfaff (2023)

Corinth, Argos, and the Imperial Cult: Pseudo-Julian, Letters 198 (Hesperia 63, pp. 211-232)

by Antony J. S. Spawforth (1994)

Corinth, Argos, and the Imperial Cult: Pseudo-Julian, Letters 198 -- Corrigendum (Hesperia 63, pp. 522)

by Anthony J. S. Spawforth (1994)

Corinth: Coins, 1925-1926. The Theater District and the Roman Villa (Hesperia 56, pp. 97-157)

by John D. Mac Isaac (1987)

Corinth: Excavations of 1980 (Hesperia 50, pp. 1-44)

by Charles K. Williams II, and Pamela Russell (1981)

Corinth: Late Roman Horizons (Hesperia 74, pp. 243-297)

by Kathleen Warner Slane and Guy D. R. Sanders (2005)

Corinth: Temple E Northwest, Preliminary Report, 1965 (Hesperia 36, pp. 1-12)

by J. K. Anderson (1967)

Corinthian Basins on High Stands (Hesperia 56, pp. 355-416)

by Mario Iozzo (1987)

Corinthian Black-Glazed Pottery with Incised and Stamped Decoration (Hesperia 66, pp. 49-97)

by Elizabeth G. Pemberton (1997)

Corinthian Developments in the Study of Trade in the Fifth Century (Hesperia 50, pp. 449-458)

by Carolyn G. Koehler (1981)

Corinthian Kotyle Workshops (Hesperia 52, pp. 311-326)

by J. L. Benson (1983)

Corinthian Metalworking: An Inlaid Fulcrum Panel (Hesperia 60, pp. 525-528)

by Carol C. Mattusch (1991)

Corinthian Metalworking: The Forum Area (Hesperia 46, pp. 380-389)

by Carol C. Mattusch (1977)

Corinthian Metalworking: The Gymnasium Bronze Foundry (Hesperia 60, pp. 383-395)

by Carol C. Mattusch (1991)

Corinthian Moldmade Bowls: The 1926 Reservoir (Hesperia 55, pp. 389-419)

by Charles M. Edwards (1986)

Corinthian Relief Ware: Pre-Hellenistic Period (Hesperia 23, pp. 109-137)

by Saul S. Weinberg (1954)

Corinthian Terracotta Sculpture and the Temple of Apollo (Hesperia 69, pp. 381-452)

by Nancy Bookidis (2000)

Correction of an Inscription from Phlius (Hesperia 10, pp. 371-372)

by Robert L. Scranton (1941)

Corrigendum: A Nemean Mu (Hesperia 84, pp. 857)

by Stephen G. Miller (2015)

Counting Boiotians: Conscription Lists, Military Forces, and Demography in Hellenistic Boiotia (Hesperia 92, pp. 481-513)

by Thierry Lucas and Guillaume Dubach (2023)

Curse Tablets of the Roman Period from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 91, pp. 133-210)

by David R. Jordan (2022)

Cyriacus of Ancona, Aristotle, and Teiresias in Samothrace (Hesperia 12, pp. 115-134)

by Karl Lehmann-Hartleben (1943)

Dark-Age Fauna from Kavousi, Crete: The Vertebrates from the 1987 and 1988 Excavations (Hesperia 60, pp. 179-186)

by Walter E. Klippel and Lynn M. Snyder (1991)

Dated Jars of Early Imperial Times (Hesperia 24, pp. 277-285)

by Mabel Lang (1955)

De Antipatro et Archedico Lamptrensi: IG II2 402 + Agora I 4990 (Hesperia 62, pp. 249-251)

by Stephen V. Tracy (1993)

Debt and Its Aftermath: The Near Eastern Background to Solon's Seisachtheia (Hesperia 86, pp. 607-643)

by Josine Blok and Julia Krul (2017)

Decree in Honor of Euthydemos of Eleusis (Hesperia 8, pp. 177-180)

by John C. Threpsiades (1939)

Decrees from the Precinct of Asklepios at Athens (Hesperia 28, pp. 169-201)

by Rolf O. Hubbe (1959)

Dedication by the Thessalian League to the Great Gods in Samothrace (Hesperia 72, pp. 31-39)

by Robert L. Pounder and Nora Dimitrova (2003)

Dedication of Phialai at Athens (Hesperia 37, pp. 368-380)

by David M. Lewis (1968)

Dedication to Oscar Broneer (Hesperia 43, pp. 391)

by (1974)

Defining Regional Styles in Archaic Greek Architectural Terracottas (Hesperia 59, pp. 13-32)

by Nancy A. Winter (1990)

Defixiones from a Well near the Southwest Corner of the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 54, pp. 205-255)

by David R. Jordan (1985)

Deinias' Grave at Timesios' Farm (Hesperia 52, pp. 96-99)

by Jere M. Wickens (1983)

Deme Theaters in Attica and the Trittys System (Hesperia 79, pp. 351-384)

by Jessica Paga (2010)

Demetrios of Phaleron and His Lawgiving (Hesperia 12, pp. 144-165)

by Sterling Dow and Albert H. Travis (1943)

Demetrius Poliorcetes and the Athenian Calendar (Hesperia 4, pp. 303-310)

by William Bell Dinsmoor (1935)

Demetrius Poliorcetes and the Hellenic League (Hesperia 17, pp. 112-136)

by W. S. Ferguson (1948)

Democracy and the Athenian Epigraphical Habit (Hesperia 68, pp. 387-439)

by Charles W. Hedrick Jr. (1999)

Demokratia (Hesperia 31, pp. 238-243)

by A. E. Raubitschek (1962)

Derkylos of Hagnous and the Date of I.G., II2, 1187 (Hesperia 33, pp. 337-351)

by Fordyce W. Mitchel (1964)

Diakris, the Inland Trittys of Leontis (Hesperia 47, pp. 89-109)

by John S. Traill (1978)

Diakris, The Inland Trittys of Leontis -- Corrigenda (Hesperia 47, pp. 474)

by John Traill (1978)

Die archaischen Dacher von Olympia (Hesperia 59, pp. 41-46)

by Joachim Heiden (1990)

Die Beiden Xenokles von Sphettos (Hesperia 57, pp. 323-327)

by Christian Habicht (1988)

Die Dachterrakotten der Archaischen Tempel von Kalapodi (Phokis) (Hesperia 59, pp. 167-174)

by Gerhild Hubner (1990)

Dining in the Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore at Corinth (Hesperia 68, pp. 1-54)

by Nancy Bookidis, Julie Hansen, Lynn Snyder, and Paul Goldberg (1999)

Disability and Infanticide in Ancient Greece (Hesperia 90, pp. 747-772)

by Debby Sneed (2021)

Divination at Archaic Branchidai-Didyma: A Critical Review (Hesperia 81, pp. 177-206)

by Alan M. Greaves (2012)

Documents Concerning the Emperor Hadrian (Hesperia 10, pp. 361-370)

by James H. Oliver (1941)

Documents of the Samothracian Language (Hesperia 24, pp. 93-100)

by Karl Lehmann (1955)

Domitian's Freedman Antiochus (Hesperia 32, pp. 87)

by James H. Oliver (1963)

Double Colonization: The Story of the Excavations of the Athenian Agora (1924-1931) (Hesperia 82, pp. 153-177)

by Yannis Hamilakis (2013)

Early Boeotian Potters (Hesperia 35, pp. 154-165)

by Isabelle K. Raubitschek and A. E. Raubitschek (1966)

Early Bronze Age Burial Deposits at the Ayia Triada Cave at Karystos, Euboia: Tentative Interpretations (Hesperia 85, pp. 207-242)

by Fanis Mavridis and Žarko Tankosić (2016)

Early Bronze-Age Stone Mortars from the Southern Argolid (Hesperia 57, pp. 257-272)

by Curtis Runnels (1988)

Early Christian Epitaphs from Athens (Hesperia 16, pp. 1-54)

by John S. Creaghan SJ, and A. E. Raubitschek (1947)

Early Christian Inscriptions of Crete (Hesperia 32, pp. 227-247)

by Anastasius C. Bandy (1963)

Early Corinthian Jointed Dolls: Context, Meaning, and Diffusion (Hesperia 93, pp. 251-335)

by Susan Langdon (2024)

Early Excavations at Pergamon and the Chronology of Rhodian Amphora Stamps (Hesperia 71, pp. 295-324)

by Mark L. Lawall (2002)

Early Helladic Clay Sealings from the House of the Tiles at Lerna (Hesperia 27, pp. 81-121)

by Martha C. Heath (1958)

Early Helladic Hearth Rims at Corinth (Hesperia 48, pp. 342-347)

by John C. Lavezzi (1979)

Early Hellenic Pottery of Crete (Hesperia 14, pp. 1-32)

by Doro Levi (1945)

Early Iron Age Potters' Marks in the Aegean (Hesperia 63, pp. 437-507)

by John K. Papadopoulos (1994)

Early Iron Age Potters' Marks in the Aegean -- Corrigendum (Hesperia 64, pp. 66)

by John K. Papadopoulos (1995)

Early Stoneworking in the Corinthia (Hesperia 56, pp. 229-232)

by Robin F. Rhodes (1987)

Echedemos, "The Second Attic Phoibos" (Hesperia 58, pp. 277-288)

by Pantos A. Pantos (1989)

Editorial: Celebrating 75 Years of Hesperia (Hesperia 76, pp. 1-20)

by Tracey Cullen (2007)

Edward Clarke's Ancient Road to Marathon, A.D. 1801 (Hesperia 51, pp. 453-458)

by Josiah Ober (1982)

Ein Neuer Antefixtyp aus dem Heiligtum der Artemis in Lousoi (Hesperia 59, pp. 163-166)

by Veronika Mitsopoulos-Leon (1990)

Eleusinian Inscriptions: Three Emendations (Hesperia 64, pp. 131-134)

by William T. Loomis (1995)

Endoios's Painting from the Themistoklean Wall: A Reconstruction (Hesperia 68, pp. 509-548)

by Catherine M. Keesling (1999)

EPENIKTOS (Hesperia 13, pp. 36-37)

by Paul Maas (1944)

Ephebic Inscriptions from Athens: Addenda and Corrigenda (Hesperia 57, pp. 249-252)

by Stephen V. Tracy (1988)

Ephebic Texts from Athens (Hesperia 30, pp. 8-22)

by O. W. Reinmuth (1961)

Epigrams to an Elder Statesman and a Young Noble from Lato pros Kamara (Crete) (Hesperia 58, pp. 115-129)

by Martha W. Baldwin Bowsky (1989)

Epigraphic Notes (Hesperia 7, pp. 626-627)

by Eugene Schweigert (1938)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 11, pp. 91-103)

by (1942)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 15, pp. 254-263)

by (1946)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 17, pp. 61-70)

by (1948)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 19, pp. 298-312)

by (1950)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 21, pp. 400-410)

by (1952)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 22, pp. 300-311)

by (1953)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 23, pp. 347-358)

by (1954)

Epigraphical index (Hesperia 24, pp. 350-357)

by (1955)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 26, pp. 362-383)

by (1957)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 27, pp. 328-336)

by (1958)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 28, pp. 350-367)

by (1959)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 29, pp. 419-433)

by (1960)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 30, pp. 405-428)

by (1961)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 31, pp. 416-418)

by (1962)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 32, pp. 440-457)

by (1963)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 33, pp. 405-423)

by (1964)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 34, pp. 312-318)

by (1965)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 35, pp. 437-453)

by (1966)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 36, pp. 432-442)

by (1967)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 37, pp. 426-446)

by (1968)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 38, pp. 531-543)

by (1969)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 39, pp. 347-350)

by (1970)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 40, pp. 472-480)

by (1971)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 41, pp. 477-488)

by John S. Traill (1972)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 42, pp. 471-473)

by John S. Traill (1973)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 44, pp. 442-445)

by John S. Traill (1975)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 46, pp. 390-396)

by John S. Traill (1977)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 48, pp. 412-416)

by John Traill (1979)

Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 78, pp. 617-618)

by (2009)

Epigraphical Index of Names (Hesperia 16, pp. 53-54)

by (1947)

Epigraphical Index to Agora Inscriptions: Names of Men (Hesperia 15, pp. 166-168)

by (1946)

Epigraphical Index: Names of Men and Women (Hesperia 11, pp. 316-323)

by (1942)

Epigraphical Index: Names of Men and Women (Hesperia 12, pp. 89-96)

by (1943)

Epigraphical Index: Names of Men and Women (Hesperia 13, pp. 267-268)

by (1944)

Epigraphical Index: Names of Men and Women (Hesperia 14, pp. 150-151)

by (1945)

Epigraphical Index: Names of Men and Women (Hesperia 16, pp. 225-231)

by (1947)

Epigraphical Notes (Hesperia 8, pp. 170-176)

by Eugene Schweigert (1939)

Epigraphical Notes (Hesperia 20, pp. 64-66)

by James Notopoulos (1951)

Epigraphical Notes (Hesperia 41, pp. 43-49)

by Stephen V. Tracy (1972)

Epigrpahical Index (Hesperia 45, pp. 396-401)

by John S. Traill (1976)

Epilykos Kalos (Hesperia 52, pp. 305-310)

by H. A. Shapiro (1983)

Eros and Aphrodite on the North Slope of the Acropolis (Hesperia 1, pp. 31-55)

by Oscar Broneer (1932)

Erotic Curse Tablets from the Heroön of Opheltes at Nemea (Hesperia 85, pp. 121-152)

by Jorge J. Bravo III (2016)

Eumolpos Arrives in Eleusis (Hesperia 69, pp. 267-291)

by Evelyn B. Harrison (2000)

Euripides Scenes in Byzantine Art (Hesperia 18, pp. 159-210)

by Kurt Weitzmann (1949)

Excavation at Corinth, 1973 (Hesperia 43, pp. 1-76)

by Charles K. Williams II, Jean MacIntosh, and Joan E. Fisher (1974)

Excavation in the Franchthi Cave, 1969-1971, Part I (Hesperia 42, pp. 45-88)

by Thomas W. Jacobsen (1973)

Excavation of a 13th-Century Church near Vasilitsi, Southern Messenia (Hesperia 77, pp. 497-537)

by Nikos D. Kontogiannis, with an appendix by Lilian Karali (2008)

Excavations and Survey at Kavousi, 1978-1981 (Hesperia 52, pp. 389-420)

by Geraldine Gesell, Leslie Day, and William Coulson (1983)

Excavations at Azoria, 2002 (Hesperia 73, pp. 339-400)

by Donald C. Haggis, Margaret S. Mook, C. M. Scarry, Lynn M. Snyder, and W. C. West (2004)

Excavations at Azoria, 2003-2004, Part 2: The Final Neolithic, Late Prepalatial, and Early Iron Age Occupation (Hesperia 76, pp. 665-716)

by Donald C. Haggis, Margaret S. Mook, Tristan Carter, and Lynn M. Synder (2007)

Excavations at Azoria, 2003-2004, Part I: The Archaic Civic Complex (Hesperia 76, pp. 243-321)

by Donald C. Haggis, Margaret S. Mook, Rodney D. Fitzsimons, C. Margaret Scarry, and Lynn M. Synder, with appendixes by Manolis I. Stefanakis and William C. West III (2007)

Excavations at Corinth, 1959 (Hesperia 29, pp. 225-253)

by Henry S. Robinson and Saul S. Weinberg (1960)

Excavations at Corinth, 1960 (Hesperia 31, pp. 95-133)

by Henry S. Robinson (1962)

Excavations at Corinth, 1968 (Hesperia 38, pp. 36-63)

by Charles K. Williams II (1969)

Excavations at Corinth, 1989: The Temenos of Temple E (Hesperia 59, pp. 325-369)

by Charles K. Williams II and Orestes H. Zervos (1990)

Excavations at Corinth, the Gymnasium Area, 1965 (Hesperia 36, pp. 13-41)

by James Wiseman (1967)

Excavations at Corinth, the Gymnasium Area, 1966 (Hesperia 36, pp. 402-428)

by James Wiseman (1967)

Excavations at Corinth: 1954 (Hesperia 24, pp. 147-157)

by Mary Campbell Roebuck (1955)

Excavations at Corinth: Temple Hill, 1968-1972 (Hesperia 45, pp. 203-239)

by Henry S. Robinson (1976)

Excavations at Gournia, 2010-2012 (Hesperia 84, pp. 397-465)

by L. Vance Watrous, D. Matthew Buell, John C. McEnroe, John G. Younger, Lee Ann Turner, Brian S. Kunkel, Kevin Glowacki, Scott Gallimore, Angus Smith, Panagiota A. Pantou, Anne Chapin, and Evi Margaritis (2015)

Excavations at Halai, 1990-1991 (Hesperia 61, pp. 265-289)

by John E. Coleman, Kerill O'Neill, Melanie Pomeroy, Karen E. Carr, and Andrew Heafitz (1992)

Excavations at Isthmia, 1954 (Hesperia 24, pp. 110-141)

by Oscar Broneer (1955)

Excavations at Isthmia, 1959-1961 (Hesperia 31, pp. 1-25)

by Oscar Broneer (1962)

Excavations at Isthmia, 1959-1961 - Addenda et Corrigenda (Hesperia 31, pp. 414)

by Oscar Broneer (1962)

Excavations at Isthmia, Fourth Campaign, 1957-1958 (Hesperia 28, pp. 298-343)

by Oscar Broneer (1959)

Excavations at Isthmia, Third Campaign, 1955-1956 (Hesperia 27, pp. 1-37)

by Oscar Broneer (1958)

Excavations at Kavousi, Crete, 1987 (Hesperia 57, pp. 279-301)

by Geraldine C. Gesell, Leslie Preston Day, and William D. E. Coulson (1988)

Excavations at Kavousi, Crete, 1988 (Hesperia 60, pp. 145-177)

by Geraldine C. Gesell, William D. E. Coulson, and Leslie P. Day (1991)

Excavations at Kavousi, Crete, 1989 and 1990 (Hesperia 64, pp. 67-120)

by Geraldine C. Gesell, Leslie Preston Day, and William D. E. Coulson (1995)

Excavations at Kommos (Crete) during 1976 (Hesperia 46, pp. 199-240)

by Joseph W. Shaw (1977)

Excavations at Kommos (Crete) during 1977 (Hesperia 47, pp. 111-170)

by Joseph W. Shaw, P. P Betancourt, and L. V. Watrous (1978)

Excavations at Kommos (Crete) during 1978 (Hesperia 48, pp. 145-173)

by Joseph W. Shaw (1979)

Excavations at Kommos (Crete) during 1979 (Hesperia 49, pp. 207-250)

by Joseph W. Shaw (1980)

Excavations at Kommos (Crete) During 1980 (Hesperia 50, pp. 211-251)

by Joseph W. Shaw (1981)

Excavations at Kommos (Crete) during 1981 (Hesperia 51, pp. 164-195)

by Joseph W. Shaw (1982)

Excavations at Kommos (Crete) during 1982-1983 (Hesperia 53, pp. 251-287)

by Joseph W. Shaw (1984)

Excavations at Kommos (Crete) during 1984-1985 (Hesperia 55, pp. 219-269)

by Joseph W. Shaw (1986)

Excavations at Kommos (Crete) during 1986-1992 (Hesperia 62, pp. 129-190)

by Joseph W. Shaw and Maria C. Shaw (1993)

Excavations at Lerna, 1952-1953 (Hesperia 23, pp. 3-30)

by John L. Caskey (1954)

Excavations at Lerna, 1954 (Hesperia 24, pp. 25-49)

by John L. Caskey (1955)

Excavations at Lerna, 1955 (Hesperia 25, pp. 147-173)

by John L. Caskey (1956)

Excavations at Lerna, 1956 (Hesperia 26, pp. 142-162)

by John L. Caskey (1957)

Excavations at Lerna, 1957 (Hesperia 27, pp. 125-144)

by John L. Caskey (1958)

Excavations at Mochlos, 1989 (Hesperia 61, pp. 413-445)

by Jeffrey S. Soles and Costis Davaras (1992)

Excavations at Mochlos, 1990-1991 (Hesperia 63, pp. 391-436)

by Jeffrey S. Soles and Costis Davaras (1994)

Excavations at Mochlos, 1990-1991-- Corrigendum (Hesperia 64, pp. 66)

by Jeffrey S. Soles and Costis Davaras (1995)

Excavations at Mochlos, 1992-1993 (Hesperia 65, pp. 175-230)

by Jeffrey S. Soles and Costis Davaras (1996)

