Alexis Belis coaxes Pandora into making a grand entrance
On April 19th, the annual American School Easter Lamb Roast was held in the School’s garden, currently bursting with spring flowers of every shape and color. The smell of roses was quickly chased away, however, by the smell of roasting meat, since our two lambs were spitted and turning on their whirring electric motors first thing in the morning. As one Member noted on his way to Athens from Corinth, a low haze blanketed all of Greece, reducing visibility drastically in all directions. But instead of an African dust storm, the haze was a direct result of every person in the country grilling at that same exact moment; we were only too happy to oblige and add to the wafting smoke. Each of our lambs had a baster, charged with smothering on Bob Bridge’s special lamb marinade with brushes tied to sticks. We were all asked to bring a side dish, with the result that the tables were laden with everything from fresh-baked cookies to Turkish chicken entrees. All the guests wandered about among the food, happily sampling the dishes, talking and catching up. Some of the students tossed around a football, others dived into extremely competitive egg-smashing tournaments, and other guests lounged on blankets in the grass, enjoying the sun. Pandora the cat even deigned to accompany us, perhaps challenged by the newest resident of the garden, a tortoise, who joined in the feast by waltzing around and chomping on blades of grass.
As the shadows got longer and some people began drifting home with full tummies, the afternoon stretched on with feats of strength on the monkey bars and a game of soccer in the tennis court. The left-overs were packed up with care and donated to Loring Hall, and everyone finally went their separate ways, a sun-burnt pink, well-fed, and ready to celebrate Easter again the next day.
Regular Members Karl Goetze and Eric Cox attend to the lambs