
The Corinth Monograph Series contains over 30 volumes and regular reports on material from Corinth appear in Hesperia, the School’s quarterly journal.
A bibliography of publications on Corinth appeared in The Centenary, edited by Charles K. Williams II and Nancy Bookidis (Corinth XX, 2003). More recent and newly discovered citations can be found in the list below.
Download the Corinth XX Bibliography (PDF)
Another resource worth attention is Corinthian Matters, a blog hosted by David Pettegrew, which regularly highlights new publications and manages an extensive library of citations on Zotero.
Additional Bibliography
added 2 December 2013
- Bertrand, A., 2010. Y a-t-il un paysage religieux colonial ? Entre prescription, mimétisme et adaptation : les mécanismes de l'imitatio Romae. Revue de l'histoire des religions - Tome 227 (4/2010).
- Bowra, C.M. 1963. “Two lines of Eumelos,” CQ 13, 145-153.
- d’Hautcourt, A. “Corinthe: financement d’une colonisation et d’une reconstruction,” in BCH Suppl. 39, 2001, pp. 427-438.
- de Cazanove, O. 1988. “La chronologie des Bacchiades et celle des rois étrusques de Rome,” MEFRA 100, 615-648. (YI 20)
- de Polignac, “Cultes de sommet in Argolide et Corinthie: éléments d’interprétation,,”in Hagg, Peloponnesian Sanctuaries (9th sym).P 119-122.
- del Fidio, P. 1992. “Un modello di ‘mythistorie’. Asopie ed Efirea nei Korinthiaka di Eumelo, in F. Prontera, ed., GEografia storica della Grecia antica, 233-263.
- Deonna, W. “L’Ex-voto de Cypsélos à Delphes: le symbolisme du palmier et des grenouilles,” Revue de l’histoire des Religion 139, 1951, pp. 162-207.
- Geagan, H. A. "Mythological Themes on the Plaques from Penteskouphia," AA 85, pp. 31-48.
- Günther, “Ðelphi im 7. Jh. v. Chr. Ein Beitrag zu den Kultgemeinschaften in den Heiligtümern des Apollon und der Athena,” Hephaistos 24, 2006, 47-57: argues that different kinds of archaeol. material and architecture coming from S. of Apollo and S. of Athena, owing to different founders: Apollo by people on Krissa plain and Corinthians, other by Thessalians et al. (Kernos 2008 p.281.)
- Hoët-van Cauwenberghe, C. 2011. “Rome et la liberté des grecs sous les Antonins et les Sévères en Achaïe romaine, ou l’art d’administrer les grecs avec délicatesse,” in Benoist, S., A.. Daguet-Gagey, C. Hoët-van Cauwenberghe, eds., Figures d’empire, fragments de memoire. pouvoirs et identités dans le monde romain imperial (IIe s. av. n.è – VIes. de n. è), Villeneuve d’Ascq, France, pp. 287-319.
- Hoskins Walbank, M. E. 1997. “The foundation and planning of early Roman Corinth,” JRA 10, 95-130.
- Hoskins Walbank, M. E. 2010. “The Cults of Roman Corinth: public ritual and personal belief,” in Rizakis, A. D. and Cl. E. Lepenioti, eds., Roman Peloponnese III. Society, Economy and Culture under the Roman Empire: Continuity and Innovation (Meletemata 63) Athens, pp. 357-374.
- Hupfloher, A. 2009. “Mantische Spezialisten im Osten des Römerreiches,” in H. Cancik, J. Rüpke, Die Religon des Imperium Romanum, Tübingen, 273-295, pp. 286-288 on Corinth
- Hupfloher, A. 2009. “Zur religiosen Topographie Heilkultstätten in der Provinz Achaia,’ in Ch. Auffarth, Religion auf dem Lande
- Kantiréa, M. 2007. Les dieux et les dieux augustes. le culte imperial en Grèce sousles Julio-claudiens et les Flaviens. Études épigraphiques et archhéologiques. Athens. Discusses early phase of imperial cult, esp. Messene and Corinth (SEG LVII 2088)
- Marangoni, C. 1977-78,”Corinto Simbolo Isiaco nelle ‘metamorfosi’ di Apuleio,” AIV 136, 221-227.
