Two of the most admired finds from the Corinth Excavations, the statues of Gaius and Lucius Caesar, have left to be exhibited in Haltern am See, Germany. Augustus’ grandsons and heirs will be part of the exhibit “Imperium-Conflict-Myth."
Read MoreDay of Florence-Anthi Gennadius organised by the Association of Friends of the Gennadius Library
Read MoreVideocast of the April 28, 2009 presentation at Cotsen Hall. Speaker: Rebecca Ammerman, Colgate University
Read MoreThe first training session of the 2009 season in Corinth was successfully completed on Friday. Nine regular members and one associate member participated.
Read MoreThis April, the Library sent out its first annual appeal mailing to all friends of the Library. These unrestricted funds will be used to support the Library’s daily operation including staff salaries, book acquisitions, lectures, and other programs offered by the Gennadeion.
Read MoreThe Annual Wiener Laboratory Workshop was held on March 12th, 2009 and organized by 2008-2009 Fellows Dr. Christina Tsoraki (Geoarchaeology Fellow, University of Sheffield), Dr. Niels Andreasen (Geoarchaeology Fellow, University of Cambridge), and Dr. Rozalia Christidou (Faunal Studies Fellow, University of Crete). The theme for this workshop was "Stone and Bone Tools."
Read MoreAnother Easter comes to Greece and the School celebrates with the requisite lamb roast . . . and feats of strength? Member Katie Rask reports on the festivities.
Read MoreWe still need your donations to make our goal for the ASCSA annual appeal ending June 30, 2009.
Read MoreΔωρεές σπανίων βιβλίων εμπλουτίζουν τις συλλογές της Γενναδείου με σημαντικά παλαιά βιβλία και χειρόγραφα.
Read MoreIn 2008-2009 the Gennadius library enriched its collections with numerous old and rare materials many of which were generous gifts.
Read MoreJohn W.I. Lee and Jenifer Neils report on the March trip to Turkey led most vigorously by Agora Excavations Director John Camp. While the whirlwind of 40+sites visited became a blur by the end, it still left many indelible memories for all. (With slideshow by Katie Rask.)
Read MoreBuried under piles of sherds in the Stoa of Attalos all winter, John K. Papadopoulos and Sara Strack emerge to describe their findings and how their work will shed light on a period often cast as a Dark Age.
Read MorePast Managing Committee Member, School Fellow, and Director of the Summer Session, Professor Donald Laing passed away April 2nd.
Read MoreIt snowed for Clean Monday but it did not keep the supporters and Trustees of the Gennadius Library from celebrating in New York City. Watch a slideshow of the festivities at Estiatorio Milos here.
Read MoreThe 2009 excavation began in Corinth last Monday, which is by one count the 95th year of field work on the site by the ASCSA. Work continues for the second full season on the area south of the South Stoa. The focus this year is to reveal the habitation and construction horizons of an 12th century AC domestic structure.
Read MoreΗ πιανίστα Μαρία Αστεριάδου και ο βιολονίστας Γιώργος Δεμερτζής εκτελούν «Μουσικές της εποχής του Ιωάννου Γενναδίου».
Read MorePianist Maria Asteriadou and violinist George Demertzis perform in Cotsen Hall.
Read MoreProfessor George Huxley past director of the Gennadius Library delivers lecture on Aristotle, the Gennadius Library and the role of the academic library.
Read MoreThe 4-day conference at the end of March yielded exciting new finds and lively discussion, with School-sponsored excavations making a strong showing.
Read MoreOn April 1, colleagues celebrated the 10th anniversary of Dr. Tracey Cullen, Editor of Hesperia, joining the American School.
Read MoreΔιάλεξη που διοργάνωσε η Γεννάδειος Βιβλιοθήκη με το Κοινωφελές Ίδρυμα Ωνάση διερευνεί τη φιλοσοφική σκέψη του Νίκου Καζαντζάκη.
Read MoreJoint Onassis and Gennadius lecture features Professor Peter Bien of Dartmouth College lecturing on the Philosophical Writings of Nikos Kazantzakis.
Read MoreΗ 28η Διάλεξη Walton ερμηνεύει τη σχέση του Βυζαντίου με την ιδεολογία του Εκλεκτού Λαού του Ισραήλ.
Read MoreAnnual Walton Lecture explores "Byzantium as the New Israel."
Read MoreA team of 62 individuals, part staff and excavation employees and part volunteer interns from 23 U.S.-based universities and 7 foreign countries, participated in last summer's excavation season at the Athenian Agora. Their preliminary report is detailed here.
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