Byzantine Collection

The Gennadeion’s collection of books on Byzantine literature, history, art and archaeology includes standard corpora such as Α. Goldstein’s Die byzantinischen Elfenbeinskulpturen and André Grabar’s Sculptures Byzantines, as well as hundreds of monographs and studies on special topics. Rare editions of early historical texts include the standard editions of the Byzantine historians, the so-called Bonn Corpus and the new international Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae, as well as important patristic, hagiographic, and documentary texts. Hundreds of manuscript codices chronicle the development of the Orthodox liturgy, Byzantine music as well as the transmission of literary and scientific texts. Volumes of Acta from the International Byzantine Congresses and periodicals such as Byzantinische Zeitschrift and Revue des Etudes Byzantines complete the collection and keep it up to date. The Library also receives the continuing fascicles of the Reallexicon zur byzantinischen Kunst and Dumbarton Oaks Papers. The Library is especially rich in material on the archaeology and monuments of Byzantine Greece, including journals published by local societies and associations from all over Greece.