Oscar Broneer Papers

Collection Number: GR ASCSA OB 047
Name(s) of Creator(s): Oscar Broneer (1894-1992)
Title: Oscar Broneer Papers
Date [bulk]: 1920-1970
Date [inclusive]:
Language(s): English, Swedish
Summary: The collection contains correspondence, excavation notes, scholarly papers, and lectures
Quantity: 12 linear meters
Immediate Source of Acquisition: Elizabeth Gephard, 2006
Information about Access: The collection has been catalogued and is available for research after consultation with the ASCSA Archivist
Cite as: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Archives, Oscar Broneer Papers (Αμερικανική Σχολή Κλασικών Σπουδών στην Αθήνα, Αρχείο Oscar Broneer)
Notes: The finding-aid was prepared by Liz Ward Papageorgiou, 2015.
For more information, please contact the Archives at:
The American School of Classical Studies at Athens
54 Souidias Street, Athens 106 76, Greece
phone: 213 000 2400 (ext. 425)
Contact via E-mail
Oscar Broneer was born in Sweden in 1894. He immigrated to the USA in 1913, and studied at Augustana College and the University of California at Berkeley, from which he received his PhD in 1931. He was a student of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) in 1924. His first excavation experience in Greece was at Nemea as a graduate student in 1925 (see Nemea Notebook 6, pp. 3-30 and 193-195). In 1947-1948 he served as Acting Director of the ASCSA. From 1948 until he retired in 1960, Broneer was professor of Archaeology in the Department of Classical Languages and Literature at the University of Chicago, and he directed the University of Chicago excavations at Isthmia from 1952 until 1956. During WW II he served as Executive Vice President of the Greek War Relief Association in New York City. Broneer died in Corinth in 1992.
Below follows a longer biographical note:
Oscar Broneer was born in Bäckebo, Sweden in 1894. When he was nineteen, after only six years of elementary schooling and various manual jobs, he emigrated to the United States. With virtually no knowledge of English, he settled in the Swedish community in Chicago. By chance, he met another Swede who encouraged him to go to Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois, where—only three years after his arrival in the United States—he received his high school degree and his bachelors. In 1922, convinced that his area of study would be Greek and Latin, he went to the University of California, Berkeley for graduate school. In 1924, chance again knocked on his door when his professor, James T. Allen, who had been appointed Annual Professor at the American School School of Classical Studies, Athens, asked Broneer to join him in Athens. With a fellowship from Berkeley and an impressive knowledge of Greek and Latin, Broneer accepted the invitation enthusiastically. But he soon realized that he would be at a disadvantage at the School since he knew nothing about archaeology. (On the train to New York, he read Fowler and Wheeler’s A Handbook of Greek Archaeology.) However, from Broneer’s first day in a trench—first in digs at Nemea and Corinth in the 1920s and then on the slopes of the Acropolis in Athens in the 1930s—he was enthralled and knew he had found his calling. Broneer’s great achievement was the discovery of the Temple of Poseidon at Isthmia. After unsuccessful attempts over many years by other archaeologists, he discovered the ruins in his first trench in 1952. From that day until his death in 1992, Oscar Broneer dedicated his life to excavating Isthmia.
From 1924 until his death, Oscar Broneer remained in Greece, only returning to the United States for short periods and during WWII. His deep love of Greece was exhibited in his tireless work during the war getting much-needed aide to its impoverished citizens. This and other acts of dedication to his adopted country was acknowledged by his being made a Commander of the Royal Hellenic Order of the Phoenix by the Greek government and by being granted honorary citizenship of Corinth. And it is in Corinth, where he lived for so many decades, that he and his first wife, Verna Anderson Broneer, now rest in the cemetery of Hagia Anna.
Oscar Broneer was less an administrator than archaeologist and teacher. “Broneer cared deeply about his students, workmen, assistants, museum guards, and all those with whom he shared his archaeological work. He often warned aspiring archaeologists not to forget the real world of Greece and its people in their pursuit of the past” according to Elizabeth Gebhard.
For a detailed description of Oscar Broneer’s archaeological work and publications, read Gebhard’s obituary in the American Journal of Archaeology 96 (1992); see also “Oscar Broneer, An Appreciation,” in ASCSA Newsletter, Spring 1992, no. 29, p. 17.
Series I: Correspondence with Individuals (Boxes 1‒25a).
These boxes contain Oscar Broneer’s correspondence with over a thousand colleagues, friends, relatives (most in Swedish), and strangers. Boxes 3‒7 contain his correspondence with his first wife, Verna Anderson Broneer, his third wife, Lula Logan Broneer, and his sons Paul and Jon. There is a curious absence—almost total and as if expunged—of correspondence between 1949 and 1952 at the time he was briefly married to his second wife, Frances Fritzlen Ebright.
Series II: Correspondence with Associations, Institutions, and Government Entities (Boxes 26‒28)
These three boxes contain correspondence with over a hundred universities and schools, professional associations and societies, museums, social clubs, foundations, congresses, committees and American and foreign governmental institutions.
Series III: American School of Classical Studies, Athens (Boxes 29, 30)
These two boxes are organized chronologically (1921‒1987) and contain correspondence with management as well as permits, descriptions of school trips in 1927, 1928 and 1932 and an interesting list of materials ordered for the School and Corinth in 1946 when the School re-opened at the end of WWII. Correspondence in the early decades touches on his employment at the School and his thoughts about his excavations.
Series IV: Miscellaneous Businesses (Boxes 31, 32)
These two boxes include matters such as his banking, life insurance, investments, legal matters, residences, travel (transportation, hotels, restaurants) and income tax.
Series V: Publishers and Printing Companies, Biographical References, Professional Journals, and Popular Entertainment (Box 33)
In addition to correspondence with publishers and professional journals, of particular interest is Oscar Broneer’s submission—and usually rejection—of a number of short stories (see Box 46) to popular magazines in 1941.
Series VI: North Slope of the Acropolis Excavation (Box 34)
Excavation permits, photographs, plans, squeezes, essays and articles, and notes from Broneer's excavation on the North Slope in the 1930s.
Series VII: Corinth Excavations (Box 34)
Notes and photographs concerning publication of material from the Corinth Excavations by Broneer.
Series VIII: Isthmia Excavations (Boxes 35-37)
The first two boxes (35-36) contain information about the excavation, museum, some of the sites, objects found (including four notebooks about lamps), a number of architectural sketches—possibly Isthmian—as well as about 280 photographs of the excavation, sites and objects, and lists and indexes of photographs, slides, and plans. The third box contains financial accounts for the excavation.
Series IX: Isthmia Excavations - Publication (Boxes 38-40)
Notes and drafts of Oscar Broneer’s Isthmia I, The Temple of Poseidon and Isthmia III, The Terracotta Lamps.
Series X: Various Manuscripts (Boxes 41-43)
These boxes contain articles, lectures, talks, book reviews written between 1928 and 1976 (the manuscripts in Box 43 are undated) and reviews of some of Oscar Broneer’s publications.
Series XI: Reviews of Oscar Broneer's Publications (Box 43)
Series XII: Lecture Series (Box 44)
The text of two lecture series titled “Athens: The Biography of a City” and “Fingerprints of History." Envisioned as a series of bound essays, the nine chapter history of Athens was first delivered as a course at the University of Chicago (Humanities 220L) in 1949, and then was delivered at the University of Chicago’s Public Courses (224L) in the Fall of 1949. The date and occasion of "Fingerprints of History" are not known, but there is newspaper coverage which indicates that some of these lectures were given in 1961 and 1963 at the University of Texas in Austin and Gonzaga University.
Series XIII: Oscar Broneer's Autobiography ("The Story of Per") (Box 45)
Drafts and final version of “The Story of Per”, Oscar Broneer’s 230 page autobiography.
Series XIV: Short Stories, Poems, and Travelogues (Box 46)
Short stories, poetry and a few travelogues written by Oscar Broneer are found in this box. Many of the short stories were submitted to popular magazines for publication in the early 1940s, but almost all were rejected.
Series XV: Notebooks, Various Notes, Bibliography and Inscription Notecards (Boxes 47-53)
Boxes 47, 48, 49 contain sixty-eight notebooks with notes about various topics, notes from books and dictated correspondence. Boxes 50 and 51 have loose hand-written and typed notes about various topics. Also approximately 200 bibliography cards (some are typed, some hand-written; some on index cards, some on flimsy paper). In another box approximately 800 index cards with hand-written Greek inscriptions are contained in this flat box. Some have Arabic numerals, some have Roman numerals.
Series XVI: Miscellaneous Books, Magazines, and Articles (Box 54)
Catalogues, pocket dictionaries, magazines (most of which may have belonged to Oscar Broneer’s first wife, Verna Anderson Broneer) and fifteen articles by A. J. B. Wace and others are stored in this box.
Series XVII: Personal Documents (Boxes 55-58)
Personal documents (passports, school papers, CVs, etc), newspaper clippings about Broneer, as well as personal documents of his first wife Verna Anderson Bronner and his sons Paul and Jon. Also thirty-two small agendas from 1925 to 1976.
Series XVIII: Audio Material (Box 59)
Most of the twenty-eight cassette tapes in this box are verbal letters from friends (Gladys and Saul Weinberg and others) and his Swedish relatives sent after his eyesight started to fail. Of interest is a two tape interview by Colin Edmonson, taped in Corinth in 1981.
Series XIX: Photographs, Negatives, Films, and Postcards (Boxes 60-65A)
Over 130 professional photographs of monuments and objects and about ninety photographs of the reconstruction of the Lion of Amphipolis; six canisters dating 1947 to 1961; 123 lantern slides of various sights, many in Athens, and 59 stereo slides of various sites and objects (also avialble on Flickr (http://www.ascsa.edu.gr/index.php/archives/oscar-broneer-lantern-slides);most of the 106 postcards were probably purchased on Oscar Broneer’s first trip through Europe, in 1923 and 1924, since leaving Sweden; and an album of photographs, stored in plastic sleeves and divided into Oscar Broneer’s personal and professional photographs (303), snapshots of sites in Greece, Italy, Turkey and other locations (459), theaters (26) and objects (62).
Series XX: Plans, Printed Plates, Drawings, Watercolors, Posters, and Other Objects (Boxes 66-69)
Flat folder containing over a hundred drawings and plans (most from Corinth), watercolors, and squeezes; woodcuts from Oscar Broneer’s publications; modern household(?) pottery, a leather wallet, and a Leica attachment.
Series XXI: Oscar Broneer's Private Library (266 volumes of fiction, non-fiction, and children's books; 74 of these books in Swedish).
Folder 1
Abramovitz, Kassie (1962–1964)
Adelsward, Jeanette (1978)
Adriani, Achille (1936–1979)
Åkerström, Åke & Gunilla & Ingrid (1951–1978) (family photograph)
Åkerström-Hougan, Gunilla (1963–1975) (photograph, and photograph of Oscar Broneer in
Isthmia, 1964)
Alivisatos, Hamilcar & Irene (nd)
Allen, George (1956)
Allen, James T. (1927–1942) (large 1936 portrait photo)
~ see also ASCSA, 1929 (29:1)
Allen, Judith (Judy) (1968–1971)
Allen, Philip (1937)
~ see also ASCSA, 1936 (29:3)
Folder 2
Alpert, Jane (1967)
Alsop, Joseph (1966–1974)
Ames, Polly (1970–1976)
Amiran, Ruth (1951)
Amyx, Darrell (Dick) & Eleanor & Ellen (1936–1976)
Ανάργυρος, --?-- (1937)
Anastaplo, George (1954)
Anastos, Milton (1964)
Ander, Fritiof (1969)
Anderson, Elton (1936)
Anderson, Florence Bennett (1946–1948)
Anderson, J. K. (nd)
~ see also ASCSA, 1964, 1965 (29:7)
Anderson, J. M. (1935–1948)
Anderson, Mrs. Louis F.
~ see Florence Bennett Anderson
Ανδρέας, Μοναχός (1980–1985)
~ see also Γερομόναχος Νεϊλος
Andreen, Gustav (1929–1935)
Andrews, Kevin & Yvette (1960)
Folder 3
Angel, Lawrence (Larry) & Peggy (1957–1985) (family photograph)
Archer, Laird & Evangeline (1969) (family photograph)
Argiropoulou, Kaite (1978)
Arnakis, George (1951–1977)
~ see also Center for Neo-Hellenic Studies (26:5)
Astor, Charlotte (1964–1965)
Astor, Mrs. William
~ see Charlotte Astor
Åstrom, Paul (1969)
Αθανασιάδης, Ευστρ. & Μαίρυ (1972)
Athenagoras, Patriarch (1960)
Augustides, Jeanne (Ιωάννα) (1958)
Aust, Cynthia (1969–1974)
Aydelotte, Frank (nd)
~ see also Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton (27:7)
Folder 1
Babelon, Jean (1928)
Bacon, A. F.
~ see Thomas Bowman
Baer, Arthur & Alice (1954–1975)
Balcer, Jack M. (1968)
Baldji, Milton P. (1948)
Banko, Julius (1928–1932)
Banks, Betty Courtney & Gary (1962–1965)
Barberopoulos, Marie (1962)
Baring, Gayle (nd)
Bartholomay, Henry & Judy (1966–1970)
Bartholomew, E. E. (1942)
Bartlebaugh, Marilyn (1951)
Basch, Lucien (1971)
Bass, George (1958)
Bassett, E. (Ed) L. (1956–1960)
Bassett, Samuel (1928)
~ see also ASCSA, 1927, 1928, 1935 (29:1, 2)
Folder 2
Batcheller, James (Jim) (1967–1968)
Baur, P. V. C. (1930)
Beach, Mrs. John
~ see Peggy Beach
Beach, Peggy (1967–1982)
Beadle, George (1962–1964)
Becker, Marion K. (1968)
Beer, Leslie (1973–1974)
Beer, Mrs. Peter
~ see Leslie Beer
Belitse, Georgia & Stavros (1982–1985)
Bellinger, Alfred R. (1942)
~ see also ASCSA, 1961–1964 (29:7)
Benachi, Lucas & Sylvia (1935–1973)
Benardete, Seth G. (1951)
Folder 3
Bengtson, Birgit (Bibbi) & Rune (1944–1991) (family photograph)
~ see also cassette tapes (Box 59)
Bengtson, Marie (1972–1979)
Bengtson, Peter (1965–1978) (family photographs, 1975 family reunion(?) with Oscar
Folder 4
Benjamin, Anna (1971)
Bennett, George & Vera (nd)
Bennett, William (Bill) H. III & Bette (nd)
Bentley, Gerald E., Jr. (1958)
Benton, William (1954–1957)
Bergendoff, Conrad & Gertrude (1961–1991)
~ see also Augustana College (26:4)
Besi, Helen (1958–1969)
Beyer, Immo (1969)
Bieber, Margarete (1942–1966)
~ see also Archaeological Club (26:2)
~ see also book reviews (41:7)
Bielefeld, Erwin (1961–1966)
Biers, Bill & Jane (1977–1983)
Binder, Judith Perlzweig (1963–1985)
Birch, Cordelia M. (1975)
Birdman, Jerome (1962)
Black, Howard Ray, Jr. & Penny (1985–1988)
Blankenhagen, Peter H. von (1953)
Blegen, Carl & Anne (1929–1970)
~ see also ASCSA, 1929 (29:1)
Bliss, Mrs. Robert Woods (1956)
Block, Elizabeth (1969)
Folder 5
Blonde, Francine (1977)
Bodnar, Edward W., S. J. (1958)
Boegehold, Alan & Julie (1956–1991) (family photograph)
Boëthius, Axel (1956–1968)
Bolotin, Gerald G. (nd)
Bonner, Campbell (1932)
Bookidis, Nancy & Charles (nd)
Borwell, Robert Carne (1965)
Bothmer, Dietrich von (1957–1962)
Bougayianou, Mary (1962)
Boulter, Cedric & Pat (1958–1967)
~ see also Archaeological Institute of America (26:3)
Boundjeucas, Elias
~ see American School Committee for Aid to Greece (26:2)
Bourlos, George & Rena (1967)
~ see also University of Chicago Cultural Foundation (28:3)
Bousquet, Jean (1955)
Bowman, Linda
~ see Elizabeth Block
Bowman, Thomas (1932)
Boyd, Thomas (1983)
Boyden, Bill & Angela (nd)
Brewer, Charlene Dilling (1956)
Brewer, Mrs. Nelson Charles
~ see Charlene Dilling Brewer
Brodky, Charlotte (1961–1964)
Folder 1
Broneer, Eric (1977–1992) (grandson, son of Jon)
~ see also Jon Winroth & Doreen Broneer
Broneer, Frances Fritzlen
~ see 57:5
~ see Photograph OB 201 (possibly Frances Fritzlen Broneer)
Broneer, George (grandson, son of Jon)
~ see Eric Broneer
~ see Jon Winroth & Doreen Broneer
Folder 2
Broneer, Jon Winroth & Doreen (1952–1975) (family photograph)
~ see also photographs (65:OB 104–112, 120–133, 195, 196)
Folder 3
Broneer, Jon Winroth & Doreen (1976–1983)
Folder 4
Broneer, Jon Winroth & Doreen (1984–1992) (family photograph)
Folder 1
Broneer, Lula (1956–1959)
Folder 2
Broneer, Lula (1960–July 1961)
Folder 3
Broneer, Lula (August–November 1961)
Folder 4
Broneer, Lula (1962)
Folder 5
Broneer, Lula (1963–1964)
Folder 6
Broneer, Lula (1966–1969)
Folder 1
Broneer, Lula (1970–1973)
Folder 2
Broneer, Lula (1974–1976)
Folder 3
Broneer, Lula (1977–1979)
Folder 4
Broneer, Lula (1980–1981)
Folder 5
Broneer, Lula (1982)
Folder 6
Broneer, Lula (1983–1986)
Folder 1
Broneer, Paul & Diana & Dee (1944–1969)
~ see also Lulu Broneer, 30 May and 11 September 1962
~ see also photographs (65: OB 104–112, 169, 170, 195, 196, 200, 208)
Folder 2
Broneer, Paul & Diana & Dee (1970–1984)
Folder 1
Broneer, Verna Anderson (September 1924, October 1926)
~ see also photographs (65: OB 58, 62, 67, 68, 72–74, 115–119, 194, 196, 210)
Folder 2
Broneer, Verna Anderson (November, December 1926) (photograph)
Folder 3
Broneer, Verna Anderson (January, February 1927)
Folder 4
Broneer, Verna Anderson (March–May 1927)
Folder 5
Broneer, Verna Anderson (June 1927–1938) (photograph)
Folder 6
Brown, Catherine Konnas (nd)
Brown, Mrs. Philip
~ see Catherine Konnas
Brueckner, Alfred (1930–1934)
~ see also photograph (65: OB 202)
Bruhn, Marcus C. (1963)
Brundage, Avery (1963–1964)
~ see also International Olympic Committee (27:7)
Bruneau, Philippe (1968–1971)
Brynell, Bernhard & Melvina (1951–1974)
Bulĭć, Fr. (1928)
Bunker, Gerald (1960)
Burchill, George & Nancy (1974–1986)
Bursler, Norman (1954–1982)
Folder 1
Cachros, George
~ see George Kachros
Cachros, Jimmy & Nitsa (1968–1969)
~ see also Athens College (26:3)
Cadbury, Henry J. (1937–1954)
Cahn, Herbert A. (1977)
Calder, Bill (1957–1965)
Caldwell, --?-- (1962)
Calhoun, George (1928–1939)
~ see also University of California Press (33:2)
~ see also ASCSA, 1935 (29:2)
Cameron, Gertrude (1957)
Camp, Edith & Greg (1968–1979)
Camp, John (1982–1990)
Camp, Margot (1966–1977)
Campbell, Edward F., Jr.
~ see Biblical Archaeologist (33:4)
Campbell, Mary A.
~ see Mary & Carl Roebuck
Canaday, Ward & Mariam (1956–1975) (Christmas card photographs)
~ see also ASCSA, 1962, 1969 (29:7)
~ see also American Friends of Greece, Inc. (26:1)
Cannon, Cavendish W. (1956)
Caplan, Harry (1932)
Folder 2
Capps, Edward
~ see ASCSA, 1927–1939, 1947 (29:1–3, 5)
~ see American Friends of Greece, 1951 (26:1)
Capps, Edward, Jr. (1937)
Capps, Elizabeth (1970)
Capps, Isabelle (1969)
Capps, Mrs. Stephen R.
~ see Isabelle Capps
Capps, Priscilla
~ see Priscilla Capps Hill
Carlfelt, Gustav (1942–1944)
Carlton, Doyle E. (1956)
Carmody, Sister Winifred Mary (1948)
Carpenter, James (Jim) R. (1971)
Carpenter, Jean D. (1973–1979) (family photographs)
Carpenter, Mrs. Turan Efe
~ see Jean D. Carpenter
Carpenter, Rhys (1930–1934)
~ see also ASCSA, 1927, 1929, 1930 (29:1)
Carter, President Jimmy
~ see Cyprus (27:1)
Carus, Edward (Edu) & Dorothy (1956–1972)
Cash, William V. (1963)
Caskey, John (Jack) & Elizabeth (Betty) (1951–1977)
~ see also ASCSA, 1950–1959 (29:6)
Cassady, Ralph, Jr. (1964–1965)
Cassell, Bennett & Jane (1972)
Chadwell, Margaret (1956)
Chamberlin, Wells F.
