Dorothy H. Sutton Papers

Collection Number: GR ASCSA GL DHS 042
Name(s) of Creator(s): Dorothy Horrax Sutton (1873-1970)
Title: Dorothy Horrax Sutton Papers
Date [bulk]:
Date [inclusive]:
Language(s): English, Greek
Summary: Letters of Dorothy Sutton, member of the Near East Relief, from Constantinople, South Russia, Greece (Loutraki, Kephallonia, Syros, Thessaloniki) to her family in the United States, referring to what she and the Near East Relief were doing for refugees and orphans (1920-1926)
Quantity: 0.60 linear meters
Immediate Source of Acquisition: Gift of Alice H. Schell, 1984
Information about Access: The collection is available for research.
Cite as: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Archives, Dorothy Horrax Sutton Papers
Notes: This collection was catalogued by Eleftheria Daleziou, 2008
Dorothy Horrax Sutton was born in Montclair, New Jersey on 27 June 1878, daughter of Edwin and Elizabeth Horrax. She was trained as a kindergarten teacher. In 1918 she went to France where she directed various relief works. In the fall of 1919 Sutton returned to America. At that time the Near East Relief Organization was looking for specialized personnel to direct the work of establishing kindergartens in the Near East. She was approached by the organization and agreed to go over for a year as a volunteer worker. She arrived in Constantinople in 1920 and stayed there for a period of six months. Her next assignment was Caucasus and relief work with the Armenians in the region. At Erivan D.H. Sutton stayed about a year as director of the Near East work there. Subsequently she was sent to Ismit, Anatolia. With the end of the Greek-Turkish War and the subsequent exchange of populations Mrs Sutton was assigned to be in charge of the work of repatriating people from one country to the other. Sutton was sent to Salonica, where she served for fourteen months. With only a three week break in the United States D. H. Sutton continued to work in Greece up to 1926. Sutton in recognition of her work in directing the rehabilitation of the Greek refugees was decorated with the Croix of St Zaviere by King George of Greece. She was also decorated with the Distinguished Service Medal of the Near East Relief. Dorothy Sutton died in Charlottesville, Virginia on 18 November 1970.
Folder 1: Constantinople 1920-1922
1. DHS to family 14 June 1920
2. DHS to Tommy [Muriel – DHS’ sister] 20 June 1920
3. DHS to family 22 October 1920
4. DHS to family 6 November 1920
5. DHS to family 16 November 1920
6. DHS to family 16 November 1920 (written in pencil but erased with a line 22, 1924)
7. DHS to family 18 November 1920
8. DHS to family 27 [November?] 1920
9. DHS to family 17 December 1920
10. DHS to family 20 December 1920
11. DHS to family typewritten account 8 pages at the end there is a letter addressed to her mother 14 January [1921?]
12. DHS to Tommy[Muriel] 8 January 1921
13. DHS to family 25 January 1921
14. DHS to family 17 February 1921
15. DHS to family 21 February 1921
16. DHS to Tommy [Muriel] 7 March 1921
17. DHS to family 20 March 1921
18. DHS to Al [Alice –DHS’s sister] 22 March 1921
19. DHS to family 28 March 1921
20. DHS to Gil [Gilbert DHS’s brother] 5 April 1921
21. DHS to family 15 April 1921
Newspaper cutting no date ‘Near East Relief Will Decorate 44’
22. DHS to family 27 April 1921
23. DHS to family 31 April 1921
24. DHS to family 7 May 1921
25. DHS to family 9 May 1921
26. DHS to family 10 May 1921
27. DHS to family 26 December 1921
28. A page of a letter numbered but undated
Four loose small size pages with handwritten notes
29. DHS to family 27 March 1922
30. DHS to family 27 March 1922
31. DHS to family 10 July 1922
32. DHS to family 23 July 1922
33. DHS to family 20 July 1922
