Other Exhibitions
Webpage is under development
Harris Xenos, Collage - Transubstantiation: A Dialogue with the Collection of Joannes Gennadius
February 7 to March 21, 2019
550th anniversary of George Castriot Skanderbeg’s death
Noverber 6 – 30, 2018
Reading and writing: Heinrich Schliemann and Antonios
Exhibition duration:
September 25 to October 31, 2018
History of Greek Printing
Online exhibition
Συρία. Ιστορία, άνθρωποι, μνημεία
Exhibition duration:
January 23 to March 10, 2018
Flora Graeca
Exhibition duration:
March 8 to July 4, 2016
"A Thousand Doors." An exhibition of the NEON Foundation
Exhibition duration:
May-June 2014
Picturing Anatolia. The Photographs of John Henry Haynes
11/27/2012 - 2/2/2013