~ see University of Chicago (28:2)
Chambers, Mortimer (1964)
Charalambiou, Nik (nd)
~ see also George & Rena Bourlos
Folder 3
Chase, George (1926–1942)
~ see also American Friends of Greece, Inc. (26:1)
~ see also ASCSA, 1931 (29:1)
Cherniss, Harold & Ruth (1942–1970)
Christensens, Bro (1933)
Christian, W. Kenneth (1955)
Χρηστίδης, Χρ. (1969)
Christopoulos, George A. (1976)
Clader, Linda (1967)
Folder 4
Claesson, Greta & Evert (1956–1976)
Folder 5
Claesson, Greta & Evert (1977–1988)
~ see also cassette tapes (Box 59)
Folder 6
Clairmont, Christoph (1961–1962)
Clambanevas, --?-- (1978)
Clark, Jim & Katy (nd)
Clark, John & --?-- (1974)
Clausen, Wendell (1967)
Clay, Edith (1961)
Clement, Paul & Hariotte (1945–1984)
~ see also ASCSA, 1968, 1974 (29:7, 30:1)
Cleveland, Sylvia (1977)
Folder 7
Colegrove, C. Lee (1978–1991)
Collingwood, --?-- (1960)
Combellack, Frederick (Fred) & Rose (1962–1989)
Comfort, Howard (1929–1972)
Compton, Carl (1958)
Conant, Joseph M. (1972–1977)
Cone, Mrs. Spencer
~ see Nancy Cone
Cone, Nancy (1966)
Conley, Phil (1948)
Connelly, Pinkie (1981)
Conrad, Jack (1957)
Constantinides, Philip A. & Hazel (1954–1977)
Folder 1
Cook, John M. & Enid & Nancy (1960–1978)
~ see also ASCSA, 1963 (29:7)
Cook, Michael & Nicholas (1962)
Cook, Robert & Kathleen (1955–1972)
Cooke, Michael (nd)
Cooper, Fred (1978)
Cooper, Moyra (1966)
Cordell, H. M. (1928)
Cotsen, Lloyd & JoAnn (1957–1985) (family photographs)
Cotzias, Costas (1942–1948)
Couch, Eunice (1959)
Folder 2
Coughlin, Marcia Langer
~ see Marcia Langer
Coulson, William (1987)
Countourioti, L.
~ see American School Committee for Aid to Greece (26:2)
Courbin, P. (1955)
Courtney, Betty
~ see Betty & Gary Banks
Coutroubaki, Mary (1964)
Cox, Raymond (1980)
Craft, John (Jack) & Bunny (1938–1987) (family photograph)
Cramér, Kim (1983–1988)
Crane, Esther M. (1962–1963)
Crane, Mrs. Burton
~ see Esther M. Crane
Crawford, Frederick C.
~ see ASCSA, 1969 (29:7)
Crawford, O. G. S.
~ see Antiquity (33:4)
Creighton, David Coleridge (nd)
~ see also Peope-to-People (27:9)
Folder 3
Croll, Sallie E. (nd)
Crombie, Robert (Bob) & Dorothy & Rob & Janet (1955–1991) (family photographs)
Crosby, H. Lamar & Olive & Oliver (1934–1956)
~ see also ASCSA, 1938 (29:3)
Crosswhite, Nan (1982)
Cummer, W. Willson (1968–1971)
Cummings, J. T. (1970)
Curman, Elsa & Sigurd (1962–1972)
Curry, Constance
~ see Caroline Galt
Czarnowski, John (1963)
Czarnowski, Thomas (1964–1966)
BOX 10
Folder 1
Δακάρης, Σωτήριος (1967)
Daily, Dew (1965–1974)
~ see also Robert Crombie
Dane, Nathan (1938)
Daniel, Franklin (1932–1936)
Danielsson, Ole (1969)
Darby, Lucy (1978)
Darbishire, R. S. (1931–1937)
Daux, George (1956–1971)
Davis, Homer
~ see Athens College (26:3)
Davis, Margerite (1951)
Davis, Mrs. --?-- (1942)
Davidson, Gladys (1934–1942)
~ see also ASCSA, 1935 (29:2)
deBeers, Jack & Marianna (Minna) (1958–1982)
Decker, Lillian (1935)
De Grazia, Cathy (nd)
Deilakis, Angelike (1969)
De Jong, Piet (1937–1967)
DeLacure, Dennis R. (1973)
Del Chiaro, Mario A. (1980)
Del Chicca, Silvio & Lilli (1958–1962)
Delo, David (Dave) & Sunny & Viola (1963–1991)
Folder 2
DelRe, Chris (1976–1978)
Delving, Eva (1962)
Demou, John (1968)
Dengate, James (Jim) (1973–1975)
Deutsch, Monroe E. (1937–1938)
Diamant, Steven (1979–1982)
Diamantopoulos, St. (1938)
Dimitratos, Aristeides (1943)
Δημήτριος, Επίσκοπος (1979)
Dinsmoor, William Bell (1930–1968)
~ see also Archaeological Institute of America (26:3)
~ see also Lucy Shoe Meritt, 5 March 1962
Dinsmoor, William (Bill) Bell, Jr. & Tessa (1962–1968)
~ see also Anastasia (Tessa) Norre
Di Steffano, Lina (1964)
Dodson, Oscar H. (1961–1962)
Dörig, José (1962)
Dohan, Edith Hall
~ see American Journal of Archaeology (33:4)
Dohrn, Tobias (1975–1983)
Donoghue, C. Eileen (1958)
Folder 3
Donovan, William (Bill) (1956–1980) (family photograph)
~ see also Norman Pratt, 1965
Dörpfeld, Wilhelm
~ see photographs (65:OB 220–222)
Doughty, Edie (1979)
Douglas, Senator Paul H.
~ see Cyprus (27:1)
Dow, Sterling (1938–1984) (family photograph)
Downey, Glanville (1951–1975)
Doxiadis, Constantine
~ see University of Chicago Greek Cultural Foundation (28:3)
Dritsas, J. (1991)
Drossoyianni, Anthony & Phané (1967)
Ducat, Jean
~ see ASCSA, 1963 (29:7)
Dünst, Günter (1964)
Dunn, A. W. (1980)
Durazzo, Zacharie (1934)
Duryea, Dian (1965–1970)
Dyggve, Ejnar (1931–1962) (twenty photographs and a map of Dyggve’s excavation at
Salona in Croatia)
~ see also Foundation Carlsberg (27:2)
Dykes, Nancy Ballentine (1955)
Folder 4
Eckstein, Felix (1958)
Edmonds, Katharine M. (1934)
Edmonson, Colin & Betty (1965–1978)
~ see also cassette tapes (Box 59)
Edwards, Roger G. (1961–1975)
Ehrenfels, Omar Rolf Baron (nd)
Einarson, Benedict (1956)
Eisenhower, Julie (1973)
Eiteljorg, Harrison, II (1977–1978)
Eitrem, Sam (1958)
Ekdahl, Marilyn J. (1951)
~ see also Harry Johnson
Ekman-Sameulsson, Lilian (1968)
Elderkin, George (1962)
~ see also American Journal of Archaeology (33:4)
Elfvin, Mrs. John T.
~ see Peggy Pierce Elfvin
Elfvin, Peggy Pierce (1968)
Eliades, George S. (nd)
Eliot, William (Willie) & Mary (1958–1979)
Ellis, Algy (1965‒1969)
Folder 5
Embiricos, Andre Maris (1948)
Engstrom, D. F. (1938)
Erbach, Count von (1961)
Erickson, Arvid G. (1965)
Erixon, Sigurd (1938)
Ersman, Katarina (1967)
Ervin, Miriam (1966)
Eugenides, Eug. (1930)
Evangilides, D. (1930)
Evans, Elspeth A. (1963)
Evans, Helene R. (1958–1967)
Eveborn, Dolly & Sture & Ulla (1973–1983)
Eveborn, Sven & Marta (1974)
BOX 11
Folder 1
Fahy, Laura
~ see Laura Fahy Robertson
Fairbridge, Rhodes W. (1961–1962)
Farnsworth, Marie (1948–1976)
Farquhar, David (1960)
~ see also Gerald Bunker
Feder, Walter (1963–1985)
Fehl, Philipp (1962)
Feisthamel, Jane (1972)
Feldstein, Charles R. (1963)
Felleisen, Helga Butzer (1983–1986)
Felman, Clara (1963)
Ferguson, J. Duncan (1962)
Ferguson, Joan (1965)
Fiechter, Ernst (1938)
Field, Donald & Harriet (1980–1989)
Findley, --?-- (1976)
Finegan, Jack (1943–1952)
Finn, Gladys L. (1960)
Finsten, William (Bill) (1961–1964)
Folder 2
Fischer, John (1982)
Fisher, Joan (1976)
Fitzpatrick, Ben (nd)
Folger, Gatewood (1962–1991)
Fomine, Youry (1956–1960)
Fontenrose, Joseph (1964)
~ see also ASCSA, 1935 (29:2)
Foote, Phil (1966)
Ford, Henry
~ see H. M. Cordell
Forsyth, Cecil (1934–1935)
Φωσκολος, Ιάκωβος (1970)
Fougberg, Viola & Barbara (1958–1967)
Fowler, Harold N. (1927–1931) (concerns proofing of Broneer’s Terracotta Lamps)
Fox, Kay (nd)
Frangkoulis, Vasilis (1973)
Frantz, Alison (nd)
Folder 3
Franzén, Åke & Ingrid (1975)
Franzén, Stig & Anne-Marie & Sigyn & Alva (1973–1991)
Folder 4
Fraser, Una (1954)
Freedman, David N.
~ see Biblical Archaeologist (33:4)
Freeman, Carl H.
~ see Ronald L. Swenson
Freeman, Charles D. (1933)
Freeman, Elizabeth (1934)
Freidlander, Paul (1948)
Fremersdorf, Fritz (1928)
Freyberg, Bruno v. (1971–1976)
Friar, Kimon
~ see Greek Heritage (33:5)
Friedman, Arthur (1981)
Fryxell, Fritiof & Regina (1968–1987)
~ see also Augustana College (26:4)
Furnish, Victor P. (1974)
BOX 12
Folder 1
Galt, Caroline M. (1930–1934)
Garber, Sheldon (1959)
Gardner, Percy (1930)
Garner, John C., Jr. & Chelley (1965–1971)
Garner, Raymond C. (1953)
Gausmann, Colonel R. W. (1936–1938)
Γαβρίλη, Μ. (1965)
Geagan, Don & Helen von Raits (1964–1978)
Gebauer, Kurt (1936)
Folder 2
Gebhard, Elizabeth (Betsy) Replogle & Paul (1959–1969)
~ see also Corinth, “Architectural Terracottas” and “The South Stoa” (34:6)
Folder 3
Gebhard, Elizabeth (Betsy) Replogle & Paul (1970–1991) (family photographs)
Folder 4
Gebhard, Elizabeth (Betsy) Replogle & Paul (nd)
Folder 5
Gebhard, Peter T. E. (1971)
Gejvall, Nils-Gustaf & Anna Britta (1938–1991) (family photographs)
Folder 6
Georgiades, Hector G. (nd)
Gerojohn, Ben (nd)
Γερουλίλου, Ιωάννα (nd)
Γιαμπουράνης, Ανάργηρ. (1942)
Γιαμπουράνης, Νίκος (1945)
Gibson, Howard (1930–1956)
Giertz, Bishop Bo (1976)
Gilligan, Geraldine (Geni) M. (1971–1973)
Ginouvès, René (1961)
Gistel, Maria (1936)
Gjerstad, Einar (1938–1969)
Glatter, M. (1961)
Goggin, Mary Geraldine (1932)
Goldman, Hetty (1957)
Goodman, Irene (1963–1964)
Goodman, Mrs. Benedict K.
~ see Irene Goodman
Gordon, Cyrus (1963–1967)
Gough, Michael R. E. (1961)
Grace, Virginia (1948–1972)
~ see also photograph (65:OB 211)
Folder 7
Graham, John A. (1971–1972)
Graham, Walter (1937)
Grandjean, Yves (nd)
Gray, Charles & Hannah (1978)
Green, William M. (1939)
Greenbaum, Meyer (1960)
Greenwood, Gertrude E.
~ see Gertrude E. Smith
Greifenhagen, A. (1964–1972)
Greitemann, Nico (1938)
Grgin, Anton (1930)
Grossman, Betty (1966)
Grossman, Mrs. Edwin
~ see Betty Grossman
Grosvenor, Melville Bell & Anne (1968–1969)
~ see also National Geographic Society (27:8)
Grulich, Gene & Margie (1971–1985)
Gulick, Charles B., Jr. & Gertrude (1967–1984)
Gummey, Elizabeth M. (nd)
Gunnemo, Bertil (1956–1975)
Gurlings, Jack (nd)
Gustaf VI Adolf, King of Sweden (1934–1965)
Gustou, Elisabet (1968–1974)
Gutmann, Elizabeth (nd)
Gutnayer, Josef M. (1948)
BOX 13
Folder 1
Hadas, Rachel (1969)
Hadjilazeno, Danaë (1966)
Hagnauer, --?-- (1965)
Hall, Barbara (1963)
Hall, George F. (1942)
Hallgårde, Eve (nd)
Hamdorf, F. W. (1969)
Hamp, Eric & Margot (1971–1985)
Hanfmann, George & Ilsa (1939–1984)
Hanford, James H. (1942)
Hansen, Erik (1960–1966)
Hansen, Hazel (1937–1938)
Hanson, Earl (1957)
Harbatis, N. G. (1962–1963)
Χαριτωνιδου, Φειμου (nd)
Harman, Marian
~ see ASCSA, Broneer Fund (30:5)
Harrison, Dot (nd)
Harrison, Evelyn (Eve) (1961–1971)
~ see also Archaeological Club (26:2)
Hartley, Betty (nd)
Harward, Carol (1974–1977)
Harwood, Floyd Clayton and Josephine (nd)
~ see also Archaeological Club (26:2)
Hasse, Colin & Ann (nd)
Hastalis, Paula (nd)
Hatsos, Michael N. (1952)
Folder 2
Havers, W. (1928)
Hawthorne, John & Do (1955–1981)
~ see also University of Chicago (28:2)
~ see also Isthmia: Metal Objects (35:3)
Hayes, John W. (1972–1980)
Folder 3
Heath, Martha (1958)
Heintz, Helga von (1954–1965)
Heland-Weissglas, Madeline von (1967)
Heliapoulos, Socrates (1964)
Hellström, Pontus (1973)
Helsland, M. Van (1969)
Hemberg, Bengt (1953–1954)
Henderson, Thomas James (1969)
Hendricks, Rhoda (1958–1962)
Henle, Jane E. (1965)
Henry, Pat (1960)
Hentig, Hartmut von (1964)
Herter, Hans (1935?)
Hesberg, Henner von (1978)
Hess, A. (1934)
Heustley, W. A. (1934)
Hiesey, Elaine Louise (1965)
Higgins, Chuck (1963)
Highby, L. I. (1936)
Hill, Bert Hodge (1933)
Hill, Dorothy H. (1948–1984)
~ see also American Journal of Archaeology (33:4)
Folder 4
Hill, Emeline
~ see John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation (27:7)
Hill, Henry (Harry) A. (1936–1944)
~ see also American Express (31:1)
Hill, Margaret (1938)
~ see also Henry A. Hill and William H. Hill
Hill, Mrs. Harry A.
~ see Priscilla Capps Hill
Hill, Priscilla Capps (1965–1971)
Hill, William H. (1935–1956)
Hionides, Harry (1951)
Hires, Marla (1972)
Hobbie, Christine (Chris) (1975)
Hodgkins, William Press & Marion (1968–1969)
Hoeck, Olaf (1976)
Hoepner, Barbara J. (1972)
Hoffleit, Norfleet D. (1964–1967)
Hofgren, Axel A. (1963)
Hohlfelder, Robert L. (1975)
Holger, Lillian (nd) (family photograph)
Holland, Louise Adams (1952)
Holland, Marian (1953)
Holland, Mrs. Leicester B.
~ see Louise Adams Holland
Folder 5
Holloway, R. Ross (1960–1969)
Holmberg, Erik (1938–1962)
Hondius, I. I. E. (1931)
Hood, Sinclair (1960–1962)
~ see also ASCSA, 1963 (29:7)
Hoopes, Thomas T. (nd)
Hooykaas, Coosje C. (1963)
Hougen, Gunilla
~ see Gunilla Äkerström-Hougen
Householder, Fred W., Jr. (1937)
Howard, Marion (1975)
Howe, Mrs. Irving
~ see Thalia Phillies Howe
Howe, Thalia Phillies (1955)
Howland, Richard H. (1960–1969)
~ see also ASCSA, 1966–1971 (29:7, 30:1)
~ see also Archaeological Institute of America (26:3)
Hull, Denison (Denny) B. & Dolly (1967)
Hulst, Cornelia (nd)
Hulst, Mrs. Henry
~ see Cornelia Hulst
Hutchinson, Irene S. (1963–1972)
Hutchinson, Karen
~ see Georgia Belitse
Folder 6
Iakovides, Spyridon E. (1962–1971)
Ingalls, Larene (1961)
Ingalls, Mrs. Allin K.
~ see Larene Ingalls
Irmscher, J.
~ see Klio (33:5)
BOX 14
Folder 1
Jackson, Alastar H. (1965–1985)
~ see also Isthmia: Metal Objects (35:3)
Jacobsen, Thorkild W. (1950–1979)
~ see also Nestor (33:5)
Jameson, Michael (1962–1977)
Janssen, John A. (1951)
Jantzen, Ulf (1973–1974)
Folder 2
Janus, Christopher (Chris) G. (1947–1985)
Jeffrey, Anne (1952)
Jenkins, Paul A. (1962)
Jenkins, R. J. (1953)
Joakimides, Mavretta (1951)
Joëlsson, Harry & Ulla (1963–1978)
Johansson, Elisabet (1967–1975)
Johansson, Ingeborg & David (1975)
Folder 3
Johnson, Anders (1988)
Johnson, Barbara B. (1971)
Johnson, Birger & Birgitte (1982–1983) (family photograph)
Johnson, Carl A. (1943–1974)
Johnson, Carl John (1974)
Folder 4
Johnson, Charles E.
~ see Elton Anderson
Johnson, Ebba & Hilmar (1954–1980)
Johnson, Ed & Laura (1957–1964)
Johnson, Ester (1944)
Johnson, Frank & Georgia (1970–1980)
Johnson, Franklin P. & Martha (1931–1972) (family photograph)
~ see also Harold N. Fowler, 1929
Johnson, Gustaf (1928)
Johnson, Harry S. B. & Verna (1951–1975)
Folder 5
Johnson, Howard & Marion (1964–1991) (family photographs)
Johnson, Ingvar & Brilla (1962–1985)
Johnson, John E. (1964–1971)
Folder 6
Johnson, Lennart & Gunnel (1964–1990) (family photograph)
Johnson, Leonard I. (1970–1975)
Johnson, Richard (Dick) (1985)
Jonasson, Wera (1974)
Jones, Bart (1963)
Jones, Frances (Franny) F. (1956–1986)
~ see also Archaeological Club (26:2)
Jongkees-Vos, M. F. (1967)
Jordan, David (1974–1982)
Jordan, Peyton (1970)
Josephson, Margit (1957)
Judeich, Walther (1932–1937)
Judge, Colonel William J.
~ see Colonel R. W. Gausmann
BOX 15
Folder 1
Kabeli, I. (1951)
Kachros, George D. (1926–1969) (4 B/W photographs of statue base “Isthmia Sculpture”)
~ see also photograph (65:OB 289)
Kakros, George
~ see George D. Kachros
Καλογεροπουλου, Αθηνα (1962)
~ see also Δελτιον (33:5)
Kanelos, Andrew G. (1951–1952)
~ see also American Hellenic Association (26:2)
Kanelos, Esther (1972–1976)
Kanellos, Vassos (1942–1952)
Kantor, Helene J. (1960–1966)
Folder 2
Kardara, Chrysoula (1950–1976)
~ see also Εισαγωγη εις την Αρχαιαν Ιστοριαν (Box 54)
Karlsson, Evert & Alma (1967–1989)
Karlsson, Lage (nd)
Karo, George (1931–1936)
Kase, Edmund H. (1928)
Kase, Edward W. (1967)
Katsibas, Constantine (1978)
~ see also Ομιλος Αρχαιοφιλων Η Αθηνα (27:9)
Katz, Isador (1962)
Kawashima, Shigenari (1977)
Keating, Richard (1978)
Keeley, Robert V. (nd)
Keen, John & Hampton & Nell Lee (1983)
Folder 3
Kellogg, Edmund
~ see Eugene Vanderpool
Kellogg, Judy (1968–1991)
~ see also Georgia Belitse
Kellogg, William (Will) & Elizabeth (Betty) (1979–1984) (family photographs)
Folder 4
Kellsher, Kathy (nd)
Kelly, Isabelle (1938)
Kelly, Thomas (1966)
Kent, John (Jock), H. (1946–1967)
~ see also Corinth (34:6A)
Kern, Alexander (1963)
Kerr, Gatewood & Bob
~ see Gatewood Folger
Khalil, Issa J. & Ann (1982–1986)
Kimpton, Lawrence A. (1951–1971)
~ see also University of Chicago (28:2)
~ see also University of Chicago Greek Cultural Foundation (28:3)
King, Willard V. (1938)
Kirchner, J. (1934–1939)
Kirsch, August (1969)
Kleeb, Alvin A. (1968)
Klein, Jeffrey J. (1975–1976)
Klien, Elfriede (1961–1962)
Knackfuss, Hubert ?
~ see photograph (65:OB 202
Knapp, Karen (1984–1986)
Knudsen, Ann & Konrad (1959–1964)
Folder 5
Koch, Guntram (1972–1973)
Koehler, Carolyn (1972–1974)
Körbs, Werner (1967–1969)
Körner, S. (1960)
Koester, Helmut (1979–1981)
Kohler, Foy D. (1965–1974)
Kolbe, Walther (1938–1939)
Κονδύλη, Γεώργιου (1974)
Konnas, Catherine (n.d.)
Κωνσταντινόπουλος, Γρηγ. (1960)
Kontomanoles, Demetrios (nd)
Kopcke, Günter (1968)
Korenchy, Eva (n.d.)