34. DHS to family 30 July 1922
35. DHS to Tommy [Muriel] 22 September 1922
36. DHS to mother 24 September 1922
37. DHS to Tom [Muriel] 26 September 1922
38. DHS to Tommie [Muriel] 30? September 1922
39. DHS to family 30 September 1922
40. DHS to family 8 October 1922
41. DHS to family 16 October 1922
42. DHS to family 7 November 1922
Folder 2: Tiflis- Erivan 1921-1922
A one page Table – Menu for all Near East Relief Orphanages (5 January 1922)
1. DHS to family 15 May 1921
2. DHS to family 18 May 1921
3. DHS to E? 26 May 1921
4. DHS to family 25 August 1921
5. DHS to family 11 August 1921
6. DHS to family 18 September 1921
7. DHS to ? 5 October 1921
8. DHS to ? 15 October 1921
9. DHS to family 1 November 1921
10. DHS to family Thanksgiving Day 1921
11. DHS to family 6 November 1921
12. DHS to family 18 November 1921
13. DHS to family 19 November 1921
14. DHS to family 17 December 1921
15. DHS to family 29 December 1921
Program of a field trip 5 November 1921
16. DHS to family 2 February 1921
17. DHS to family 11 February 1921
18. DHS to family 29 January 1921
19. DHS to family 22 May 1921
20. DHS to family 2 June 1921
21. DHS to family 25 June 1921
22. DHS to family 7 July 1921
23. DHS to family 17 July 1921
Folder 3: Ismid 1922
1. DHS to family Easter Sunday 1922
2. DHS to mother 3 April 1922
3. H.C. Moffett to DHS 5 April 1922
4. DHS to Tommie [Muriel]5 April 1922
5. DHS to Tommie [Muriel] 1 May 1922
6. DHS to mother May 10 1922
7. Evacuation of Ismid 13 June 1922 (typewritten and handwritten)
8. DHS to family 19 June 1922
Folder 4: Near East 1921-1922 Selection of typewritten letters in a scrapbook with photos
Folder 5 Varia Personal from her time in the Near East
• Four post-cards with images from Istanbul
• Letter to DHS from the Inspection Department of Erivan signed
• Letter to DHS from the Inspection Department of Erivan of a personal character
• One page handwritten note with the places visited by DHS
• Map
• Newspaper cutting with an interview of DHS (The Montclair Times September 29, 1928
• Printed material Near East Relief
• Note with the names of DHS’s family by her sister and donor of the collection
• Near East Relief letter 14 October 1920
• Near East Relief letter 3 May 1921
• Near East Relief Letter 30 December 1921
• Near East Relief Letter 19 April 1926
Folder 1: From Constantinople to Loutraki (November 1922 – April 1923] - [digitized]
Note: Researchers may consult the information in the digitized folders but for permission to publish, or any other information concerning the Dorothy H. Sutton Papers, please contact the Department of Archives of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
1. DHS to family 26 November 1922
2. DHS to family (including Edith and Dora) 10 December 1922
3. DHS to family 22 December 1922
4. DHS to family 1 January 1923 [attached a post-card to DHS from E. Vraea
5. DHS to ? 3 January 1923 (two copies)
6. DHS to family January 1923
7. DHS to family 21 January 1923
8. DHS to family 28 January 1923
9. DHS to family 12 March 1923
10. DHS to family 1 April 1923
11. DHS to family 15 April 1923
12. DHS to family 17 April 1923
Folder 2: Argostoli (Cephalonia) 1923 - Short Trip to Serbia ( October 1923) and 1924
1. One photo dated 1924
2. One Easter post-card dated 1924 addressed to DHS written in Armenian
3. DHS to family spring 1923
4. DHS to Tommy [Muriel] April 1923 attached a post card depicting Ioannis Metaxas and a voting ballot (Elections of 1923)
5. DHS to family 27 May 1923
6. DHS to family typewritten Summer 1923
7. DHS to mother 20 June 1923
8. DHS to family 3 July 1923
9. DHS to Dora July 1923
10. DHS to ? P.S 21 July 1923
11. DHS to Tommie [Muriel] 29 July 1923
12. DHS to family Summer 1923
13. DHS to family Summer 1923 attached a newspaper cutting with an article about DHS’s decoration by the King of Greece