Excavations at Nemea 1973-1974 (Hesperia 44, pp. 143-172)

by Stephen G. Miller (1975)

Excavations at Nemea, 1975 (Hesperia 45, pp. 174-202)

by Stephen G. Miller (1976)

Excavations at Nemea, 1976 (Hesperia 46, pp. 1-26)

by Stephen G. Miller (1977)

Excavations at Nemea, 1977 (Hesperia 47, pp. 58-88)

by Stephen G. Miller (1978)

Excavations at Nemea, 1978 (Hesperia 48, pp. 73-103)

by Stephen G. Miller (1979)

Excavations at Nemea, 1979 (Hesperia 49, pp. 178-205)

by Stephen G. Miller (1980)

Excavations at Nemea, 1980 (Hesperia 50, pp. 45-67)

by Stephen G. Miller (1981)

Excavations at Nemea, 1981 (Hesperia 51, pp. 19-40)

by Stephen G. Miller (1982)

Excavations at Nemea, 1982 (Hesperia 52, pp. 70-95)

by Stella G. Miller (1983)

Excavations at Nemea, 1983 (Hesperia 53, pp. 171-192)

by Stella G. Miller (1984)

Excavations at Nemea, 1984-1986 (Hesperia 57, pp. 1-20)

by Stephen G. Miller (1988)

Excavations at Nemea, 1997-2001 (Hesperia 84, pp. 277-353)

by Stephen G. Miller (2015)

Excavations at Nichoria in Messenia: 1969-71 (Hesperia 41, pp. 218-273)

by William A. McDonald (1972)

Excavations at Nichoria in Messenia: 1972-1973 (Hesperia 44, pp. 69-141)

by William A. McDonald, C. T. Shay, Nancy Wilkie, R. Hope Simpson, William D. E. Coulson, William P. Donovan, Harriet Blitzer, J. Rosser, W. P. Donovan, Stanley Aschenbrenner, R. J. Howell, O. T. P. K. Dickinson, Helen Hughes-Brock, William D. Wade, Donald L. Wolberg, Frederick V. Grady, Robert E. Sloan, Jennifer Shay, George Rapp Jr., and S. R. B. Cooke (1975)

Excavations at Phlius, 1924, The Prehistoric Deposits (Hesperia 38, pp. 443-458)

by William R. Biers (1969)

Excavations at Phlius, 1924. The Votive Deposit. (Hesperia 40, pp. 397-423)

by William R. Biers (1971)

Excavations at Phlius, 1970 (Hesperia 40, pp. 424-447)

by William R. Biers (1971)

Excavations at Phlius, 1972 (Hesperia 42, pp. 102-120)

by William R. Biers (1973)

Excavations at Porto Cheli and Vicinity, Preliminary Report IV: The Lower Town of Halieis, 1970-1977 (Hesperia 47, pp. 333-355)

by Thomas D. Boyd and Wolf W. Rudolph (1978)

Excavations at Porto Cheli and Vicinity, Preliminary Report, I: Halieis, 1962-1968 (Hesperia 38, pp. 311-342)

by Michael H. Jameson (1969)

Excavations at Porto Cheli and Vicinity. Preliminary Report V: The Early Byzantine Remains (Hesperia 48, pp. 294-324)

by Wolf W. Rudolph (and Mark C. Sheehan) (1979)

Excavations at Prehistoric Elateia, 1959 (Hesperia 31, pp. 158-209)

by Saul S. Weinberg (1962)

Excavations at Pseira, 1985 and 1986 (Hesperia 57, pp. 207-225)

by Philip P. Betancourt and Costis Davaras (1988)

Excavations at Tarrha, 1959 (Hesperia 29, pp. 90-108)

by Gladys Davidson Weinberg (1960)

Excavations at the Harbor of Phalasarna in Crete: The 1988 Season (Hesperia 59, pp. 513-527)

by Frank J. Frost and Elpida Hadjidaki (1990)

Excavations at Tsoungiza (Archaia Nemea): 1981 (Hesperia 51, pp. 375-397)

by James C. Wright (1982)

Excavations in Corinth, The Gymnasium Area, 1967-1968 (Hesperia 38, pp. 64-106)

by James Wiseman (1969)

Excavations in Keos, 1960-1961 (Hesperia 31, pp. 263-283)

by John L. Caskey (1962)

Excavations in Keos, 1963 (Hesperia 33, pp. 314-335)

by John L. Caskey (1964)

Excavations in Keos, 1964-1965 (Hesperia 35, pp. 363-376)

by John L. Caskey (1966)

Excavations in the Archaic Civic Buildings at Azoria in 2005-2006 (Hesperia 80, pp. 1-70)

by Donald C. Haggis, Margaret S. Mook, Rodney D. Fitzsimons, C. Margaret Scarry, Lynn M. Snyder, and William C. West, II (2011)

Excavations in the Athenian Agora, 1996 and 1997 (Hesperia 68, pp. 255-283)

by John McK. Camp II (1999)

Excavations in the Athenian Agora, 2008-2012 (Hesperia 84, pp. 467-513)

by John McKesson Camp II (2015)

Excavations in the Athenian Agora: 1948 (Hesperia 18, pp. 211-229)

by Homer A. Thompson (1949)

Excavations in the Athenian Agora: 1949 (Hesperia 19, pp. 313-337)

by Homer A. Thompson (1950)

Excavations in the Athenian Agora: 1950 (Hesperia 20, pp. 45-60)

by Homer A. Thompson (1951)

Excavations in the Athenian Agora: 1951 (Hesperia 21, pp. 83-113)

by Homer A. Thompson (1952)

Excavations in the Athenian Agora: 1952 (Hesperia 22, pp. 25-56)

by Homer A. Thompson (1953)

Excavations in the Athenian Agora: 1953 (Hesperia 23, pp. 31-67)

by Homer A. Thompson (1954)

Excavations in the Athenian Agora: 1994 and 1995 (Hesperia 65, pp. 231-261)

by John McK. Camp (1996)

Excavations in the Athenian Agora: 1998-2001 (Hesperia 72, pp. 241-280)

by John McKesson Camp II (2003)

Excavations in the Athenian Agora: 2002-2007 (Hesperia 76, pp. 627-663)

by John McKesson Camp II (2007)

Excavations in the Franchthi Cave, 1969-1971. Part II. (Hesperia 42, pp. 253-283)

by Thomas W. Jacobsen (1973)

Excavations in the Hagios Charalambos Cave: A Preliminary Report (Hesperia 77, pp. 539-605)

by Philip P. Betancourt, Costis Davaras, Heidi M. C. Dierckx, Susan C. Ferrence, Jane Hickman, Panagiotis Karkanes, Photeini J. P. McGeorge, James D. Muhly, David S. Reese, Eleni Stravopodi, and Louise Langford-Verstegen, with a Appendix by Stephania Chlouveraki (2008)

Excavations on the Kastro at Kavousi. An Architectural Overview (Hesperia 66, pp. 315-390)

by W. D. E. Coulson, D. Haggis, M. Mook, and J. Tobin (1997)

Excavations on the North Slope of the Acropolis in Athens, 1931-1932 (Hesperia 2, pp. 329-417)

by Oscar Broneer (1933)

Excavations on the North Slope of the Acropolis in Athens, 1933-1934 (Hesperia 4, pp. 109-188)

by Oscar Broneer (1935)

Excavations on the North Slope of the Acropolis, 1937 (Hesperia 7, pp. 161-263)

by Oscar Broneer (1938)

Exploration of the Southeast Stoa in the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 35, pp. 79-85)

by R. Ross Holloway (1966)

Falaieff Bell-Kraters from Ancient Corinth (Hesperia 69, pp. 453-486)

by Ian McPhee (2000)

Faltering Complexity? The Context and Character of Settlement at Priniatikos Pyrgos in Early Minoan III-Middle Minoan IA East Crete (Hesperia 89, pp. 215-280)

by Barry Molloy, Matěj Pavlacký, Jo Day, Eleni Nodarou, Marina Milić, Sue Bridgford, and David Breeckner (2020)

Faunal Remains from the Altar of Aphrodite Ourania, Athens (Hesperia 58, pp. 63-70)

by David S. Reese (1989)

Fauvel's First Trip through Greece (Hesperia 5, pp. 206-224)

by C. G. Lowe (1936)

Fear and Loathing in the Hellenistic Agora: Antenor's Tyrannicides Return (Hesperia 91, pp. 311-350)

by Andrew Stewart, Bernard Frischer, and Mohamed Abdelaziz (2022)

Feasting in Homeric Epic (Hesperia 73, pp. 301-337)

by Susan Sherratt (2004)

Female Dress and "Slavic" Bow Fibulae in Greece (Hesperia 74, pp. 101-146)

by Florin Curta (2005)

Fifth-century Attic Red Figure at Corinth (Hesperia 49, pp. 295-308)

by Cedric G. Boulter and Julie L. Bentz (1980)

Fifth-Century Horoi on Aigina: A Reevaluation (Hesperia 78, pp. 231-267)

by Irene Polinskaya (2009)

Fighting by the Rules: The Invention of the Hoplite Agôn (Hesperia 71, pp. 23-39)

by Peter Krentz (2002)

Figurine Vases from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 47, pp. 356-401)

by Ellen Reeder Williams (1978)

Financial Documents from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 32, pp. 144-186)

by A. M. Woodward (1963)

Firewood and Charcoal in Classical Athens (Hesperia 60, pp. 411-420)

by S. Douglas Olson (1991)

Five Comic Scenes from Athens (Hesperia 24, pp. 76-84)

by Margaret Crosby (1955)

Five Dedicatory Inscriptions from the North Wall of the Acropolis (Hesperia 11, pp. 338-348)

by H. R. Immerwahr (1942)

Five Grave Groups from the Corinthia (Hesperia 33, pp. 89-107)

by Patricia Lawrence (1964)

Five Letter-cutters of Hellenistic Athens (230-130 B.C.) (Hesperia 47, pp. 244-268)

by Stephen V. Tracy and S. T. Edmunds (1978)

Five New Fragments of the Attic Stelai (Hesperia 30, pp. 23-29)

by W. Kendrick Pritchett (1961)

Five Thousand Years of Land Use and Abuse in the Southern Argolid, Greece (Hesperia 55, pp. 103-128)

by Tjeerd H. van Andel, Curtis N. Runnels, and Kevin O. Pope (1986)

Flaked Stone from Isthmia (Hesperia 78, pp. 307-346)

by P. Nick Kardulias (2009)

Flaked Stone Tools and Domestic Economy in a Classical Polis: Lithics from the Lower Town at Halieis, Greece (Hesperia 91, pp. 279-309)

by P. Nick Kardulias and Curtis N. Runnels (2022)

Flights of Archaeology: Peschke's Acrocorinth (Hesperia 86, pp. 723-782)

by Kostis Kourelis (2017)

Footnotes to Pheidias and Olympia (Hesperia 24, pp. 164-168)

by Charles H. Morgan (1955)

Fortifications of Mount Oneion, Corinthia (Hesperia 75, pp. 327-356)

by William R. Caraher and Timothy E. Gregory (2006)

Four Document Reliefs from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 64, pp. 121-130)

by Carol Lawton (1995)

Four Document Reliefs from the Athenian Agora -- Corrigendum (Hesperia 64, pp. 178)

by Carol L. Lawton (1995)

Fragments by the Kleophrades Painter fron the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 35, pp. 20-36)

by Ann H. Ashmead (1966)

Fragments d'amphores protogeometriques grecques a Bassit (Syrie) (Hesperia 62, pp. 95-113)

by Paul Courbin (1993)

Fragments of an Early Attic Kouros from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 24, pp. 290-304)

by Evelyn B. Harrison (1955)

Fragments of Architectural-Terracotta Hydras in Corinth (Hesperia 57, pp. 193-202)

by Gloria S. Merker (1988)

Fragments of Auloi found in the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 33, pp. 392-400)

by J. G. Landels (1964)

Fragments of Naval Inventories from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 64, pp. 179-224)

by Julia N. Shear (1995)

Franchthi Cave and the Beginning of Settled Village Life -- Corrigenda and Addenda (Hesperia 51, pp. 196a)

by Thomas W. Jacobsen (1982)

Franchthi Cave and the Beginning of Settled Village Life in Greece (Hesperia 50, pp. 303-319)

by Thomas W. Jacobsen (1981)

Frankish Corinth, 1996: The Coins (Hesperia 66, pp. 173-192)

by Orestes H. Zervos (1997)

Frankish Corinth: 1991 (Hesperia 61, pp. 133-191)

by Charles K. Williams II and Orestes H. Zervos (1992)

Frankish Corinth: 1992 (Hesperia 62, pp. 1-52)

by Charles K. Williams II and Orestes H. Zervos (1993)

Frankish Corinth: 1993 (Hesperia 63, pp. 1-56)

by Charles K. Williams II, and Orestes H. Zervos (1994)

Frankish Corinth: 1994 (Hesperia 64, pp. 1-60)

by Charles K. Williams II and Orestes H. Zervos (1995)

Frankish Corinth: 1995 (Hesperia 65, pp. 1-55)

by Charles K. Williams II and Orestes H. Zervos (1996)

Frankish Corinth: 1996 (Hesperia 66, pp. 7-47)

by Charles K. Williams II, Ethne Barnes, and Lynn M. Snyder (1997)

Frankish Corinth: 1997 (Hesperia 67, pp. 223-281)

by Charles K. Williams II, Lynn M. Synder, Ethne Barnes, and Orestes H. Zervos (1998)

Frankish Petty Currency from the Areopagus at Athens (Hesperia 34, pp. 203-223)

by D. M. Metcalf (1965)

Frescoes from Ayia Irini, Keos. Part I (Hesperia 42, pp. 284-300)

by Katherine Coleman (1973)

Frescoes from Ayia Irini, Keos. Parts II-IV (Hesperia 49, pp. 57-85)

by Katherine Abramovitz (1980)

From Gennetai to Curiales (Hesperia 49, pp. 30-56)

by James H. Oliver (1980)

From Mosque to Church and Back Again: Investigating a House of Faith in Post-Medieval Pylos (Hesperia 84, pp. 771-856)

by Nikos D. Kontogiannis, Ioanna M. Grigoropoulou, Eleni Barmparitsa, Sophia Sakkari, Ioanna Moutafi, Anna Lagia and Lilian Karali, with an appendix by Yannis Maniatis (2015)

From the Gulf of Latmos to Lake Bafa: On the History, Geoarchaeology, and Palynology of the Lower Maeander Valley at the Foot of the Latmos Mountains (Hesperia 88, pp. 1-86)

by Alexander Herda, Helmut Brückner, Marc Müllenhoff and Maria Knipping (2019)

From the West Cemetery at Isthmia (Hesperia 43, pp. 401-411)

by Paul A. Clement and Margaret MacVeagh Thorne (1974)

Further Seals and Sealings from Lerna (Hesperia 38, pp. 500-521)

by Martha Heath Wiencke (1969)

Further Stamped Roof Tiles from Central Greece, Attica, and the Peloponnese (Hesperia 59, pp. 301-323)

by Rainer C. S. Felsch (1990)

Further Thoughts on Hadrianic Athens (Hesperia 52, pp. 173-176)

by Mary T. Boatwright (1983)

Gaming Tables and I.G., I2, 324 (Hesperia 34, pp. 131-147)

by W. Kendrick Pritchett (1965)

Gennadeion Notes, I (Hesperia 31, pp. 404-412)

by Francis R. Walton (1962)

Gennadeion Notes, II, Incunabula in the Gennadius Library (Hesperia 32, pp. 209-212)

by Francis R. Walton (1963)

Gennadeion Notes, III: Athens in the Time of Lord Byron (Hesperia 37, pp. 134-158)

by C. W. J. Eliot (1968)

Gennadeion Notes, IV: Lord Byron, Father Paul, and the Artist William Page (Hesperia 44, pp. 409-425)

by C. W. J. Eliot (1975)

Geometric Graves in the Panayia Field at Corinth (Hesperia 76, pp. 443-537)

by Christopher A. Pfaff (2007)

Geophysical and Surface Surveys in the Byzantine Fortress at Isthmia, 1985-1986 (Hesperia 59, pp. 467-511)

by Timothy E. Gregory and P. Nick Kardulias (1990)

Geophysical Survey as an Aid to Excavation at Mitrou: A Preliminary Report (Hesperia 81, pp. 383-432)

by Gregory N. Tsokas, Aleydis Van de Moortel, Panayiotis I. Tsourlos, Alexandros Stampolidis, George Vargemezis, Eleni Zahou (2012)

Geryon and Others in Los Angeles (Hesperia 24, pp. 1-24)

by Paul A. Clement (1955)

Glimpses of the Invisible Dead: A 7th-Century B.C. Burial Plot in Northern Piraeus (Hesperia 90, pp. 233-279)

by Nathan T. Arrington, Georgios Spyropoulos, and Demetrios J. Brellas (2021)

Gnaeus Octavius and the Echinaioi (Hesperia 44, pp. 431-434)

by Lawrence J. Bliquez (1975)

Goddesses, Snake Tubes, and Plaques: Analysis of Ceramic Ritual Objects from the LMIIIC Shrine at Kavousi (Hesperia 75, pp. 137-175)

by P. M. Day, L. Joyner, V. Kilikoglou, and G. C. Gesell (2006)

Graves in Lenormant Street, Athens (Hesperia 32, pp. 113-137)

by Cedric G. Boulter (1963)

Greco-Italic Amphoras (Hesperia 51, pp. 338-356)

by Elizabeth L. Will (1982)

Greco-Italic Amphoras -- Corrigenda (Hesperia 52, pp. 154)

by Elizabeth L. Will (1983)

Greek and Latin Inscriptions (Hesperia 10, pp. 237-261)

by James H. Oliver (1941)

Greek and Latin Inscriptions from Temple Hill, Corinth (Hesperia 90, pp. 115-189)

by Paul A. Iversen and Donald Laing Jr. (2021)

Greek Dramatic Monuments from the Athenian Agora and Pnyx (Hesperia 29, pp. 254-284)

by T. B. L. Webster (1960)

Greek Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 43, pp. 544-548)

by John S. Traill (1974)

Greek Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 47, pp. 452-473)

by John Traill (1978)

Greek Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 49, pp. 364-366)

by John S. Traill (1980)

Greek Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 50, pp. 459-460)

by John S. Traill (1981)

Greek Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 51, pp. 489-496)

by John Traill (1982)

Greek Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 52, pp. 421-427)

by John Traill (1983)

Greek Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 53, pp. 475-478)

by John Traill (1984)

Greek Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 54, pp. 429-431)

by John Traill (1985)

Greek Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 55, pp. 439)

by John Traill (1986)

Greek Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 56, pp. 417)

by John Traill (1987)

Greek Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 57, pp. 351-357)

by John Traill (1988)

Greek Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 58, pp. 491-493)

by John Traill (1989)

Greek Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 59, pp. 713-715)

by John Traill (1990)

Greek Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 60, pp. 529-532)

by John Traill (1991)

Greek Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 61, pp. 517-518)

by John Traill (1992)

Greek Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 62, pp. 523)

by John Trail (1993)

Greek Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 63, pp. 517-521)

by John Traill (1994)

Greek Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 64, pp. 543-545)

by John Traill (1995)

Greek Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 65, pp. 475-477)

by John Traill (1996)

Greek Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 66, pp. 645)

by John Traill (1997)

Greek Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 68, pp. 575-576)

by (1999)

Greek Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 69, pp. 509-510)

by (2000)

Greek Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 71, pp. 435-436)

by (2002)

Greek Epigraphical Index (Hesperia 73, pp. 599-600)

by (2004)

