Current Excavation

Excavations Northeast of the Theater, 2018 to present

In the 2018 excavation season, a new area of excavation was opened up northeast of the theater on a three-stremmata property purchased in the fall of 2017 (Figure 1). The decision to excavate this particular plot was based on a variety of factors, the foremost being that this part of Corinth, between the theater district to the south and the “Gymnasium” area to the north, has remained largely unexplored, though it lies only a short distance north of Temple Hill and the rest of the main excavation site. It is hoped that this area will tell us more about the urban plan of Roman Corinth and more about the nature of this particular district of the city from the time of the founding of the Roman colony to the end of antiquity. It is also hoped that excavation here will tell us more about the nature of this area in earlier periods and more specifically shed light on the question of the location of Corinth’s agora.

Read recent reports from the director:


Northeast of Theater, Excavation Team (2019)


Excavation team 2018

Northeast of Theater, Excavation Team (2018)