Bibliographical Resources
The Wiener Laboratory Library contains over 2,000 books and subscribes to about 40 journals dealing with archaeological science, many of them unavailable elsewhere in Greece. It also includes many identification manuals, dissertations, reference books, and newsletters. The collection includes various maps (e.g., metallographical, geotectonic, bathymetric maps), the complete series of 1:50.000 geological maps issued by ΕΑΓΜΕ, geographical maps by the Hellenic Military Geographical Service (ΓΥΣ) as well as historical and political maps, an inventory of which you can access:
General use maps- 1- 50 000 HMGS
Geographical maps 1- 200 000
Geographical maps- various areas excluding Greece- various scales
Modern Greek city maps 1-10 000
Scholars should contact lab staff for reference assistance.
Visit Ambrosia: Union Catalogue of Libraries, for our book collection.
Visit ASCSA Electronic resources for journals we subscribe to.