Korfmacher, W. C. (1957)
Kosmopoulos, Angelis
~ see photographs (65:OB 205, 206)
Kosmopoulos, Leslie Walker (1935)
Koufopoulou-Dallas, Elina (1985)
Kraiker, W. (1938)
Krats, Lief (1981)
Krause, Joseph P. (1963)
Krauss, William W. (1943)
Kroll, W. (1938–1939)
Kübler, Karl (1928)
~ see also photograph (65: OB 202)
Kunze, E. (1966)
Kyriakidis, Aristeides (1958–1968)
~ see also ASCSA, September 1937, 29 November 1967 (29:3, 7)
Kyritsis, Mathon (1951–1964)
BOX 16
Folder 1
Lacroix, L. (1948)
Laflin, Louis E., Jr. (1966)
Lagerberg, Joen
~ see Gustaf VI Adolf, King of Sweden
Laing, Donald (Don) R., Jr. (1976)
Lamerre, William (1939)
Lane, Kenneth & Cece (1979–1982)
~ see also United States Income Tax (32:4)
Lange, H. (1939)
Langer, Marcia (1972–1982) (family photograph, photograph of Oscar Broneer)
Langlotz, Ernst (1937–1978) (seven photographs of sculpture)
Lansdale, Bruce M. & Tad (1969–1989)
~ see also American Farm School (26:1)
Lapatin, --?--
~ see Kenneth Dean Shapiro
Folder 2
Lapp, Paul W. & Nancy (1968–1974)
Larsen, Jakob A. O. (1938–1974)
Larson, Arthur G. (Brownie) (1962–1974)
~ see also Augustana College (26:4)
Larson, Lois A. (1951–1962)
Larson, Mrs. Warren
~ see Lois A. Larson
Latte, Kurt (1954)
Lattreu, Martha & Fredric (1955)
Lavezzi, John C. (1969)
Layman, Earl D. (1962–1963)
Lazarides, Demetrios (1965–1966) (photograph of relief sculpture)
Leaf, Earl (1950)
Lehmann-Haupt, C. F. (1936)
Leiper, Jean M. (1972–1974)
Lekka, E. E. (1977)
Lekka, Makis (1975)
Lemerle, Paul (1936–1939)
Lepthien, Emilie U. (1968)
Le Roy, Christian (1965)
Lesser, A. L.
~ see Viola Fougberg
Levantis, Liakos P. (1951)
Levi, Doro
~ see Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene (27:10)
Levi, Edward & Kate (1975)
Levin, Saul (1958)
Folder 3
Lichtenstein, Walter (1954)
Lindros-Wohl, Birgitta (1986)
Linforth, Ivan (1924–1976)
Linos, Spiros (nd)
Linquist, Everet F. (1963)
Lipman, Charles B. (1925–1936)
Liston, Raymond (1960)
Little, Alan M. G. (1942–1943)
Loch, J. M. (1938–1939)
Loch, Mrs. Sidney (1979)
Löfroth, Marie & Bengt (1978–1990) (family photograph)
Loeschke, Siegfried (1928)
Logan, Brightman & Nan (1979–1988) (family photograph)
Folder 4
Logan, Claude, Jr. & Charlotte & Lelia & Claude III (1963–1991) (family photograph)
Folder 5
Logan, Kenneth (Ken) (nd)
Logan, Ray (1972–1974)
Logan, Robert Ray & Martha Sue (1965–1991)
Folder 6
Logan, Robert, Jr. (1971–1992)
Folder 7
Lohman, Mrs. Clarence (1964)
Lokke, Carl & Laura (1939–1960)
Longworthy, Burton & Leona (1968–1971)
Lorandos, N. I. (1958)
Lord, Louis (1936–1937)
~ see also ASCSA, 1933, 1943–1948, 1951, 1952, 1954 (29:2, 4, 5, 6)
Løvy, L. (1959)
Low, Theodore L. (1953)
Luce, Stephen B. (1937)
Luck, Mary (1938)
Lundbeck, G. Hilmer (1959–1963)
BOX 17
Folder 1
Maar, C. H. (1965)
Maass, M. (1974)
MacAfee, Effie Danforth (1930)
McAllister, Marian Holland
~ see ASCSA Publications Committee (30:5)
McBirnie, William Stuart (nd)
McCann, Anna Marguerite (1957)
McCluer, Etelka (1974)
McCormick, Chris (1967–1985)
McCreadie, James (Jim) & Mimsy (nd)
~ see also ASCSA, 1970–1975 (30:1, 2)
MacDonald, Alex (1959–1964)
McDonald, Lee, C. (1982)
McDonald, William (Bill) A. (1962–1971)
~ see also ASCSA, 1962, 1967, 1968, 1972 (29:7, 30:1)
~ see also University of Minnesota (28:5)
MacDowall, David (1960–1976)
McGregor, Malcolm (1970)
Machemer, Georgia (1964)
MacKendric, Paul (1962–1965)
McKenzie, A. Dean (1981)
Mackeprang, Mogens (1933)
Folder 2
McNamara, Marian (1965)
McNeill, William (Bill) & Elizabeth (1951–1987)
McNulty, Robert H. (1967)
MacVeagh, Lincoln (1936–1972)
~ see also ASCSA, 1937, 1938 (29:3)
Magnusson, John P. (1938–1939)
Μαλαχάτης, Σπύρος (nd)
Malone, Cynthia (1959)
Mandelstam, Bob & Rog (1958)
Manes, Peter (nd)
Manos, Theos E. (1942)
Manta, George & Barbara (1959)
Manta, John L. & Barbara
~ see University of Chicago Greek Cultural Foundation (28:3)
~ see Mauretta M. Joakimides
Manthopoulos, A. G. (nd)
Manzoni, Dolly (1972–1978)
Marg, Walter
~ see Gnomon (33:5)
Marinatos, Spiro (1969)
Marquand, Ferry (1961)
Folder 3
Martin, Dorothy (1962)
Martin, Mrs. Oscar T.
~ see Dorothy Martin
Martin, Nausika & Ronald W. (1972–1978) (family photograph)
Marty, Jeanne
~ see Jeanne Marty Peppers
Μαστελλος, Θεμιστοκλις (1957)
Mastrokostas, Euth. (1967)
Matthews, Howard B. (1938)
Mattingly, Harold B. (1963–1964)
Μαυραγάνη, Αϊκατερίνα (1967)
Μαυραγάνης, Μίμης (1947)
Mayer, Louise Marie (1937)
Mays, Judith B. (1964)
Mazur, Belle D. (1975)
Medbury, Frances (1957–1962)
Μεγαλοικονόμoς, Εμμ. (1927?)
Megaw, A. H. S. (1936–1967)
Melas, Alexander (1965)
Mellink, Machteld
~ see Charlotte Brodky
Menediatis, Andreas
~ see Athens College (26:3)
Menidiakos, D. (nd)
Folder 4
Meritt, Benjamin Dean & Betty (1927–1989)
Meritt, Benjamin Dean & Lucy Taxis Shoe (1970–1987)
Meritt, Lucy Taxis Shoe (1942–1984)
~ see also ASCSA, 1972 (30:1)
~ see also photograph (65:OB 203)
Folder 5
Mersereau, Rebecca (1978–1980)
Mertens, Dieter (1975)
Mertens-Horn, Madeleine (1976)
Metropolis, Nikolas (Niko) & Patricia (1967–1985)
Metzler, Dieter (1968)
Meyers, Robert & Tania (1972)
Meyrier, Alain & Marie Claude (1983)
Milford, Al & Anne (nd)
Millas, James A. (1954)
Miller, Helen Hill (1966–1967)
Miller, Jane Humphrey (1969)
Mills, Harrianne & Wesley (1980)
Miltner, Franz (1929–1938)
Miltner, Ili (nd)
Mimicopoulou, Angel B. (1961)
Mims, Amy (1956–1958)
Minard, Florence (1958)
Folder 6
Mingazzini, Paolino (1968)
Mitchel, Fordyce (1965–1974)
Mitchell, Clarence (nd)
Mitchell, Helen Conrad (Connie) (1961–1962)
~ see also Ronald & Connie Stroud
Mitchell, Maria (1972)
Mitford, T. B. (1959–1960)
Mitten, David & Rose Marie (1962–1974)
~ see also Wendell Clausen
Modiano, Sam (1969)
Mohn, Paul
~ see Olle Danielsson
Moline, Ragnar & Heloise (1965)
Momigliano, A. D. (1959–1960)
Moncrief, Adiel J. (1972–1973)
Moody, Jay A. (1925)
Morey, Charles Rufus (1935)
Folder 7
Morgan, Charles (Charlie) & Janet (1935–1984)
~ see also ASCSA, 1933, 1935, 1937, 1950-1954, 1958, 1964 (29:2, 3, 6, 7)
~ see also American Friends of Greece, Inc. (26:1)
Morgan, Gwen
~ see Chicago Tribune Press Service (33:6)
Morreson, Adele W. (1959)
Folder 8
Morris, Sarah (1985)
Mort, Howard W. (1962–1963)
Moschovitis, Polymenos (1943)
Motyka, Jan (1976–1978)
Moutsos, Demetrius (1966)
Myller, --?-- (nd)
Mylonas, George E. & Lella (1938–1988)
~ see also Washington University (28:5)
Mylonas, Paul (1968–1972)
BOX 18
Folder 1
Neff, Judson & Agnes (1957–1978)
Νείλος, Γερομόναχος (1964–1980)
Folder 2
Nettles, George & Marguerite (nd)
Nettles, Mary (nd)
Neufeld, Philip (1960)
Neuman, Meredith (1988)
Newburn, --?-- (1942)
Nicholas, Mary C. (1969)
Nicklason, Nils (1980–1981)
Nicolet, Hélène (1975)
Nicols, John & Virginia (1968–1973)
Nikas, Peter (1965)
Νίκκας, Μάκης (1967–1971)
Νικολαϊδης, Γ. (1963)
~ see also Bollingen Foundation (26:5)
~ see also photograph (65:OB 231)
Nilsson, Ester (1972–1977)
Nilsson, Martin P. (1934–1988)
Folder 3
Nissen, Eugene W. (1951–1971)
Nissen, H. U. (1963)
Noffsinger, James P. (1953)
~ see also ASCSA, 1953 (29:6)
Nomikos, --?-- (1954)
Nord, Paul (1978)
Nordström, Christina (1965)
Norre, Anastasia (1965–1991)
Nowlan, Wilma (1963)
Nugent, Carol (1962–1972)
Nugent, Mrs. Bullard
~ see Carol Nugent
Nuveen, John (1951)
~ see also University of Chicago Greek Cultural Foundation (28:3)
Folder 4
Ochenschlager, Edward L. (1963)
Ohly, Dieter (1979)
Oikonomos, George (1935–1951)
Olauson, Åke (1975)
Oldfather, W. A.
~ see University of Illinois (28:5)
Oliver, James (Jim) H. (1973)
Olson, Helen R. (1961–1965)
Orlandos, A. K. (1956–1974)
Orth, Gustave (1972)
Osiek, Sister Lyn (1981–1982)
Otah, Ildiko (1957)
Ottman, Joan (nd)
Overbeck, Gatewood Folger Papazoglou & Jean
~ see Gatewood Folger
Owen, Lucy (1969–1975)
BOX 19
Folder 1
Page, Denys (1962)
Paine, John Gregg (nd)
Pallas, D. I. (1954–1970)
Pallat, L. (1938)
Palmer, Dorothy Skinner & Nick
~ see Richard Skinner
Palmer, Hazel (1948–1951)
Palmer, Miriam (Susie) & Bruce (1967)
Panteleimon, Bishop of Corinth (1970)
Pantelidou, --?-- (1976)
Papadimitriou, John (nd)
~ see also ASCSA, 1965 (29:7)
Papahadjis, Nicolaus (1962–1968)
Παπαϊγάννου, Δημητρίου (1974)
Papalambrou, Christos (1951)
Papantoniou, Elpis & Rosalind (1967)
Papastavrou, John (1937–1970)
Papazoglou, Gatewood Folger
~ see Gatewood Folger
Pappas, Tom & Bessie & Charles (1966–1984)
~ see also ASCSA, 1946 (29:4)
Παραδείσης, Αλεξ. (1959)
Parker, Laura & Richard & Randy (1973)
Parry, D. (1962)
Parsons, A. W. (1937)
~ see also photograph (65:OB 264)
Parsons, Bishop Edward L. (1937)
Parsons, Elsie Clew (1938)
Parsons, McIlvaine & Marjorie (Marjie) (1971–1985)
Folder 2
Paton, James M. (1935–1938)
Patterson, Mary F. (1938)
Paul, King of Greece (nd)
Παυλίδου, Φρόσω (1948–1956)
Pearson, Lillian & Holger (1969–1988)
Pearson, Lionel (1964–1969)
Peck, Diane & David (1977–1978)
Peck, Joan & Ted (1965–1967)
Peirce, Sarah (nd)
Pentecort, Mark (1972)
Peppers, Jeanne Marty (1972–1982)
Perlzweig, Judith
~ see Judith Perlzweig Binder
Folder 3
Person, Grace S. (1942)
Persson, Greta (1969)
Peschke, George Vincent (Vinko) von (1950–1957)
~ see also daughters Nausika Martin & Marianna Sompayrac
~ see also photograph (65:OB 229)
Petersen, Edward & Zika (1963–1985)
Peterson, Durey H. (1957)
Peterson, Elsa (nd)
Pfister, --?-- (1928)
Philadelpheus, Alexandre (nd)
Philipedes, Mary Zelia Pease (1987)
Phillies, George E. (1948–1968)
~ see also American Hellenic Association (26:2)
Phillips, Crawford W. (1954)
Phillips, Margaret (1964–1975)
Phillips, --?-- (1972)
Folder 4
Phylactopoulou, Ismene (1962–1984)
Picard, Charles (1955)
Pick, Albert, Jr. (1959)
Pickard, A. W. (1948)
Pippas, Demosthenes (1960)
Podlecki, Anthony J. (1968)
Podzuweit, Christian (1979)
Poole, Lynn & Gray (1966–1968)
Porter, W. H. (1928)
Potamianos, Helen (1971)
Pottier, Edmund (1928)
Poulsen, Frederik (1930
Pounder, Bob (1970–1975)
Poznanski, Thomas (1956)
Prag, A. J. N. W. (1973–1981)
Pratt, Deborah M. (1964)
Pratt, Jim & Barbie (1972)
Pratt, Norman & Barbara (1962–1976)
~ see also Norman T. Pratt Fund (27:8)
Folder 5
Prentiss, Edward & Dorothy & Jeannette (1928–1989) (family photographs)
Folder 6
Price, Derek J. de Solla (1967)
Price, Martin (1962)
Pritchett, W. Kendrick (1954–1976)
Proddow, Mary P. (nd)
Proddow, Penny (1966)
Proussis, Costas M. (nd)
Pullen, Daniel J. (1981)
Putnam, Mrs. Edward K. (1953)
BOX 20
Folder 1
Raits, Helen von
~ see Dan & Helen Geagan
Rankin, Karl & Pauline (1971)
Raphael, Charilaus (Charles) George (1948–1954) (family photograph)
Raubitschek, Antony (Toni) & Isabelle (1942–1989)
Folder 2
Redicks, Eleanor (1978)
Reinmuth, Oscar & Anne (1951–1978)
Reiss, Otto F. (1965)
Rem, Donald (1959)
Rengos, Apostolos (nd)
Replogle, David (1969)
Replogle, Elizabeth
~ see Elizabeth Replogle Gebhard
Replogle, Luther I. & Mary & Lorene (1959–1966) (father of Elizabeth Replogle Gebhard)
Folder 3
Replogle, Luther I. & Mary & Lorene (1967–1971)
Replogle, Luther I. & Mary & Lorene (Corinth house plans)
Folder 4
Rhodes, Robin (1981–1990)
Ribar, Karl (nd)
Riblett, Norman (1981)
Richards, Glenda Gilmore (1953)
Richardson, Dorsey (1942)
Richardson, Emeline (Emmy) & Larry (1958–1987)
Richardson, G. Peter (1981)
Richardson, Gardner (1958)
Richardson, Leon J. (1932)
Richter, Gisela (1938–1970)
Riginos, Alice & Vasilis (nd)
Robertson, Laura Fahy & Noel (1962–1976)
Folder 5
Robins, F. W. (1939)
Robinson, C. A. (Alec), Jr. (1937–1956)
~ see also ASCSA, 1954 (29:6)
Robinson, Colin (1965)
Robinson, David M. (1932–1955)
~ see also ASCSA, 1947 (29:5)
Robinson, Gertrude (1936)
Robinson, Henry & Rebecca (1968–1987)
~ see also ASCSA, 1959–1969 (29:6, 7)
Robinson, Karl (1948)
Robinson, Rachel S. (nd)
Robinson, Virginia Morgan (nd)
Robinson, --?-- (1938)
Roche, James M. (nd)
Roe, Richard (nd) (family photograph)
Roebuck, Mary & Carl (1938–1987)
~ see also Corinth (34:6)
Folder 6
Roes, Anne (1933)
Roger, Jacques (1936)
Romano, David (1980–1984)
Romer, F. E. (1973)
Roos, Paavo (1962–1964)
Rosen, Françoise (1956)
~ see also Isthmia Testemonia (35:1)
Rosenheim, Edward, Jr. (1956)
Rosenthal, Jonathan (1973)
Roumelioti, Stavroula (1962)
Roussel, Pierre (1928)
Roux, Georges (1958–1968)
Roux, Lilianne & Alain (1983)
Rowell, Henry T. (1943–1954)
Rubright, James C. (1951)
Rudberg, Gunnar (1931)
Rupp, David W. (1973–1976)
Russell, Carroll (nd)
Russell, Mrs. Paul S.
~ see Carroll Russell
Ruter, Winifred L. (1934)
Rutter, Jeremy & Sally (1974–1980)
Rybeck, Erika & Walt (1980)
~ see also photograph (65: OB 177, 178)
BOX 21
Folder 1
Säflund, Gösta (1930–1965)
Säflund, Marie Louise (1973)
Salciccia, --?-- (nd)
Sanarov, V. I. (1978)
Sanders, Helen (nd)
Sanders, Jan & Guy (1970–1982)
Sarris, Louis & Lula (1969) (family photograph)
Sauer, Niki Janus (1969)
Saydam, Helene & Jerry (1967)
Scheiffelin, Elizabeth (nd)
Scheiner, Helene (1930–1985)
~ see also CARE (26:5)
Schierer, Mrs. G. P. (1967)
Schlaifer, Robert (1942)
Schlesinger, Alfred C. (nd)
Schmaltz, A. B. (1974)
Folder 2
Schmittheuner, Walter (1974)
Schoder, Raymond V., S. J. (1965–1967)
Schuchhardt, W. H. (1954)
Scranton, Robert (Bob) (1942–1968)
~ see also ASCSA, 1969 (29:7)
Folder 3
Scranton, Robert (Bob) (1969–1984)
Scroubelos, Elias (1987)
Séarl, Alexandre (1937–1938)
Searls, Helen E. (1939)
Folder 4
Sedgwick, A. C. (1952)
Sedgwick, --?-- (1937)
Seeberg, A. (1969)
Segall, Bertha (1935)
Selassie, Abba Mezgebe (1974–1975)
Selegran, Solveig (1975) (family photograph)
Selling, Dagmar (1969)
Seltman, John (1950–1951)
Semple, W. T. (1929)
Sensabaugh, George & Elizabeth (1966)
Serenius, C. Arnold (1974–1975)
Setton, Kenneth M. (1952)
Seyrig, Henri & Miette (1933)
~ see also Archaeological Club (26:2)
Shafer, Louise (1959)
Shapiro, Kenneth Dean (1990)
Shaw, Joseph (Joe) & Mary (1960–1974)
Folder 5
Shear, T. Leslie & Josephine (1926–1940)
Shear, T. Leslie, Jr. & Ione (1960–1985) (family photographs)
Sheldon, Irene (1956)
Sheldon, James M., Jr. (1962–1966)
Sheldon, Mrs. Edwin R.
~ see Irene Sheldon
Sheldon, Wylie & Judy (1968–1978)
Shepherd, Theodora Bobrinskoy (1960)
Shero, L. Rogers (1936–1948)
Shoe, Lucy
~ see Lucy Shoe Merritt
Folder 6
Silberman, Abris (1959)
~ see also Cynthia Malone
Silberman, Susan (1964–1965)
Silverstein, Theodore (Ted) & Mary (1970)
Simitsek, O. (nd)
Simon, Joel (1983)
Simpson, Dick Hope (1967)
Sjöqvist, Erik (1951–1968)
Skeferis, C. W. (1953)
Skinner, Brightman (Bright) & Sue (nd)
Skinner, Dorothy (1978)
Skinner, Richard (Dick) G., Jr. & Ann & Dorothy (1978–1987)
~ see also cassette tapes (Box 59)
Skon, Nancy J. (1976)
Skouras, Spyros P. & George (1944–1971)
~ see also Greek War Relief Association (27:5)
Skouteris, --?-- (1974)
Skroubelos, Elias
~ see Elias Scroubelos
Slane, Kathleen
~ see Kathleen Slane Wright
Folder 7
Smith, Edith (1976)
Smith, Esther (1956)
Smith, Eunice C. (1961)
Smith, Gertrude E. (1952–1985)
~ see also photograph (65:OB 264)
Smith, H. Roy W. (1929–1948)
~ see also ASCSA, 1929 (29:1)
Smith, Pamela (1951)
Smith, Ray W. (1958)
Smith, Shirley (1929)
Smith, Susan (1975)
Smithson, Evelyn (1966)
Snyder, John W. (1962)
Sollmann, Mary A. (1959)
Sompayrac, Marianna & Richard (Dick) (1957–1962)
Σωτηρίου, Γεώργιος (nd)
Southard, Gretchen C. (1965–1966)
Souyouldjoglu, Christina (1967)
Spanos, Peter (1963)
BOX 22
Folder 1
Sparkes, Brian A. (1974)
Speer, John Forbes (1951)
Sperling, Jerry W. (1974)
Speronis, Stephen (Steve) L. & Connie & Helen (1962–1963)
Spitzer, Doreen & Lyman (1956–1991) (family photographs)
Springer, Judith Allen
~ see Judith Allen
Stacy, Stanley (nd)
Stamatiou, Michael N. (1961) (with photograph of Oscar and Lula Broneer, 1961)
Stearns, John B. (1942)
Stebbins, Eunice Burr (1927)
Steffensen, Otto & Greta (1984–1991)
Steiger, Ruth (1956–1963)
Stein, James (1967)
Stelle, Mary (1969)
Stelle, Mrs. Roy M.
