
Terracotta Figurines from Drain 1971-1 in the Forum Southwest at Corinth

by Elizabeth Pemberton

Hesperia, Volume 93, Issue 3
Page(s): 381-438
Stable URL: https://muse.jhu.edu/article/937554
Year: 2024


Drain 1971-1, between Buildings I and II in the area of the later Roman Forum at Corinth, produced, in addition to pottery, stone, and metal objects, an important group of terracotta figurines, which is published in this article. These figurines show a great variety in style and type: some (for example, kore figures, banqueters, doves, a dog, and a snake stele) are typically votive, but others may have been fashioned for different purposes. The possible functions and primary contexts of these figurines are carefully considered along with the nature of the Drain deposit. A date at the end of the 4th century BCE provides an important terminus ante quem for the figurines.