Facilities and Equipment
Detailed Equipment Inventory
- Micro-CT scanner: The Laboratory has a Brucker SKYSCAN 1273 benchtop CT-scanner. It can accommodate objects up to 300 x 500 mm in size, has a detector area of 140 x 230 mm and a maximum weight capacity of 20 kg. Voltage ranges from 40kV up to 130kV with filters of aluminum, copper and molybdenum that give x-ray transmission and optimal contrast over a tremendous range of sample types. The instrument is coupled with the Brucker 3D.SUITE software for reconstruction, inspection, visualization, and analysis of the internal structure of objects.
- Wiener Laboratory aDNA sample extraction facility: The Laboratory has prepared a laboratory area with UV sterilization cabinets that fulfills the criteria for the safe extraction of archaeological bone powder, in collaboration and under the guidance of MHAAM (Max Planck – Harvard Research Center for the Archaeoscience of the Ancient Mediterranean). The facility is designed to be used explicitly for emergency sampling of difficult to export specimens, such as complete skulls, within the framework of our collaboration with MHAAM.
- SEM/EDS: The Laboratory has a low vacuum Scanning Electron Microscope, JEOL, JSM-IT300LV, followed by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Microanalytical system, Oxford Aztec STD X-act. Versatility and high resolution across the magnification range of 5X - 300,000X are the hallmarks of the JSM-IT300LV. The system extends vacuum pressure range to 650 Pa. In low vacuum mode, this capability enhances SEM imaging versatility for samples that are wet, oily, outgas excessively or are non-conductive without pretreatment. The large vacuum chamber accommodates samples up to 300mm in diameter and 80mm in height.
- XRD: Bruker D2 Phaser X-ray Diffractometer with energy dispersive LynxEye XE-T detector (<380 eV resolution). For all X-ray powder diffraction applications and especially mineralogical and any other crystalline material identifications including metals, ceramics, plasters, mortars and sediments. It can also analyze small objects, preferably flat surfaced, up to 3cm long and 1 cm high.
- FTIR: A Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer, Thermo Scientific Model Νicolet iS5, with a spectral Range 7800-500 cm-1 is available for identification of materials and their characterization.
- pXRF: a handheld X-Ray Fluorescence analyzer, Bruker TRACER III SD, is available for determining the provenance of objects of cultural value or obtaining elemental data for geochemical survey.
- 3D Surface Scanner: The Laboratory has an Artec Space Spider high-resolution 3D scanner based on blue light technology. The scanner is perfect for capturing small objects or intricate details of large objects in high resolution with a 3D point accuracy of up to 0.05 mm and 3D resolution of up to 0.1 mm, with rich full color texture.
- Microscopes: The Laboratory has six Leica research grade microscopes and five Euromex student microscopes:
- DMILM Inverted Microscope for material control with two lamp housings for brightfield and fluorescence work; at total magnifications 50X, 100X, 200X, and 500X.
- M10 Sterozoom microscope with optional transmitted light base, long swinging arm for large objects and total magnification ranging from 8X to 80X.
- Laborlux 12PolS polarizing light microscope for analysis of samples in thin section, with reflected light capability for opaque materials and ores at total magnifications 50X, 100X, 200X, 400X and 500X.
- Laborlux 11PolS polarizing microscope for analysis of samples in thin section at total magnifications 40X, 100X, 400X and 500X.
- DMLM industrial microscope with vertical stage adjustment up to 110 mm for incident and transmitted polarized light microscopy in brightfield and darkfield at total magnifications 50X, 100X, 200X, 500X and 1000X.
- DM2700P polarizing light microscope for petrographic analysis at total magnifications 12.5X, 50X, 100X, 200X, 400X and 500X.
- Euromex iScope Petrographic microscope (x5).
- Euromex NZ.1903-U Stereomicroscope.
All the instruments include digital photographic capabilities. The lab has also a Dino Lite digital microscope and a Unitron Metallograph (ME-2029) microscope.
- Coating apparatus, Quorum Q150R ΕS, combined sputter coater and carbon fiber evaporator.
- Freeze Dryer (Lyophiliser), Telstar LYOQUEST -85, for sample dehydration at low temperatures.
- Portable pH-conductivity-dissolved oxygen meter, Consort C5010.
- X-ray unit with shielding, MinXray 750.
- Rock-saw table: Achilli TRT60CE with 350mm blade.
- Trim saws, Accutom-2 Struers and Hillquist SF-8: for the preparation of sample thin sections.
- Low-speed saw, Buehler Isomet: particularly useful for low-speed (300rpm’s max.) cutting of teeth and bone specimens with minimal surface distortion.
- Strip Grinder, Buehler, Minimet Polisher and Minimet Alignment Kit and Fixture.
- Vacuum impregnation unit, Logitech Epovac for preparation of porous or friable samples.
- Lapping and polishing system, Logitech PM2A with DG2 polishing unit, for petrographic thin section preparation.
- Vacuum drying chamber, Binder, VD 115, for non-flammable solvents.
- Furnace, Carbolite RHF 15/3m, maximum temperature 1500oC.
- Furnace, Gallenkamp MFHT1/1400, maximum temperature 1400oC.
- Drying oven, Binder ED 260.
- Incubator, Memmert IN55.
- Centrifuge, Hermle Z320: adaptors for 15, 50 and 100ml test tubes, 8500rpm.
- Centrifuge, Hermle Z306: adaptors for 15 ml test tubes, 13,500 rpm
- Balance, Mettler Analytical AE240: range 205g, 0.0001 readability.
- Balance, Mettler Toledo: 6000g capacity, 0.1g readability.
The laboratory has a wide range of basic equipment, including varieties of calipers, an anthropometer, a mandibulometer, osteometric boards, physical anthropological casts, hand lenses, timers, ultrasonic cleaners, hot plates, slide warmers, chemical storage units, specimen grinders and polishers, dremel multi tool, sample splitter, general geological field equipment (e.g. core sampler, GPS, geological compasses, color charts, etc.), fiber optic illuminators, glassware and lab consumables, overhead projector with interactive whiteboard, scanners, cameras and lenses, desktop and laptop computers and printers (laser and color), e-mail and internet facilities.