Greek Horoi and a New Attic Mortgage Inscription (Hesperia 13, pp. 16-21)

by David M. Robinson (1944)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 4, pp. 5-90)

by James H. Oliver and Sterling Dow (1935)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 4, pp. 525-585)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1935)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 5, pp. 355-430)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1936)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 6, pp. 442-468)

by Margaret Crosby (1937)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 7, pp. 77-160)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1938)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 9, pp. 53-96)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1940)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 9, pp. 97-133)

by W. Kendrick Pritchett (1940)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 9, pp. 309-357)

by Eugene Schweigert (1940)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 10, pp. 31-37)

by Sterling Dow (1941)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 10, pp. 38-64)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1941)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 10, pp. 65-90)

by James H. Oliver (1941)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 10, pp. 262-283)

by W. Kendrick Pritchett (1941)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 11, pp. 29-103)

by James H. Oliver (1942)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 11, pp. 230-249)

by W. Kendrick Pritchett (1942)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 11, pp. 275-303)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1942)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 12, pp. 12-87)

by A. E. Raubitschek (1943)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 13, pp. 210-266)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1944)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 15, pp. 138-165)

by Kendrick Pritchett (1946)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 15, pp. 169-263)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1946)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 16, pp. 82-88)

by Markellos T. Mitsos (1947)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 16, pp. 147-183)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1947)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 16, pp. 184-192)

by W. Kendrick Pritchett (1947)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 17, pp. 1-53)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1948)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 17, pp. 54-60)

by A. G. Woodhead (1948)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 21, pp. 340-380)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1952)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 23, pp. 233-283)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1954)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 26, pp. 24-97)

by Benjamin D. Meritt, M. L. Lethen, and G.A. Stamires (1957)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 26, pp. 198-270)

by B. D. Meritt, A. G. Woodhead, and G. A. Stamires (1957)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 28, pp. 273-288)

by A. G. Woodhead (1959)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 29, pp. 1-77)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1960)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 29, pp. 78-86)

by A. G. Woodhead (1960)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 30, pp. 205-292)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1961)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 32, pp. 1-56)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1963)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 33, pp. 168-227)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1964)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 34, pp. 89-99)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1965)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 35, pp. 241-251)

by A. E. Raubitschek (1966)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 36, pp. 57-101)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1967)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 36, pp. 225-241)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1967)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 37, pp. 266-298)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1968)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 39, pp. 308-312)

by Stephen V. Tracy (1970)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 40, pp. 96-108)

by Daniel J. Geagan (1971)

Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 43, pp. 314-324)

by John McK. Camp II (1974)

Greek Inscriptions (1-13) (Hesperia 8, pp. 1-47)

by Eugene Schweigert (1939)

Greek Inscriptions (14-27) (Hesperia 8, pp. 48-82)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1939)

Greek Inscriptions (in vols. 33:2 and 33:4 [Epigraphical Index]) - Corrigenda (Hesperia 37, pp. 298)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1968)

Greek Inscriptions (with "Addendum: A Topographical Note," by John Young) (Hesperia 10, pp. 14-30)

by Margaret Crosby (1941)

Greek Inscriptions - Corrigenda (Hesperia 32, pp. 438)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1963)

Greek Inscriptions at Corinth (Hesperia 41, pp. 198-217)

by Ronald S. Stroud (1972)

Greek Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 44, pp. 379-395)

by David M. Lewis (1975)

Greek Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 45, pp. 283-288)

by Stephen V. Tracy (1976)

Greek Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 48, pp. 174-179)

by Stephen V. Tracy (1979)

Greek Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 49, pp. 251-257)

by Michael B. Walbank (1980)

Greek Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 52, pp. 155-172)

by Daniel J. Geagan (1983)

Greek Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 53, pp. 369-377)

by Stephen V. Tracy (1984)

Greek Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 54, pp. 309-325)

by Michael B. Walbank (1985)

Greek Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 58, pp. 71-98)

by Michael B. Walbank (1989)

Greek Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 61, pp. 375-380)

by Gerald V. Lalonde (1992)

Greek Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 66, pp. 235-243)

by Michael B. Walbank (1997)

Greek Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora: Building Records (Hesperia 64, pp. 315-324)

by Michael B. Walbank (1995)

Greek Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora: Fifth to Third Centuries B.C. (Hesperia 51, pp. 41-56)

by Michael B. Walbank (1982)

Greek Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora: Financial and Other Documents (Hesperia 67, pp. 65-80)

by Michael B. Walbank (1998)

Greek Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora: Financial Documents (Hesperia 65, pp. 433-465)

by Michael B. Walbank (1996)

Greek Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora: Fragments of a Financial Nature (Hesperia 82, pp. 301-339)

by Michael B. Walbank (2013)

Greek Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora: Lists of Names (Hesperia 63, pp. 169-209)

by Michael B. Walbank (1994)

Greek Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora: Third to First Centuries B.C. (Hesperia 51, pp. 57-64)

by Stephen V. Tracy (1982)

Greek Inscriptions Honoring Prytaneis (Hesperia 40, pp. 308-329)

by John S. Traill (1971)

Greek Inscriptions: Theozotides and the Athenian Orphans (Hesperia 40, pp. 280-301)

by Ronald S. Stroud (1971)

Greek Inscriptions: Tragedies Presented at the Lenaia of 364/3 B.C. (Hesperia 40, pp. 302-307)

by John McK. Camp II (1971)

Greek Mouldings of Kos and Rhodes (Hesperia 19, pp. 338-369)

by Lucy T. Shoe (1950)

Greek Sculpture and Some Festival Coins (Hesperia 17, pp. 71-85)

by Charles Seltman (1948)

Greek Verse on a Vase by Douris (Hesperia 79, pp. 541-554)

by David Sider (2010)

Griffins in Post-Minoan Cretan Art (Hesperia 45, pp. 365-379)

by Nancy B. Reed (1976)

Grilles of the Hephaisteion (Hesperia 19, pp. 165-173)

by Gorham P. Stevens (1950)

Ground Stone Celts from Franchthi Cave: A Close Look (Hesperia 72, pp. 1-30)

by Anna Stroulia (2003)

Groups of Early Attic Black-Figure (Hesperia 13, pp. 38-57)

by J. D. Beazley (1944)

Hadrian's Reform of the Appeal Procedure in Greece (Hesperia 39, pp. 332-336)

by James H. Oliver (1970)

Halai: The 1992-1994 Field Season (Hesperia 68, pp. 285-341)

by Kerill O'Neill, Wendy Yielding, Julie Near, John E. Coleman, Patricia S. Wren, and Kathleen M. Quinn (1999)

Harold North Fowler and the Beginnings of American Study Tours in Greece (Hesperia 76, pp. 597-626)

by Priscilla M. Murray and Curtis N. Runnels (2007)

Harpokrates (Zeus Kasios) of Pelusium (Hesperia 15, pp. 51-59)

by Campbell Bonner (1946)

Hellenistic Discoveries at Tel Dor, Israel (Hesperia 72, pp. 121-145)

by Andrew Stewart and S. Rebecca Martin (2003)

Hellenistic Freestanding Sculpture from the Athenian Agora, Part 1: Aphrodite (Hesperia 81, pp. 267-342)

by Andrew Stewart (2012)

Hellenistic Glass Vessels from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 30, pp. 380-392)

by Gladys Davidson Weinberg (1961)

Hera, the Sphinx? (Hesperia 13, pp. 353-360)

by Dorothy Kent Hill (1944)

Herakles and the Hydra in Athens in the First Half of the Sixth Century B.C. (Hesperia 58, pp. 99-113)

by Majorie Susan Venit (1989)

Herakles and Theseus on a Red-Figured Louterion (Hesperia 31, pp. 330-368)

by Brian B. Shefton (1962)

Herakles and Theseus on a Red-Figured Louterion - Addenda et Corrigenda (Hesperia 31, pp. 414-415)

by Brian B. Shefton (1962)

Hero Cults in the Corinthian Agora (Hesperia 11, pp. 128-161)

by Oscar Broneer (1942)

Hero Warriors from Corinth and Lakonia (Hesperia 66, pp. 245-260)

by Gina Salapata (1997)

Herodotos and the Abacus (Hesperia 26, pp. 271-287)

by Mabel Lang (1957)

Hesperides and Heroes: A Note on the Three-Figure Reliefs (Hesperia 33, pp. 76-82)

by Evelyn B. Harrison (1964)

Hidden Pictures on a Boiotian Calyx Krater in Zurich (Hesperia 84, pp. 533-551)

by Christina Avronidaki (2015)

Hieron: The Ancient Sanctuary at the Mouth of the Black Sea (Hesperia 77, pp. 655-709)

by Alfonso Moreno (2008)

Hippokrates Son of Anaxileos (Hesperia 49, pp. 289-293)

by H. A. Shapiro (1980)

Homer and Oral Techniques (Hesperia 38, pp. 159-168)

by Mabel L. Lang (1969)

Homer, Hesiod and the Achaean Heritage of Oral Poetry (Hesperia 29, pp. 177-197)

by James A. Notopoulos (1960)

Homeric Towns in East Lokris: Problems of Identification (Hesperia 62, pp. 115-127)

by Fanouria Dakoronia (1993)

Honors for Antioch of the Chysaoreans (Hesperia 47, pp. 49-57)

by Robert L. Pounder (1978)

Honors for Parianos of Issa and His Sons Athenodoros and Ikesios (Hesperia 42, pp. 334-339)

by Michael B. Walbank (1973)

Honors for Phanosthenes, Antiochides and their Associates (Hesperia 45, pp. 289-295)

by Michael B. Walbank (1976)

Honors to a Librarian (Hesperia 35, pp. 377-380)

by Alison Frantz (1966)

Hoplon, An Athenian Archon of the Third Century B.C. (Hesperia 40, pp. 109-111)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1971)

How Schliemann Smuggled "Priam's Treasure" from the Troad to Athens (Hesperia 57, pp. 273-277)

by David A. Traill (1988)

How the Corinthians Manufactured Their First Roof Tiles (Hesperia 78, pp. 195-229)

by Philip Sapirstein (2009)

How the Parthenos was Made (Hesperia 26, pp. 350-361)

by Gorham P. Stevens (1957)

HP 2310: A Lakonian Kylix from Halieis (Hesperia 45, pp. 240-252)

by Wolf W. Rudolph (1976)

Human Figures and Narrative in Later Protocorinthian Vase Painting (Hesperia 64, pp. 163-177)

by J. L. Benson (1995)

Hunting the Eschata: An Imagined Persian Empire on the Lekythos of Xenophantos (Hesperia 78, pp. 455-480)

by Hallie Malcolm Franks (2009)

Hydraulic Euergetism: American Archaeology and Waterworks in Early-20th-Century Greece (Hesperia 82, pp. 101-130)

by Betsey A. Robinson (2013)

Hydria-Fragments in Corinth (Hesperia 24, pp. 305-319)

by J. D. Beazley (1955)

Hymettiana I (Hesperia 54, pp. 257-270)

by Merle K. Langdon (1985)

Hymettiana III: The Boundary Markers of Alepovouni (Hesperia 68, pp. 481-508)

by Merle K. Langdon (1999)

I.G., I2, 95, and the Ostracism of Hyperbolus (Hesperia 18, pp. 78-83)

by A. G. Woodhead (1949)

I.G., II 2, 1477 and 3046 Rediscovered (Hesperia 40, pp. 448-458)

by Stephen N. Koumanoudes and S. G. Miller (1971)

I.G., II2, 1006 and 1301 (Hesperia 41, pp. 185-191)

by Oscar Reinmuth (1972)

Iamblichos at Athens (Hesperia 33, pp. 63-68)

by A. E. Raubitschek (1964)

IG I3 1055 B and the Boundary of Melite and Kollytos (Hesperia 75, pp. 83-119)

by Gerald V. Lalonde (2006)

IG II2 1195 and Agathe Tyche in Attica (Hesperia 63, pp. 241-244)

by Stephen V. Tracy (1994)

IG V 1, 16 and the Gerousia of Roman Sparta (Hesperia 61, pp. 193-202)

by Nigel M. Kennell (1992)

Ikarion in Attica: 1888-1981 (Hesperia 51, pp. 1-18)

by William R. Biers and Thomas D. Boyd (1982)

In the Crypt under the North Portico of the Erechtheum (Hesperia 27, pp. 161-162)

by Leicester B. Holland and Marian H. McAllister (1958)

Indirect Tradition in Thucydides (Hesperia 23, pp. 185-231)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1954)

Inscribed Lead Tablets from the Games in the Sanctuary of Poseidon (Hesperia 63, pp. 111-126)

by David R. Jordan (1994)

Inscribed Silver Plate from Tomb II at Vergina: Chronological Implications (Hesperia 77, pp. 335-358)

by David W. J. Gill (2008)

Inscription from Attica (Hesperia 19, pp. 25-30)

by M. T. Mitsos and Eugene Vanderpool (1950)

Inscriptions and Iconography in the Monuments of the Thracian Rider (Hesperia 71, pp. 209-229)

by Nora Dimitrova (2002)

Inscriptions at Corinth (Hesperia 46, pp. 178-198)

by Thomas R. Martin (1977)

Inscriptions from Athens (Hesperia 16, pp. 262-266)

by Markellos T. Mitsos (1947)

Inscriptions from Athens (Hesperia 22, pp. 177-181)

by Markellos Mitsos and Eugene Vanderpool (1953)

Inscriptions from Attica, Addendum (Hesperia 19, pp. 391)

by Markellos T. Mitsos and Eugene Vanderpool (1950)

Inscriptions from Beroea (Hesperia 13, pp. 23-29)

by J. M. R. Cormack (1944)

Inscriptions from Nemea (Hesperia 35, pp. 320-330)

by Donald W. Bradeen (1966)

Inscriptions from Nemea (Hesperia 37, pp. 381-385)

by Daniel J. Geagan (1968)

Inscriptions from Palairos (Hesperia 46, pp. 277-281)

by John McK. Camp II (1977)

Inscriptions from Panakton (Hesperia 90, pp. 281-337)

by Mark Munn (2021)

Inscriptions from Phlius (Hesperia 5, pp. 235-246)

by Robert L. Scranton (1936)

Inscriptions from the North Slope of the Acropolis (Hesperia 7, pp. 264-310)

by Eugene Schweigert (1938)

Inscriptions from the North Slope of the Acropolis, I (Hesperia 40, pp. 146-204)

by Ronald S. Stroud (1971)

Inscriptions from the North Slope of the Acropolis, II (Hesperia 41, pp. 422-450)

by Ronald S. Stroud (1972)

Inscriptions in the Epigraphical Museum (Hesperia 6, pp. 317-332)

by Eugene Schweigert (1937)

Inscriptions of Hermione, Hydra and Kasos (Hesperia 28, pp. 109-120)

by Michael H. Jameson (1959)

Inscriptions of Karpathos (Hesperia 27, pp. 122-124)

by Michael H. Jameson (1958)

Inscriptions of the Eastern Peloponnesus (Hesperia 18, pp. 73-77)

by Markellos T. Mitsos (1949)

Inscriptions of the Peloponnesos (Hesperia 22, pp. 148-171)

by Michael Jameson (1953)

Inscriptions on the South Slope of the Acropolis (Hesperia 16, pp. 63-74)

by Mitchell and Ethel Levensohn (1947)

Introduction: Philhellenism, Philanthropy, or Political Convenience? (Hesperia 82, pp. 1-14)

by Jack L. Davis and Natalia Vogeikoff-Brogan (2013)

Investigations at Corinth, 1946-1947 (Hesperia 16, pp. 233-247)

by Oscar Broneer (1947)

Investigations at Corinth, 1947-1948 (Hesperia 18, pp. 148-157)

by Saul S. Weinberg (1949)

Investigations at Corinth, 1950 (Hesperia 20, pp. 291-300)

by Oscar Broneer (1951)

Investigations at Corinth, 1953—A Tavern of Aphrodite (Hesperia 22, pp. 131-140)

by Charles H. Morgan (1953)

Investigations at Corinthian Kenchreai (Hesperia 36, pp. 124-186)

by Robert L. Scranton and Edwin S. Ramage (1967)

Investigations at Kenchreai, 1963 (Hesperia 33, pp. 134-145)

by Robert L. Scranton and Edwin S. Ramage (1964)

Investigations at the Heraion of Argos, 1949 (Hesperia 21, pp. 165-221)

by John L. Caskey and Pierre Amandry (1952)

Investigations in Keos. Part II: A Conspectus of the Pottery (Hesperia 41, pp. 357-401)

by John L. Caskey (1972)

Investigations in Keos: Part I: Excavations and Explorations, 1966-1970 (Hesperia 40, pp. 358-396)

by John L. Caskey (1971)

Isis Pelagia and a Roman Marble Matrix from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 54, pp. 109-119)

by Ellen Reeder Williams (1985)

Isthmia Excavations, 1952 (Hesperia 22, pp. 182-195)

by Oscar Broneer (1953)

ISTHMIA PHREATON: Terracotta Well-Heads from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 18, pp. 114-127)

by Mabel Lang (1949)

Ivory Ornaments of Hellenistic Couches (Hesperia 32, pp. 293-300)

by Dorothy Kent Hill (1963)

Jn Formulas and Groups (Hesperia 35, pp. 397-412)

by Mabel Lang (1966)

Kallias Kratiou Alopekethen (Hesperia 51, pp. 69-73)

by H. A. Shapiro (1982)

Kallikrates (Hesperia 32, pp. 375-424)

by Ione Mylonas Shear (1963)

Kallixenos the Alkmenoid (Hesperia 19, pp. 376-390)

by George A. Stamires and Eugene Vanderpool (1950)

KATAPUGON, KATAPUGAINA (Hesperia 22, pp. 215-224)

by Marjorie J. Milne and Dietrich von Bothmer (1953)

Kavousi, 1982-1983: The Kastro (Hesperia 54, pp. 327-355)

by Geraldine C. Gesell, Leslie P. Day, and William D. E. Coulson (1985)

Kavousi, 1983-1984: The Settlement at Vronda (Hesperia 55, pp. 355-387)

by Leslie Preston Day, William D. E. Coulson, and Geraldine C. Gesell (1986)

Keos and the Eastern Aegean: The Cretan Connection (Hesperia 52, pp. 361-366)

by Jack L. Davis, Elizabeth Schofield, Robin Torrence, and David F. Williams (1983)

Kephisophon's Kylix (Hesperia 36, pp. 187-189)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1967)

Kernoi from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 48, pp. 205-233)

by Jerome J. Pollitt (1979)

Khalasmeno and Katalimata: Two Early Iron Age Settlements in Monastiraki, East Crete (Hesperia 62, pp. 303-337)

by Donald C. Haggis and Krzysztof Nowicki (1993)

King Antiochus in 151/0 B.C. (Hesperia 14, pp. 58-59)

by Alfred R. Bellinger (1945)

Kiveri and Thermisi (Hesperia 31, pp. 378-392)

by Wallace E. McLeod (1962)

Kleonai, the Corinth-Argos Road, and the "Axis of History" (Hesperia 78, pp. 107-163)

by Jeannette C. Marchand (2009)

Kleophon (Hesperia 21, pp. 114-115)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1952)

Klepsydra and the Paved Court of the Pythion (Hesperia 12, pp. 191-267)

by Arthur W. Parsons (1943)

Kommos: Further Iron Age Pottery (Hesperia 74, pp. 309-393)

by Alan W. Johnston (2005)

KORONEIKA: Storage-Jar Production and Trade in the Traditional Aegean (Hesperia 59, pp. 675-711)

by Harriet Blitzer (1990)

Koroni: A Ptolemaic Camp on the East Coast of Attica (Hesperia 31, pp. 26-61)

by Eugene Vanderpool, J. R. McCredie, and Arthur Steinberg (1962)

Koroni: The Date of the Camp and the Pottery (Hesperia 33, pp. 69-75)

by Eugene Vanderpool, J. R. McCredie, and Arthur Steinberg (1964)

Koroni: The Hellenistic Pottery (Hesperia 32, pp. 109-111)

by G. Roger Edwards (1963)

Kourimos Parthenos (Hesperia 8, pp. 267-273)

by Lucy Talcott (1939)

KTL from Corinth (Hesperia 43, pp. 522-534)

by Saul S. Weinberg (1974)

Kum Tepe in the Troad: Trial Excavation, 1934 (Hesperia 45, pp. 305-364)

by Jerome W. Sperling (1976)

L'Archonte Athenien Diocles (Hesperia 16, pp. 55-57)

by Georges Daux (1947)

L'Atelier de Potier Archaique de Phari (Thasos): La Production de Tuiles (Hesperia 59, pp. 201-209)

by Jacques Y. Perreault (1990)

La Main Droite de la Victoire de Samothrace (Hesperia 21, pp. 44-46)

by Jean Charbonneaux (1952)

Landscape Histories and Terrestrial Networks in the Peloponnese: Results from the Western Argolid Regional Project (Hesperia 93, pp. 145-190)

by Sarah A. James, Dimitri Nakassis, William R. Caraher, Scott C. Gallimore, Grace Erny, Rachel Fernandez, Joseph Frankl, Alyssa Friedman, Melanie Godsey, and Machal Gradoz (2024)