~ see Mary Stelle
Sterling, William Wallace (1972)
Folder 2
Stevens, Alice A. (1951–1957)
Stevens, Gorham Phillips (1937–1962)
~ see also ASCSA, 1946 (29:4)
Stewart, Carol (1973–1975)
Stigers, Harold G. (1962)
Stillwell, Richard (Dick) & Ann (1928–1974)
~ see also ASCSA, 1934 (29:2)
~ see also American Journal of Archaeology (33:4)
~ see also Princeton Dictionary of Classical Archaeology (33:5)
Stolpe, Herman (1975)
Storer, Dolly Manzoni
~ see Dolly Manzoni
Stow, Lloyd & Hester (1958–1989)
Folder 3
Strarup, H. (1964)
Στρατηρης, Αθαν. Π. (1966)
Strocka, Volker Michael (1965–1966)
Stroud, Ronald (Ron) & Connie (1962–1985)
~ see also Helen Conrad (Connie) Mitchell
Stroud, Theodore A. (1964)
Struppa, Eleanor (nd)
Styrenius, Carl-Gustaf (1967–1968)
Swanson, C. Bertram (1949)
Swenson, Birger (1968)
Swenson, Ronald (1985–1987)
~ see also Augustana College (26:4)
Swift, Gustavus (Gus) F., Jr. & Eleanor (1965–1991)
~ see also ASCSA, 1967 (29:7)
Swift, Harold H. (1955)
Swift, Marie F. (1957)
Swindler, Mary H.
~ see American Journal of Archaeology (33:4)
Synge, Wilfred J. M. (1953–1954)
Szemler, George J. (nd)
BOX 23
Folder 1
Talbot, Alice-Mary (1964)
Talbot, Phillips (1967)
Talcott, Lucy (1960–1969) (two photographs and negatives of sherds)
~ see also ASCSA 1946, 1948, 1954, 1962 (29:4–7)
Tamagawa, Naoshige (1931–1977)
Tamarin, Alfred & Shirley Glubok (1975–1976)
Ταρουσης, Τάκης (1970–1972)
Taylor, Doris M. (1962)
Technau, Werner (1937)
Theodoropoulos, Peter (1945)
Thiersch, H. (1937)
Thimme, Diether & Danaë (nd)
Folder 2
Thomas, N. (1927?) (family photograph)
Thomas, Winifred & Homer (1963–1974)
Thompson, Homer & Dorothy Burr (1948–1977)
~ see also Samuel H. Kress Foundation (27:10)
~ see also photographs (65: OB 204, 210)
Thompson, Jeannette (1985)
Thompson, Margaret (1948–1986)
Thompson, Stuart (1931–1965)
Folder 3
Thordarson, Thorir
~ see New Testament Club (27:8)
Thorne, Peggy (1977–1981)
Thorne, Mrs. Samuel E.
~ see Peggy Thorne
Thorne-Thompson, Leif & Sara (1966)
Throne-Holst, Henning (1967)
Throop, --?-- (1936)
Thwing, L. L. (1930)
Tracy, Stephen V. (1975)
Traegler, J. W. (1942)
Trahanatzi, Ero (1968)
Travlos, John (1961–1964)
Triantaphyllopoulos, John (nd)
Tripos, Frederic (1931)
Trombley, Frank (1981)
Trypanis, Constantine (1974)
Türr, Stephan (1968)
Tumarkin(?), Nina (1961)
Turner, Eric (1960–1962)
Tushingham, Maggie & Doug (1966–1967)
Folder 4
Unwin, Oliver (1954–1955)
Ursell, John (1976)
Folder 5
Vafiadachi, George A. (1959–1960)
Vafiadakis, Stella (1956)
Valentine, Valerie (nd)
~ see also Greek Heritage (33:5)
Valmin, Natan (1930–1965)
Valsamakis, Gerassimos (1958)
Vanderpool, Eugene (Gene) & Joan (1939–1977) (four snapshots “Kenchreai Inscription”,
~ see also Near East Foundation (27:8)
~ see also ASCSA, 1931 (29:1)
Van Effenterre, Henri (nd)
van Ingen, Wilhelmina (nd)
Varsavsky, Tatiana (1971)
Vassilaras, James (1954)
Vega, Sulvia (nd)
Veld, Henry & Alice (1968–1973)
Velon, Georgia Jo (1963)
Βελουδης, Μαρινε (nd)
Verdelis, Nikolaos (1960–1964)
Vermasern, M. J. (1972)
Veysey, Arthur & Gwen (1968–1969)
~ see also Chicago Tribune Press Service (33:6)
Vokotopoulou, Ioulia (1975)
Vollgraff, W. (1930)
BOX 24
Folder 1
Waage, Fred & Dorothy (1934–1939) (family photograph)
Wace, Helen (1962–1972)
Wade-Gery, Henry Theodore (H.T.) (1934)
Wadleigh, William
~ see Belle D. Mazur
Waele, Ferdinand Joseph de (1930–1977)
~ see also ASCSA, 1929 (29:1)
Wagner, Hermann (1948)
Waldman, Frances & Carl (1966–1972)
Waldman, Mrs. John
~ see Frances Waldman
Walker, Alan (1973–1974)
Walker, Mary (1956–1973)
Walker, Mrs. E. B., Jr.
~ see Mary Walker
Wallace, Helen (1956)
Wallace, Paul W. (1973)
Wallace, William & Mary (1938–1951)
Walter, Otto (1932–1965)
Walters, H. B. (1928–1933)
Walton, Frank & Mary (1966)
Ward, Mrs. J. Harris (1963)
Folder 2
Warner, Randall (Randy) V. (1966–1988)
Warren, Jennifer (1963)
Washburn, Oliver M. (1930)
Webster, Ethan (1958)
Webster, T. B. L. (1960–1968)
Wedd, C. B. (1937)
Wedeking (?), Billy Ernst (nd)
Weeks, Carl (1955–1964)
Weickert, C. (1958)
Folder 3
Weinberg, Gladys & Saul (1938–1991) (small B/W photographs of a bull, 1955?)
~ see also Raymond Garner
~ see also Archaeology (33:4)
~ see also cassettes (Box 59)
~ see also photographs (65:OB 209, 210)
Folder 4
Weitzmann, Kurt (1935)
Welker, Marian (1951)
~ see also H. Lamar Crosby
Weller, George (1963–1964)
Wells, Margaret & Al (1978)
~ see also cassette tape (Box 59)
Wende, Carolyn (nd)
Wente, Leila Ibrahim (1970–1978)
Wentsch, Jean B. (1958)
Wernström, Majken (Maja) (1959–1984)
White, Carter H. (1979)
Whitman, Cedric H. (1953)
Wiathers, Willie (1962)
Wiencke, Matthew (Matt) & Martha (1961–1974)
Wikén, Erik (1934–1981)
BOX 25
Folder 1
Wikgren, Allen & Dora (nd)
Willers, Dietrich (1963)
Willett, Howard L., Jr. (1965)
Williams, Charles (1964–1975)
Williams, Hektor (1977–1978)
Willoughby, Harold R. (1937–1955)
Wilson, Bridget (1960)
Wilson, John & Ann (1972–1978)
Wilt, Napier (1951–1960)
~ see also University of Chicago (28:2)
Winroth, Jon
~ see Jon Winroth Broneer
Winters, Mabel L. (1979)
Wirtly, A. (1930)
Folder 2
Wiseman, James (Jim) & Lucy (1959–1992)
~ see ASCSA, 1965 (29:7)
Witt, Currie B. (1963)
Folder 3
Wittmann, Otto & Miggy & John (1950–1987)
Wohl, Gita
~ see Birgitta Lindros-Wohl
Wolf, Agnes (1964–1986)
~ see also Richard Johnson
Wolf, Umhau (1963)
Folder 4
Wollman, H. (1927–1930)
Wolters, Paul (1932)
Wood, Howard & Ruth (1967–1969)
Wood, Rebecca (nd)
Woodford, Mrs. F. Peter
~ see Susan Silberman
Woodford, Susan
~ see Susan Silberman
Woods, Frank H. & Louise (1963–1966)
Woods, Helen Morgan (1929–1930)
Woods, Mrs. Arthur
~ see Helen Morgan Woods
Woodward, Herbert N. (1969)
Woodward, S. M. (1929)
Work, Eunice (1953–1962)
Wright, G. Ernest (1951–1958)
Wright, Kathleen Slane (1975–1981)
Wright, Mrs. James
~ see Kathleen Slane Wright
Wright, Thomas
~ see Eugene Vanderpool
Wuilleumier, P. (1962)
Wurster, Wolfgang W. (1979)
Wyatt, William (Bill) F., Jr. (1972–1978)
Wycherly, R. E. (1959–1964)
Folder 5
Ξενής, Αναστάσιος (1967)
Yalouris, N. (1971)
Yambos, Argy (1937–1979)
Yambouranes, Anargyros (Γιαμπουράνης, Ανάργυρος)
~ see Argy Yambos
Yavis, Constantine G. (1951)
Young, Arthur & Frances (1958–1968)
Young, Clarence & Anita (1935–1958)
Young, Gerard M. (1937–1938)
Young, Rodney (1969)
~ see also ASCSA, 1946 (29:4)
Youngert, S. G. (1930)
Zack, Peter & Margaret (nd)
Zelle, Louis (1967) (family photograph)
Zervos, Orestes (1984)
Folder 1
Unintelligible English surnames, Swedish forenames and surnames, Greek forenames and surnames
Folder 2
Unidentified correspondents with only forenames: Agnes – Louise
Folder 3
Unidentified correspondents with only forenames: Margaret – Walter
BOX 26
Folder 1
Αγιος Ορους (1927–1977)
Ακαδημία Αθηνών (1970–1991)
American Bible Society (1950–1954)
~ see also Gilbert Darlington
~ see also Eric North
American Board Mission (1934)
American Council of Learned Societies (1957–1969)
~ see also Howard Mumford Jones
~ see also Thoman Condon
~ see also Robert Hooper
American Farm School (1984–1990)
~ see also Bruce and Tad Lansdale
American Friends of Greece, Inc. (1943–1961)
American Heart Association (1982)
Folder 2
American Hellenic Association (1957)
American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) (1942)
American Mission for Aid to Greece (AMAG) (1947)
~ see also International Olympic Committee
American Philosophical Society (1967–1969)
~ see also George Corner
American-Scandinavian Foundation (1948–1959)
~ see also Lithgow Osborne
American School Committee for Aid to Greece (1941–1943)
American Security Council (1972)
American Swedish Historical Museum and Foundation (1944–1947)
~ see also Axel Johan Uppvall
~ see also Samuel Price Wetherill
American Women’s Organization of Greece (1967)
Anatolia College (1953–1954)
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (1969–1972)
~ see also ASCSA, 1970s (30:1-4)
Archaeological Club (1942–1982)
~ see also George Chase, 1942
Folder 3
Archaeological Institute of America (1937–1988)
Archaeological Institute of America, Societies (1949–1967)
~ see also Alexander Kern
Archäologisches Institut des Deutschen Reiches
~ see Deutsche Archäologische Institut Athen
Athens College (1937–1962)
Folder 4
Athens University (Εθνικόν και Καπεδιστριακόν Πανεπιστήμιον Αθηνών) (1937)
Augustana College (1929–1987)
Austrian Legation in Greece (1934)
Avalon Foundation
~ see Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Folder 5
Bollingen Foundation (1953–1967)
~ see also Ann Knudsen
British Museum (1928)
~ see also H. B. Walters
British School of Archaeology (1986)
Brown University (1964)
CARE (1947–1963)
Center for Neo-Hellenic Studies (1967–1972)
~ see also George Arnakis
Chicago Council on Foreign Relations (1964)
Chicago Theological Seminary (1940)
Classical Association of the Middle West and South (1948)
Classical Society of the American Academy in Rome (1943)
Congress of European American Associations (1955)
Congresso Internationale di Archeologia Classica (1959–1968)
Folder 1
Corinth, city of (1955–1963)
~ see also CARE (26:5)
Corinthian Society “Apostolos Paulos” (1945)
Crane Technical High School (1949)
Cyprus (committees protesting political events in Cyprus) (1955–1976)
Dartmouth College (1940)
Deutsche Archäologische Institut Athen (1936–1991)
~ see also Ulf Jantzen
Ecole francáise d’ archéologie d’ Athènes (nd)
Εθνικόν και Καπεδιστριακόν Πανεπιστήμιον Αθηνών
~ see Athens University
Εταιρεία προς Αναβιοσιν της Ολυμπίας Νέα Αλτις (1957)
~ see also Plato Delendas, “A Plan for the Revival of Ancient Olympia . . .” (54:1)
Explorers Club (1979)
Folder 2
Federation suisse des auberges de jeunesse (1956)
Field Museum of Natural History (1940)
Florida State University (1969)
Ford Foundation (1969)
~ see also Geraldine Gilligan
Foundation Carlsberg (1962)
Friends of Gennadius Library (nd)
Friends of St. Leo (1956)
Gonzaga University (1965)
Greece (nd)
Greek American Council (1945)
Folder 3
Greek Archaeological Society (nd)
Greek Heritage Foundation
~ see Greek Heritage (33:5)
Greek Office of Information (1943–1958)
Folder 4
Greek Relief, Inter-Agency Committee for (1942–1944)
Folder 5
Greek War Relief Association (1943–1969)
~ see also Olle Danielsson
~ see also ASCSA, 1946 (29:4)
~ see also photographs (65:OB 113–114)
Folder 6
Harvard University (1926)
Hellenic Club of Professional Men of Chicago (1951–1952)
Hellenic Cultural Circle (1957)
Hellenic Olympic Committee, International Olympic Academy (1963–1975)
Highland Park Women’s Club (nd)
Hood College (1940)
Folder 7
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton (1943–1985)
International Association of Universities (1955)
International Congress of the History of Architecture, 16th (1969)
International Olympic Academy
~ see Hellenic Olympic Committee (27:6)
International Olympic Committee (1948–1969)
International Red Cross
~ see American School Committee for Aid to Greece (26:2)
International Society for Homeric Studies (1971)
Jay Hambidge Art Foundation (nd)
Johns Hopkins University (1942–1943)
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation (1953–1971)
Justice for Greece Committee (1948)
Kress Foundation
~ see Samuel H. Kress Foundation (27:10)
Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitetsakademien
~ see Swedish Academy of Antiquities (27:10)
Library of Congress, Service for the Blind (1979–1982)
Folder 8
Macalester College (1965–1968)
Medelhavsmuseet (1971)
Meredith College (1939)
Metropolitan Museum of Art (1931)
Minnesota Classical Conference (1960)
Minnesota Messenia Expedition (1971)
Musée du Louvre (1928)
Musei Civici, Verona (1934–1935)
Museo Nazionale Napoli (1929–1930)
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (1930)
National Bank Foundation (1972–1974)
National Geographic Society (1948–1972)
~ see also Melville Grosvenor
Near East College Association (1943)
Near East Foundation (1941)
New Testament Club (1954)
New York City Police (1968)
Norman T. Pratt Fund (1978)
Folder 9
Österreichische Archäologische Institut Athen (1991)
Old Dominion Foundation (1967–1969)
Όμιλος Αρχαιοφίλων Η Αθήνα (1978)
Palo Alto Senior High (1965)
Patriarchate, Istanbul (1960)
People-to-People (1961–1962)
Phi Beta Kappa (1955–1960)
Pierce College (1965)
Piney Woods Country Life School (1967)
Presbyterian Theological Seminary (1939)
Preussiche Akademie der Wissenschaften (1931–1933)
Princeton High School (1953)
Quadrangle Club (1948–1959)
Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History, Antiquities (1974)
Folder 10
Samuel H. Kress Foundation (1966–1971)
San Francisco State College (1962)
Save the Children Federation (1943)
Scudder School (1944)
Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene (1954–1977)
Sea Diver (1959)
Shimer College (1962)
Society for the Preservation of the Greek Heritage (nd)
Society ‘Nea Altis’ for the Revival of Olympia
~ see Εταιρεία προς Αναβιοσιν της Ολυμπίας Νέα Αλτις
Society of Greek Archaeologists (1976)
Society of Peloponnesian Studies (1979)
Stanford University (1955–1965)
State University of Iowa (1963–1969)
Swedish Academy of Antiquities (1956)
Swedish Consul General, Greece (1929–1932)
Swedish Institute in Athens (1981)
Tampa Junior Museum (1969)
Tampa Yacht and Country Club (1959)
Trinity College (1939)
Folder 1
Union Theological Seminary (1940)
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
~ see U. S. Government: Department of State, Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations
United Negro College Fund (1953)
United States Educational Foundation in Greece (1963–1964)
United States Embassy, Greece (1953–1971)
~ see also Lincoln MacVeagh
U. S. Government and Ethnographic Board (1943–1944)
U. S. Government: Central Intelligence Agency (1948)
U. S. Government: Department of State (1952–1953)
U. S. Government: Department of State, Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations
(OFRR) (1942–1945)
U. S. Government: Office of Strategic Services (OSS) (1943)
U. S. Government: Office of War Information (1943–1944)
U. S. Government: War Department (1943)
U. S. Government: War Manpower Commission (1943)
Folder 2
University of California, Berkeley (1924–1969)
~ see also Charles Lipman
University of California, Los Angeles (1963–1966)
University of Chicago (1948–1985)
~ see also Napier Wilt
Folder 3
University of Chicago Greek Cultural Foundation (1951–1952)
University of Chicago, Isthmia Excavation
~ see Isthmia Accounts (37:1)
Folder 4
University of Chicago, Lectures (1948–1958)
University of Chicago, Lecture notes (nd)
Folder 5
University of Illinois (1926–1927)
University of London (nd)
University of Minnesota (1963)
University of Missouri (1950)
University of Rochester (1940)
University of Washington (1964–1965)
University of Waterloo (1964)
Vassar College (nd)
Washington University (1957)
Wheaton College (1940–1962)
World Brotherhood (1950–1951)
BOX 29
Folder 1
Summer School Sessions 1927, 1928 organized by the Bureau of University Travel
Folder 2
School Trips (1927, 1932)
Folder 3
Folder 4
1946 April–May
1946 June–August
Folder 5
1946 – Lists of Materials Ordered (The resumption of the work at the ASCSA—both in
Athens and Corinth—after WWII, required fully supplying both sites. The papers have
been divided into Main Building, Loring Hall, Gennadeion, Corinth.)
Folder 6
Folder 7
BOX 30
Folder 1
Folder 2
Folder 3
Folder 4
Folder 5
The Broneer Fund (1964–1973)
Lion of Amphipolis Reconstruction
~ see R. W. Gausmann
~ see Lincoln MacVeigh
~ see ASCSA, 1936, 1937, 1967, 1968 (29:3, 7)
~ see photographs (60:4)
Publications Committee (1946–1985)
~ see also Lucy Taxis Shoe Merritt
~ see also Hesperia (33:5)
“Triumph Over Time” (1948–1962)
BOX 31
Folder 1
Automobile (1931–1964)
~ see also Oscar Broneer’s Documents (55:2)
American Express (1929–1955)
Bank of America (1966–1971)
Bank of Greece (1932)
Commercial Bank of Greece (1973–1984)
First National Bank of Chicago
~ see Walter Lichtenstein
Folder 2
First National Bank of Florida (1979–1991)
Folder 3
First National Bank of Princeton (1932–1984)
Folder 4
National Bank of Greece ((195?–1969)
State Department Federal Credit Union (1954)
Svenksa Handelsbanken (1969–1980)
United Jersey Bank (1984–1985)
University National Bank, Chicago (1954–1985)
Miscellaneous (1954)
Bill of Sale (1935)
Bookbinder (1966)
Folder 5
Corinth Canal Company
~ see Demosthenes Pippas
Customs Declarations (1955–1964)
Financial Investments:
Colonial Fund (1962–1989)
~ see also Paul Gebhard
General Motors Corporation (1962)
Portland General Electric Company (1965–1986)
Technology Fund Inc.
~ see Television-Electronics Fund
Television-Electronics Fund (1961–1984)
Union Pacific Corporation (1969–1983)
Folder 6
Commercial Travelers Mutual Accident Association of America (1944–1956)
Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd. (1969–1972)
Commercial Union of Greece Insurance Co. (1971)
H Εθνικη (1961)
Insurance Company of North America (1944)
Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. (1943)
Medicare (1982–1983)
Teacher’s Insurance and Annuity Association of America (1932–1986)
~ see also ASCSA, 1934 (29:2)
White Cross Insurance Company (1958–1986)
Folder 7
Legal Services:
Costas Kavvadias (1969–1980)
Lula Logan Broneer (1972–1973)
Lula Logan Broneer, Power of Attorney (1954)
Miscellaneous (1949)
Patent Application (1946–1953)
BOX 32
Folder 1
Medical Services (1926–1983)
Photo Services (1923–1969)
Folder 2
1943–1954 Princeton, New Jersey
1944 New York City
1956 Chicago, Illinois
1957 Corinth
1964 Los Angeles, California
Shipments (1944–1961)
Book Stores (1930–1977)
Clothing Stores (1932–1951)
Miscellaneous (1929–1976)
Miscellaneous Receipts (1931–1969)
Telegraph (1963)
Folder 3
Agents (1928–1962)
Hotel Reservations (1948–1974)
Restaurants (1955, all probably from his trip from Austria to Sweden)
Miscellaneous (nd)
Transportation (1874–1977)
~ Of special interest is Oscar Broneer’s 23 August 1913 ticket for his first passage
to the United States on the Lusitania from Liverpool to New York City. There is
also a peculiar ticket – I assume, for a boat – dated 1874 (twenty years before
Oscar Broneer’s birth).