- Mason, H. 1971, “Lucius at Corinth,” Phoenix 25, 160-165.
- Miller, Molly, 1970. The Sicilian Colony Dates. Studies in Chronography I, Albany.
- Morgan, C. 2002. “The Corinthian aristocracy and Corinthian cult during the eighth century B.C.,” in Hägg, R., Peloponnesian Sanctuaries and Cults pp. 45-51.
- Musti, D. 1987. “Etruria e Lazio arcaicao nella tradizione (Demarato, Tarquinio, Mesenzio,” Etruria e Lazio Arcaico (Quaderni del Centro di studio per l’archeologia etrusco-italic15), pp. 139-153.
- Nasrallah, L. S., “Grief in Corinth,” in Balch, D. L., A. Weissenrieder, “Contested Spaces. Houses and Temples in Roman Antiquity and the new Testament, Tübingen 2012, pp. 109-140.
- Niemeier, W-D, B., A. Brysbaert, 2012. “The Olpe Chigi and new evidence for early archaic greek wall-painting from the oracle sanctuary of Apollo at Abai (Kalapodi),” in E. Mugione, A. Benincasa eds. L’olpe chigi. Storia di un agalma. Atti del Convegno internazionale Salerno 3-4 giugno 2010, pp. 79-86
- Pemberton, E. G. “Wealthy Corinth,” in Dillon, M. Religion in the Ancient World: new Themes and Approaches, Amsterdam
- Petrakos, B., «Παλαιές Ελληνικές Αρχαιολογικές ¨Ερευνες στην Κόρινθο και στην Περιοχή της, » Mentor 90, 2008, 185-195
- Pfaff, C. 2007. “Geometric Graves in the Panayia Field at Corinth,” Hesperia 76, pp. 443-537.
- Pollard, J. R. t. 1950. “A New Site on Mount Lutraki,” BSA 45, 63-65.
- Ridgway, D. “Demaratus and his predecessors,” in Greece between East and West. Papers of the meeting at the Institute of Fine Arts, New York, 1990, 85-92
- Ridgway, D. and F. R. Serra Ridgway, “Demaratus and the archaeologists,” in R.D. De Puma and U. P. Small, eds. Murlo and the Etruscans (forthcoming in 1990)
- Rizakis, A. D. 2010. “Peloponnesian Cities under Roman Rule: the New Political Geography and its Economic and Social repercussions,” in Rizakis, A. D. and
- Rizakis, A.D. “La constitution des elites municipals dans les colonies romaines de la province d’Achaie,” Salomies, O. ed. The Greek East in the Roman Context, 2001, 37-48. 37-48.
- Rolley, C. “Argos, Corinthe, Athènes. Identité culturelle et modes de développement, in BCH supp. 22, 37-49.
- Snodgrass, A. M. “The Olpe Chigi and iconography in Kypselid Corinth,” in E. Mugione, A. Benincasa eds. L’olpe chigi. Storia di un agalma. Atti del Convegno internazionale Salerno 3-4 iugo 2010, 2012, pp. 11-18.
- Stickler, T. 2010. Korinth und seine Kolonien, Klio BH 15, Berlin.
- Stroud, R. S.. 1971. “An Ancient Fort on Mount Oneion,” Hesperia 40, pp. 127-145.
- Stroud, R.S. 1971. “Thucydides and the Battle of Solygeia,” California Studies in Classical Antiquity 4, 227-247.
- Stroud, R.S. 1972. “Greek Inscriptions at Corinth,” Hesperia 41, 198-217.
- Stroud, R.S. 1991-1998. “A Corinthian Epitaph,” Horos 10-12, pp. 239-243.
- Stroud, R.S. 1994. “Thucydides and Corinth,” Chiron 24, pp. 267-304.
- Tofi, M.G. « I santuari del Potters’ Quarter di Corintho,» ASAtene 4, 2004, 209-224. (Kernos 2007)
- Will, E. Korinthiaka. Paris, 1955.