LASANA: A Contribution to the Ancient Greek Kitchen (Hesperia 54, pp. 393-409)

by Sarah P. Morris (1985)

Last Men Standing: Chlamydatus Portraits and Public Life in Late Antique Corinth (Hesperia 81, pp. 141-176)

by Amelia R. Brown (2012)

Late Antique Reuse of the Blockhouse at Kephalari in the Argolid, Greece (Hesperia 91, pp. 693-724)

by Scott Gallimore, William Caraher, Sarah A. James, and Guy Sanders (2022)

Late Antique Symbols and Numerals on Altars in the Asklepieion at Epidauros (Hesperia 87, pp. 387-428)

by Christopher A. Pfaff (2018)

Late Archaic Polychrome Pottery from Aiani (Hesperia 70, pp. 183-219)

by Eurydice Kefalidou (2001)

Late Bronze Age Aiginetan Coarse Pottery at Kanakia, Salamis: A Macroscopic Study (Hesperia 88, pp. 447-525)

by Christina Marabea (2019)

Late Byzantine Paintings in the Agora (Hesperia 4, pp. 442-469)

by Alison Frantz (1935)

Late Classical and Hellenistic Furniture and Furnishings in the Epigraphical Record (Hesperia 75, pp. 561-584)

by Dimitra Andrianou (2006)

Late Geometric Grave Groups from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 29, pp. 402-416)

by Eva Brann (1960)

Late Geometric Well Groups from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 30, pp. 93-146)

by Eva Brann (1961)

Late Helladic I Pottery from Korakou (Hesperia 48, pp. 234-263)

by Jack L. Davis (1979)

Late Roman Corinthian Lamps from the Fountain of the Lamps (Hesperia 44, pp. 173-206)

by Karen S. Garnett (1975)

Law on the Lesser Panathenaia (Hesperia 28, pp. 239-247)

by David M. Lewis (1959)

Le "Craterisque" d'Artemis et le Brauronion de l'Acrople (Hesperia 50, pp. 253-263)

by Lilly Kahil (1981)

Lead-Glazed Pottery at Late Medieval Corinth: Assessing Craft Production and Trade at a Greek City under Western Influence (Hesperia 91, pp. 485-569)

by Florence Liard, Guy Sanders, Ayed Ben Amara, and Noemi Mueller (2022)

Leagros (Hesperia 8, pp. 155-164)

by A. E. Raubitschek (1939)

Leases of Sacred Properties in Attica, Part I (Hesperia 52, pp. 100-135)

by Michael B. Walbank (1983)

Leases of Sacred Properties in Attica, Part II (Hesperia 52, pp. 177-199)

by Michael B. Walbank (1983)

Leases of Sacred Properties in Attica, Part III (Hesperia 52, pp. 200-206)

by Michael B. Walbank (1983)

Leases of Sacred Properties in Attica, Part IV (Hesperia 52, pp. 207-231)

by Michael B. Walbank (1983)

Leases of Sacred Properties in Attica, Part V (Hesperia 53, pp. 361-368)

by Michael B. Walbank (1984)

Leases of Sacred Properties in Attica, Part V: A Correction (Hesperia 54, pp. 140)

by Michael B. Walbank (1985)

Leasing of Sacred Land in 4th-Century Athens (Hesperia 80, pp. 261-286)

by Arden Williams (2011)

Legumes in Ancient Greece and Rome: Food, Medicine, or Poison? (Hesperia 68, pp. 371-385)

by Kimberly B. Flint-Hamilton (1999)

Lenaion (Hesperia 34, pp. 72-76)

by R. E. Wycherly (1965)

LEON EPI LEONIDEI (Hesperia 18, pp. 104-107)

by Peter E. Corbett (1949)

Les terrescuites architecturales de Delphes vingt ans apres la publication (Hesperia 59, pp. 33-39)

by Christian Le Roy (1990)

Lesbian Wine and Storage Amphoras: A Progress Report on Identification (Hesperia 51, pp. 248-268)

by Barbara G. Clinkenbeard (1982)

Levels Taken on the Nike Bastion (Hesperia 64, pp. 383-388)

by Ira S. Mark and James C. Wright (1995)

Levels Taken on the Nike Bastion: Note (Hesperia 64, pp. 389)

by James C. Wright (1995)

Life and Death at a Port in Roman Greece: The Kenchreai Cemetery Project, 2002-2006 (Hesperia 76, pp. 143-181)

by Joseph L. Rife, Melissa Moore Morison, Alix Barbet, Richard K. Dunn, Douglas H. Ubelaker, and Florence Monier (2007)

Light-Wells in Classical Greek Houses? (Hesperia 27, pp. 318-323)

by J. Walter Graham (1958)

Lintel with the Painted Lioness (Hesperia 23, pp. 169-184)

by Gorham P. Stevens (1954)

Lizards, Lions, and the Uncanny in Early Greek Art (Hesperia 75, pp. 121-136)

by Jeffrey M. Hurwit (2006)

Local Red Figure from Corinth, 1973-1980 (Hesperia 52, pp. 137-153)

by Ian McPhee (1983)

Local Utilitarian Pottery at Ancient Corinth: Differences in Materials and Diachronic Changes (Hesperia 92, pp. 537-585)

by David Adan-Bayewitz, Kathleen Warner Slane, and Frank Asaro (2023)

Lollia Paulina, Memmius Regulus and Caligula (Hesperia 35, pp. 150-153)

by James H. Oliver (1966)

Lykos Kalos: Beyond Youthful Beauty (Hesperia 90, pp. 641-683)

by Seth D. Pevnick (2021)

M. Antonius Aristocrates: Provincial Involvement with Roman Power in the Late 1st Century B.C. (Hesperia 82, pp. 651-672)

by Jean-Sébastien Balzat and Benjamin W. Millis (2013)

Macella and Makelloi in Roman Greece: The Archaeological and Textual Evidence (Hesperia 88, pp. 283-318)

by Vasilis Evangelidis (2019)

Magna Achaea: Akhaian Late Geometric and Archaic Pottery in South Italy and Sicily (Hesperia 70, pp. 373-460)

by John K. Papadopoulos (2001)

Making Sense of Nonsense Inscriptions Associated with Amazons and Scythians on Athenian Vases (Hesperia 83, pp. 447-493)

by Adrienne Mayor, John Colarusso, and David Saunders (2014)

Many Brides: "Mistress and Maid" on Athenian Lekythoi (Hesperia 58, pp. 411-444)

by Joan Reilly (1989)

Marble Figurines from Ayia Irini in Keos (Hesperia 40, pp. 113-126)

by John L. Caskey (1971)

Marcus Porcius Cato (Hesperia 31, pp. 393-395)

by Edward W. Bodnar (1962)

Marriage Boiotian Style (Hesperia 67, pp. 323-334)

by Victoria Sabetai (1998)

Mass Production, Standardized Parts, and the Corinthian "Plastic" Vase (Hesperia 63, pp. 509-516)

by William R. Biers (1994)

Mater Caelaturae: Impressions from Ancient Metalwork (Hesperia 8, pp. 285-316)

by Dorothy Burr Thompson (1939)

Material on the Cult of Sarapis (Hesperia 15, pp. 60-72)

by Dorothy Kent Hill (1946)

Mendaian as Chalkidian Wine (Hesperia 68, pp. 161-188)

by John K. Papadopoulos and Stavros A. Paspalas (1999)

Menon's Cistern (Hesperia 43, pp. 194-245)

by Stella G. Miller (1974)

Menon, Son of Menekleides (Hesperia 24, pp. 286-289)

by A. E. Raubitschek (1955)

Messenian Dialect and Dedications of the "Methanioi" (Hesperia 59, pp. 661-668)

by Robert A. Bauslaugh (1990)

Metonic Inercalations in Athens (Hesperia 38, pp. 107-113)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1969)

Metrical Inscriptions (Hesperia 7, pp. 468-475)

by Malcolm McLaren Jr. (1938)

Metronomoi (Hesperia 37, pp. 73-76)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1968)

Mid-Third-Century Athenian Archons (Hesperia 50, pp. 78-99)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1981)

Midas, Matar, and Homer at Gordion and Midas City (Hesperia 90, pp. 27-78)

by C. Brian Rose (2021)

Middle Byzantine Pottery in Athens (Hesperia 7, pp. 429-467)

by M. Alison Frantz (1938)

Middle Helladic Mattpainted Pottery (Hesperia 33, pp. 231-313)

by Robert J. Buck (1964)

Miniature Herms Representing Alexander the Great (Hesperia 89, pp. 83-124)

by Antonio Peña and David Ojeda (2020)

Minutes of an Act of the Roman Senate (Hesperia 24, pp. 320-349)

by James H Oliver and Robert E. A. Palmer (1955)

Misanthropoi or Philanthropoi (Hesperia 11, pp. 325-328)

by Edward Capps (1942)

Molyvoti, Thrace, Archaeological Project: 2013 Preliminary Report (Hesperia 85, pp. 1-64)

by Nathan T. Arrington, Domna Terzopoulou, Marina Tasaklaki, Mark L. Lawall, Demetrios J. Brellas, and Chantel E. White (2016)

More about Ancient Metal Reliefs (Hesperia 13, pp. 87-89)

by Dorothy Kent Hill (1944)

More Byzantine and Frankish Pottery from Corinth (Hesperia 36, pp. 249-320)

by Theodora Stillwell MacKay (1967)

More Fragments of Mining Leases from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 26, pp. 1-23)

by Margaret Crosby (1957)

More Inscriptions from the Phokikon (Hesperia 33, pp. 84-85)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1964)

Mortaria from Ancient Corinth: Form and Function (Hesperia 79, pp. 555-638)

by Alexandra Villing and Elizabeth G. Pemberton (2010)

Mortgage Horoi from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 41, pp. 274-281)

by Stephen G. Miller (1972)

Mourning Odysseus (Hesperia 38, pp. 242-251)

by Dorothy Burr Thompson (1969)

Mourning on the Larnakes at Tanagra: Gender and Agency in Late Bronze Age Greece (Hesperia 84, pp. 627-667)

by Margaretha Kramer-Hajos (2015)

Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project, Part 1: The Upper Sanctuary (Hesperia 83, pp. 569-652)

by David Gilman Romano and Mary E. Voyatzis, with appendixes by Apostolos Sarris, George H. Davis, Susan M. Mentzer, Evi Margaritis, and Britt M. Starkovich (2014)

Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project, Part 2: The Lower Sanctuary (Hesperia 84, pp. 207-276)

by David Gilman Romano and Mary E. Voyatzis, with appendixes by Yanis Pikoulas and Susan I. Rotroff (2015)

Mycenaean and Cypriot Late Bronze Age Ceramic Imports to Kommos: An Investigation by Neutron Activation Analysis (Hesperia 79, pp. 191-231)

by Jonathan E. Tomlinson, Jeremy B. Rutter and Sandra M. A. Hoffmann (2010)

Mycenaean Feasting on Tsoungiza at Ancient Nemea (Hesperia 73, pp. 197-215)

by Mary K. Dabney, Paul Halstead, and Patrick Thomas (2004)

Mycenaean Lerna (Hesperia 67, pp. 125-214)

by Martha Heath Wiencke (1998)

Mycenaean Peripheries during the Palatial Age: The Case of Achaia (Hesperia 84, pp. 1-46)

by Emiliano Arena (2015)

Mycenaean Pictorial Pottery from the Argive Heraion (Hesperia 61, pp. 491-500)

by K. Demakopoulou and J. H. Crouwel (1992)

Mycenaeans on Melos? Reassessing a Late Bronze Age Ceramic Deposit at Phylakopi (Hesperia 88, pp. 215-282)

by Jason W. Earle (2019)

Mycenean Tomb beneath the Middle Stoa (Hesperia 35, pp. 55-78)

by Emily Vermeule and John Travlos (1966)

Mystic Orpheus: Another Note on the Three-Figure Reliefs (Hesperia 33, pp. 401-404)

by M. Owen Lee (1964)

Nemea Valley Archaeological Project, Excavations at Barnavos: Final Report (Hesperia 77, pp. 607-654)

by James C. Wright, Evangelia Pappi, Sevasti Triantaphyllou, Mary K. Dabney, Panagiotis Karkanas, Georgia Kotzamani, and Alexandra Livarda (2008)

Neolithic Figurines from Thespiai (Hesperia 28, pp. 344-349)

by George F. Bass (1959)

Neolithic Remains at Nemea: Excavations of 1925-1926 (Hesperia 44, pp. 251-279)

by Carl W. Blegen (1975)

Neolithic Sherds from Thespiai (Hesperia 20, pp. 289-290)

by John L. Caskey (1951)

Neolithic Tangas from Lerna (Hesperia 46, pp. 324-339)

by Elizabeth C. Banks (1977)

New and Old Panathenaic Victor Lists (Hesperia 60, pp. 187-236)

by Stephen V. Tracy and Christian Habicht (1991)

New Evidence for the Location of the Attic Deme Kopros (Hesperia 22, pp. 175-176)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1953)

New Evidence on the Attic Panhellenion (Hesperia 20, pp. 31-33)

by James H. Oliver (1951)

New Fragments of Casualty Lists (Hesperia 37, pp. 237-240)

by Donald W. Bradeen (1968)

New Fragments of Sacred Gerusia 24 (I.G., II2, 1108) (Hesperia 30, pp. 402-403)

by James H. Oliver (1961)

New Fragments of the Parthenon Acroteria (Hesperia 46, pp. 241-244)

by Ira S. Mark (1977)

New Fragments of the Parthenon in the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 43, pp. 132-155)

by William B. Dinsmoor Jr. (1974)

New Information from the Discovery of an Archaic Tiled Roof in Ionia (Hesperia 59, pp. 211-222)

by Peter Schneider (1990)

New Material for the West Pediment of the Parthenon (Hesperia 1, pp. 1-30)

by Rhys Carpenter (1932)

New Ostraka from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 37, pp. 117-120)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1968)

New Ostraka from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 86, pp. 443-508)

by James P. Sickinger (2017)

New Plans of the Early Iron Age Settlement of Vrokastro (Hesperia 52, pp. 367-387)

by Barbara J. Hayden (1983)

New Readings in an Athenian Accounting Document: I.G., I2, 337 (Hesperia 44, pp. 435-441)

by Michael B. Walbank (1975)

New Readings in I.G., XIV, 1285, II, Verso (Hesperia 42, pp. 408-415)

by Wallace E. McLeod (1973)

New Sculpture from the Athenian Agora, 1959 (Hesperia 29, pp. 369-392)

by Evelyn B. Harrison (1960)

New Wine in Ancient Wineskins: The Evidence from Attic Vases (Hesperia 61, pp. 121-132)

by Henry R. Immerwahr (1992)

Nikokrates of Kolonos, Metalworker to the Parthenon Treasurers (Hesperia 57, pp. 329-337)

by Diane Harris (1988)

North Syrian Mortaria (Hesperia 36, pp. 337-347)

by J. W. Hayes (1967)

Not Twins at All: The Agora Oinochoe Reinterpreted (Hesperia 76, pp. 717-730)

by Murray K. Dahm (2007)

Note on a Circular Monument in the Corinthian Agora (Hesperia 11, pp. 314-315)

by William Bell Dinsmoor (1942)

Note on a Samothracian Inscription (Hesperia 19, pp. 21-22)

by Glanville Downey (1950)

Note on I.G., I2, 945 (Hesperia 13, pp. 352)

by A. E. Raubitschek (1944)

Note on the Piecing of Bronze Statuettes (Hesperia 51, pp. 277-283)

by Dorothy K. Hill (1982)

Note on the Text of the Decree of Themistokles (Hesperia 31, pp. 413)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1962)

Notes from the Tins 2: Research in the Stoa of Attalos (Hesperia 71, pp. 415-433)

by Mark L. Lawall, Audrey Jawando, Kathleen M. Lynch, John K. Papadopoulos, and Susan I. Rotroff (2002)

Notes from the Tins: Research in the Stoa of Attalos, Summer 1999 (Hesperia 70, pp. 163-182)

by Mark Lawall, John K. Papadopoulos, Kathleen M. Lynch, Barbara Tsakirgis, Susan I. Rotroff, and Camilla MacKay (2001)

Notes on a Fragment of an Archaic Inscription from Dreros (Hesperia 25, pp. 69-72)

by William A. McDonald (1956)

Notes on a Water Clock in the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 46, pp. 147-161)

by Joe E. Armstrong and J. McK. Camp II (1977)

Notes on Attic Decrees (Hesperia 10, pp. 301-337)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1941)

Notes on Attic Demes (Hesperia 39, pp. 64-67)

by Wesley E. Thompson (1970)

Notes on Attic Prosopography (Hesperia 11, pp. 304-313)

by A. E. Raubitschek (1942)

Notes on Attic Prosopography: Coincidence in Father-Son Pairs of Names (Hesperia 59, pp. 459-462)

by Christian Habicht (1990)

Notes on Fifth-Century Inventories (Hesperia 35, pp. 331-345)

by Bert Hodge Hill (1966)

Notes on Inscriptions from Hermione and Hydra (Hesperia 29, pp. 87-89)

by George A. Stamires (1960)

Notes on Inscriptions from Phlius (Hesperia 22, pp. 57-58)

by G. A. Stamires (1953)

Notes on Keos and Tzia (Hesperia 50, pp. 320-326)

by John L. Caskey (1981)

Notes on South-Slope Inscriptions (Hesperia 16, pp. 75-77)

by Winifred R. Merkel (1947)

Notes on the Amphoras from the Koroni Peninsula (Hesperia 32, pp. 319-334)

by Virginia R. Grace (1963)

Notes on the Development of the Greek Frieze (Hesperia 35, pp. 188-204)

by Brunilde S. Ridgway (1966)

Notes on the Interior of the Hephaisteion (Hesperia 14, pp. 246-258)

by Oscar Broneer (1945)

Notes on the Interior of the Hephaisteion (Hesperia 14, pp. 364-366)

by William B. Dinsmoor (1945)

Notes on the Treasurers of Athena (Hesperia 39, pp. 54-63)

by Wesley E. Thompson (1970)

Numerical Notation on Greek Vases (Hesperia 25, pp. 1-24)

by Mabel Lang (1956)

Numismatic Comments (Hesperia 13, pp. 361-364)

by F. M. [Fritz] Heichelheim (1944)

Numismatic Comments (Hesperia 16, pp. 272-278)

by F. M. [Fritz] Heichelheim (1947)

Objects from a Well at Isthmia (Hesperia 29, pp. 168-176)

by John L. Caskey (1960)

Observations sur les Monuments de l'Heraion d'Argos (Hesperia 21, pp. 222-274)

by Pierre Amandry (1952)

Old and New on the Attic Phratry of the Therrikleidai (Hesperia 52, pp. 299-302)

by C. W. Hedrick Jr. (1983)

Old Discoveries from Old Athens (Hesperia 39, pp. 223-231)

by Stephen Miller (1970)

Old Phrygian Inscriptions from Gordion: Toward a History of the Phrygian Alphabet (Hesperia 38, pp. 252-296)

by Rodney S. Young (1969)

Olynthiaka (Hesperia 22, pp. 196-207)

by J. Walter Graham (1953)

Olynthiaka, 5-6 (Hesperia 23, pp. 320-346)

by J. Walter Graham (1954)

On Edict III from Cyrene (Hesperia 29, pp. 324-325)

by James H. Oliver (1960)

On the Athenian Decrees for Ulpius Eubiotus (Hesperia 20, pp. 350-354)

by James H. Oliver (1951)

On the Date of the Temple of Apollo at Corinth (Hesperia 8, pp. 191-199)

by Saul S. Weinberg (1939)

On the Road Again: A Trajanic Milestone and the Road Connections of Aptera, Crete (Hesperia 75, pp. 405-433)

by Martha W. Baldwin Bowsky and Vanna Niniou-Kindeli (2006)

One Hundred Heroes of Phyle? (Hesperia 71, pp. 377-397)

by Martha C. Taylor (2002)

Ostraka from the Athenian Agora, 1970-1972 (Hesperia 43, pp. 189-193)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1974)

Pagan Statuettes in Late Antique Corinth: Sculpture from the Panayia Domus (Hesperia 77, pp. 89-161)

by Lea M. Stirling (2008)

Painted Early Cycladic Figures: An Exploration of Context and Meaning (Hesperia 72, pp. 405-446)

by Elizabeth A. Hendrix (2003)