~ see also his London-Athens-Cairo airplane ticket, 26 April 1945 (55:1)
Tickets, Museums, etc. (1955)
Folder 4
United States Income Tax (1924–1990)
~ see also Sanford Small
Folder 5
United States Social Security (1958–1984)
Utility Bills (1957–1975)
BOX 33
Folder 1: Publishers and Printing Companies
Adolf Holzhausens Nackfolger (1931–1938)
Adolf M. Hakkert (1966)
Akademie-Verlag GMBH (1962)
Akadémia Kiadó (nd)
American Book Company (1963)
The American Historical Company, Inc. (1942)
Chatto and Windus Ltd. (1975)
The Curtis Publishing Company (1941)
Doubleday & Company, Inc. (1964–1968)
Elsevier International Projects, Ltd. (1975)
F. Bruckmann A.-G. (1930)
Fratelli Alinari (1930)
George Rainbird Limited (1965)
Giesecke und Devrient (1930)
Harper and Brothers (1956)
Harvard University Press (1930–1931)
Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiano (1968)
J. H. Furst Company (1953–1968)
J. H. Schultz Forlag (1931)
J. J. Augustin Incorporated Publisher (1954)
Folder 2
John Bellows Ltd. (1956)
The Macmillan Company (1942–1951)
Marietti Editori (1960)
The Meriden Gravure Company (1962–1975)
Oxford University Press (1930)
P. F. Collier & Son Corporation (1946–1957)
Princeton University Press (1937–1974)
~ see also Princeton Dictionary of Classical Archaeology (33:5)
The Prometheus Press (1962)
Random House Inc. (1951–1952)
Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese (1975)
University of California Press (1930–1965)
~ see also George Calhoun
Verlag Philipp von Zabern (nd)
Walter de Gruyter & Co. (1966)
Folder 3: Biographical References
The Author’s and Writer’s Who’s Who (1935)
Biographical Encyclopedia of the World (1942)
Directory of American Scholars (1969–1978)
Who’s Who in America (1942–1969)
Who’s Who in the East (1943)
Who’s Who in the Western Hemisphere (1942–1943)
World Biography (1952)
Folder 4: Professional Journals
American Journal of Archaeology (1927–1986)
~ see also Richard Stillwell
Antiquity (1954–1956)
Archaeology (1948–1962)
~ see also Gladys D. Weinberg, a good friend of Oscar Broneer, who served as editor of
Archaeology 1952–1967; their correspondence ranged from personal to issues about the
Archeologia, Fouilles et Decouvertes (1965)
Archeologia Classica (1961)
Archeologia, Fouilles et Decouvertes (1965)
~ see Greek Heritage (33:5)
Biblical Archaeologist (1951–1964)
Bulletin Trimestriel de la Société de Géographie et d’Archéologie d’Oran (1927)
Folder 5
Classical Journal (1928)
Classical Review (1935)
Classical Weekly (1937)
Classical World (1961)
Δελτιον (1963)
Encyclopaedia “Hellas” (Εγκυκλοπαιδεια Ελλας)
~ see Manuscripts 1972? (42:3, 4)
Gnomon (1970)
~ see also Broneer’s reviews of Spyridon Iakovides, Ή Μυκηναϊκή Άκρόπολις τών Άθηνών
and Alfred Mallwitz and Wolfgang Schiering, Die Werkstaat des Pheidias in Olympia in
Gnomon (41:7)
Greek and Byzantine Studies (1957)
Greek Heritage (formerly Athene) (1963–1971)
~ see also Christopher Janus
Harvard Theological Review (1971)
Hesperia (1968–1990)
Journal of Near Eastern Studies (1951)
Klio (1938–1961)
Nestor (1979)
Princeton Dictionary of Classical Archaeology (1969–1974)
Folder 6: Popular Entertainment
The American Magazine* (1941)
The American Mercury* (nd)
Athens News (1977)
The Atlantic Monthly* (1941–1942)
Chicago Tribune Press Service (1967–1968)
The Elks Magazine* (1941)
Esquire* (1941?)
Expressen (1975)
Fox Movietone (1958)
Harper’s Magazine* (1941–1956)
Hearst Magazines, Inc. (1942)
Illustrated London News (1937–1956)
International Herald Tribune (1974–1981)
~ see also Cyprus (27:1)
The Lutheran Companion (1942–1943)
National Geographic Magazine (1967)
The National Herald (1944)
The New Republic* (1941)
New York Herald Tribune (1942)
Reader’s Digest (1944–1985)
Saturday Evening Post* (1948)
Story and the Story Press* (nd)
Sun Times (1952)
The Times (1956)
This Week Magazine* (1941)
Time (1956–1962)
Warner Bros. (1937)
*Oscar Broneer submitted short stories to these magazines in 1941.
Folder 1: North Slope of the Acropolis
~ see ASCSA (29 and 30)
Folder 2: North Slope of the Acropolis
“The Architectural Fragments from the North Slope of the Acropolis”
~ see Manuscripts (43:1)
Pottery and other objects
Sculpture (21 photographs with descriptions)
Folder 3: North Slope of the Acropolis
Photographs (47, most with “Fig.” and number penciled on back)
~ see 58 squeezes (Box 66)
“Inscriptions from the North Slope of the Acropolis”
~ see Manuscripts (43:4)
Folder 4: North Slope of the Acropolis
Photographs from
Oscar Broneer, “Excavations on the North Slope of the Acropolis in Athens, 1931–1932”
Hesperia 2 (1933), figs. 5, 6, 9, 26-28, 31–42, 44, 46, 60, 61.
Charles H. Morgan II, “The Terracotta Figurines” Hesperia 4 (1935), figs. 1–15.
Mary Zella Pease, “The Pottery from the North Slope of the Acropolis” Hesperia 4
(1935), figs. 1–49.
Oscar Broneer, “Excavations on the Slopes of the Acropolis, 1939” AJA 44 (1940), figs.
1, 2, 4.
Folder 5: North Slope of the Acropolis
Over 100 loose photographs. Most are probably—but not confirmed—from the excavations on the slopes of the Acropolis. Some are photographs appearing in Hesperia excavation reports of 1933 and 1935. Also in O. Broneer, "A Mycenaean fountain on the Athenian Acropolis," Hesperia 8 (1939), pp. 317-433.
Snapshots of the slopes of the Acropolis in plastic sleeves
SA 1 “Sept 26 ’32 I-6 Lower stretch of Mycenaean stairway from East”
SA 2–5 “Sept 26 1932”
SA 6–10 5 Oct 1932 (date on envelope containing the snapshots)
SA 11 Negatives for SA 6–10
SA 12–21 6 Oct 1932 (date on envelope containing the snapshots)
SA 22 Negatives for SA 6–10
SA 23–27 20 Oct 1932 (date on envelope containing the snapshots)
SA 28 Negatives for SA 23–27
SA 29–30 Excavation in progress with city in distance
SA 31–36 Unidentified views
SA? 1–7 Unidentified possible snapshot of the Slopes of the Acropolis with negatives
SA? 8–21 Unidentified possible snapshot of the Slopes of the Acropolis
- negatives of Broneer and others holding the Exekias krater (AP 1044) from the North Slope.
~ see also snapshots of the Aglaurion on the North Slope of the Acropolis (65, Nos.
32–54, 365–367)
~ See also ASCSA, 1930s for Oscar Broneer’s detailed descriptions and thoughts about his
excavations on the slopes of the Acropolis (29:1–3)
Folder 6: North Slope of the Acropolis, Corinth and unidentified drawings and reprints [Flat Storage, drawer # 15]
Hesperia (1932) 1, p. 34, fig. 2 “Sanctuary of Eros and Aphrodite” (3 copies: original drawing, 2 copies of Hesperia plate)
Hesperia (1932) 1, p. 43, fig. 10 “Rock-cut Inscription I” (2 copies)
Hesperia (1932) 1, p. 44, fig. 11 “Rock-cut Inscription II (3 copies)
Hesperia (1933) 2, p. 337, fig. 8 “Votive Shield from the Cave”
Hesperia (1933) 2, p. 337, fig. 9 “Figurine from East End of Cave”
Hesperia (1933) 2, p. 341, fig. 13 “Bronze Arrow Points”
Hesperia (1933) 2, p. 348, fig. 19 “The περίπατος Inscription”
Hesperia (1933) 2, p. 374, fig. 48 “Inscribed Pedestal and Base (Restored)”
Hesperia (1933) 2, p. 375, fig. 51 “Inscription No. 4”
Hesperia (1933) 2, p. 377, fig. 56a “Inscription No. 9”
Hesperia (1933) 2, p. 377, fig. 56b “Inscription E. M. 12563”
Hesperia (1933) 2, p. 378, fig. 57 “Inscription No. 9 and E. M. 12563 (Restored)”
Hesperia (1933) 2, p. 406, fig. 74 “Inscription No. 24”
Hesperia (1933) 2, p. 409, fig. 80 “Inscription No. 30”
Hesperia (1933) 2, p. 410, fig. 81 “Inscription No. 31”
Hesperia (1933) 2, p. 412, fig. 84 “Inscription No. 34”
Hesperia (1933) 2, p. 413, fig. 87 “Inscription No. 37”
Hesperia (1933) 2, p. 414, fig. 88 “Inscription No. 38”
Hesperia (1933) 2, p. 415, fig. 90 “Plan of Rock-Cut Bedding and Steps on East Slope”
Hesperia (1933) 2, p. 416, fig. 91 “Rock-Cut Bedding and Steps Seen from the North”
Hesperia (1933) 2, Pl. XI (no caption)
Hesperia (1933) 2, Pl. XII “The Stele I.G.2 1706 . . .” (2 copies)
Hesperia (1933) 2, Pl. XIII “I.G.2 II 1706 . . .”
Compilation of Hesperia (1933) 2, figs. 8, 9, 13.
Compilation of Hesperia (1933) 2, figs. 19, 48, 90, 91.
Compilation of Hesperia (1933) 2, figs. 51, 57, 80, 81, 84, 87, 88, and three unidentified.
Large copy of Inscription I.G. 13 104 (notations possibly made by Oscar Broneer)
“Athènes, Acropole 23 Janviewr 1931 1:50” penciled geometric shapes and numerical notations on 32x50cm cheap brown paper with thumbtacked corners.
“Sanctuaire de Eros-Aphrodite 1:50” penciled geometric shapes and numerical notations on 32x50cm cheap brown paper with thumbtacked corners.
Inscription on Attic spur-handled kantharos found in Corinth (C 1940 340). See Weinberg, Hesperia (1948), p. 239.
“Portion of Wall and passages, supposed of labyrinth, Plan II, See photographs No. 1, 2 & 3”. Pen and ink sketch, possibly Corinth, Peirene.
Small pen and ink sketch of reconstruction of building, possibly Corinth, Peirene.
Box 34 (Folders 7-9)
Folder 7: Corinth
Architectural terracottas
The excavations
Miscellaneous notes
The South Stoa
Lists of slides and photographs
Folder 7A
John Kent, “A Report on the Corinth Inscriptions”
Folder 8: Corinth
Excavation snapshots (54 with many duplicates)
Excavation photographs (25)
Statue of Athena Archegetis (4)
Odeum (5)
Folder 9: Corinth
“Corinth” (sketch of a lamp)
Pottery (12)
From unidentified article (41 and 2 negatives)
From “The Corinthian Altar Painter” Hesperia 16 (1947) (2 photographs)
From “Terracotta Altars from Corinth” Hesperia 19 (1950) (5 photographs, 2 plans, 1
Eutychia mosaic from the South Stoa
Miscellaneous snapshots in plastic sleeves (35):
A Excellent quality snapshots of excavation, no identification, taken by Miss Alice F.
B Snapshots of excavation with workmen, visitors; no identification
C “Athena Trench”
D “Grave at N.city wall, Corinth, June 1932”
E The life-size dolls
F A roof tile factory
G Mosaic
H Inscribed designs
I Marble statue
J Relief fragment
K “Door to Byzantine Tomb, Kastos July 1932”
Folder 1
The excavation
Isthmia museum
Isthmian testimonia
Folder 2
Great (or) Large Circular Pit
Mycenaean wall
N. E. Cave
Temple of Poseidon
~ see also Isthmia, I, The Temple of Poseidon (Box 38)
~ see also Betsy Gebhard, 1959
Trenches (1952–1960)
Folder 3
Metal objects
Sculpture from the Temple of Poseidon
Folder 4
“Isthmia Pottery” by Franklin P. Johnson (unpublished)
Folder 5
~ see also H. Wollmann
Folder 6
Notebook (not Broneer’s): “Lamps, Comparative Material, 1972” with detailed notes,
drawings, photographs
Notebook (not Broneer’s): “Lamp Notes 1963” (notes, sketches, concordances)
Folder 7
Notebook (not Broneer’s): “Lamps – Comparative Material – 1973, Sparta-Tegea-Athens”
Notebook (not Broneer’s): “from Patras”
Folder 8
Plates (7)
Sketches (all Isthmia?) (9)
Architectural sketches (many, all Isthmia?)
Architectural measurements (many, all Isthmia?)
Folder 9
Isthmia II Topography and Architecture – outline, list of illustrations, notes
Folder 1
Indexes of Isthmia plans
Indexes of Isthmia drawings
Lists of Isthmia plans and drawings
Lists of publications
Folder 2
Catalogue of photographs (1950s)
Catalogue of photographs (1952–1968)
Catalogue of photographs (1960–1971)
List of missing photographs
Lists of slides
Folder 2A
Helmets from Isthmia (9 from envelope addressed to Carl Lokke)
The Perirrhanterion (46 with duplicates)
Pottery (44 with duplicates, 8 were published in Hesperia 27, all from Isthmia?)
Stadium (22 with duplicates, large, some enlarged from snapshots, with descriptions
on backs)
Unidentified objects (30, originally glued to acidic board, caption and figure number
glued on reverse, two of these photos appeared in Isthmia I and Isthmia II)
Photographs in plastic sleeves:
Is 1–86 Excavation (no date, no identification)
Is 87–111 Unidentified finds in situ (no date)
Is 112–117 Unidentified objects (no date)
Is 118–131 Excavators, workers, visitors, Oscar Broneer (no date)
Folder 3
Hand-written notes (chiefly about Isthmia architecture)
Folder 4
Hand-written notes (chiefly about Isthmia architecture)
Miscellaneous notes
Folder 5 [kept separately]
Films (20 reels, 16mm, fade-free Kodachrome), shot from 1957 to 1959, and showing wide panoramas of the excavation site with close-ups of archaeological objects, as well as field work.
Folder 1
University of Chicago Isthmian Excavation Fund (1956–1964)
University of Chicago appropriations ledgers
University of Chicago requests for budget transfers (1957–1958)
Broneer Fund
~ see also ASCSA (30:5)
Folder 2
“Isthmia Accounts” (1955–1958, 1965–1967)
Budget (1967, 1969)
Expenditures in dollars and in drachmas (1954–1956)
Bank of Greece: Dollar – Drachma exchange (1957–1958)
Folder 3
Account Ledger (also with miscellaneous loose papers) (1952–1958)
Folder 4
Payroll (1960–1962)
Folder 5
“Isthmia Excavation Accounts 1959–1966–” (ledger, plus at end “Kenchreai Accounts”)
Folder 6
Receipts: Numbered and in chronological order (1956–1958)
Folders 1–8
Drafts and final version
Folder 9
Illustrations, Notes
Folder 10
Notes and early drafts
Folders 1–3
Version A. Written on folder: “Final MS – Lamps . . . MS. All lamps not described in Catalogue” and “This is manuscript (text) as it was before the Pre-Final copy. If there are questions about the P-F copy, look here first.”
Folder 4
Random pages. Written on folder: “These are pages that needed to be retyped. The clean, new pages were then put into the manuscript. These are random pages, but are in order . . . If a question isn’t answered by looking through the copy of the manuscript, that was before the P-F copy, then look here second.”
Folder 5
Written on folder: “Old MS pp 1–176” “These are what Dolly [Manzoni] called the ‘Old’ and ‘New’ manuscripts. It’s murder to look for things in here because they are only in the vaguest order. Use this as a last resort.”
Folder 6
Notes and ideas
Acknowledgment and Preface
Introduction pp. 1–4
Drawings and sketches
Palaimonion Type A-1, pp. 1–93
Palaimonion Type B, pp. 94–114
Folder 7
Archaic, pp. 1–24
Roman Lamps, pp. 1–54
Type I, IV, VI, VII (24 pages)
Folder 8
Pencil drawings of lamps (110)
Folder 1
Final draft, pp. 1–198
Folder 2
Final draft, pp. 199–335 and index
Folder 3
Penultimate (?) draft, pp. 1–141
Folder 4
Penultimate (?) draft, pp. 142–224
Folder 5
Notebook: Plates
Notebook: Distribution
Notebook: Hand-written early draft
Notebook: Notes and calculations
Folder 6
Galley proof
~ see also Harold N. Fowler with discussion of the proofing of The Terracotta Lamps
Folder 1
“Excavations in the Odeum at Corinth, 1928” AJA 32 (1928). Reprint.
Corinth X, The Odeum (1932), pp. 81–154. Reprint.
Review of Heinrich Bulle, Untersuchungen an griechischen Theatern (1928) in AJA 39
(1935). Eight typed pages with corrections.
“The Όχετος in the Greek Theatre” Classical Studies presented to Edward Capps on his
Seventieth Birthday, Princeton (1936). Three page galley proof, 15 typed pages with
corrections, plans, drawings.
“A Calyx-Krater by Exekias” Hesperia 6 (1937). Reprint.
“The Head of Herakles in the Pediment of the Old Athena Temple” Hesperia 8 (1939).
Seven photographs, no text.
~ see also watercolor “Plate I. Poros Head of Herakles”. (Box 66)
“An Official Rescript from Corinth” Hesperia 8 (1939). Originally titled “An Imperial
Rescript from Corinth”, about 40 hand-written pages, two photographs, a squeeze and
Folder 2
“The Tent of Xerxes and the Greek Theater” University of California Publications in
Classical Archaeology, I, 12 (1944). Two reprints, 17 typed pages, 6 pages of notes.
Review by H. N. Couch in Classical Weekly. This also appeared AJA 47 (1943) and he
presented a talk of this title at the AIA meetings in 1942.
“Excavations in Corinth 1946–47, The South Stoa”. Thirteen typed pages.
“The Dorian Invasion: What Happened at Athens” AJA 52 (1948). Reprint.
“The Lion of Amphipolis” Archaeology 1 (1948). Copy of magazine, 26 photographs.
“Investigations at Corinth, 1947–1948” Hesperia 18 (1949). Four typed pages.
“Measurements and Refinements of the South Stoa at Corinth” AJA 53 (1949). Two typed
“Records of the American School of Classical Studies” The American Archivist 52
(1949). Five typed pages.
Review of Arvid Andren, Opuscula Archaeologica V (Acta Instituti Romani Regni Sueciae,
XIII) (1948) in Classical Philology 44 (1949). Four typed pages.
Review of Antony Raubitschek, Dedications from the Athenian Acropolis (1949) in
Archaeology 2 (1949). Three typed pages.
Review of Frank Smothers, et al, Report on the Greeks (1948) in Annals of the American
Academy of Political and Social Sciences 261 (1949). Two typed pages.
Folder 3
“The Isthmian Sanctuary. Prospectus of Excavation” “24 November 1950”. Six typed
Review of Frederick Waage, ed., Antioch-on-the-Orontes IV,i Ceramics and Islamic Coins
(1948) in AJA 54 (1950). Ten typed pages.
Review of George Bakalakis, Έλληνικà τραπεζοφόρα (1948) in Classical Philology 45
(1950). Two typed pages.
“Corinth, Report of the Excavations, April 20–July 1, 1950”. Three typed pages.
“Julian Basilica Trench, 1950” Signed “O.B. University of Chicago”. One typed page.
“Corinth, Center of St. Paul’s Missionary Work in Greece” The Biblical Archaeologist 14
(1951). Twenty-two typed pages and 7 photographs.
“Odeion and Skene” “Lecture Princeton Dec 28 1951”. Three slightly different versions of
5, 9 and 12 typed pages and a list of slides. “Odeion and Skene” also appeared in AJA
56 (1952) and was the title of a talk presented at the AIA meetings in 1951.
Review of Alan J. B. Wace, Mycenae, an Archaeological History and Guide (1949) in
Classical Philology 46 (1951). Six typed pages.
Review of Carlo Anti, Guida per il visitatore del teatro antico di Siracusa (1948) in
Classical Philology 46 (1951). One typed page.
Review of Dorothy Hanna Cox, The Excavations at Dura-Europas IV, i, 2 The Greek and
Roman Pottery (1949) in Classical Philology 46 (1951). One typed page.
Review of R. E. Wycherley, How the Greeks Built Cities (1949) in Classical Philology 46
(1951). Two typed pages.
“Report on Corinth, April and May 1952”. One typed page.
“Isthmia Excavations, Spring Campaign 1952” Hesperia 22 (1953). Five typed pages.
“New Discoveries at the Isthmian Sanctuary of Poseidon”. Talk delivered at the University
of Chicago AIA society, December 1954. Eight typed pages.
“The University of Chicago Excavations at the Isthmian Sanctuary, 1954”. Five typed
pages, English and Greek versions.
Folder 4
“Excavations at Isthmia, 1954” Hesperia 24 (1955). Sixty-two typed pages with
“Athens in the Late Bronze Age and Its Relation to the Mycenaean World” Antiquity 30
(1956). Twenty-two typed and hand-written pages with numerous corrections.
“The Enigma Explained” Archaeology 9 (1956). Originally titled “An Archaeological
Puzzle, Solved by the Spade”, 5 typed pages.
“The North Slope Krater, New Fragments” Hesperia 25 (1956). Eight typed pages.
“The Greeks Had a Device for It”. Two typed pages, 2 copies, written about the time of the
end of the 3rd campaign in Isthmia.
“Isthmia 1955–1956”. Four typed pages and 7 typed page list of slides for “Lecture on
Isthmia, 1955–56”.
“Isthmiaka, 1956”. Eight typed pages.
Folder 5
“Corinthia, Isthmia, and St. Paul”. Talk in Tallahassee, 30 April 1957. Three typed pages,
2 copies, hand-written notes.
“Gods and Games on the Corinthian Isthmus” Augustana Bulletin (1957). Seven typed
pages, copy of the Augustana Bulletin. A version of this also appeared in the University
of Chicago Magazine 49 (1957) and a talk of this title was delivered at a number of
universities in 1960 (see below 1960).
~ see also the photographs taken December 1956 for the article which appeared in the
University of Chicago Magazine (65: OB 285–288).
Review of Pierre Amandry, La Colonne des Naxiens et la Portique des Athéniens and Jean
Jannoray, Le Gymnase, Fouilles de Delphes, II, Topographie et Architecture (1953) in
Classical Philology 52 (1957). Five typed pages.
“Athens, City of Idol Worship” The Biblical Archaeologist, 21 (1958). Reprint.
“Report of 1958 Isthmia Excavations”. Submitted to the Υπουργέιον Θρησκευμάτων και
Εθνικής Παιδειας Διεύθυνσιν Αρχαιοτήτων in 1958, 7 typed pages.
Review of W. Vollgraff, Le Sanctuaire d’ Apollon Pythéen à Argos (1955) in AJA 62
(1958). Three typed pages.
Review of Saul Weinberg, ed., The Aegean and the Near East, Studies Presented to Hetty
Goldman (1956) in Archaeology 11 (1958). Five typed pages.
“Isthmia Excavations, 1957–1958. Introduction”. Five typed pages – appears to be an
introduction to a lecture.
“Isthmiaka, 1958”. Six typed pages.
“University of Chicago Excavations at the Isthmia: Mystery Shrine of Palaimon (1957–
58)”. Two typed pages, reads like a funding proposal.