14. DHS to family 16 August 1923
15. DHS to Tommie [Muriel] 25 August 1923
16. DHS to family 1 October 1923
17. DHS to family 22 October 1923
18. DHS to family November 1923
19. DHS to Dora 26 October 1923
20. DHS to family 3 December 1923
21. DHS to Ruth 7 December 1923
22. DHS to family 15 May 1923
23. Typed letter – Christmas in Cephalonia 1923
24. DHS to family 27 December 1923
25. DHS to mother 30 December 1923
26. The first volume of a highly sarcastic in house edition of the personnel at Cephalonia under the title Doing and Being Done
Folder 3: Argostoli (Cephalonia) 1924
1. DHS to Mrs Crawford 28 January 1924
2. DHS to Al 12 February 1924
3. DHS to mother 5 February 1924
4. DHS to mother 24 February 1924
5. Post- card DHS to Mrs Edwin ? n.d
6. DHS to mother 30 March 1924
7. DHS to mother 10 April 1924
8. DHS to family April 20 1924
9. DHS to family 10 May 1924
10. DHS to mother 21 May 1924
11. DHS to Tommie [Muriel] 31 May 1924
12. DHS to mother 10 June 1924
13. DHS to mother f18 June 1924
14. DHS to mother and Tommie 30 June 1924
15. DHS to mother and family 5 July 1924
16. DHS to family 21 July 1924
Folder 4: Syros 1924 and Egypt 1924
1. DHS to mother 16 August 1924
2. DHS to Al and Fred 18 August 1924
3. DHS to family 18 September 1924
4. DHS to E 19 September 1924
5. DHS to E 2 October 1924
6. DHS to Al 28 October 1924
7. DHS to family 9 November 1924
8. DHS to family 24 November 1924
Folder 5: Thessaloniki 1924-1926
1. DHS to family 6 December 1924
2. A two page list with the names of children kept in orphanages for further studies
3. DHS to NER hostels with two pages attached menus 6 March 1925
4. DHS to Al and Fred 20 June 1925
5. Copy of a Memo from DHS to the Managing Director NER Athens 5 February 1925
6. DHS to Tommy [Muriel] 16 July 1925
7. DHS to Ruth 22 April 1925
8. DHS to family n.d
9. One page with notes date on top 12 June
10. A. Ioakeimidi to DHS 9 June 1925
11. DHS to Tommy 28 June 1925
12. DHS to A. Ioakeimidi 18 July 1925
13. DHS to mother 1 August 1925
14. DHS to A. Ioakeimidi n.d
15. DHS to Tommy 4 August 1925
16. DHS to mother 6 August 1925
17. DHS to mother and family 14 September 1925
18. DHS to H.C. Jaquith 30 October 1925
19. Two page report with the number of Armenian refugees repatriated and evacuated from Macedonia Western Thrace and Ancient Greece between the 1st November 1924 and 1st April 1925
20. DHS to mother 19 November 1925
21. DHS to H.C. Jaquith 19 November 1925
22. DHS to mother 5 December 1925
23. DHS to mother 6 December 1925
24. Charles Vickrey to DHS 9 December 1925
25. ?[ A Ioakeimidi] to DHS 10 December 1925
26. Acting President of Anatolia College to DHS 18 December 1925
27. Newspaper cutting with the article on the party of the American Near East Relief for the orphans
28. DHS to Maude Summer 1925
29. DHS to family 26 December 1925
30. Governor of Thessaloniki Panagiotopoulos to DHS – invitation for the celebration of New Year’s Eve 28 December 1925
31. Two page account (typewritten)
32. DHA to Al n.d
33. DHS to mother n.d
34. DHS to Tommy n.d
35. DHS to family 2 January 1926
36. DHS to Al 6 January 1926
37. Three photos Sutton, Thessaloniki White Tower and and the port attached to a letter from Mary? to DHS 3 February 1926 and a report on the number of refugees in the city
38. DHS to E 17 January 1926
39. DHS to mother 17 February 1926
40. DHS to Gil 17 February 1926
41. DHS to mother 3 June 1926
42. DHS to Tommy 6 June1926
43. DHS to mother 12 June 1926
44. DHS to mother 2 November 1926
Folder 6: Letters without dates or with the first page missing
1. One page no first page
2. DHS to family 16 August ?
3. DHA to family 22 August ?
4. DHS to Tommy 31 July ?
5. DSH to Edith 29 July ?