Palmette Stamps from an Attic Black-Glaze Workshop (Hesperia 24, pp. 172-186)

by Peter E. Corbett (1955)

Panachaeans and Panhellenes (Hesperia 47, pp. 185-191)

by James H. Oliver (1978)

Panachaeans and Panhellenes -- Corrigenda (Hesperia 47, pp. 474)

by Oliver (1978)

Panathenaic Amphorae from the Hellenistic Period (Hesperia 5, pp. 50-58)

by Sterling Dow (1936)

Panathenaic Ships: The Iconographic Evidence (Hesperia 81, pp. 237-266)

by Shelley Wachsmann (2012)

Panathenaics of Hellenistic and Roman Times (Hesperia 26, pp. 320-349)

by G. Roger Edwards (1957)

Patrons of Athenian Votive Monuments of the Archaic and Classical Periods: Three Studies (Hesperia 74, pp. 395-426)

by Catherine M. Keesling (2005)

Pausanias and the “Archaic Agora” at Athens (Hesperia 84, pp. 723-770)

by Christopher P. Dickenson (2015)

Pausanias, II, 2, 3: A Collation of Archaeological and Numismatic Evidence (Hesperia 39, pp. 326-331)

by Robert L. Hohlfelder (1970)

Pergamene Influence at Corinth (Hesperia 7, pp. 539-556)

by Edward Capps Jr. (1938)

Perikles' Portrait and the Riace Bronzes: New Evidence for "Schinocephaly" (Hesperia 60, pp. 465-502)

by Beth Cohen (1991)

Perseus, the Maiden Medusa, and the Imagery of Abduction (Hesperia 76, pp. 73-105)

by Kathryn Topper (2007)

Petrological Examination of Later Middle Bronze Age Pottery from Ayia Irini, Keos (Hesperia 50, pp. 291-300)

by Jack L. Davis and David F. Williams (1981)

Phaidros and His Roman Pupils (Hesperia 18, pp. 96-103)

by A. E. Raubitschek (1949)

Pheidias and Olympia (Hesperia 21, pp. 295-339)

by Charles H. Morgan (1952)

Philinos (Hesperia 23, pp. 68-71)

by Antony E. Raubitschek (1954)

Philinos and Menekrates (Hesperia 38, pp. 432-441)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1969)

Philokleon's Court (Hesperia 36, pp. 111-120)

by Alan Boegehold (1967)

Phoenician Lions: The Funerary Stele of the Phoenician Shem/Antipatros (Hesperia 82, pp. 459-486)

by Olga Tribulato (2013)

Phratry Shrines of Attica and Athens (Hesperia 60, pp. 241-268)

by Charles W. Hedrick Jr. (1991)

Plataia in Boiotia: A Preliminary Report on Geophysical and Field Surveys Conducted in 2002-2005 (Hesperia 77, pp. 43-71)

by Andreas L. Konecny, Michael J. Boyd, Ronald T. Marchese, and Vassilis Aravantinos (2008)

Plataiai in Boiotia: A Preliminary Report of the 1996-2001 Campaigns (Hesperia 72, pp. 281-320)

by Vassilis Aravantinos, Andreas Konecny, and Ronald T. Marchese (2003)

Playing in the Sun: Hydraulic Architecture and Water Displays in Imperial Corinth (Hesperia 82, pp. 341-384)

by Betsey A. Robinson (2013)

Pnyx and Thesmophorion (Hesperia 5, pp. 151-200)

by Homer A. Thompson (1936)

Politics and the Lost Euripidean Philoctetes (Hesperia 60, pp. 269-283)

by S. Douglas Olson (1991)

Portrait of a Polis: Lato pros Kamara (Crete) in the Late Second Century B.C. (Hesperia 58, pp. 331-347)

by Martha W. Baldwin Bowsky (1989)

Posts, Kurbeis, Metopes: The Origins of the Athenian “Documentary” Stele (Hesperia 85, pp. 323-383)

by Elizabeth A. Meyer (2016)

Pottery and Cult in Corinth: Oil and Water at the Sacred Spring (Hesperia 61, pp. 385-408)

by Ann Steiner (1992)

Pottery from a Seventh Century Well (Hesperia 7, pp. 412-428)

by Rodney S. Young (1938)

Pottery from Archaic Building Q at Kommos (Hesperia 62, pp. 339-382)

by Alan Johnston (1993)

Pottery from the North Slope of the Acropolis, 1937-1938 (Hesperia 9, pp. 141-260)

by Carl Roebuck (1940)

Pottery Groups from Tsoungiza of the End of the Middle Bronze Age (Hesperia 59, pp. 375-458)

by Jeremy B. Rutter (1990)

Pottery of the Mid-Fifth Century from a Well in the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 22, pp. 59-115)

by Cedric Boulter (1953)

PRAXIKLEES SOPHORTOU, Councillor of Erechteheis in 367/6 B.C. (Hesperia 12, pp. 88)

by J. D. Beazley (1943)

Preface (Hesperia 66, pp. i)

by Marian McAllister (1997)

Prehistoric Figurines from Corinth (Hesperia 56, pp. 233-253)

by W. W. Phelps (1987)

Prehistoric Investigations at Corinth (Hesperia 47, pp. 402-451)

by John C. Lavezzi (1978)

Prehistoric Pottery from the Isthmia (Hesperia 24, pp. 142-146)

by Esther A. Smith (1955)

Prestige and Interest: Feasting and the King at Mycenaean Pylos (Hesperia 81, pp. 1-30)

by Dimitri Nakassis (2012)

Priam's Troy and the Date of its Fall (Hesperia 33, pp. 352-380)

by George E. Mylonas (1964)

Prosopographical Notes on Athenian Treasurers (Hesperia 34, pp. 148-156)

by Wesley E. Thompson (1965)

Protoattic Well Groups from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 30, pp. 305-379)

by Eva Brann (1961)

Prytany and Ephebic Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 51, pp. 197-235)

by John S. Traill (1982)

Pylos Regional Archaeological Project, Part VII: Historical Messenia, Geometric through Late Roman (Hesperia 74, pp. 147-209)

by Susan E. Alcock, Andrea M. Berlin, Ann B. Harrison, Sebastian Heath, Nigel Spencer, and David L. Stone (2005)

Pylos Regional Archaeological Project, Part VIII: Lithics and Landscapes: A Messenian Perspective (Hesperia 79, pp. 1-51)

by William A. Parkinson and John F. Cherry (2010)

Ransom of the Athenians by Epikerdes (Hesperia 39, pp. 111-114)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1970)

Reading the Chigi Vase (Hesperia 71, pp. 1-22)

by Jeffrey M. Hurwit (2002)

Recent Excavations in the Athenian Agora, 2013-2019 (Hesperia 89, pp. 593-657)

by John McKesson Camp II and Brian Martens (2020)

Red-Figure Pottery of Uncertain Origin from Corinth: Stylistic and Chemical Analyses (Hesperia 79, pp. 113-143)

by Ian D. McPhee and Efi Kartsonak (2010)

Red-Figured Pottery from Corinth: Sacred Spring and Elsewhere (Hesperia 50, pp. 264-284)

by Ian McPhee (1981)

Red-Figured Pottery from Samothrace (Hesperia 61, pp. 501-515)

by Anastasia N. Dinsmoor (1992)

Remains from Prehistoric Corinth (Hesperia 6, pp. 487-524)

by Saul S. Weinberg (1937)

Remarks upon the Colossal Chryselephantine Statue of Athena in the Parthenon (Hesperia 24, pp. 240-276)

by Gorham Phillips Stevens (1955)

Report on the Coins found in the Excavations at Corinth during the Years 1930-1935 (Hesperia 6, pp. 241-256)

by Katharine M. Edwards (1937)

Research and Excavation at Chrysokamino, Crete 1995-1998 (Hesperia 68, pp. 343-370)

by Philip P. Betancourt, James D., Muhly, William R. Farrand, Carola Stearns, Lada Onyshkevych, William B. Hafford, and Doniert Evely (1999)

Rhamnountine Fantasies (Hesperia 30, pp. 179-204)

by William Bell Dinsmoor (1961)

Rhodian Jars in Florida (Hesperia 17, pp. 144-147)

by Virginia Grace (1948)

Ring Aryballoi (Hesperia 15, pp. 38-50)

by P. N. Ure (1946)

Roads at the Northwest Corner of the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 28, pp. 289-297)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1959)

Rock-cut Inscriptions from Mt. Hymettos (Hesperia 50, pp. 68-77)

by Josiah Ober (1981)

Roman Pottery from the South Stoa at Corinth (Hesperia 42, pp. 416-470)

by John W. Hayes (1973)

Roman Relief Bowls from Corinth (Hesperia 11, pp. 162-192)

by Doreen Canaday Spitzer (1942)

Rural Fortifications in the Region around Aphrodisias (Hesperia 92, pp. 673-721)

by Christopher Ratté (2023)

Sacrifice at the Amphiareion and a Fragmentary Sacred Law from Oropos (Hesperia 72, pp. 321-340)

by Eran Lupu (2003)

Sacrificial Feasting in the Linear B Documents (Hesperia 73, pp. 217-246)

by Thomas G. Palaima (2004)

Salpinx, Snake, and Salamis: The Political Geography of the Pella Hydria (Hesperia 82, pp. 595-613)

by Jenifer Neils (2013)

Samian Amphoras (Hesperia 40, pp. 52-95)

by Virginia R. Grace (1971)

Samikon (Hesperia 6, pp. 525-538)

by Harold L. Bisbee (1937)

Samothrace: Fifth Preliminary Report (Hesperia 21, pp. 19-43)

by Karl Lehmann (1952)

Samothrace: Fourth Preliminary Report (Hesperia 20, pp. 1-30)

by Karl Lehmann (1951)

Samothrace: Preliminary Report on the Campaigns of 1962-1964 (Hesperia 34, pp. 100-124)

by James R. McCredie (1965)

Samothrace: Preliminary Report on the Campaigns of 1965-1967 (Hesperia 37, pp. 200-234)

by James R. McCredie (1968)

Samothrace: Sixth Preliminary Report (Hesperia 22, pp. 1-24)

by Karl Lehmann (1953)

Samothrace: Supplementary Investigations, 1968-1977 (Hesperia 48, pp. 1-44)

by James R. McCredie (1979)

Samothrace: Third Preliminary Report (Hesperia 19, pp. 1-20)

by Karl Lehmann (1950)

Sanctuaries of Zeus: Mt. Lykaion and Olympia in the Early Iron Age (Hesperia 90, pp. 1-25)

by David Gilman Romano and Mary E. Voyatzis (2021)

Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore on Acrocorinth: Preliminary Report V: 1971-1973 (Hesperia 43, pp. 267-307)

by Nancy Bookidis and Joan E. Fisher (1974)

Scheibenformige Akrotere in Griechenland und Italien (Hesperia 59, pp. 251-264)

by Volker Kastner (1990)

Schliemann and His Papers: A Tale from the Gennadeion Archives (Hesperia 76, pp. 785-817)

by Stefanie A. H. Kennell (2007)

Sculptural and Epigraphical Restorations to Attic Documents (Hesperia 61, pp. 239-251)

by Carol Lawton (1992)

Sculpture from Corinth (Hesperia 50, pp. 422-448)

by Brunilde S. Ridgway (1981)

Seeing the Sea: Ships' Eyes in Classical Greece (Hesperia 78, pp. 347-366)

by Deborah N. Carlson (2009)

SEG XXI, 80 and the Rule of the Thirty (Hesperia 48, pp. 54-63)

by Peter Krentz (1979)

Selected Greek Inscriptions (Hesperia 2, pp. 480-513)

by James H. Oliver (1933)

Sella Cacatoria: A Study of the Potty in Archaic and Classical Athens (Hesperia 75, pp. 1-32)

by Kathleen M. Lynch and John K. Papadopoulos (2006)

Selling Sacrifice on Classical Athenian Vases (Hesperia 83, pp. 653-708)

by Sheramy D. Bundrick (2014)

Separating Fact from Fiction in the Aiolian Migration (Hesperia 77, pp. 399-430)

by C. Brian Rose (2008)

Separating Fact from Fiction in the Ionian Migration (Hesperia 86, pp. 379-421)

by Naoíse Mac Sweeney (2017)

Sepulturae Intra Urbem (Hesperia 20, pp. 67-134)

by Rodney S. Young (1951)

Seventh Century Sherds from the Olympieion Area (Hesperia 28, pp. 251-252)

by Eva Brann (1959)

Silver, Glass, and Clay: Evidence for the Dating of Hellenistic Luxury Tableware (Hesperia 51, pp. 329-337)

by Susan I. Rotroff (1982)

Simulacra Civitatum at Roman Corinth (Hesperia 83, pp. 315-377)

by Aileen Ajootian (2014)

Skeletal Material from Attica (Hesperia 14, pp. 279-363)

by J. Lawrence Angel (1945)

Small and Miniature Vases at Ancient Corinth (Hesperia 89, pp. 281-338)

by Elizabeth Pemberton (2020)

Sokrates among the Shoemakers (Hesperia 84, pp. 669-712)

by Robert Sobak (2015)

Some Aspects of Urbanization in Corinth (Hesperia 41, pp. 96-127)

by Carl Roebuck (1972)

Some Athenian "Cleruchy" Money (Hesperia 10, pp. 199-236)

by Margaret Thompson (1941)

Some Athenian Armor Tokens (Hesperia 46, pp. 141-146)

by John H. Kroll (1977)

Some Athenian Armor Tokens -- Errata (Hesperia 46, pp. 397)

by John H. Kroll (1977)

Some Athenian Epigrams from the Persian Wars (Hesperia 14, pp. 157-211)

by F. Jacoby (1945)

Some Attic Inscriptions (Hesperia 31, pp. 399-403)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1962)

Some Attic Inscriptions (Hesperia 35, pp. 274-283)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1966)

Some Attic Inscriptions (Hesperia 39, pp. 40-46)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1970)

Some Black-figured Pottery from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 15, pp. 120-137)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1946)

Some Boeotian Palmette Cups (Hesperia 15, pp. 27-37)

by A. D. Ure (1946)

Some Chairias Cups in the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 24, pp. 72-75)

by Lucy Talcott (1955)

Some Hittite Figurines in the Aegean (Hesperia 38, pp. 141-149)

by Jeanny Vorys Canby (1969)

Some Local Differences in the Linear B Script (Hesperia 35, pp. 295-309)

by Emmett L. Bennett Jr. (1966)

Some Remarks upon the Interior of the Hephaisteion (Hesperia 19, pp. 143-164)

by Gorham P. Stevens (1950)

Some Rhodian Amphora Capacities (Hesperia 51, pp. 293-320)

by P. M. Wallace Matheson and M. B. Wallace (1982)

Some Suggestions on Directions and a Modest Proposal (Hesperia 35, pp. 413-418)

by William A. McDonald (1966)

Some Unpublished Bronze Money of the Early Eighth Century (Hesperia 9, pp. 358-380)

by Margaret Thompson (1940)

Soundscapes of Byzantium: The Acheiropoietos Basilica and the Cathedral of Hagia Sophia in Thessaloniki (Hesperia 87, pp. 177-213)

by Sharon E. J. Gerstel, Chris Kyriakakis, Konstantinos T. Raptis, Spyridon Antonopoulos, and James Donahue (2018)

Spirally Fluted Columns in Greece (Hesperia 28, pp. 254-272)

by J. L. Benson (1959)

Spool Saltcellars in the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 53, pp. 343-354)

by Susan I. Rotroff (1984)

St. Spyridon: The Earlier Frescoes (Hesperia 10, pp. 193-198)

by M. Alison Frantz (1941)

Stamped Amphora Handles Found in 1931-1932 (Hesperia 3, pp. 197-310)

by Virginia Grace (1934)

Stamps on Italian Sigillata and the Renaissance of Aptera, Crete (Hesperia 83, pp. 503-568)

by Martha W. Baldwin Bowsky (2014)

Stemless Bell-kraters from Ancient Corinth (Hesperia 66, pp. 99-145)

by Ian McPhee (1997)

STEPHANO, Title of a Priestess (Hesperia 15, pp. 72)

by P. Maas (1946)

Stoas and City Walls on the Pnyx (Hesperia 12, pp. 269-383)

by Homer A. Thompson and Robert L. Scranton (1943)

Stone Age Seafaring in the Mediterranean: Evidence from the Plakias Region for Lower Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Habitation of Crete (Hesperia 79, pp. 145-190)

by Thomas F. Strasser, Eleni Panagopoulou, Curtis N. Runnels, Priscilla M. Murray, Nicholas Thompson, Panayiotis Karkanas, Floyd W. McCoy, Karl W. Wegmann (2010)

Stoneworking in the Geometric Period at Corinth (Hesperia 50, pp. 285-290)

by Alan C. Brookes (1981)

Strabo 10.2.4 and the Synoecism of "Newer" Pleuron (Hesperia 73, pp. 497-512)

by Michael B. Lippman (2004)

Strabo on Acrocorinth (Hesperia 38, pp. 495-499)

by Paul W. Wallace (1969)

Studies in South Attica, Country Estates at Sounion (Hesperia 25, pp. 122-146)

by John H. Young (1956)

Studies in South Attica: The Salaminioi at Porthmos (Hesperia 10, pp. 163-191)

by John Howard Young (1941)

Studies in the Chronology of Athens under the Empire (Hesperia 18, pp. 1-57)

by James A. Notopoulos (1949)

Supplemental Bibliography of Benjamin D. Meritt (Hesperia 61, pp. 291-292)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1992)

Syeris, Diokonos of the Priestess Lysimache on the Athenian Acropolis (IG II2 3464) (Hesperia 81, pp. 476-505)

by Catherine M. Keesling (2012)

Teamed Together in Death (Hesperia 34, pp. 252-253)

by James H. Oliver (1965)

Technical Observations on the Sculptures from the Temple of Zeus at Olympia (Hesperia 78, pp. 41-105)

by John G. Younger and Paul Rehak (2009)

Teisias and Theodoros: East Boiotian Potters (Hesperia 61, pp. 253-263)

by Karl Kilinski II (1992)

Teisias and Theodoros: East Boiotian Potters -- Corrigendum (Hesperia 61, pp. 290)

by Karl Kilinski II (1992)

Ten Hellenistic Graves in Ancient Corinth (Hesperia 54, pp. 271-307)

by Elizabeth G. Pemberton (1985)

Terraces, Tombs, and the Early Argive Heraion (Hesperia 61, pp. 85-105)

by Carla M. Antonaccio (1992)

Terracotta Altars from Corinth (Hesperia 19, pp. 370-375)

by Oscar Broneer (1950)

Terracotta Lamps (Hesperia 2, pp. 195-215)

by Homer A. Thompson (1933)

Terracotta Sculpture at Corinth (Hesperia 26, pp. 289-319)

by Saul S. Weinberg (1957)

Terracottas from the Necropolis of Halae (Hesperia 11, pp. 365-421)

by Hetty Goldman and Frances Jones (1942)

Terres cuites architecturales d'Argos et d'Epidaure: Notes de typologie et d'histoire (Hesperia 59, pp. 95-139)

by Marie-Francoise Billot (1990)

The "Agora" of Pausanias I, 17, 1-2 (Hesperia 43, pp. 308-310)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1974)

The "Face of Agamemnon" (Hesperia 74, pp. 299-308)

by Oliver Dickinson (2005)

The "Kottabos-Toast" and an Inscribed Red-Figured Cup (Hesperia 60, pp. 367-382)

by E. Csapo and M. C. Miller (1991)

The "Pyramids" of Argolis (Hesperia 7, pp. 481-527)

by Louis E. Lord (1938)

The "Rich Athenian Lady" Was Pregnant: The Anthropology of a Geometric Tomb Reconsidered (Hesperia 73, pp. 7-38)

by Maria A. Liston and John K. Papadopoulos (2004)

The “Wooden” Horse on the Athenian Acropolis (Hesperia 89, pp. 581-591)

by Mary R. Lefkowitz (2020)

The ΜΟΥΣΕΙΟΝ in Late Attic Inscriptions (Hesperia 3, pp. 191-196)

by James H. Oliver (1934)