“Excavations at Isthmia, 1957–1958” Hesperia 28 (1959). One typed page. This also
appears in AJA 63 (1959).
Review of Richard Hubbard Howland, The Athenian Agora, IV, The Greek Lamps and their
Survivals (1958) in AJA 43 (1959). Five typed pages.
Folder 6
“God and Games on the Corinthian Isthmus”. Ten typed pages with 8 typed page outline,
three different lists of slides. Newspaper articles describe this talk given at Columbia,
SC; Greensboro, NC; St. Louis and Berkeley in the winter of 1960. This is not the same
as the 1957 article of the same name.
“ISTHMIAKA, Undersökninger på platsen för de Isthmiaka spleen”. Lecture delivered at
the Arkeologiska Samfundet i Stockholm, 5 October 1960 and the University of
Gathenburg, 6 October 1960. Three versions: one hand-written and two 23 page typed
copies in Swedish.
“Notes on Three Athenian Cult places” Άρχ Έφ (1960). Seventeen typed pages.
“Isthmia weekly excavation reports, 9 May–3 June 1961”. Six typed pages.
“Isthmiaca: Investigations at the Site of the Isthmian Games” Klio 39 (1961). Reprint.
“The Isthmus of Corinth at the end of the Bronze Age” Atti del Settimo Congresso
internazionale di Archeologia classica, Roma-Napoli 6–13 sett., 1958 I Rome (1961).
Two copies of 6 typed pages with corrections.
Review of Joseph Fontenrose, Python; A Study of Delphic Myth and its Origins (1959) in
Archaeology 14 (1961). Two typed pages.
Review of Gustavo Traversari, Gli Spettacoli in Acqua nel Teatro Tardo-Antico (1960) in
AJA 45 (1961). Three typed pages.
Review of Franz Willensen, Die Löwenkopf-Wasserspeier, vom Dach des Zeustemples
(Olympia Forschungen IV) (1959) in AJA 65 (1961). Three typed pages.
Folder 7
“Excavations at Isthmia, 1959–1961” Hesperia 31 (1962). Forty-three typed pages.
“The Isthmian Victory Crown” AJA 66 (1962). Twenty-one typed pages.
Review of Margarete Bieber, The History of the Greek and Roman Theater (1961) in
Archaeology 15 (1962). One typed page.
Review of George Mylonas, Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries (1961) in Archaeology
15 (1962). Two typed pages.
Review of Judith Perlzweig, The Athenian Agora, VII, Lamps of the Roman Period, First to
Seventh Century after Christ (1961) in AJA 46 (1962). Six typed pages.
“The Isthmian Games: What Isthmia Has Taught Us About Greek Athletics” and “The
Isthmian Games and the Religious Aspects”. Two talks delivered at the Olympic
Academy, July 1963. Twenty-one typed pages.
Review of Armin von Gerkan and Wolfgang Müller-Wiener, Das Theater von Epidauros
(1961) in AJA 67 (1963). Four typed pages.
Review of Hildegund Gropengiesser, Die Pflanzlichen Akrotere Klassischer Tempel (1961)
in AJA 67 (1963). Two typed pages.
Review of Spyridon Iakovides, Ή Μυκηναϊκή Άκρόπολις τών Άθηνών (1962) in Gnomon 35
(1963). Two typed pages and communication with Gnomon.
Review of Spyridon Iakovides, Η Μυκηναϊκή Ακρόπολις τών Αθηνών (1962) in
Archaeology 17 (1964). Two typed pages.
“The Isthmian Games and the Sanctuary of Poseidon”. Talk presented at the Olympic
Academy, June 1965. Ten typed pages, two copies.
Review of Joseph Alsop, From the Silent Earth: A Report on the Greek Bronze Age (1964)
in AJA 69 (1965). One typed page (incomplete) with corrections.
Review of Alfred Mallwitz and Wolfgang Schiering, Die Werkstaat des Pheidias in
Olympia, I (Olympische Forschungen V) (1964) in Gnomon 37 (1965). Eight typed pages
and communication with Gnomon.
“The Cyclopean Wall on the Isthmus of Corinth and its Bearing on Late Bronze Age
Chronology” Hesperia 35 (1966). Three versions and reprint.
Review of Charles Picard, Etudes Thasiennes, VIII, Les Portes sculptées à images divines
(1962) in AJA 70 (1966). Two typed pages.
Folder 1
Review of Heinz Kähler, Der Griechische Tempel, Wesen und Gestalt (1964) in AJA 71
(1967). Two typed pages.
Review of Karl Lehmann and Denys Spittle, Samothrace 4, II, The Altar Court (1964) in
AJA 71 (1967). Eight typed pages.
Review of Philippe Bruneau, Exploration archéologique de Délos, XXVI, Les Lampes
(1965) in AJA 71 (1967). Four typed pages with corrections.
Review of Raymond Schroder, Masterpieces of Greek Art (1965) in AJA 71 (1967).
“The Cyclopean Wall and the Isthmus of Corinth and its Bearing on Late Bronze Age
Chronology, Addendum” Hesperia 37 (1968). Two slightly different copies of 13 and 17
typed pages.
Review of Anne Bovon, Lampes d’ Argos (Études Peloponnésiennes, V) (1966) in AJA 72
(1968). Two typed pages.
Review of Bert Hodge Hill, The Temple of Zeus at Nemea (1966) in AJA 72 (1968).
Reprint. Eight typed pages with corrections.
“Archaic Wall Paintings at Isthmia” AJA 73 (1969) and paper presented at 1968 AIA
meetings. Two versions of 1 and 7 typed pages.
“The Isthmus of Corinth, Where Athletes Fought for Glory and a Pine Wreath”. “Sent to
the Chicago Tribune, London office on 15 September 1969”, 12 typed pages and list of
Review of Gösta Säflund, ed., Oposcula Carolo Kerenyi Dedicata (Stockholm Studies in
Classical Archaeology, V) (1968) in AJA 74 (1970). Four typed pages.
Review of Ludwig Drees, Olympia: Gods, Artists and Athletes (1968) in AJA 74 (1970).
Six typed pages.
“Plan of Research”. Fund raising proposal, 3 typed pages.
“The Sanctuary of Poseidon and the Isthmian Games”. Seven typed pages with
Folder 2
“Isthmia, Its Gods and Games”. A talk delivered at the Olympic Academy June 1971. Two
copies in English of 10 and 11 typed pages, one copy in Greek of 11 typed pages, notes,
one photograph.
“Paul and the Pagan Cults at Isthmia” Harvard Theological Review 64 (1971). Thirty-three
typed pages.
Review of Daria de Bernardi Ferraro, Teatri Classici in Asia Minor, II, Città di Pisidia,
Licia e Caria (1969) in AJA 75 (1971). Five typed pages.
Review of Julius Jüthner, Die Athletischen Leibesübungen der Griechen I, Geschicte der
Leibesübungen (1965) in AJA 75 (1971). Eight typed pages.
“Starting Devices in Greek Stadia” AJA 76 (1972) and talk presented at 1971 AIA
meetings. Eight typed pages.
Review of Daria de Bernardi Ferraro, Teatri Classici in Asia Minor, III, Città dalla Troade
alla Pamfilia (1970) in AJA 76 (1972). Two typed pages.
Folders 3, 4
“Athens” entry in Encyclopaedia Hellas (Εγκυκλοπαιδεια Ελλας) (ca. 1972). Several typed
copies of each section totaling over 100 typed pages, mock-up, correspondence with
Encylopaedia Hellas.
Folder 5
Review of Homer Thompson and R. E. Wycherley, The Athenian Agora, XIV, The Agora
of Athens (1972) in AJA 77 (1973). Six typed pages.
“The Theater of Dionysos, Early Form of Orchestra and Skene”. ASCSA 1975 talk. Two
copies: 23 typed pages in English, 29 hand-written pages in Swedish, 6 page outline,
“The Isthmian Sanctuary of Poseidon” ed. by U. Jantzen, Neue Forschungen in
griechischen Heiligtümern (1976), pp. 39–62. Three copies of 24 typed pages with
corrections, 25 photographs. A shorter article of the same title also appeared in
Archaeology 8 (1955).
Folder 1
“Aphrodite of Acrocorinth and her ‘Sacred Slaves’”. Seven typed pages with corrections,
26 photographs. A slightly different version, “The ‘Sacred Slaves’ of Aphrodite”. Ten
typed pages, “The present article was written in response to a specific request of the
“Aphrodite Pandemios and the Αρχαία Αγορά”. Twenty-three hand-written pages.
“Archaeological Discoveries at Corinth”. Four typed pages.
“The Architectural Fragments from the North Slope of the Acropolis”. Twenty typed pages
with footnotes.
“The ‘Armed’ Aphrodite of Acrocorinth”. Fourteen typed pages, in corner is penciled
“Lecture”. Possibly the same as the “The ‘Armed Aphrodite’ on Acrocorinth and the
Aphrodite of Capua” published in University of California Publications in Classical
Archaeology 1 (1930).
“The ‘BEMA’ of St. Paul at Corinth – A Prospectus of Restoration” also titled “The Rostra
at Corinth – A Prospectus of Restoration”. Five copies of 5 typed pages each, one with
corrections, cover letter(?) of 2 typed pages, 4 photographs.
Folder 2
“Beneath the Citadel, Spade Work in Archaeology”, formerly titled “Crumbs, Extracts
from an Archaeologist’s Field-Book”, Hand-written version, early typed version, final 81
page typed version.
“Corinth”. Two typed copies of 33 pages each with corrections.
Folder 3
“Corinth – A Biography of a City on the Isthmus”. One hand-written page with list of
“Corinth in the Time of St. Paul”. Talk given at the University of Minnesota, Smith
College, State University of Iowa and other universities in 1938, 1940 and 1942. Two
typed copies of 33 pages each, hand-written copy, list of slides, local newspaper
clippings reporting the talk.
“The Corinthian Isthmus, Bridge and Bottleneck”. Same title as Lecture Series
(44:8) but different content, 4 typed copies of 5 pages each.
“The Corinthian Isthmus, Votive Gifts from the Sanctuaries of Poseidon and Palaimon”.
Sent to Illustrated London News, 4 typed pages.
“Δευτέρα περιηγητες της Κορίνθου υπό του Παυσανίου από της Ισθμίας”. Six hand-written
pages in English.
“Appendix: Early Fortifications: The Cyclopean Wall”. Ten typed pages, penciled at top
“Omit in Hesperia”.
“Extract from Article to Appear in June Issue of Antiquity”. Two typed pages, at top “Isth
“Gods and Games by the Corinth Canal”. Eleven typed pages.
Folder 4
“Inscriptions from the North Slope of the Acropolis”. Two hundred and thirty-nine typed
pages with footnotes.
Folder 5
“Isolationism and Intervention in Ancient Athens”. Two typed pages, reads like an
introduction to a lecture about the North Slope from Mycenaean to Classical.
“The Issue of an Election: Political Background of the Battle of Salamis”. Fourteen typed
“Isthmia, Excavations Conducted by the University of Chicago and the American School
of Classical Studies in Athens, 1952–1966”. Four typed pages.
“The Isthmian Sanctuary”. Version A, 3 typed pages.
“The Isthmian Sanctuary”. Version B, 8 typed pages with bibliography, list of illustrations,
5 page typed outline.
“The Isthmian Stadium, A New Type of Starting Gate”. Five hand-written pages.
“Korinthia”. Fourteen typed pages in German.
“Mason’s Marks”. Two typed pages, by Broneer?
“Mycenaean Pottery discovered at Corinth by the American School”. English and Greek,
3 typed pages each.
“The Old Athens Temple”. Ten hand-written pages.
“The Pelasgikon in Athens”. Hand-written draft, 20 typed pages.
“A Program for Archaeological Research”. One page hand-written outline.
Folder 6
Review of P.V. C. Baur, The Excavations at Dura-Europas, IV:III The Lamps (1947) in
unknown journal.
Review of Raymond Schroder, Masterpieces of Greek Art (1960) in unknown journal.
One typed page.
Review of Vincent Scully, The Earth, The Temple, and the Gods: Greek Sacred
Architecture (1962) in unknown journal. Two typed pages.
“South Stoa: General Introduction”. Fifteen typed pages with footnotes.
“The South Stoa at Corinth, A Building of Unique Importance in the History of
Architecture”. Eight typed pages with list of figures.
“A Study of the Greek Theater from the Plays of Euripides”. Thirty-three typed pages, by
“Topography and Monuments of Athens”. Twenty-two hand-written pages.
“Water Water…” Four typed pages, by Broneer?
“When the Classics Come Back”. One hand-written page draft.
“Why Archaeology?” Three typed pages with corrections, by Broneer?
“World Domination”. About events occurring late 1930s–early 1940s, 7 hand-written
Untitled article about excavating methods which starts “I have been asked to write
something about the methods of excavation . . . .”. Hand-written draft, 31 typed pages.
Untitled – a summary of the history of Athens from the Neolithic to the War of
Independence. Eighteen typed pages.
Folder 7
Lists of slides or illustrations for unidentified lectures or articles. Some hand-written, some
typed, one dated 1958, some with vague titles.
Lecture outlines
Handwritten notes and related secondary material on prehistory
Notes on Olympia sculpture and phases of 5th century chronology – a postcard depicting griffins mauling a deer (Thasos Museum)
Schedule of lectures
Newspaper coverage of lectures. Fourteen articles in English and Swedish, titles of lectures
not mentioned.
Review of Corinth, III:i Results of the Excavations Conducted by the American School of
Classical Studies in Athens in 1926: Acrocorinth (1930).
Unknown journal, volume and date, by W. L.
Reviews of Corinth, IV:ii Terracotta Lamps (1930).
Tijdschift voor Geschiedenis (1930) by G. A. S. Snijder.
Times Literary Supplement (11 September 1930) by (no name).
Review of Corinth, X The Odeum (1932).
The Classical Review 47 (1933) by A. M. Woodward.
Review of “Excavations on the North Slope of the Acropolis” Hesperia 4 (1935).
Unknown journal (1937) by F. P. Johnson.
Review of Eleusis, a Guide to the Excavations and the Museum by K. Kourouniotes,
translated by O. Broneer (1936).
Classical Weekly 30 (1937) by Jotham Johnson.
Review of Ancient Corinth, A Guide to the Excavations (1947).
Classical Philology 44 (1949) by John H. Kent.
Reviews of Corinth, I: iv The South Stoa and its Roman Successors (1954).
L’Antiquité Classique 25 (1956) by Charles Delvoye.
Classical Philology 52 (1957) by F. P. Johnson.
The Classical Review ns 6 (1956) by R. M. Cook.
Gnomon 28 (1956) by George Roux.
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 15 (1956) by Frederick R. Matson.
Nyt fra Historiens 6 (1955) by (no name).
Reviews of Isthmia, I Temple of Poseidon (1971).
AJA 78 (1974) by Georges Roux.
American Classical Review 2 (1972) by J. Walter Graham.
Archeologia Classica 24 (1972) by Eugenio La Rocca.
The Classical Review 24 (1974) by John Boardman.
The Classical World Vol.? (1972) by Ned Nabers.
Gnomon 47 (1975) by Wolf Koenigs.
Mnemosyne 30 (1977) by J. Feye.
Nyt fra Historiens 23 (1972) by (no name).
Phoenix 27 (1973) by A. Trevor Hodge.
Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica (1974) by Mario Benzi.
Reviews of Isthmia, II Topography and Architecture (1973).
AJA 80 (1976) by Henry S. Robinson.
The Classical Review ns 24 (1974) by J. M. Cook.
The Classical World Vol.? (1976) by Ronald S. Stroud.
JHS 95 (1975) by J. J. Coulton.
Nyt fra Historien 25 (1974) by (no name).
Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica (1975) by Mario Benzi.
Reviews of Isthmia, III Terracotta Lamps (1977).
AJA 82 (1978) by Hector Williams.
The Classical Review 28 (1978) by Michael Vickers.
Eirene 17 (1980) by Jan Bouzek.
JHS 98 (1978) by Donald M. Bailey.
Nyt fra Historien 28 (1978) by (no name).
Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica (1979) by Fede Berti.
BOX 44
Folders 1 – 6: “Athens: The Biography of a City”
Note: Envisioned as a series of bound essays, this nine chapter history of Athens was first delivered as a course at the University of Chicago (Humanities 220L) in 1949 and then was delivered at the University of Chicago’s Public Courses (224L) in the Fall of 1949.
Includes drafts, two versions of each section (lecture and chapter) and photographs.
~ see also University of Chicago: Lectures (28:4)
~ see also Random House (33:2)
Folder 1
I: “The Rock”
Folder 2
II: “City of the Dead”
III: “Foundations of Democracy”
Folder 3
IV: “Test by Fire”
V: “City of Marble”
Folder 4
VI: “In the Face of Disaster”
VII: “In the Wake of Disaster”
Folder 5
VIII: “Kings Bear Gifts”
IX: “City of Churches”
Folder 6
X: “Night and a New Day”
Folder 7
“Athens through the Ages”. Early version of “Athens: Biography of a City”, 52 typed
pages with corrections.
Folder 8: “Fingerprints of History”
The date and the location of this lecture series are not known, but there was newspaper coverage of some of these lectures given in 1961 and 1963 at the University of Texas in Austin and Gonzaga University. In the introduction to the first lecture, “Three Fountains: The Dorian Invastion”, Broneer states “the two lectures which I am scheduled to give at this university during my present visit . . . the theme of these two lectures . . . Fingerprints of History”. In the introduction to the third lecture, “One World: Corinth the Capital City”, he describes it as “tonight’s lecture”. And in the introduction to the fourth lecture, “The Corinthian Isthmus, Bridge and Bottleneck”, he says “In our lecture two weeks ago . . .”.
I: “Three Fountains: The Dorian Invasion”.
II: “Test by Fire: An Election that Saved Greece – and Europe.” (This lecture was delivered at the Greek Heritage Symposium in Athens, October 1965.)
III: “One World: Corinth the Capital City”.
IV: “The Corinthian Isthmus, Bridge and Bottleneck”.
V: “The Corruptible Crown: The Apostle Paul and the Isthmian Games.” (There is also an article “The Apostle Paul and the Isthmian Games” The Biblical Archaeologist 25 (1962). Newspaper coverage of this lecture series.
BOX 45
Folder 1
Hand-written drafts in eight small notebooks
Folders 2–4
First typed draft
Folder 5
Second typed draft
Folder 6
Final bound copy
BOX 46
Folder 1
In the early ‘40s, Oscar Broneer submitted a number of short stories to popular magazines
(see 33:6); almost all were rejected. He signed with his name or with different pen names.
“American Refugees” (nd) “by Oscar Broneer”. Submitted to New Republic and rejected
October 1941.
“Boners” (1943).
“Cats Just Cats (An Allegory written October 25, 1935)” Signed “Oscar Broneer”.
“The Cave” (nd) “by Oscar Broneer”.
“Chance Acquaintance” (nd) “by Hilden Bretling”.
“Election Scandals, A Story in Two Parts” (nd) Unsigned.
“Foreigners are Sometimes Honest” (nd) “by Oscar Broneer”.
“The Great Dictator” (nd) Unsigned.
Folder 2
“He Was by Cousin, A Story by Per Belnap” (nd).
“The Lion” (nd) “by P. Belknap O. T. B.” (A second copy “by P. Belknap”).
“The Most Unforgettable Greek I Ever Met” “by Oscar Broneer”. Greek and English
Versions, printed in Hellenic Chronicle on 26 March 1970.
“The Mystical Number Three in History” (nd) Unsigned. Submitted to The American Mercury and rejected.
“The Mule Comes Back” (nd) “by ‘Theodoros’”. Submitted to This Week Magazine.
“Out of the Depth” (nd) “by Oscar Broneer”. Submitted to Harper’s Magazine.
“Panagiotes” (nd) Unsigned.
“Phane’s Wedding” (nd) Unsigned.
“War on Olympos” (nd) “by ‘Theodoros’”. Submitted to The Story and the Story Press.
Included with this short story is the 1941 correspondence with The Author and Journalist, a company assisting authors in improving their manuscripts. Broneer paid them $2.65 for advice on how to improve “War on Olympos”.
Untitled hand-written story. (nd) Unsigned.
Folder 3
About twenty—mostly untitled—poems; some hand-written, some typed; some signed “Oscar Johnson” or “Oscar Broneer” or “Aron Bergstrom” and some dedicated to Oscar Broneer.
English (eight poems, two dated 1927, 1936)
Swedish (nine poems, three dated 1920, 1921, 1923)
German (1927)
~ Concerning Broneer’s poetry, see James Wiseman, “Insight: The Muse Within Us” Archaeology 52:1 (1999).
Folder 4
“A Trip to the South of Greece”. Two undated versions: a small notebook with about thirty hand-written pages and a typed version. At the back of the notebook are three dictated letters (see similar dictated correspondence in Boxes 48 and 49).
“Trip to Northwestern Greece” (nd).
“Russia, June 4th through 11th, 1965” (penned by Elizabeth Gephard's father and refers to a trip that she, Paul Gebhard, and her father took in 1965. "Father often dctated accounts of his travels to send to friends, so I suppose he sent one to Oscar" emailed Betsy Gephard to Jack L. Davis on June 4, 2016 when asked about the Russian trip).
Thirty-four various sized notebooks containing notes on sites, objects, notes from books. Some are titled:
“Oscar Broneer Prehistoric Antiquities”
“Oscar Broneer Sculpture”
“Oscar Broneer Epigraphy”
“Oscar Broneer Epigraphy B”
“The Precinct Pre-Roman Remains” (not Broneer’s handwriting)
“The Theater Cave (cont.)”
“Guide to Isthmia” (draft of in 4 bluebooks)
“Babel’s Tower”
“Notes, dictation, etc. from Broneer Manuscripts October 1969–April 1970”
“Everything in the book has been typed March 16, 1977”
The remaining untitled notebooks contain notes on Samothrace and Delos; notes from articles and books; two notebooks about lamps with catalogue numbers, descriptions and some sketches; notes on theaters; and many others.
Eight large notebooks, 4 blue books, 13 small notebooks. There are three types: notebooks with notes on work; notebooks with notes on work and dictation of correspondence; notebooks with only dictation of correspondence. Some dictation is in shorthand, some of the notebooks with dictation bear the names of some of Oscar Broneer’s assistants: Dolly Manzoni, Judith L. Kellogg, Margot Camp, Laura Fahy.
