Summer Travel-Study Programs
Deadline for program application(s) is January 6, 2025.
*New* One online application form to apply for any (or all) of the three summer program offerings!

Summer Session
Six-week intensive introduction to Greece from antiquity through the modern period. The program provides the most extensive exposure to Greece, ancient and modern, for participants with interests in Classics and related fields. A strong academic component with participants researching and presenting topics on site. Offers unique opportunities to interact with eminent archaeologists in the field.

Summer Seminar
Eighteen-day sessions designed for those who wish to study specific topics in Greece and visit major monuments with exceptional scholars as study leaders, and to improve their understanding of the country’s landscape, history, literature, and culture. Choose one, or both(!), seminars - seminar topics change every summer.
2025 Summer Seminars
The 2025 Seminars are:
People and Places of Ancient Philosophy (June 9 to June 27, 2025), led by Professor Geoff Bakewell (Rhodes College)
Settlers and Traders: Corinth and Its Apoikiai in W. Greece and S. Albania (July 3 to July 21, 2025), led by Professors Georgia Tsouvala (Illinois State University) and Lee L. Brice (Illinois Wesleyan University)
Testimonials from Previous Seminar Participants
Learn about the SeminarsApply to lead a summer program
If you are a scholar who is interested in leading a Summer Seminar or the Summer Session, click here to link to more information about open positions.
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