The 2005 Chios Ancient Shipwreck Survey: New Methods for Underwater Archaeology (Hesperia 78, pp. 269-305)

by Brendan P. Foley, Katerina Dellaporta,Dimitris Sakellariou, Brian S. Bingham, Richard Camilli, Ryan M. Eustice, Dionysis Evagelistis, Vicki Lynn Ferrini, Kostas Katsaros,Dimitris Kourkoumelis, Aggelos Mallios, Paraskevi Micha, David A. Mindell, Christopher Roman, Hanumant Singh, David S. Switzer, and Theotokis Theodoulou (2009)

The Abacus and the Calendar (Hesperia 33, pp. 146-167)

by Mabel Lang (1964)

The Abacus and the Calendar, II (Hesperia 34, pp. 224-247)

by Mabel Lang (1965)

The Abandonment of Butrint: From Venetian Enclave to Ottoman Backwater (Hesperia 88, pp. 365-419)

by David R. Hernandez (2019)

The Acceptance of the Greek Solution for Linear B (Hesperia 87, pp. 1-16)

by Stephen V. Tracy (2018)

The Achaians in Naupaktos and Kalydon in the Fourth Century (Hesperia 58, pp. 303-311)

by Irwin L. Merker (1989)

The Acropolis of Halae (Hesperia 9, pp. 381-514)

by Hetty Goldman (1940)

The Agora Excavations and Athenian Bronze Coinage, 200 - 86 B.C. (Hesperia 45, pp. 1-40)

by Fred S. Kleiner (1976)

The Agora Mint and Athenian Bronze Coinage (Hesperia 70, pp. 127-162)

by John McK. Camp II and John H., Kroll (2001)

The Aigaleos-Parnes Wall (Hesperia 11, pp. 193-211)

by Sterling Dow (1942)

The Akanthos Column at Delphi (Hesperia 10, pp. 373-380)

by G. W. Elderkin (1941)

The Akroteria of the Nike Temple (Hesperia 38, pp. 133-140)

by Patricia Neils Boulter (1969)

The Akroteria of the Temple of Athena Nike (Hesperia 70, pp. 1-47)

by Peter Schultz (2001)

The Alkmene Hydrias and vase Painting in Late-Sixth-Century Athens (Hesperia 73, pp. 427-463)

by Ann Steiner (2004)

The Altar of Pity in the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 21, pp. 47-82)

by Homer A. Thompson (1952)

The Altars of Hadrian in Athens and Hadrian's Panhellenic Program (Hesperia 32, pp. 57-86)

by Anna S. Benjamin (1963)

The American School of Classical Studies and the Politics of Volunteerism (Hesperia 82, pp. 15-48)

by Jack L. Davis (2013)

The Ancient Circuit Wall of Athens: Its Changing Course and the Phases of Construction (Hesperia 80, pp. 71-156)

by Anna Maria Theocharaki (2011)

The Ancient Methone Archaeological Project: A Preliminary Report on Fieldwork, 2014-2017, (Hesperia 89, pp. 659-723)

by Sarah Morris, John K. Papadopoulos, Matthaios Bessios, Athena Athanassiadou, and Konstantinos Noulas (2020)

The Ancient Towers of the Paximadi Peninsula, Southern Euboia (Hesperia 83, pp. 277-313)

by Rebecca M. Seifried and William A. Parkinson (2014)

The Annex to the Stoa of Zeus in the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 35, pp. 171-187)

by Homer A. Thompson (1966)

The Arab Mosque in Athens (Hesperia 25, pp. 329-344)

by George C. Miles (1956)

The Arch Over the Lechaion Road at Corinth and Its Sculpture (Hesperia 63, pp. 263-308)

by Charles M. Edwards (1994)

The Archaic Roof Tiles at Isthmia: A Re-Examination (Hesperia 58, pp. 251-266)

by Frederick P. Hemans (1989)

The Archaic Statue of Dionysos from Ikarion (Hesperia 51, pp. 398-409)

by Irene B. Romano (1982)

The Archaic Temple of Apollo at Bassai: Correspondences to the Classical Temple (Hesperia 64, pp. 227-277)

by Nancy J. Kelly (1995)

The Archaic Temple of Poseidon at Sounion (Hesperia 85, pp. 657-710)

by Jessica Paga and Margaret M. Miles (2016)

The Archaistic Perirrhanteria of Attica (Hesperia 55, pp. 207-217)

by Mark D. Fullerton (1986)

The Archonship of Charikles (196/5 B.C.) (Hesperia 37, pp. 235-236)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1968)

The Archonship of Pytharatos (271/0 B.C.) (Hesperia 23, pp. 284-316)

by William B. Dinsmoor (1954)

The Argives at Tanagra (Hesperia 14, pp. 134-147)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1945)

The Aristoteles Decree and the Expansion of the Second Athenian League (Hesperia 75, pp. 379-395)

by Christopher A. Baron (2006)

The AROURA Project: Discoveries in Central Greece, 2010-2014 (Hesperia 89, pp. 413-474)

by Michael F. Lane, Vassilis L. Aravantinos, Timothy J. Horsley and Alexandra Charami (2020)

The Artemision Sima and its Possible Antecedents (Hesperia 59, pp. 275-283)

by Charlotte Wikander (1990)

The Asine Sima (Hesperia 59, pp. 157-161)

by Berit Wells (1990)

The Athenian Agora: Excavations of 1968 (Hesperia 38, pp. 382-417)

by T. Leslie Shear Jr. (1969)

The Athenian Agora: Excavations of 1970 (Hesperia 40, pp. 241-279)

by T. Leslie Shear Jr. (1971)

The Athenian Agora: Excavations of 1971 (Hesperia 42, pp. 121-179)

by T. Leslie Shear Jr. (1973)

The Athenian Agora: Excavations of 1972 (Hesperia 42, pp. 359-407)

by T. Leslie Shear Jr. (1973)

The Athenian Agora: Excavations of 1973-1974 (Hesperia 44, pp. 331-374)

by T. Leslie Shear Jr. (1975)

The Athenian Agora: Excavations of 1980-1982 (Hesperia 53, pp. 1-57)

by T. Leslie Shear Jr. (1984)

The Athenian Agora: Excavations of 1989-1993 (Hesperia 66, pp. 495-548)

by T. Leslie Shear Jr. (1997)

The Athenian Archon Hoplon (Hesperia 57, pp. 253-255)

by Sara B. Aleshire (1988)

The Athenian Archon Thisbianus (Hesperia 32, pp. 318)

by James H. Oliver (1963)

The Athenian Calendar of Sacrifices: A New Fragment from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 76, pp. 37-55)

by Laura Gawlinski (2007)

The Athenian Casualty List of 464 B.C. (Hesperia 36, pp. 321-328)

by Donald W. Bradeen (1967)

The Athenian Phylai as Associations: Disposition, Function, and Purpose (Hesperia 64, pp. 503-542)

by Nicholas F. Jones (1995)

The Athenian Proeispherontes (Hesperia 58, pp. 473-490)

by Robert W. Wallace (1989)

The Athenian Prytaneion Discovered? (Hesperia 75, pp. 33-81)

by Geoffrey C. R. Schmalz (2006)

The Attic Quota-List of 453/2 B.C. (Hesperia 45, pp. 280-282)

by Malcolm F. McGregor (1976)

The Attic Stelai, Part II (Hesperia 25, pp. 178-328)

by W. Kendrick Pritchett (1956)

The Attic Stelai, Part III. Vases and Other Containers (Hesperia 27, pp. 163-254)

by D. A. Amyx (1958)

The Attic Stelai, Part III. Vases and Other Containers (Hesperia 27, pp. 255-310)

by D. A. Amyx and W. Kendrick Pritchett (1958)

The Attic Stelai: Part I (Hesperia 22, pp. 225-299)

by W. Kendrick Pritchett (1953)

The Attribution of Corinthian Bronzes (Hesperia 50, pp. 101-111)

by Elizabeth G. Pemberton (1981)

The Avar Invasion of Corinth, with a Supplementary Note by Tibor Horvath (Hesperia 6, pp. 227-240)

by G. R. Davidson (1937)

The Battle Scene on Aemilius Paullus's Pydna Monument: A Reevaluation (Hesperia 85, pp. 559-576)

by Michael J. Taylor (2016)

The Bellerophon Myth in Early Corinthian History and Art (Hesperia 83, pp. 81-102)

by Angela Ziskowski (2014)

The Berlin Painter at Corinth (Hesperia 35, pp. 310-319)

by Cedric G. Boulter (1966)

The Birth of Hesperia: A View from the Archives (Hesperia 76, pp. 21-35)

by Jack L. Davis (2007)

The Bones from the Altar West of the Painted Stoa (Hesperia 53, pp. 73-82)

by Giraud V. Foster (1984)

The Bouleutic List of 281/0 B.C. (Hesperia 38, pp. 459-494)

by John S. Traill (1969)

The Bouleutic List of 303/2 B.C. (Hesperia 37, pp. 1-24)

by John S. Traill (1968)

The Bouleutic List of 304/3 B.C. (Hesperia 35, pp. 205-240)

by John S. Traill and S. Dow (1966)

The Boustrophedon Sacral Inscriptions from the Agora (Hesperia 17, pp. 86-111)

by L. H. Jeffery (1948)

The Bronze Age Flaked Stone Industries from Lerna: A Preliminary Report (Hesperia 54, pp. 357-391)

by Curtis N. Runnels (1985)

The Bronze Age Site of Mitrou in East Lokris: Finds from the 1988-1989 Surface Survey (Hesperia 77, pp. 163-250)

by Margaretha Kramer-Hajos and Kerill O'Neill (2008)

The Calendar of the Year 304/3 B.C. in Athens (Hesperia 58, pp. 297-301)

by A. Geoffrey Woodhead (1989)

The Calendar on the Antikythera Mechanism and the Corinthian Family of Calendars (Hesperia 86, pp. 129-203)

by Paul A. Iversen (2017)

The Campaign of 1932 (Hesperia 2, pp. 451-474)

by T. Leslie Shear (1933)

The Campaign of 1933 (Hesperia 4, pp. 311-339)

by T. Leslie Shear (1935)

The Campaign of 1934 (Hesperia 4, pp. 340-370)

by T. Leslie Shear (1935)

The Campaign of 1935 (Hesperia 5, pp. 1-42)

by T. Leslie Shear (1936)

The Campaign of 1936 (Hesperia 6, pp. 333-381)

by T. Leslie Shear (1937)

The Campaign of 1937 (Hesperia 7, pp. 311-362)

by T. Leslie Shear (1938)

The Campaign of 1938 (Hesperia 8, pp. 201-246)

by T. Leslie Shear (1939)

The Campaign of 1939 (Hesperia 9, pp. 261-308)

by T. Leslie Shear (1940)

The Campaign of 1940 (Hesperia 10, pp. 1-8)

by T. Leslie Shear (1941)

The Camps of Brutus and Cassius at Philippi, 42 B.C. (Hesperia 86, pp. 359-377)

by C. Jacob Butera and Matthew A. Sears (2017)

The Career of Peisistratos Son of Hippias (Hesperia 64, pp. 135-162)

by Michael F. Arnush (1995)

The Cave on the East Side of the Acropolis: The Pottery (Hesperia 5, pp. 254-272)

by M. Z. Pease (1936)

The Cave on the East Slope of the Acropolis (Hesperia 5, pp. 247-272)

by Oscar Broneer and M. Pease (1936)

The Chabrias Monument in the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 30, pp. 74-91)

by Anne Pippin Burnett and Colin N. Edmonson (1961)

The Chalkotheke on the Athenian Akropolis (Hesperia 55, pp. 75-87)

by Laetitia La Follette (1986)

The Christian Basilica Near the Cenchrean Gate at Corinth (Hesperia 12, pp. 166-189)

by Joseph M. Shelley (1943)

The Church of St. Dionysios the Areopagite and the Palace of the Archbishop of Athens in the 16th Century (Hesperia 34, pp. 157-202)

by John Travlos and Alison Frantz (1965)

The City Center of Archaic Athens (Hesperia 67, pp. 283-302)

by Noel Robertson (1998)

The City of Corinth and its Domestic Religion (Hesperia 50, pp. 408-421)

by Charles K. Williams II (1981)

The Coins of Athens (Hesperia 2, pp. 231-278)

by Josephine P. Shear (1933)

The Colonization of Samothrace (Hesperia 71, pp. 231-260)

by A. John Graham (2002)

The Colossus of Porto Raphti in Attica (Hesperia 31, pp. 62-81)

by Cornelius C. Vermeule (1962)

The Colossus of Porto Raphti Reconsidered (Hesperia 41, pp. 192-197)

by Stephen G. Miller (1972)

The Colossus of Porto Raphti: A Roman Female Personification (Hesperia 45, pp. 67-76)

by Cornelius Vermeule (1976)

The Combat Agate from the Grave of the Griffin Warrior at Pylos (Hesperia 86, pp. 583-605)

by Sharon R. Stocker and Jack L. Davis (2017)

The Comic Poet Archedikos (Hesperia 62, pp. 253-256)

by Christian Habicht (1993)

The Comnenian Portraits in the Barberini Psalter (Hesperia 13, pp. 78-86)

by Ernest DeWald (1944)

The Composition of the Amazonomachy on the Shield of Athena Parthenos (Hesperia 35, pp. 107-133)

by Evelyn B. Harrison (1966)

The Conglomerate Quarry at the Mycenaean Site of Vapheio-Palaiopyrgi in Laconia (Hesperia 85, pp. 65-90)

by Louise A. Hitchcock, Anne P. Chapin, Emilia Banou, and James H. Reynolds (2016)

The Corinth Oinochoe: One- and Two-Handled Jugs in Corinth (Hesperia 74, pp. 41-94)

by Ian McPhee (2005)

The Corinthian Altar Painter (Hesperia 16, pp. 214-223)

by Oscar Broneer (1947)

The Cult of Achilles in the Euxine (Hesperia 60, pp. 313-330)

by Guy Hedreen (1991)

The Cults of the Erechtheion (Hesperia 10, pp. 113-124)

by G. W. Elderkin (1941)

The Cultural Biography of a Cycladic Geometric Amphora: Islanders in Athens and the Prehistory of Metics (Hesperia 71, pp. 149-199)

by John K. Papadopoulos and Evelyn Lord, Smithson (2002)

The Curious Case of the Cursed Chicken: A New Binding Ritual from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 90, pp. 79-113)

by Jessica L. Lamont (2021)

The Curve of the North Stylobate of the Parthenon (Hesperia 12, pp. 135-143)

by Gorham P. Stevens (1943)

The Cyclopean Wall on the Isthmus of Corinth, Addendum (Hesperia 37, pp. 25-35)

by Oscar Broneer (1968)

The Date and Historical Significance of IG XII v 714 of Andros (Hesperia 63, pp. 309-321)

by Gary Reger (1994)

The Date of the Destruction of the Sanctuary of Poseidon on the Isthmus of Corinth (Hesperia 45, pp. 267-279)

by Ann E. Beaton and Paul A. Clement (1976)

The Date of the Pergamene Astynomic Law (Hesperia 24, pp. 88-92)

by James H. Oliver (1955)

The Date of the Temple on the Ilissos River (Hesperia 49, pp. 309-325)

by Margaret M. Miles (1980)

The Date of the Third Period of the Pnyx (Hesperia 65, pp. 263-294)

by Susan I. Rotroff and John McK. Camp (1996)

The Date of the Walls at Tanagra (Hesperia 43, pp. 260-263)

by Duane W. Roller (1974)

The Decree of the Athenian Garrisons Honoring Theophrastos, I.G. 2 II 1303 (Hesperia 2, pp. 447-449)

by William Scott Ferguson and Sterling Dow (1933)

The Decrees of Kallias (Hesperia 16, pp. 279-286)

by H. T. Wade-Gery and Benjamin D. Meritt (1947)

The Defense Network in the Chora of Mantineia (Hesperia 87, pp. 451-495)

by Matthew P. Maher and Alistair Mowat (2018)

The Demes of Eretria (Hesperia 16, pp. 115-146)

by William Wallace (1947)

The Departure of the Argonauts on the Dinos Painter's Bell Krater in Gela (Hesperia 76, pp. 347-357)

by John H. Oakley (2007)

The Die Used for Amphora Stamps (Hesperia 4, pp. 421-429)

by Virginia Grace (1935)

The Dipylon Oinochoe Graffito: Text or Decoration? (Hesperia 86, pp. 423-442)

by Natasha M. Binek (2017)

The Drunken Herakles: A New Angle on an Unstable Subject (Hesperia 51, pp. 321-328)

by Richard Nicholls (1982)

The Durres Regional Archaeological Project: Archaeological Survey in the Territory of Epidamnus/Dyrrachium in Albania (Hesperia 72, pp. 41-119)

by Jack L. Davis, Afrim Hoti, Iris Pojani, Sharon R. Stocker, Aaron D. Wolpert, Phoebe E. Acheson, and John W. Hayes (2003)

The Earliest Settlements at Eutresis, Supplementary Excavations, 1958 (Hesperia 29, pp. 126-167)

by John L. and Elizabeth G. Caskey (1960)

The Early Helladic Period in the Argolid (Hesperia 29, pp. 285-303)

by John L. Caskey (1960)

The Early Iron Age Pottery from the Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore at Corinth (Hesperia 68, pp. 55-134)

by Christopher A. Pfaff (1999)

The East Wing of the Palace of Mycenae (Hesperia 35, pp. 419-426)

by George E. Mylonas (1966)

The Eastern Korinthia Archaeological Survey: Integrated methods for a Dynamic Landscape (Hesperia 75, pp. 453-523)

by Thomas F. Tartaron, Timothy E. Gregory, Daniel J. Pullen, Jay S. Noller, Richard M. Rothaus, Joseph L. Rife, Lita Diacopoulos, Robert L. Schon, William R. Caraher, David K. Pettegrew, and Dimitri Nakassis (2006)

The Economic Policy of Solon (Hesperia 14, pp. 230-245)

by J. G. Milne (1945)

The Economy of Gratitude in Democratic Athens (Hesperia 87, pp. 55-90)

by Ingvar B. Maehle (2018)

The Edict of Diocletian and a Theodosian Regulation at Corinth (Hesperia 61, pp. 223-226)

by Erkki Sironen (1992)

The Egyptian Gods in Attica: Some Epigraphical Evidence (Hesperia 34, pp. 125-130)

by J. J. Pollitt (1965)

The Eleusinian Endowment (Hesperia 21, pp. 381-399)

by James H. Oliver (1952)

The End of the Archaic Style (Hesperia 38, pp. 205-212)

by Charles H. Morgan (1969)

The End of the Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore on Acrocorinth (Hesperia 77, pp. 465-496)

by Kathleen Warner Slane (2008)

The End of Winter in Thucydides (Hesperia 33, pp. 228-230)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1964)

The Entrance to the Areopagus (Hesperia 22, pp. 129)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1953)

The Ependytes in Classical Athens (Hesperia 58, pp. 313-329)

by Margaret C. Miller (1989)

The Ephebic Inscription, Athenian Agora I 286 (Hesperia 24, pp. 220-239)

by O. W. Reinmuth (1955)

The Epistle of Claudius which Mentions the Proconsul Junius Gallio (Hesperia 40, pp. 239-240)

by James H. Oliver (1971)

The Eponymous Archons of Athens from 159/8 to 141/0 B.C. (Hesperia 57, pp. 237-247)

by Christian Habicht (1988)

The Eponyms Named On Rhodian Amphora Stamps (Hesperia 22, pp. 116-128)

by Virgina R. Grace (1953)

The Evolution of Settlement in the Southern Argolid, Greece: An Economic Explanation (Hesperia 56, pp. 303-334)

by Curtis N. Runnels and Tjeerd H. Van Andel (1987)

The Evolution of the Pan Painter's Artistic Style (Hesperia 75, pp. 435-451)

by Amy C. Smith (2006)

The Excavation of Archaic Houses at Azoria in 2005-2006 (Hesperia 80, pp. 431-489)

by Donald C. Haggis, Margaret S. Mook, Rodney D. Fitzsimons, C. Margaret Scarry, and Lynn M. Snyder (2011)

The Excavation of Chrysokamino-Chomatas: A Preliminary Report (Hesperia 79, pp. 465-498)

by Cheryl R. Floyd and Philip P. Betancourt (2010)

The Excavation of the Athenian Agora, 1940-46 (Hesperia 16, pp. 193-213)

by Homer A. Thompson (1947)

The Excavation of the Athenian Agora, Twelfth Season: 1947 (Hesperia 17, pp. 149-196)

by Homer A. Thompson (1948)