Eighteen large notebooks. Same description as Box 48.
Folder 1
Notes from books
Folder 2
Notes from books
Folder 3
Calculations and accounts
Slides and lists of general slide collections
~ see also Box 52
Folder 4
Random hand-written pages
Random typed pages
Folder 5
Athens: random hand-written notes
Athens, Pelasgikon, random hand-written notes
Folder 1
Loose notes
Folder 2
Greek Plays
Folder 3
Bull and Lion
Pindar and Aeschylus
“Measurement of the Roofing of Philos’ Arsenal” (William Bell Dinsmoor drawing?)
St. John’s Church, Cyprus
St. Paul
Sites in Greece
Approximately 200 bibliography cards. Some are typed, some hand-written; some on index cards, some on flimsy paper.
Approximately 800 index cards with hand-written Greek inscriptions. Some have Arabic numerals, some have Roman numerals.
BOX 54
Χρυσουλας Π. Καρδαρα, Εισαγωγη εις την Αρχαιαν Ιστοριαν (1981)
Ενημερωτικο Δελτίο (1989–1991)
Årsberättelse, Bulletin de la Societé Royale des Lettres de Lund (1983–1984)
Athens, The American Magazine of Hellenic Thought 8:3 (1947)
La Venus de Milo
The Joliet and Township High School and Jr. College 1928 Yearbook (Verna Broneer’s)
Notebook with hand-written Greek recipes in Greek
Six magazines with yarn patterns
Notebook on Greek embroidery
The Cat as a City Pet
Thoresen, Inc. Catalogue
Consumer’s Guide Feb 1944
Pocket Webster’s Dictionary
Pocket French-English Dictionary
Folder 1
Alsop, Joseph. “Kato Zakro” (1966).
Carter, Robert. “Extant Byzantine Churches in Athens” (nd).
Delendas, Plato N. “A Plan for the Revival of Ancient Olympia through the Creation of a New Altis” (1948).
Fisher, Charles S. “The Concept of Fate in Homeric Poetry” (nd).
Flickinger, Roy C. Carmina Latina, University of Chicago Press (1923).
Κτιστοπούλου, Κ. Δημ. «Ο Δίσκος της Φαιστού» in Minoan Language Studies (1948).
Κτιστοπούλου, Κ. Δημ. «Πρώται Παρατηρήσεις επι των Επιγραφών της Πύλου» (1951).
Folder 2
McCormick, Anne O’Hara. “Greece is the Hot Spot in the Cold War”. Reports from Greece to the New York Times (1948–1949).
Petsas, Ph. “Ten Years of Work at Pella” Archaeology (1964).
Pischelt, M. “Dionysos in der Griechischen Vasenmalerei” in Der Kunstspiegel (1949).
Sandes, L. R. “The hardening of Bronze” (1964).
Wace, A. J. B. “The Façade of the Treasury of Atreus” Εταιρεια Μακεδονικων Σπουδων (1953).
Wace, A. J. B. “The History of Greece in the third and second millenniums B.C.” Historia (1953).
Wace, A. J. B. “New Light on Homer – Excavations at Mycenae, 1952” Archaeology (1953).
Wace, A. J. B. “The Arrival of the Greeks” Saertrykk an Viking (1954).
Wace, A. J. B. “Ivory Carvings from Mycenae” Archaeology (1954).
Wace, A. J. B. “Pausanius and Mycenae” in Neue Beitrage zur Klassischen Altertumswissenschaft (1954).
Folder 3
Typewritten article about political models for the Myceanean Greek Invasion of Minoan Crete (no author, nd)
Folder 4
Proposal of initial projects for the Currie B. Witt Collection of Historic Architecture. Prepared for Currie B. Witt, Esq. by Turpin C. Bannister University of Florida March 22, 1963
BOX 55
~ see also Broneer’s Family correspondence (Boxes 3–7)
~ see also ASCSA, 1921–1928 about his early employment at the ASCSA (29:1)
~ see also Oscar Broneer’s personal photographs (Box 65)
Folder 1
Swedish citizenship and passports (1930–1938)
Swedish school certificate (1907)
Swedish work certificate (1913)
Swedish religious(?) document (1913–1915)
U. S. schooling (1915–1922)
Oscar Broneer and Verna Anderson marriage certificate (1927)
Greek residence permits (1939, 1980)
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration Temporary Identity Card issued
1945 (inside is his U.S. Air Force airplane ticket London-Athens-Cairo, 26 April 1945)
Folder 2
U.S. citizenship (1913–1966)
U.S. passports (1945–1982) and Permit to Re-enter U.S. (1939)
International driver’s license (1945–1974)
Folder 3
Lists of publications
Introductions, brief biographies
Interview (interviewer unknown)
American Geographical Society (1947)
Laboratory of Anthropology (1945)
Regia Societas Humaniorum Lillerarum Lundensis (1963)
Royal Order of Phoenix (1957–1962)
~ see also AIA Medal for Distinguished Archaeological Achievement (26:3)
~ see also Hellenic Olympic Committee (27:6)
~ see also National Geographic Society (27:8)
~ see also Phi Beta Kappa (27:9)
~ see also ASCSA, Broneer Fund (30:5)
Oscar Broneer's typewritten letter to his sons for matters following his death dated 21st July 1984
Folder 4
Lists of names
Christmas card lists (1983–1985)
Broneer family Christmas cards
BOX 56
Folder 1
Verna Anderson Broneer:
Birth certificate, U.S. Passport issued 1939
Family bequest (1939)
Estate of (1948–1949)
~ see also ASCSA, 25 June 1974 (30:1)
Folder 2
Paul Theodore Broneer:
Birth and baptism certificates
Citizenship papers
Greek residence permits (1930, 1936)
Schooling (1937–1955)
Folder 3
Jon Winroth Broneer:
Birth certificate (1935)
Schooling (1942–1956)
Folder 4
Jon Winroth Broneer newspaper clippings (1962–1979)
~ Jon Winroth Broneer was a professional wine and restaurant critic for the New York
Times International Edition, later the International Herald Tribune. In 1952 he used the
name “Jon Winroth Broneer”, in 1962 he signed “Jon W. Broneer” and after ca. 1967 he
signed “Jon Winroth”. (Winroth was the name of his maternal grandparents and in old
Swedish means “wine root”.)
Folder 5
Frances Fritzlen Broneer
~ see also Photograph OB 201 (possibly Frances Fritzlen Broneer)
BOX 57
Thirty-two small agendas and one address book. Most of the agendas have some loose
papers (receipts, name cards, etc) slipped between the pages.
1927 – school trips
1927 – summer school
Address book
BOX 58
Folder 1
Newspaper clippings (1931–1948)
Folder 2
Newspaper clippings (1950–1959)
Folder 3
Newspaper clippings (1960–1982)
Folder 4
Blank Stationary, envelopes from ASCSA, Ancient Corinth, AIA Chicago Society, and University of Chicago
BOX 59 (flat box)
Nos. 1-9: “Greta [Claesson] to Oscar” (Swedish)
No. 10: “O.B. to B.G.”
No. 11 “Birgit Bengtson” (Swedish)
No. 12 “To Oscar Broneer, Ancient Corinth, Greece From Drag” (Swedish)
No. 13 “Letter to Oscar . . . cont.” (Swedish)
No. 14 “Sommarpratare Agne Hamrin” (Swedish)
No. 15 Swedish (male on one side, female on other side)
No. 16 Swedish recording (lecture? sermon?)
No. 17 “Gladys” (and Saul Weinberg)
No. 18 “Letter to Dr. Oscar Broneer, Ancient Corinth, Greece from Albert N. Wells, Jackonsville, Florida, USA – May 27–28, 1978”
No. 19 “Mrs. Richard G. Skinner, Jr.” to “Dr. Oscar Broneer, Ancient Corinth”
No. 20 Message from unidentified American female (Mentions “Jeff and I”, Boston)
Nos. 21, 22 “Oscar Broneer – Interviewed by Colin Edmonson, Corinth – Summer 1981”
No. 23 Billy Graham (1950s American Protestant evangelist)
Nos. 24, 25 Greek music
No. 26 “La Bamba” (demonstration tape)
Nos. 27, 28 Blank tapes
BOX 60
Folder 1
Professional Photographs of Monuments:
Monreale (1)
Pesto, Temple of Neptune and Basilica (1)
Tivoli, Panorama (1)
Tivoli, Tempio della Sibilla (1)
Profesional Photographs of Theaters:
Ercolano (1)
Fiesole (1)
Naples (1)
Pompeii (6)
Segesta (2)
Taormina (5)
Professional Museum Photographs from
Athens, Acropolis Museum (1)
Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery (1)
Boston Museum of Fine Arts (1)
Carlsberg Glyptotek (note swastika on museum stamp) (6)
Chicago, Art Institute (1)
Istanbul Asari Atika Müzeler (1)
Istanbul Müzeler (1)
Istanbul? (1)
Naples, Museo Nazionale (1)
Rome, Museo delle Terme (1)
Rome, Museo Nazionale (1)
Rome, Palazzo dei Conservatori (1)
Split (1)
Folder 2
Architectural pieces (5):
Ionic column from Temple at Sardis (1) Enlargement of Broneer snapshot 345 (Box 65).
Unidentified (4)
Coins (4):
Wheaton College, Norton, Mass. 2 plates and list of coins
Coin of Lucius Verus (1)
Unidentified (2)
Inscriptions (8)
“Alexandrie” (2)
Antikensammlungen in München (1)
“Fig. 7 Roman Lamps from the Athenian Cerameicus” (3 copies)
Bibliotheque Nationale (2)
British Museum (2)
Louvre (7)
“Olynthus” (3)
Tegea, rubbings of lamp signatures (1)
Unidentified (14)
Metal Objects: Unidentified (8)
Mosaics (10)
Pottery (16)
Terracottas (9 with duplicates)
Folder 3
Gold (1)
Pottery (8)
Monument of Epolymous Heroes (1)
“Boston Marble Relief” (5 and bibliography)
Byzantine churches (1 photo, 2 prints)
“Head in plaster from Mycenae” (8), Gold masks from Mycenae (6), “Coptic Statuette from
Cairo” (1) – figures for an article
Medieval representations of Noah’s Ark (7)
Ludovisi Throne (9 and notes and related material about the aulos)
Folder 4
Lion of Amphipolis (82 and 12 duplicates and negatives of Nos. 25-31 and 33-37).
These 82 photographs are from an album recording the reconstruction of the Lion of
Amphipolis. Since they were scotch-taped to acidic paper, they had to be removed from
the album. Unfortunately, the scotch-tape is still adhesive and tacky and could not be
completely removed from the photographs. Captions that appeared below some of the
photographs were copied onto the back of the photograph. The photographs are
numbered in the order in which they appeared in the album.
Lion of Chaeronea (4 and a negative)
Lion of Chaeronea(?), close ups (7)
Small plaster model of Lion of Amphipolis (2), see same plaster model in the Archives
The reconstruction crew (1)
Lion of Amphipolis: 4 oversized photos kept on shelf.
BOX 61
Six canisters of 16 mm kodachrome film:
No. 1 1961 “old Greek spliced reel”
No. 2 1959
No. 3 “Greek temples at Paestrum in S. Italy – 6th c.”
No. 4 1947 “Angstens on Gloreue”
No. 5 1959
No. 6 no identification
BOX 62
(Large flat box of lantern and stereo slides)
Lantern slides (66) [available at Flickr: http://www.ascsa.edu.gr/index.php/archives/oscar-broneer-lantern-slides
Lantern slides (57) of pottery and other objects, excavations (North Slope and unidentified sites)
Stereo slides (59) of Athens monuments, buildings and street scenes from 1950 and 1952.
BOX 63
(Black binder with postcards, Nos. 1–56)
No. 1 – Timgad (1)
No. 2 – Vienna (3), Baden am Wein (3)
No. 3 – Pola, Arena (3)
No. 4 – Split
~ see Denmark Nos. 92–94
No. 5 – Chartres (1)
No. 6 – Marseille (a booklet of 20 postcards)
No. 7 – Orange, Roman theater (1)
No. 8 – Paris Monuments (ll) : La Madeleine, Sainte-Chapelle, Chamber of Deputies,
Chapel Louis XVI, Notre Dame (7)
No. 9 – Paris, Sacre-Coeur de Montmarte (5)
No. 10 – Paris, Louvre (11)
No. 11 – Musee de Versaille (24 reproductions of life of Napoleon)
No. 12 – Reproductions of etchings of execution of Louis XIV and Marie-Antoinette (2)
No. 13 – Berlin (3)
No. 14 – Lübeck (3)
No. 15 – Munich (2)
~ see Wittenberg No. 106
No. 16 – Athens, Views of Acropolis (3)
No. 17 – Athens, Acropolis (2)
No. 18 – Athens, Aghios Eleftherios (1)
No. 19 – Athens, Acropolis Museum (2)
No. 20 – Athens, Agora (15 postcards produced by ASCSA, December 1950)
No. 21 – Athens, Agora (17 postcards produced by ASCSA)
No. 22 – Athens, National Museum (20)
~ see Bassae No. 105
No. 23 – Corfu (5)
No. 24 – Cos (4)
No. 25 – Delos (1)
No. 26 – Delphi (4)
No. 27 – Dodone (1)
No. 28 – Epidauros (3)
No. 29 – Kalambakas (2)
No. 30 – Kalavrita (2)
No. 31 – Knossos (7)
No. 32 – Levadia (1)
No. 33 – Meteora (6)
No. 34 – Mount Athos (18)
No. 35 – Mycenae (4)
No. 36 – Myconos (2)
No. 37 – Mystras (2)
No. 38 – Mytiline (5)
No. 39 – Olympia (1)
No. 40 – Patmos (9)
No. 41 – Rhodes (4)
No. 42 – Sparta (1)
~ see Greek costumes No. 104
No. 43 – Assisi (7)
No. 44 – Bari (1)
No. 45 – Bologna (1)
No. 46 – Brindisi (1)
No. 47 – Firenze, Monuments (10)
No. 48 – Firenze, Uffizi (4)
No. 49 – Firenze, Museo Nationale (6)
No. 50 – Firenze, Museo Archeologica (7)
No. 51 – Firenze, Miscellaneous Museums (6)
No. 52 – Girgenti (10)
No. 53 – Naples (9)
No. 54 – Palermo (8)
No. 55 – Palermo, Monreale (11)
No. 56 – Perugia (8)
BOX 64
(Black binder with postcards, Nos. 57–106)
No. 57 – Pesto (1)
No. 58 – Pisa (1)
No. 59 – Pompei (27)
No. 60 – Ravello (5)
No. 61 – Rome (a booklet of 20 postcards)
No. 62 – Rome (a booklet of 20 postcards)
No. 63 – Rome, American Academy in Rome (3)
No. 64 – Rome, Castel S. Angelo (20)
No. 65 – Rome, Catacombs (5)
No. 66 – Rome, Forum (20)
No. 67 – Rome, Miscellaneous Monuments (9)
No. 68 – Rome, Museo Capitolino (17)
No. 69 – Rome, Museo Nazionale (6)
No. 70 – Rome, Museo Vaticano (21)
No. 71 – Rome, Palazzo dei Conservatori (5)
No. 72 – Rome, Pinacotera Capitolino (3)
No. 73 – Rome, Pontifico Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana (6)
No. 74 – Rome, Miscellaneous (12)
No. 75 – Rome, Lago di Nemi Museum (10)
No. 76 – Siracusa (14)
No. 77 – Tarquinia (11)
No. 78 – Tarquinia (11)
No. 79 – Tivoli, Villa Adriana (12)
No. 80 – Tivoli, Villa Adriana (12)
No. 81 – Venice (8)
~ see No. 91
No. 82 – Lisbon (3)
No. 83 – Topola (10)
No. 84 – Mallorca (12)
No. 85 – Gösta (12)
No. 86 – Kalmar (2)
No. 87 – Lund (5)
No. 88 – Stockholm (1)
No. 89 – Trollhättan (10)
No. 90 – Uppsala (2)
No. 91 – Oslo (1)
No. 92 – Copenhagen (1)
No. 93 – Copenhagen, Carlsberg Glyptotek (2)
No. 94 – Copenhagen, National Museum (2)
No. 95 – Geneva (1)
No. 96 – Ephesus (26)
No. 97 – Ephesus (4)
No. 98 – Pergamon (3)
No. 99 – Smyrna (Izmir) (10)
United States
No. 100 – Chicago, University and Art Institute (3)
No. 101 – Washington, D.C., Corcoran Gallery (1)
No. 102 – West Virginia (1)
No. 103 – Avon, Connecticut (1)
No. 104 – Greek costumes (found with 1927 correspondence of Verna Anderson) (15)
No. 105 – Bassae, Greece (1)
No. 106 – Wittenberg, Germany (miniature booklet with 12)
BOX 65 (large flat box of photographs)
Oscar Broneer Personal and Professional Life OB 1-303
Oscar Broneer passport photographs
OB 1 1926–1927 (2 copies found with Verna Broneer’s letters)
OB 2 ca 1937
OB 3 ca 1937
OB 4 1940s?
OB 5 1974 (7 copies)
OB 6 1982
OB 7 after 1982 (8 copies)
OB 8 after 1982 (4 copies)
Trip to Sweden, summer of 1924
OB 9–15 En board ship to Sweden (OB in photos 9–11)
OB 16–18 Same trip?
OB 19–25 “Midsommer 1924” (family [?] group shots) (OB 24 : OB with his mother?)
OB 26–31 Family shots at his brother Hilmer’s home? (Swedish descriptions on backs)
OB 32 A family house? (1926 postcard in Swedish)
OB 33 Young man and female
More Trip to Sweden, summer of 1924?
OB 34–35 A family
OB 36 A house
OB 37–38 A group of people
OB 39 Four women
OB 40 A picnic
OB 41 Children
OB 42–43 Touring car and two costumed women
OB 44–45 People standing next to touring car
OB 46–47 People on a beach
Italy en route to Athens in 1924
OB 48 “On the roof of Villa Aurelia 11 July 1924”
OB 49 “At the Villa Aurelia 11 July 1924”
OB 50 “Monte Cavo 12 July 1924”
OB 51 “Rocca di Papa, before the ascent to Monte Carlo”
OB 52 “At Monte Cavo July 12 ‘24” (Broneer reading)
OB 53 “Reading ‘Eternal Rome’ in Eternal Rome 5 Aug ‘24”
OB 54 “Col. & Capt de Daehn and wives. The dark haired Mme de Daehn a Romanov! Second cousin of Czar Nicholas II. In the garden of the Villa Sforza. 6 Aug. ‘24”
OB 55 “In a Roman garden. Italian waiter, Salvatore, serving an American girl* with afternoon tea, at the Villa Sforza on the Janiculum. *Miss Witherstine 6 Aug. 1924”
OB 56 “In the Villa Adriana near Tivoli 14 Aug. 1924”
OB 57 “On the tip of the Kee… tower at Vince…”
OB 58 Verna Anderson?
OB 59 “Spelunca sancta” (Oscar Broneer’s room in Rome?)
OB 60 City scene
OB 61 “Having lunch on the beach at Istia”
OB 62 Oscar Broneer and Verna Anderson?
OB 63 “Pompeii On the Street of the Tombs”
OB 64 “Hadrian’s Villa”.
Other photos
OB 65–66 “Luxembourg Gardens [Paris] Aug 1926
OB 67–68 Oscar and Verna Broneer on a California (?) beach (1931?)
OB 69 Oscar Broneer in graduation robe (nd)
OB 70 “Oscar” (nd)
OB 71 Oscar Broneer? (nd)
OB 72–74 Verna Anderson Broneer? (nd)
OB 75–86 A family (?) in front of a house (OB 64, 66, 68 with Oscar Broneer) (nd)
OB 87–88 A family (nd)
OB 89 “My very latest taken in Chicago May 6th 1923” (unidentified man)
OB 90 “My third day of school. It is Alice’s first. She loves her teacher.” (Unidentified woman and child, nd)
OB 91 “This is a snapshot of Otto in his ‘arbetskläder’. Isn’t he pleasant.” (nd)
OB 92–102 Unidentified people (1920s?)
OB 103 Children playing (nd)
OB 104–105 Three boys in Vari Cave (Paul and Jon Broneer?) (1939?) ~ see also OB 195
OB 106–111 Paul and Jon Broneer in Corinth (1939?)
OB 112 Paul and Jon Broneer? (nd)
OB 113–114 Oscar Broneer at Greek War Relief Ceremony? (1947–1948?)
OB 115–119 Verna Anderson Broneer’s grave in Corinth (1948?)
OB 120–124 Jon Broneer in the United States (nd)
OB 125–133 Oscar and Jon(?) Broneer on a road trip in United States (1950s)
OB 134–141 Oscar Broneer and unidentified man on same trip (?) as OB 125–133
OB 142 “Easter, 1951 Bertha and Ed”
OB 143–144 Unidentified family “July 1951”
OB 145–166 Sweden(?) No individuals or locations identified (1955?)
OB 167 Three unidentified people (nd)
OB 168 Two unidentified people (nd)
OB 169–170 Paul Broneer? (1950s?)
OB 171 “July 10 1955” Wedding of unidentified couple
OB 172–173 Two young boys (nd)
OB 174 Two young boys (same boys as OB 172–173?) (nd)
OB 175–176 On porch: reclining cat, carved stone fragment (nd)
OB 177–178 Oscar Broneer and Walt Rybeck, Corinth, (1980)
OB 179–182 Party in Corinth (Birger Johnson sent to Oscar Broneer (1983)
OB 183 Oscar Broneer with unidentified woman and child (nd)
OB 184–185 Oscar Broneer and unidentified others whooping it up in house (May 1985)
OB 186–192 Blank
Large photographs
OB 193 Family Portrait when Oscar Broneer was about six years old?
OB 194 Oscar and Verna Broneer in Greece (1930s?)
OB 195 Three boys in Vari Cave (Paul and Jon Broneer?) (1939?)
