Research and Permissions

If you are interested in studying and/or publishing material from Corinth Excavations, you must first contact the Director of Corinth Excavations and the Associate Director of Corinth Excavations, by sending a short description of your project and a preliminary list of material to study with publication references. Your list of objects should include the inventory number of each artifact OR the catalogue number, figure or plate number and the publication where it appears. If the material is unpublished, you will need a letter from the Director of Corinth Excavations granting you permission to study/publish. Many scholars are currently working on projects and the School preserves their right to publish this material (see Affiliated Scholars, Research and Publications). The School considers “published” any object that has a catalogue entry which has appeared in its publications, including the Corinth volumes and Hesperia. If the object is mentioned in passing or is used as a comparanda for a published object, this does not constitute publication.
Please contact the Assistant to the Associate Director with the same request and list of objects to schedule an appointment. During your visit you may take photographs for your personal use and study. You may not use these photographs for publication. The Assistant to the Associate Director will provide you with the photographs you need for publication.
You can always consult the Permits to study/publish objects page for more information.