The Fabric of the City: Imaging Textile Production in Classical Athens (Hesperia 77, pp. 283-334)

by Sheramy D. Bundrick (2008)

The Farm of Timesios: Rock-cut Inscriptions in South Attica (Hesperia 46, pp. 162-177)

by Merle K. Langdon and L. Vance Watrous (1977)

The Festival of Dionysos in Ikarion: A New Study of IG I3 254 (Hesperia 84, pp. 97-147)

by Peter Wilson (2015)

The Fifth-Century Archon List (Hesperia 32, pp. 187-208)

by Donald W. Bradeen (1963)

The First Doric Temple in Sicily, Its Builder, and IG XIV 1 (Hesperia 90, pp. 411-477)

by Philip Sapirstein (2021)

The First Half of a Bouleutai List of the Fourth Century B.C. (Hesperia 30, pp. 30-57)

by S. Charitonides (1961)

The First Wheelmade Pottery at Lerna: Wheel-Thrown or Wheel-Fashioned? (Hesperia 81, pp. 343-381)

by Maria Choleva (2012)

The Foot of Sarapis (Hesperia 13, pp. 58-77)

by Sterling Dow and Frieda S. Upson (1944)

The Form of the Orchestra in the Early Greek Theater (Hesperia 43, pp. 428-440)

by Elizabeth Gebhard (1974)

The Fortress Of Eleutherai: New Insights from Survey, Architecture, and Epigraphy (Hesperia 89, pp. 475-548)

by Sylvian Fachard, Sarah C. Murray, Alex R. Knodell and Kalliopi Papangeli (2020)

The Fountain at Hadji Mustapha (Hesperia 36, pp. 193-195)

by Pierre A. MacKay (1967)

The Fourth-century Skene of the Theater of Dionysos at Athens (Hesperia 55, pp. 421-438)

by Rhys F. Townsend (1986)

The Funerary Monument for the Argives Who Fell at Tanagra (IG I3 1149): A New Fragment (Hesperia 81, pp. 585-617)

by Nikolaos Papazarkadas and Dimitris Sourlas (2012)

The Garden of Hephaistos (Hesperia 6, pp. 396-425)

by Dorothy Burr Thompson (1937)

The Geledakis Painter (Hesperia 25, pp. 73-77)

by D. A. Amyx (1956)

The Geographical Distribution of Greek and Roman Ionic Bases (Hesperia 38, pp. 186-204)

by Lucy Shoe Meritt (1969)

The Glass from Tarrha (Hesperia 29, pp. 109-117)

by Thomas S. Buechner (1960)

The Gods on the East Frieze of the Parthenon (Hesperia 53, pp. 289-342)

by Ira S. Mark (1984)

The Gold Necklace from the Grave of the Griffin Warrior at Pylos (Hesperia 87, pp. 611-632)

by Jack L. Davis and Sharon R. Stocker (2018)

The Golden Nikai Reconsidered (Hesperia 13, pp. 173-209)

by Dorothy Burr Thompson (1944)

The Grave of Maria, Wife of Euplous: A Christian Epitaph Reconsidered (Hesperia 75, pp. 267-288)

by Mary E. Hoskin Walbank and Michael B. Walbank (2006)

The Grave of Posthon at Sounion (Hesperia 54, pp. 145-148)

by Merle K. Langdon (1985)

The Grave of the Griffin Warrior at Pylos: Construction, Burial, and Aftermath (Hesperia 91, pp. 211-250)

by Sharon R. Stocker, Calla McNamee, Salvatore Vitale, Panayiotis Karkanas, and Jack L. Davis (2022)

The Gravestone of Socrates' Friend, Lysis (Hesperia 53, pp. 355-360)

by Ronald S. Stroud (1984)

The Greek Cult of The Nymphs at Corinth (Hesperia 85, pp. 711-777)

by Theodora Kopestonsky (2016)

The Griffin and Lion Ivory Pyxis Lid from the Grave of the Griffin Warrior at Pylos (Hesperia 93, pp. 1-27)

by Jack L. Davis, Sharon R. Stocker, and Joan Aruz (2024)

The Gymnasium Area at Corinth, 1969-1970 (Hesperia 41, pp. 1-42)

by James Wiseman (1972)

The Hadrianic Year of the Council at Athens (Hesperia 43, pp. 460-466)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1974)

The Head of Herakles in the Pediment of the Old Athena Temple (Hesperia 8, pp. 91-100)

by Oscar Broneer (1939)

The Hekatompedon Inventories, 414/3-411/0 (Hesperia 34, pp. 298-309)

by Wesley E. Thompson (1965)

The Hephaisteion in Athens: Its Date and Design (Hesperia 93, pp. 191-250)

by Margaret M. Miles and Kathleen M. Lynch (2024)

The Hero on a Sandal (Hesperia 10, pp. 381-387)

by G. W. Elderkin (1941)

The Heroes of Phyle (Hesperia 10, pp. 284-295)

by A. E. Raubitschek (1941)

The Identity of the "Wool-Workers" in the Attic Manumissions (Hesperia 78, pp. 367-386)

by Kelly L. Wrenhaven (2009)

The Inscriptions (Hesperia 2, pp. 149-169)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1933)

The Inscriptions (Hesperia 3, pp. 1-114)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1934)

The Inscriptions in the Hephaisteion (Hesperia 38, pp. 114-118)

by Wesley E. Thompson (1969)

The Intercalary Year 157/6 B.C. (Hesperia 16, pp. 224)

by John H. Kent (1947)

The Internal Colonnade of the Hephaisteion (Hesperia 37, pp. 159-177)

by William Bell Dinsmoor (1968)

The Introduction of the Moldmade Bowl Revisited: Tracking a Hellenistic Innovation (Hesperia 75, pp. 357-378)

by Susan I. Rotroff (2006)

The Isthmian Dossier of P. Licinius Priscus Juventianus (Hesperia 58, pp. 349-360)

by Daniel J. Geagan (1989)

The Kneeling Boy (Hesperia 6, pp. 426-441)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1937)

The Lapis Primus and the Older Parthenon (Hesperia 80, pp. 657-675)

by Margaret M. Miles (2011)

The Last Mycenaeans at Corinth (Hesperia 48, pp. 348-392)

by Jeremy Rutter (1979)

The Late Neolithic in the Eastern Aegean: Excavations at Gülpınar in the Troad (Hesperia 75, pp. 289-315)

by Turan Takaoglu (2006)

The Late Roman Wall at Corinth (Hesperia 48, pp. 264-280)

by Timothy E. Gregory (1979)

The Law of Epikrates of 354/3 B.C. (Hesperia 90, pp. 685-746)

by M. B. Richardson (2021)

The Lawcourt EPI PALLADIOI (Hesperia 43, pp. 500-511)

by John Travlos (1974)

The Leases of the Laureion Mines (Hesperia 19, pp. 189-312)

by Margaret Crosby (1950)

The Lechaion Cemetery near Corinth (Hesperia 37, pp. 345-367)

by C. W. J. Eliot and Mary Eliot (1968)

The Legal Arguments in Aischines' Against Ktesiphon and Demosthenes' On the Crown (Hesperia 26, pp. 129-141)

by William E. Gwatkin Jr. (1957)

The Linguistic Case for the Aiolian Migration Reconsidered (Hesperia 77, pp. 431-464)

by Holt N. Parker (2008)

The List of Archontes, I.G.2 II 1706 (Hesperia 2, pp. 418-446)

by Sterling Dow (1933)

The Lists of Athenian Archontes (Hesperia 3, pp. 140-190)

by Sterling Dow (1934)

The Local History of Hippias of Erythrai: Politics, Place, Memory, and Monumentality (Hesperia 87, pp. 497-543)

by Matthew Simonton (2018)

The Location of Nasos and Its Place in History (Hesperia 54, pp. 97-108)

by William M. Murray (1985)

The Long-Petal Bowl from the Pithos Settling Basin (Hesperia 57, pp. 87-93)

by Susan I. Rotroff (1988)

The Lord of the Gold Rings: The Griffin Warrior of Pylos (Hesperia 85, pp. 627-655)

by Jack L. Davis and Sharon R. Stocker (2016)

The Lost Classical Palaimonion Found? (Hesperia 48, pp. 64-72)

by David W. Rupp (1979)

The Lost Statues of the East Pediment of the Parthenon (Hesperia 2, pp. 1-88)

by Rhys Carpenter (1933)

The Luvian Invasions of Greece (Hesperia 31, pp. 284-309)

by George E. Mylonas (1962)

The Luxus Phenomenon I: The Taucheira Painter and Related Hands (Hesperia 67, pp. 303-322)

by Patricia Lawrence (1998)

The Marble Trophy from Marathon in the British Museum (Hesperia 36, pp. 108-110)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1967)

The Marquis de Nointel in Naxos, A.D. 1673 (Hesperia 46, pp. 257-259)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1977)

The Marquis de Nointel in Naxos, A.D. 1673 -- Erratum (Hesperia 46, pp. 397)

by E. Vanderpool (1977)

The Master of Animals (Hesperia 16, pp. 89-114)

by Jacqueline Chittenden (1947)

The Meaning of Episema in Pausanias I, 17, 1 (Hesperia 36, pp. 121-123)

by C.W.J. Eliot (1967)

The Medieval Deposit from the Northeast Gateway at the Palace of Nestor (Hesperia 82, pp. 673-731)

by Jack L. Davis and Sharon R. Stocker (2013)

The Middle Helladic Fine Gray Burnished (Gray Minyan) Sequence at Mitrou, East Lokris (Hesperia 85, pp. 243-295)

by Christopher M. Hale (2016)

The Middle Stoa Dated by Amphora Stamps (Hesperia 54, pp. 1-54)

by Virginia R. Grace (1985)

The Mondragone Relief Revisited: Eleusinian Cult Iconography in Campania (Hesperia 76, pp. 107-141)

by Iphigeneia Leventi (2007)

The Monopteros in the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 43, pp. 412-427)

by William B. Dinsmoor Jr. (1974)

The Monument of the Eponymous Heroes in the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 39, pp. 145-222)

by T. Leslie Shear Jr. (1970)

The Monument with the Marathon Epigrams (Hesperia 5, pp. 225-234)

by James H. Oliver (1936)

The Monumental Archaic Roof of the Temple of Hera at Mon Repos, Corfu (Hesperia 81, pp. 31-91)

by Philip Sapirstein (2012)

The Musical Inscription from Epidauros (Hesperia 58, pp. 51-62)

by Suzanne Bonefas (1989)

The Mycenaean Entrance System at the West End of the Akropolis of Athens (Hesperia 63, pp. 323-360)

by James C. Wright (1994)

The Mycenaean Feast: An Introduction (Hesperia 73, pp. 121-132)

by James C. Wright (2004)

The Mycenaean Northeast Kopaïs Project: A Report from Ayia Marina Pyrgos (Hesperia 92, pp. 587-643)

by Michael F. Lane (2023)

The Mycenaean Tholos Tomb at Kolophon (Hesperia 43, pp. 264-266)

by Robert Alden Bridges Jr. (1974)

The Natural and the Artificial Grotto (Hesperia 10, pp. 125-137)

by G. W. Elderkin (1941)

The Nemea Valley Archaeological Project: A Preliminary Report (Hesperia 59, pp. 579-659)

by James C. Wright, John F. Cherry, Jack L. Davis, Eleni Mantzourani, Susan B. Sutton, and Robert F. Sutton, Jr. (1990)

The Neokoroi of Poseidon Hippios (Hesperia 40, pp. 232-234)

by Wesley E. Thompson (1971)

The Neolithic Settlement on Tsoungiza at Ancient Nemea (Hesperia 89, pp. 1-65)

by Mary K. Dabney, Susan E. Allen, Anne Kugler, Anastasia Papathanasiou and James C. Wright (2020)

The New Fragment of the Fifteenth Quota-List (Hesperia 45, pp. 171-172)

by Malcolm F. McGregor (1976)

The New Homer (Hesperia 23, pp. 317-319)

by Antony E. Raubitschek (1954)

The North Slope Krater, New Fragments (Hesperia 25, pp. 345-349)

by Oscar Broneer (1956)

The Northeast Corner of the Parthenon (Hesperia 15, pp. 1-26)

by Gorham P. Stevens (1946)

The Oath of Marathon, Not Plataia? (Hesperia 76, pp. 731-742)

by Peter M. Krentz (2007)

The Odeion in the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 19, pp. 31-141)

by Homer A. Thompson (1950)

The Organization of Flaked Stone Production at Bronze Age Lerna (Hesperia 70, pp. 255-283)

by Britt Hartenberger and Curtis Runnels (2001)

The Oriental Origin of Siren Cauldron Attachments (Hesperia 31, pp. 317-329)

by Oscar White Muscarella (1962)

The Origin and Iconography of the Late Minoan Painted Larnax (Hesperia 60, pp. 285-307)

by L. Vance Watrous (1991)

The Origin and Purposes of Ostracism (Hesperia 30, pp. 393-401)

by Donald Kagan (1961)

The Origins of the Athenian Ionic Capital (Hesperia 66, pp. 209-233)

by Elizabeth P. McGowan (1997)

The Ostracism of the Elder Alkibiades (Hesperia 21, pp. 1-8)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1952)

The Panathenaic Frieze: Optical Relations (Hesperia 38, pp. 231-241)

by Richard Stillwell (1969)

The Panayia Field Excavations at Corinth: The Neolithic to Hellenistic Phases (Hesperia 83, pp. 1-79)

by Guy D. R. Sanders, Sarah A. James, Ioulia Tzonou-Herbst, James Herbst (2014)

The Pedestal of the Athena Promachos (Hesperia 15, pp. 107-114)

by A. E. Raubitschek and Gorham P. Stevens (1946)

The Pedimental Sculpture of the Hephaisteion (Hesperia 18, pp. 230-268)

by Homer A. Thompson (1949)

The Periclean Entrance Court of the Acropolis of Athens (Hesperia 5, pp. 443-520)

by Gorham Phillips Stevens (1936)

The Persian Destruction of Athens: Evidence from Agora Deposits (Hesperia 62, pp. 383-482)

by T. Leslie Shear Jr. (1993)

The Persians at Delphi (Hesperia 16, pp. 58-62)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1947)

The Phanosthenes Decree: Taxes and Timber in Late Fifth-century Athens (Hesperia 50, pp. 141-146)

by Brian R. MacDonald (1981)

The Pheidian Zeus at Olympia (Hesperia 35, pp. 166-170)

by Gisela M. A. Richter (1966)

The Philinna Papyrus and the Gold Tablet from the Vigna Codini (Hesperia 13, pp. 349-351)

by Campbell Bonner (1944)

The Philites Stele (SIG3 284 = IEK 503) (Hesperia 48, pp. 281-293)

by A. J. [Andrew] Heisserer (1979)

The Phokikon (Hesperia 32, pp. 213-225)

by Edward French and Eugene Vanderpool (1963)

The Phokikon and the Hero Archegetes (Hesperia 66, pp. 193-207)

by Jeremy McInerney (1997)

The Phrearrhian Lex Sacra: An Interpretation (Hesperia 67, pp. 91-107)

by Robert M. Simms (1998)

The Place of Publication of the Ephebic Oath and the “Oath of Plataia” (Hesperia 82, pp. 263-276)

by Danielle L. Kellogg (2013)

The Pnyx in Athens (Hesperia 1, pp. 90-217)

by K. Kourouniotes and H. A. Thompson (1932)

The Pomegranate Vase: Its Origins and Continuity (Hesperia 58, pp. 397-410)

by Sara A. Immerwahr (1989)

The Pottery from the North Slope of the Acropolis (Hesperia 4, pp. 214-302)

by Mary Zelia Pease (1935)

The Pottery from the Pyramids (Hesperia 7, pp. 528-538)

by Robert L. Scranton (1938)

The Preambles of Athenian Decrees Containing Lists of Symproedroi (Hesperia 32, pp. 335-365)

by Sterling Dow (1963)

The Prehistoric Pottery on the North Slope of the Acropolis, 1937 (Hesperia 6, pp. 539-570)

by Hazel D. Hansen (1937)

The Prehistoric Remains of the Acropolis at Halieis: A Final Report (Hesperia 69, pp. 133-187)

by Daniel J. Pullen (2000)

The Priniatikos Pyrgos Project: Preliminary Report on the Rescue Excavation of 2005-2006 (Hesperia 81, pp. 507-584)

by Barbara J. Hayden and Metaxia Tsipopoulou (2012)

The Progress of the First Campaign of Excavation in 1931 (Hesperia 2, pp. 96-109)

by T. Leslie Shear (1933)

The Protogeometric Cemetery at Nea Ionia, 1949 (Hesperia 30, pp. 147-178)

by Evelyn Lord Smithson (1961)

The Provenance of Lead Used at Ayia Irini, Keos (Hesperia 53, pp. 389-406)

by Noel H. Gale, Z. A. Stos-Gale, and J. L. Davis (1984)

The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project, Part I: Overview and the Archaeological Survey (Hesperia 66, pp. 391-494)

by J. L. Davis, Susan E. Alcock, John Bennet, Yannos G. Lolos, and Cynthia W. Shelmerdine (1997)

The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project, Part II: Landscape Evolution and Site Preservation (Hesperia 66, pp. 549-641)

by Eberhard Zangger, Michael E. Timpson, Sergei B. Yazvenko, Falko Kuhnke, and Jost Knauss (1997)

The Question of Tribute in 449/8 B.C. (Hesperia 14, pp. 212-229)

by H. T. Wade-Gery (1945)

The Recovery of Helen (Hesperia 27, pp. 47-73)

by Paul A. Clement (1958)

The Rectangular Rock-cut Shaft (Hesperia 7, pp. 363-411)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1938)

The Rectangular Rock-Cut Shaft (Hesperia 15, pp. 265-336)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1946)

The Reminting of Athenian Silver Coinage, 353 B.C. (Hesperia 80, pp. 229-259)

by John H. Kroll (2011)

The Restoration of Sanctuaries in Attica, II (Hesperia 46, pp. 282-298)

by Gerald R. Culley (1977)

The Restoration of Sanctuaries in Attica: I.G., II2, 1035 (Hesperia 44, pp. 207-223)

by Gerald L. Culley (1975)

The Road to Oenoe (Hesperia 43, pp. 535-543)

by James R. Wiseman (1974)

The Role of Athens in the Reoganization of the Delphic Amphictiony after 189 B.C. (Hesperia 56, pp. 59-71)

by Christian Habicht (1987)

The Roman and Byzantine Pottery (Hesperia 2, pp. 279-328)

by Frederick O. Waage (1933)

The Roman Arch at Isthmia (Hesperia 53, pp. 407-445)

by Timothy E. Gregory and Harrianne Mills (1984)

The Roman Bath at Isthmia: Preliminary Report, 1972-1992 (Hesperia 64, pp. 279-313)

by Timothy E. Gregory (1995)

The Roman Governor's Permission for a Decree of the Polis (Hesperia 23, pp. 163-167)

by James H. Oliver (1954)

The Roman Watermill in the Athenian Agora: A New View of the Evidence (Hesperia 56, pp. 335-353)

by Robert J. Spain (1987)

The Route of Pausanias in the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 18, pp. 128-137)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1949)

The Rover’s Return: A Literary Quotation on a Pot in Corinth (Hesperia 70, pp. 367-371)

by J. Richard Green and Eric W. Handley (2001)

The Sacred Gerusia and the Emperor's Consilium (Hesperia 36, pp. 329-335)

by James H. Oliver (1967)

The Salaminioi of Heptaphylai and Sounion (Hesperia 7, pp. 1-74)

by William S. Ferguson (1938)

The Sanctuary of Artemis Brauronia on the Athenian Akropolis (Hesperia 48, pp. 325-341)

by Robin F. Rhodes and John J. Dobbins (1979)

The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore on Acrocorinth, Preliminary Report II: 1964-1965 (Hesperia 37, pp. 299-330)

by Ronald S. Stroud (1968)

The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore on Acrocorinth, Preliminary Report III: 1968 (Hesperia 38, pp. 297-310)

by Nancy Bookidis (1969)

The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore on Acrocorinth. Preliminary Report IV: 1969-1970 (Hesperia 41, pp. 283-331)

by Nancy Bookidis and Joan E. Fisher (1972)

The Sanctuary of Poseidon at Isthmia: Techniques of Metal Manufacture (Hesperia 49, pp. 347-363)

by William Rostoker and Elizabeth R. Gebhard (1980)

The Sanctuary of the Twelve Gods in the Athenian Agora: A Revised View (Hesperia 61, pp. 447-489)

by Laura M. Gadbery (1992)

The Sanctuary of Zeus Hypsistos and the Assembly Place on the Pnyx (Hesperia 62, pp. 507-521)

by Bjorn Forsen (1993)

The Sarapion Monument and the Paean of Sophocles (Hesperia 5, pp. 91-122)

by James H. Oliver (1936)

The Sarcophagus of Sidamara (Hesperia 8, pp. 101-115)

by G. W. Elderkin (1939)

The Saronic Harbors Archaeological Research Project (SHARP): Investigations at Mycenaean Kalamianos, 2007-2009 (Hesperia 80, pp. 559-634)

by Thomas F. Tartaron, Daniel J. Pullen, Richard K. Dunn, Lita Tzortzopoulou-Gregory, Amy Dill, and Joseph I. Boyce (2011)

The Sculpture (Hesperia 2, pp. 170-183)

by T. Leslie Shear (1933)

The Sculpture (Hesperia 2, pp. 514-541)

by T. Leslie Shear (1933)

The Sculpture Found in 1933 (Hesperia 4, pp. 371-420)

by T. Leslie Shear (1935)

The Sculptures of the Hephaisteion, I (Hesperia 31, pp. 210-219)

by Charles H. Morgan (1962)

The Sculptures of the Hephaisteion, II The Friezes (Hesperia 31, pp. 221-235)

by Charles H. Morgan (1962)

The Sculptures of the Hephaisteion, III and IV (Hesperia 32, pp. 91-108)

by Charles H. Morgan (1963)

The Setting of Greek Sculpture (Hesperia 40, pp. 336-356)

by Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway (1971)

The Seventh Metonic Cycle (Hesperia 5, pp. 201-205)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1936)

The Sills of the Grilles of the Pronaos and Opisthodomus of the Parthenon (Hesperia 11, pp. 354-364)

by Gorham P. Stevens (1942)

The Six's Technique in Boiotia: Regional Experiments in Technique and Iconography (Hesperia 87, pp. 311-385)

by Victoria Sabetai and Christina Avronidaki (2018)

The Sixth Century Laws from Eretria (Hesperia 33, pp. 381-391)

by Eugene Vanderpool and W. P. Wallace (1964)

The Skeletons of Lerna Hollow (Hesperia 42, pp. 340-351)

by Al B. Wesolowsky (1973)

The Slavonic Threat to Greece Circa 580: Some Evidence from Athens (Hesperia 31, pp. 134-157)

by D. M. Metcalf (1962)

The South Basilica at Polis on Cyprus (Hesperia 88, pp. 319-364)

by William Caraher, R. Scott Moore and Amy Papalexandrou (2019)

The South Stoa at Corinth and Its Wells (Hesperia 91, pp. 385-483)

by Kathleen Warner Slane (2022)

The South Stoa at Corinth: New Evidence and Interpretations (Hesperia 88, pp. 155-214)

by Sarah A. James (2019)

The Statuary of Asklepios from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 87, pp. 545-610)

by Brian Martens (2018)

The Statue of the Damaskenos at the American School at Athens (Hesperia 34, pp. 273-297)

by Sterling Dow and Cornelius C. Vermeule III (1965)

The Stele-Goddess Workshop: Terracottas from Well U 13:1 in the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 64, pp. 405-492)

by Richard Vaughan Nicholls (1995)

The Stoa Gutter Well, a Late Archaic Deposit in the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 55, pp. 1-74)

by Sally R. Roberts and Alice Glock (1986)

The Stoa Poikile (Hesperia 39, pp. 233-264)

by Lucy Shoe Meritt (1970)

The Temple Estates of Delos, Rheneia, and Mykonos (Hesperia 17, pp. 243-338)

by John Harvey Kent (1948)

The Temple of Apollo Patroos Dated by an Amphora Stamp (Hesperia 78, pp. 387-403)

by Mark L. Lawall (2009)

The Temple of Ares at Athens (Hesperia 9, pp. 1-52)

by William Bell Dinsmoor (1940)

The Temple of Ares at Athens: A Review of the Evidence (Hesperia 28, pp. 1-64)

by Marian Holland McAllister (1959)

The Temple of Zeus at Olympia, Heroes, and Athletes (Hesperia 74, pp. 211-241)

by Judith M. Barringer (2005)

The Ten Archontes of 579/8 at Athens (Hesperia 53, pp. 447-473)

by Thomas J. Figueira (1984)

The Terracotta Figurines (Hesperia 2, pp. 184-194)

by Dorothy Burr (1933)

The Terracotta Figurines from the North Slope of the Acropolis (Hesperia 4, pp. 189-213)

by Charles H. Morgan II (1935)

The Theater at Phlius: Excavations 1973 (Hesperia 44, pp. 51-68)

by William R. Biers (1975)

The Theorodokoi of the Nemean Games (Hesperia 57, pp. 147-163)

by Stephen G. Miller (1988)

The Thesmophorion in Athens (Hesperia 11, pp. 250-274)

by Oscar Broneer (1942)

The Thymaitian Phratry (Hesperia 57, pp. 81-85)

by Charles W. Hedrick Jr. (1988)

The Tippling Serpent in the Art of Lakonia and Beyond (Hesperia 75, pp. 541-560)

by Gina Salapata (2006)

The Tomb of a Rich Athenian Lady, ca. 850 B.C. (Hesperia 37, pp. 77-116)

by Evelyn Lord Smithson (1968)

The Tomb of Olympias (Hesperia 18, pp. 84-95)

by Charles Edson (1949)

The Tomb of Themistokles in the Peiraieus (Hesperia 41, pp. 451-462)

by Paul W. Wallace (1972)

The Top of the First Tribute Stele (Hesperia 35, pp. 134-140)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1966)

The Topography of Eleusis (Hesperia 18, pp. 138-147)

by John Travlos (1949)

The Topography of the Pylos Campaign and Thucydides' Literary Themes (Hesperia 80, pp. 157-168)

by Matthew A. Sears (2011)

The Towers of Ancient Leukas: Results of a Topographic Survey, 1991-1992 (Hesperia 70, pp. 285-347)

by Sarah P. Morris (2001)

The Treasurers of Athena in the Late 5th Century B.C.: When Did They Take Office? (Hesperia 84, pp. 515-532)

by Carlo Marcaccini (2015)

The Tribute Quota List of 454/3 B.C. (Hesperia 41, pp. 403-417)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1972)

The True Aglaurion (Hesperia 52, pp. 48-63)

by George S. Dontas (1983)

The University of Chicago Excavations in the Rachi Settlement at Isthmia, 1989 (Hesperia 65, pp. 57-98)

by Virginia R. Anderson-Stojanovic (1996)

The Urban Organization of Kolophon and Its Necropoleis: The Results of the 2011-2014 Surveys (Hesperia 86, pp. 43-81)

by Verena Gassner, Ulrike Muss, Benedikt Grammer, Martin Gretscher and Olivier Mariaud (2017)

The Urban Scheme of Plataiai in Boiotia: Report on the Geophysical Survey, 2005-2009 (Hesperia 81, pp. 93-140)

by Andreas L. Konecny, Michael J. Boyd, Ronald T. Marchese, and Vassilis Aravantinos (2012)

The Use of Tin on Mycenaean Vases (Hesperia 35, pp. 381-396)

by Sara A. Immerwahr and Marie Farnsworth (1966)

The Victory Monument of Timoleon at Corinth (Hesperia 21, pp. 9-18)

by John H. Kent (1952)

The Vrokastro Survey Project, 1986-1989: Research Design and Preliminary Results (Hesperia 61, pp. 293-353)

by Barbara J. Hayden, J. A. Moody, and O. Rackham (1992)

The Vrokastro Survey Project, 1986-1989: Research Design and Preliminary Results -- Corrigenda (Hesperia 61, pp. 446)

by Barbara J., Hayden, J. A. Moody, and O. Rackham (1992)

The Vrysoula Classical Deposit from Ancient Corinth (Hesperia 39, pp. 265-307)

by Elizabeth Gummey Pemberton (1970)

The Walls Inscribed with Nikomakhos' Law Code (Hesperia 30, pp. 58-73)

by Sterling Dow (1961)

The Year of Archippos at Athens (318/7) B.C. (Hesperia 45, pp. 173)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1976)

The Year of Neaichmos (320/19 B.C.) (Hesperia 32, pp. 425-438)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1963)

The Year of Neaichmos (320/19 B.C.) - Addendum (Hesperia 32, pp. 439)

by Benjamin D. Meritt, (1963)

Thebes at the Time of the Catalans: A Deposit between the Ismenion Hill and the Elektra Gate (Hesperia 89, pp. 757-831)

by Fotini Kondyli, Stephanie Larson, Julian Baker, Florence Liard, Kevin Daly, Alexandra Charami, and Vassilis Aravantinos (2020)

Thee Centuries of Hellenistic Terracottas, Part III: The Late Third Century B.C. (Hesperia 32, pp. 276-292)

by Dorothy Burr Thompson (1963)

Thera on I.G., II2, 43 (Hesperia 36, pp. 102-104)

by John E. Coleman and Donald W. Bradeen (1967)

THERMAUSTIS, etc. (Hesperia 27, pp. 324-327)

by George A. Stamires (1958)

Thermika and Panaitolika (Hesperia 16, pp. 256-261)

by Markellos T. Mitsos (1947)

Thespian Inscriptions (Hesperia 37, pp. 255-265)

by Robert C. Ross (1968)

Tholos and Prytanikon (Hesperia 4, pp. 470-475)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1935)

Three Attic Proxeny Decrees (Hesperia 16, pp. 78-81)

by C. P. Loughran and A. E. Raubitschek (1947)

Three Centuries of Hellenistic Terracottas (Hesperia 21, pp. 116-164)

by Dorothy Burr Thompson (1952)

Three Centuries of Hellenistic Terracottas, I, B and C (Hesperia 23, pp. 72-107)

by Dorothy B. Thompson (1954)

Three Centuries of Hellenistic Terracottas, II (Hesperia 26, pp. 108-128)

by Dorothy Burr Thompson (1957)

Three Centuries of Hellenistic Terracottas, II B. The Altar Well (Hesperia 28, pp. 127-152)

by Dorothy B. Thompson (1959)

Three Centuries of Hellenistic Terracottas, II C. The Satyr Cistern (Hesperia 31, pp. 244-262)

by Dorothy B. Thompson (1962)

Three Centuries of Hellenistic Terracottas, The Second Century B.C. (Hesperia 32, pp. 301-317)

by Dorothy Burr Thompson (1963)

Three Centuries of Hellenistic Terracottas, VII The Early First Century B.C. (Hesperia 35, pp. 1-19)

by Dorothy Burr Thompson (1966)

Three Cistern Systems on the Kolonos Agoraios (Hesperia 52, pp. 257-297)

by Susan I. Rotroff (1983)

Three Classes(?) in Early Attica (Hesperia 43, pp. 485-493)

by Carl Roebuck (1974)

Three Heads of Sarapis from Corinth (Hesperia 54, pp. 121-135)

by Elizabeth J. Milleker (1985)

Three New Inscriptions from the Deme of Ikaria (Hesperia 17, pp. 141-143)

by David M. Robinson (1948)

Three-Peaked Antefixes from the Argive Heraion (Hesperia 59, pp. 149-156)

by Christopher A. Pfaff (1990)

Thucydides' Sources and the Spartan Plan at Pylos (Hesperia 75, pp. 525-540)

by Loren J. Samons II (2006)

Tiberius Claudius Dioteimos Besaieus (Hesperia 36, pp. 429-431)

by Elias Kapetanopoulos (1967)

Tobacco Pipes of Corinth and of the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 54, pp. 149-203)

by Rebecca C. W. Robinson (1985)

Tomb Robbers, Art Dealers, and a Dikast's Pinakion from an Athenian Grave (Hesperia 81, pp. 619-653)

by Yannis Galanakis and Stella Skaltsa (2012)

Toward a Study of Athenian Voting Procedure (Hesperia 32, pp. 366-374)

by Alan L. Boegehold (1963)

Toward Open Access in Ancient Studies: The Princeton-Stanford Working Papers in Classics (Hesperia 76, pp. 229-242)

by Josiah Ober, Walter Scheidel, Brent D. Shaw, and Donna Sanclemente (2007)

Towers and Fortifications at Vayia in the Southeast Corinthia (Hesperia 79, pp. 385-415)

by William R. Caraher, David K. Pettegrew, and Sarah James (2010)

Translation of the Rubric EK TOM ME RHETHI (Hesperia 28, pp. 165-167)

by De Coursey Fales Jr. (1959)

Travel, Pictures, and a Victorian Gentleman in Greece (Hesperia 78, pp. 421-453)

by Deborah Harlan (2009)

Treasure Records from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 25, pp. 79-121)

by A. M. Woodward (1956)

Turkish Pottery from the Agora (Hesperia 11, pp. 1-28)

by Alison Frantz (1942)

Two Athenian Grave Groups of about 900 B. C. (Hesperia 21, pp. 279-294)

by Carl W. Blegen (1952)

Two Athenian Strategoi (Hesperia 36, pp. 105-107)

by Wesley E. Thompson (1967)

Two Attic Epigrams (Hesperia 16, pp. 287-289)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1947)

Two Attic Kylikes (Hesperia 2, pp. 217-230)

by Lucy Talcott (1933)

Two Attic Letter Cutters of the Third Century: 286/5-235/4 B.C. (Hesperia 57, pp. 303-322)

by Stephen V. Tracy (1988)

Two Attic Red-figured Kraters in Samothrace (Hesperia 47, pp. 211-243)

by Elsbeth B. Dusenbery (1978)

Two Boeotian Dedications (Hesperia 29, pp. 123-125)

by James R. McCredie and Arthur Steinberg (1960)

Two Centuries of Hellenistic Pottery (Hesperia 3, pp. 311-480)

by Homer A. Thompson (1934)

Two Curse Inscriptions (Hesperia 6, pp. 382-395)

by G. W. Elderkin (1937)

Two Dedications in Athens to Archons of the Panhellenion (Hesperia 37, pp. 338-344)

by Anna S. Benjamin (1968)

Two Deposits from the Early Roman Cellar Building, Corinth (Hesperia 55, pp. 271-318)

by Kathleen Warner Slane (1986)

Two Estates of Delian Apollo on Mykonos and the Date of ID 452 + 467 (Hesperia 63, pp. 105-110)

by Gary Reger (1994)

Two Fragments of Archaic Funerary Stelai (Hesperia 60, pp. 237-240)

by Ismene Trianti (1991)

Two Graffiti from Ancient Corinth (Hesperia 61, pp. 409-412)

by Alan L. Boegehold (1992)

Two Hoplite Runners at Sounion (Hesperia 60, pp. 309-312)

by Merle K. Langdon (1991)

Two Horos Inscriptions of the Bouleuterion of the Areopagus: Epigraphy and Topography (Hesperia 82, pp. 435-457)

by Gerald V. Lalonde (2013)

Two Inscriptions from Bassai (Hesperia 44, pp. 224-233)

by Frederick A. Cooper (1975)

Two Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora: I 7571 and I 7579 (Hesperia 76, pp. 539-554)

by Kevin F. Daly (2007)

Two Inscriptions Near Athens (Hesperia 14, pp. 147-149)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1945)

Two Kimolian Dikast Decrees from Geraistos in Euboia (Hesperia 37, pp. 184-199)

by Thomas W. Jacobsen and Peter M. Smith (1968)

Two New Fragments of I.G. I2, 233 (Hesperia 34, pp. 29-33)

by Wesley E. Thompson (1965)

Two New Fragments of the Edict of Diocletian on Maximum Prices (Hesperia 45, pp. 77-97)

by E. J. Doyle (1976)

Two New Fragments of the Tribute Lists (Hesperia 41, pp. 418-421)

by Benjamin D. Meritt (1972)

Two New Lists of Athenians and Metics: Agora I 5178 (Hesperia 84, pp. 389-396)

by Michael B. Walbank (2015)

Two New Prytany Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora (Hesperia 38, pp. 418-431)

by John S. Traill (1969)

Two Notes on Athenian Epigrams (Hesperia 14, pp. 367-368)

by Antony E. Raubitschek (1945)

Two Peplophoroi in the United States (Hesperia 38, pp. 213-222)

by Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway (1969)

Two Protogeometric Vases in the Collection of the American School (Hesperia 52, pp. 357-359)

by William D. E. Coulson (1983)

Two Temples of Commodus at Corinth (Hesperia 13, pp. 315-348)

by Robert Scranton (1944)

Two Third-Century Inscriptions (Hesperia 10, pp. 338-341)

by Eugene Schweigert (1941)

Two Unpublished Coins from Patras and the Name of the Roman Colony (Hesperia 58, pp. 445-447)

by Penelope Agallopolou (1989)

Two Unpublished Inscriptions from the South Temple Area of Karanis (Hesperia 16, pp. 267-271)

by Verne B. Schuman (1947)

Tyche at Corinth (Hesperia 59, pp. 529-542)

by Charles M. Edwards (1990)

Uberlegungen zur Technischen Struktur und Formentwicklung Archaischer Dachterrakotten (Hesperia 59, pp. 291-300)

by Ernst-Ludwig Schwandner (1990)

Un Reglement Cultuel d'Andros (Hesperia 18, pp. 58-72)

by Georges Daux (1949)

Unfolding a Geometric Textile from 9th-Century Gordion (Hesperia 88, pp. 527-556)

by Samuel Holzman (2019)

University of Chicago Excavations at Isthmia, 1989: I (Hesperia 61, pp. 1-77)

by Elizabeth R. Gebhard and Frederick P. Hemans (1992)

University of Chicago Excavations at Isthmia, 1989: III (Hesperia 67, pp. 405-456)

by Elizabeth R. Gebhard, Frederick P. Hemans, and John W. Hayes (1998)

University of Chicago Excavations at Isthmia: II (Hesperia 67, pp. 1-63)

by Elizabeth R. Gebhard and Frederick P. Hemans (1998)

Urban and Rural Land Division in Ancient Greece (Hesperia 50, pp. 327-342)

by Thomas D. Boyd and Michael H. Jameson (1981)

Urban and Rural Land Division in Ancient Greece - Corrigenda and Addenda (Hesperia 51, pp. 196b)

by Thomas D. Boyd and Michael H. Jameson (1982)

Urban Survey and the Polis of Phlius (Hesperia 60, pp. 421-463)

by Susan E. Alcock (1991)

Vases and Kalos-names from an Agora Well (Hesperia 5, pp. 333-354)

by Lucy Talcott (1936)

Victories in the Anthippasia (Hesperia 43, pp. 311-313)

by Eugene Vanderpool (1974)

Visualizing the Traumatized: Athenian Images of Philomela and Prokne (Hesperia 91, pp. 63-88)

by Danielle Smotherman Bennett (2022)

Vitruvius' Arts of Architecture (Hesperia 43, pp. 494-499)

by Robert L. Scranton (1974)

vol 28, 1959, p. 322 -- Addenda et Corrigenda (Hesperia 29, pp. 417-418)

by (1960)

Votive Keimelia from Crete: Homeric Perspectives on a 7th-Century Deposit of Curated Objects (Hesperia 91, pp. 251-278)

by Florence Gaignerot-Driessen (2022)

Vrokastro: Terracotta Figures, Figurines, and Vase Attachments from Vrokastro, Crete (Hesperia 60, pp. 103-144)

by Barbara J. Hayden (1991)

Warfare in Neolithic Thessaly: A Case Study (Hesperia 78, pp. 165-194)

by Curtis N. Runnels, Claire Payne, Noam V. Rifkind, Chantel White, Nicholas P. Wolff, and Steven A. LeBlanc (2009)

Water from Stymphalos? (Hesperia 47, pp. 171-184)

by William R. Biers (1978)

When Did the Future Antiochos IV Arrive in Athens? (Hesperia 83, pp. 123-142)

by Benjamin Scolnic (2014)

Zeus Exopsios(?) (Hesperia 37, pp. 121-122)

by Richard E. Wycherly (1968)

Zum Text eines athenischen Volksbeschlusses von 304/3 v. Chr. (SEG XXX, 69) (Hesperia 59, pp. 463-466)

by Christian Habicht (1990)