OB 196 Oscar, Verna, Paul and newborn Jon Broneer in Salonaki in Blegen Library
OB 197 “Demetris Katsimaklis in Syndagma, 26 May 1950”
OB 198 Four unidentified people (nd)
OB 199 Paul or Jon (?) in school theatrical production (nd)
OB 200 Paul Broneer and Diana Wintsch’s wedding in New Jersey (1955)
OB 201 Unidentified (Frances Fritzlen Broneer?) woman (nd)
OB 201a-j Ten photographs of costumed members of the ASCSA in the palace of Prince George on Academia and Demokritou, which was rented as a dormitory by the School between 1923-1929. (See Natalia Vogeikoff-Brogan “Living like Kings: When the Palace of Prince George was the Annex of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens”, in the blog From the Archivist’s Notebook [September 2015].)
OB 201a, b Unknown male in Evzones costume and Priscilla Capps in traditional Greek costume
OB 201c,d Priscilla Capps
OB 201e Unknown male in harlequin costume, costumed female and three children
OB 201f Unknown female dressed as Archaic kore
OB 201g Eight costumed adults: Oscar Broneer in harlequin costume seated far left, Priscilla Capps seated next to Oscar Broneer, George Mylonas behind Oscar Broneeer, others unidentified
OB 201h Eight costumed adults and four children: George Mylonas far right, Priscilla Capps second from right, Oscar Broneer in harlequin costume second row
OB 201i Four costumed adults: George Mylonas far left, Priscilla Capps second from left.
OB 201i Eight costumed adults and four children: George Mylonas kneeling far right, Priscilla Capps far right, Oscar Broneer second from right.
~ see also photographs of Oscar Broneer and family in the correspondence of Gunilla Åkerström-Hougan, Peter Bengtson, Jon Winthrop and Doreen Broneer, Verna Anderson, Broneer, Marcia Langer, Michael Stamatiou (of O.B. and Lula en board “S.S. Atlantic”
in 1961)
~ see also a number of photographs of friends in the correspondence: noted “(family photographs)” after name
Oscar Broneer’s Professional Life
OB 202 “Toni Hess, [….] Kübler, […] Knackfuss, Frau […] Brueckner, Prof. B. etc.
Kerameicos, 1930”
OB 203 “--?-- Salamis Dec 26 1932 O.B. V.B., Lucy Shoe”
OB 204 “--?-- Salamis Dec 26 1932 O.B. V.B., Homer Thompson”
OB 205 Angelis Kosmopoulos with Oscar Broneer in Magouliana (Nov. 1932)
OB 206 Same as OB 205?
OB 207 “Hellenistic bath-tubs in Eretria” (1935)
OB 208 Paul Broneer (?) at ceramics factory (1930s)
OB 209 Gladys Davidson Weinberg (on right) in Corinth (1930s?)
OB 210 “Dorothy Burr, Verna, and Saul (Weinberg) at Pendeli (I took photo)” (1930s?)
OB 211 Five people in front of house: Virginia Grace with cane, Oscar Broneer (?) in doorway (1930s?)
OB 212–219 Celebration in Corinth (1930s?)
OB 220–222 Wilhelm Dörpfeld (1930s)
OB 223–224 Corinth (?) Unidentified visitors (1940s)
OB 225–226 Corinth, truck donated by Corinthian Society NYC (1950s)
OB 227 Corinth (1950s)
OB 228 Corinth, male getting a haircut (1950s)
OB 229 Eight people having coffee in Oakley House: Henry S. Robinson, Georg von Peschke (ca. 1950)
OB 230 Oscar Broneer at unidentified site (nd)
OB 231 Georghio Nikolaides (nd)
OB 232–244 “1954” Corinth, Oscar Broneer lectures to American Mission in Greece (?)
OB 245–254 Oscar Broneer with students in Corinth or Isthmia (late 1970s–early 1980s)
OB 245–247 Group, unidentified
OB 248–251 Photos of groups in Corinth taken by Brightman Logan in 1979
OB 252–253 Group, unidentified
OB 254 Group photo, unidentified place, individuals (1980s)
OB 255–261 Blank
OB 262 “Oakley House after earthquake of April 22 1928”
OB 263 “For Dick with the compliments of Rhys & Eleanor”
OB 264 Centenary of the Archaeological Society,1937, from left: Arthur Parsons, Oscar Broneer, Gertrude Smith
OB 265 “Naturhistorische Riksmuseen laboratorium 1936 ‘Studying Greek fresh-water fishes’”
OB 266–282 Photographs by D. A. Harissiades, 29 June 1940s, Corinth, Celebration of Peter and Paul Saint Days.
OB 266 “Crowd gathered on the ruins of the Bema-Tribunal before which Paul appeared to defend himself in the presence of the Governor Gallio. In front
are worshippers kissing the eikon as they arrive at the celebration.”
OB 281–282 Long descriptions of scenes
OB 283 “Professor Oscar Broneer reading an inscription on an archaeological find in the excavation at Corinth Greece” (Late 1940s? photograph from
Wide World Photos, Inc., several copies)
OB 284 The inscription Oscar Broneer is studying in OB 283 (?)
OB 285–288 Photographs for Oscar Broneer’s article “Gods and Games on the
Corinthian Isthmus” (University of Chicago Magazine, December 1956)
OB 289 “Terracotta pedestal for support of bronze bowl. Reconstructed by George
Kachros, Corinth technician and guard of museum. Only a few small
fragments of the original pedestal were found, but the reconstruction, except
for the height of the shaft is certain.” 3 copies and negatives
OB 290–295 Oscar Broneer and unidentified woman explaining a diagram (1950s?)
OB 296 Oscar Broneer pointing to site on map (1950s? 1960s?)
OB 297–299 Oscar Broneer being awarded the Cross of Commander of the Royal Order of
the Phoenix of His Majesty King Paul of Greece in Chicago, 6 January 1962
OB 300 King George II of Greece arrives on the Acropolis accompanied by his sisters Queen Helena of Romania and Princess Irene of Greece for the opening of the Centenary of the Archaeological Society (1937)
OB 301 King George II delivers the opening speech for the Centenary of Archaeological Society (1937)
OB 302 Centenary of the Archaeological Society (1937)
OB 303 Young ladies of the Lyceum Club of Greek Women clad in traditional costume under the Caryatid porch of the Erechtheum for the Centenary of the Archaeological Society (1937)
OB 304-310 Oscar Broneer lecturing about the monuments of Athens to members of the U.S. Embassy and the American Aid for Greece (A.M.A.G), ca. 1947. [Digitized]
Snapshots of Locations (1-459)
1–7 Cyprus, Soli, Holades (Swedish Cyprus Expedition, Swedish descriptions on reverse)
8 “Copenhagen Church” (and negative)
9 “France”
10–12 Berlin (and negatives)
13 “Germany near Stuttgart”
14 Acheloos River, “Ferry at Katochi (?) on Acheloos River”
15–21 Aegosthena (some duplicates)
22–25 Aidipsos (and negatives)
26 Argos, “Monastery on the Larissa at Argos”
27 Argos, “Prehistoric hill near Argos”
28 Argos, “Mycenaean cistern at Argos”
~ see also Argos, Hellenikon Pyramid: 357-358
29 Argos negatives
30 “Asine, Tower at” (and negative)
31 Athens, Acropolis
~ see also 399–415, 452, 453 Athens, Acropolis
32 Athens, Acropolis, “Aglaurion – Stairway looking up from bottom of the long
33 Athens, Acropolis, “Aglaurion – N.D. Showing position of the two boulders
from above”
34 Athens, Acropolis, “Aglaurion – Looking down from platform to fifth & sixth
35 Athens, Acropolis, “Aglaurion – Stairway partly excavated”
36 Athens, Acropolis, “Aglaurion – upper flight finished state”
37 Athens, Acropolis, “Aglaurion – Looking down from platform to bottom”
38 Athens, Acropolis, “Aglaurion – Stairway from above partly excavated slabs not
in place. N.D.”
39 Athens, Acropolis, “Aglaurion – Fifth flight Note fallen marble under lamp.”
40 Athens, Acropolis, “Aglaurion – Stairway with loose slabs unremoved. N.D.”
41 Athens, Acropolis, “Aglaurion – Slab lying above the corner of stairway in place
unexcavated. N.D.”
42 Athens, Acropolis, “Aglaurion – Top corner of stairway in place unexcavated.
N.D. II”
43 Athens, Acropolis, “Aglaurion – Fifth flight. Note fallen marble under lamp.
44 Athens, Acropolis, “Aglaurion – Two boulders from above”
45 Athens, Acropolis, “Aglaurion – from above. Stairway partly excavated”
46 Athens, Acropolis, “Aglaurion – Stairway partly excavated”
47 Athens, Acropolis, “Aglaurion – Top corner of stairway in place partly
excavated N.D.”
48 Athens, Acropolis, “Aglaurion – Slab above corner of stairway in place
unexcavated N.D.”
49 Athens, Acropolis, “Aglaurion – Whole pots ca. 10 m. Unexcavated. East end
50 Athens, Acropolis, “Aglaurion – Stairway”
51 Athens, Acropolis, “Aglaurion – Fig. 22 Pottery deposit at the foot of flight IV.”
52 Athens, Acropolis, “Aglaurion – Upper stairway. Completely excavated.”
53 Athens, Acropolis, Aglaurion – piece of wood found (9 views)
54 Athens, Acropolis, Aglaurion – negatives (26)
~ see also Aglaurion: 365-367
~ see also over 200 North Slope of the Acropolis photographs: the excavation, sculpture,
inscriptions, objects and from Hesperia and AJA articles (34:2-5)
55–56 Athens, Gennadeion
57 Athens, Loring Hall (2)
~ see also Athens, Views from ASCSA: 368-369
58 Athens, Hephaisteion
~ see also Athens, streets of in late 1940s-1950s: 416-431
59–62 Bassae (and negatives)
~ see also Bassae: 359
63 Calydon “Sept 23 1929 Calydon Bldg above tomb column cap”
64 Calydon “Sept 23 1929 Calydon Bldg above tomb Ionic Column Capital – half”
65 Corfu
~ see about 200 photographs of Corinth: excavation, sites, sculpture and other objects (34:7, 8)
~ see Cos: 365
66 Daphni
67 “Delos Military statue”
68–69 Delos
70 Delos (6 negatives)
71–74 Delphi “Theater Dephi”
75–81 Delphi
82 Delphi, “Corinthian Gulf from Delphi”
83 Delphi, “Marmoria & Delphi”
84 Delphi (8 negatives)
~ see also Delphi: 454
85 Dendra “Cutting in Rock above Dendra”
86 Dimitsana
87 “Eleusis 15/2”
88 “Eleusis from the Museum”
~ see also Eleusis: 456
89 “Eleutherae” (and negative)
90 Epidauros, “Tholos”
91 Eretria, “Gutter, Theater of Eretria”
92 Eretria, “Theater Eretria”
93 Gla (and negative)
94 Gortyna, “Little Theater”
95 Gortyna, “Temple of Apollo”
96 Gortyna, “Byzantine Church”
97 Gortyna, “Little Theater”
98 Gortyna, “Little Theater”
99 Gortyna (5 negatives)
100 Herakleia Hyblaia, “Sept 20 1929 Herakleia Hyblaia Wall – west side – and
town Karavasara below P.O.W.”
101 Herakleia Hyblaia, “Sept 20 1929 Herakleia Hyblaia Walls P.O.W.”
102 Herakleia Hyblaia, “Sept 20 1929 Herakleia Hyblaia Fortification West P.O.W.”
103 Herakleia Hyblaia, “Sept 20 1929 Herakleia Hyblaia Fortification East side
104 Herakleia Hyblaia, “Sept 20 1929 Herakleia Hyblaia Cross Wall with hole to left
~ see Herakleion: 370-372
~ see about 300 photographs of Isthmia: excavation, sites, sculpture and other objects (36:2a)
105 Karavasara “Sept 20 1929 Karavasara from Acropolis Gulf of Arta P.O.W.”
106 Karavasara “Herakleia Hyblaia Karavasara”
107 Karavasara “Approaching Karavasara”
108–110 Keos
111 Keos “Keos, Church on hill”
112–117 Keos
118 Keos (10 negatives)
119 Knossos Museum “Throne Room” (and negative)
120 Livadia
121 “Lycosura Museum” (and negative)
122 “Lycosura (?)” (and negative)
~ see also Lycosura: 360-361
~ see Lydian Tombs: 366-367
123 Mantinaea (and negative)
~ see Megaspeleion (before it burned in the 1930s): 362
124 Merbaka “Church at Merbaka”
125 Merbaka “Relief on church at Merbaka”
126 “Merbaka”
127–128 Merbaka (and negatives)
~ see Methone: 363
129 Messine “Arcadian Gate at Messine”
130–132 Messine (and negatives)
133 “Mistra” (and negative)
~ see Monemvasia: 364
134 Mt. Athos “Daphni, Mt. Athos” (and negative)
135–171 Mt. Athos (and negatives)
172–173 “Mt. Ithome”
174 Mycenae
175 “Myc. Bridge”
176–177 Mycenae (and negatives)
178–195 Mytilene
196 Nauplion
197 “Nea Pleuron 23 Sept 1929 West wall of stoa showing porch”
198 “Nea Pleuron 23 Sept 1929 Tower east side P.O.W.”
199 “Nea Pleuron 23 Sept 1929 Theatre from cavea P.O.W.”
200 “Nea Pleuron 23 Sept 1929 Theatre Column of Proskenion”
201 “Nea Pleuron 23 Sept 1929 Theatre Ceiling beam of Proskenion”
202 “Nea Pleuron 23 Sept 1929”
203 “Nea Pleuron 23 Sept 1929”
204 Nemea
205 Nemea, Capital from Temple
206-209 Nemea
210 Nikopolis “Sept. 19 1929 Nikopolis”
211 Nikopolis “Sept. 19 1929 Nikopolis Theater”
212 Nikopolis “Sept. 19 1929 Nikopolis Theater”
213 Nikopolis “Sept. 19 1929 Nikopolis Outer wall of cavea showing buttresses and
stones for ? posts”
214 Nikopolis “Sept. 19 1929 Nikopolis Theater”
215 Nikopolis “Sept. 19 1929 Nikopolis Theater”
216 Nikopolis “Sept. 19 1929 Nikopolis Nikopolis Theatre – pierced stone, broken,
for holding ? post”
217 Nikopolis “Sept. 19 1929 Nikopolis Church, relief of mosaic, candle stick”
218 Nikopolis “Sept. 19 1929 Nikopolis Mosaic in Roman bath P.O.W.”
219 Nikopolis “Sept. 19 1929 Nikopolis Mosaic in court below church P.O.W.”
220 Nikopolis “Sept. 19 1929 Nikopolis Mosaic in court below church P.O.W.”
221 Oiniadai “Sept. 22 1929 Oiniadai Fortifications – south”
222 Oiniadai “Sept. 22 1929 Oiniadai Fortifications – East Gate”
223 Oiniadai “Sept. 22 1929 Oiniadai Arched gateway in city wall P.O.W.”
224 Oiniadai “Sept. 22 1929 Oiniadai Theatre – kerb round orchestra”
225 Oiniadai “Sept. 22 1929 Oiniadai”
226 Oiniadai “Sept. 22 1929 Oiniadai”
227 Oiniadai “Sept. 22 1929 Oiniadai Theatre”
228 Oiniadai “Sept. 22 1929 Oiniadai Theatre – Left parodos – showing set back
wall in upper section P.O.W.”
229 Oiniadai “Sept. 22 1929 Oiniadai Theatre – Column of Proskenion”
230–231 Olympia
232 “Olympia Brickwork of Exedra of Herodes”
233 “Olympia Cornice blocks from Exedra of Herodes”
234–237 Olympia (and negatives)
238–239 Orchomenos and Boeotia (and negative)
240 Panopeus
241 Patras “Sept 24 1929 Patras – Theatre – Fronsscene P.O.W.”
242 Patras “Sept 24 1929 Patras – Theatre – West parodos”
243 Patras “Sept 24 1929 Patras – Theatre – Mosaics in room to left of stage
244 Patras Odeum
245 Patras Mosaics at Odeum
246 Phaestos “Stairway (Theater) Phaestos”
247 “Phaestos” (and negeatives)
~ see Phyle: 368-369
248–249 Piraeus
250 Ptoon “Base at Kastrake (?) at Ptoon”
251 Salamis “Courtyard at monastery of Phaneromeni on Salamis” (and measurements)
~ see Samothrace: 381-398
252 “Sparta (Eurotas Valley)”
253 Sparta mosaic
254 Stratos “Sept 20 1929 Stratos Wall and gate vy the Acheloos P.O.W.”
255 Stratos “Sept 20 1929 Stratos Temple of Zeus P.O.W.”
256 Stratos
257–259 Thebes (and negatives)
260 Thermos “Sept 21 1929 Thermos – Temple showing single row of bases in middle P.O.W.”
261 Thermos “Sept 21 1929 Thermos – Small temple(?) above apsidal house”
262 Thermos “Sept 21 1929 Thermos – Apsidal house, corner of large temple andsmall temple(?) behind P.O.W.”
263 Thermos “Sept 21 1929 Thermos – Ancient spring”
264 Thermos “Sept 21 1929 Thermos”
265 “Tiryns”
266 “Tiryns(?)”
267 Tiryns, main corridor from East gate
268 Tiryns, Roman mill, W. side of Tiryns
269 Pompeii “Earthquake altar at Pompeii”
270 “Rocca di Papa from Monto Cavo”
271 “Rocca di Papa July 12 ‘24”
272 “Alban Lake from Monto Cavo”
273 Rome, “Mrs. Broneer – Sant Costanza IV Cent AD”
274 Rome, “Stefano Rolondo – Mrs. Broneer”
275 Rome, “Temple of Minerva – I think the Byz. grew out of a mixture of these - Mrs. Broneer”
276 Rome, III:5 1924-7-6 or 7 Villa Aurelia (formerly Villa Gavorelli) – the highest location within the walls of Rome – home of the Director of the American
Academy (then G. P. Stevens)”
277 Rome, “Villa Aurelia and Porta San Pancrazio”
278 “Selinute”
279–281 Sicily
282 Jerash, “The present state of the North Gate Jerash”
283 Jerash, “Gerash Theatre Proscenium from cavea Dec 1930”
284 Jerash, “Gerash Small Theatre – Odeion? looking E. Dec 1930”
285 Jerash, “Gerash Theatre Cavea & W Parodos Dec 1930”
286 Jerash, “The Nymptheum at Jerash”
287 Jerash, “Gerash Theatre 1 unit of Proscenium Dec 1930”
288 Jerash, “The Bud-Base of the Triumphal Arch at Jerash”
289 Jerash, “One of the few evidences of the Hellenistic Jerash”
290 Jerash, “A rather poor photograph of our inscription taken from the roof of our house at Jerash. The scale is of one meter. This is to be published in the Sept. Bulletin”
~ see Gotland: 432-434
291–296 Stockholm
297 Shaffhausen “The Rhine at Shaffhausen”
298 Shaffhausen “’Der Rhinefall’ at Shaffhausen”
299 Shaffhausen “The fall at Shaffhausen” (and negatives)
300 “Palmyra Proscenium of Theatre with main colonnaded street behind Jan 1931”
301 Ephesos, “Theater at Ephesos”
302 Ephesos, “Ephesus Artemesium”
303 Ephesos, “Library at Ephesos”
304 Ephesos, “Ephesus Areadiana(?)”
305 Ephesos, “Ephesus Basilika of Maria”
306 Ephesos, “Odeion Ephesus”
307 Ephesos, “Odeion Ephesus”
308 “Ephesos”
309 Ephesos, “Ephesus Basilika of St. John”
310 Ephesos, “Odeion Ephesus – Inner gate to Parados”
311 Ephesos, “Ephesus Mosque of Selim”
312 Ephesos, “Ephesus Stadium”
313 Ephesos, “Odeion at Ephesus showing colonnade at top of cavea”
314 Ephesos, “Library at Ephesos”
315 Ephesos, “Ephesos Gutter in Theatre”
316 “Miletus – Theatre”
317 “Miletus – market”
318 “Miletus – market”
319 “Pergamon”
320 “Pergamon”
321 “Pergamon – Theatre”
322 “Pergamon – Lower Terrace”
323 “Pergamon”
324 “Pergamon – Lower Terrace”
325 “Pergamon”
326 “Pergamon – Middle Gymnasium”
327 “Pergamon – Sanctuary of Demeter”
328 “Pergamon – Arsenal”
329 “Pergamon – Pillar wall?”
330 “Pergamon – lower town”
331 “Pergamon – Odeum(?)”
332 “Pergamon – Odeum(?)”
333 “Pergamon – Odeum(?)”
334 “Pergamon – Block from Asklepeion(?)”
335 “Pergamon – Asklepeion(?)”
336 “Priene Acropolis”
337 “Priene”
338 “Priene House”
339 “Priene Bouleterion”
340 “Sardis from Acropolis”
341–343 “Sardis”
344 “American Excavation House in Sardis”
345 “Ionic Cap – Temple at Sardis”
346–347 “Sardis”
348–356 Unidentified, some (as labeled examples below) may be of the High Sierras
351 “High Sierras from Clouds Rest”
355 “Bridal Veil Falls”
356 “Half Dome”
357 Argos, Hellenikon Pyramid
358 Argos 1934-35 Richard Holland (identified from similar photo in other
359 Bassae
360 Lycosoura, Temple of Despoina, 1930s
361 Lycosoura, Dan Dewey and Oscar Broneer climbing into museum to open door, 1930s
362 Megaspeleion before it burned in later 1930s (and negative)
363 Methone
364 Monemvasia
365–367 Aglaurion
368–369 Athens, from ASCSA
370–371 Unidentified temple (and negative)
372 A ship “This is the ‘H’, but it will give you some idea”
373 Cos
374–375 Lydian tombs
376–377 “Phyle – Mt. Parnes”
378–380 Herakleion “Candia” (with negatives)
381 Samothrace, Frieze from Hall of Choral Dancers
382–383 Samothrace
384 Samothrace, foundations
385 Samothrace, a fragment
386–388 Samothrace, Arsenoean
389–392 Samothrace, foundations
393 Samothrace, church interior
394 Samothrace, people in a boat
395 Samothrace, view of the island
396 Samothrace, boat pulled up on beach
397–398 Samothrace, view of plains
399–415 Athens, Acropolis, 1950s photographs by D. A. Harissiades
416–431 Athens, street scenes, 1950s photographs by D. A. Harissiades
432 Gotland, Sweden “Gotland 1946 – House G – A home from about 400-500 A.C.; burned down, length about 35 meters. The Vallhagar village contains 19 homes of that type. The fireplace is seen in the rear part of the house. The front part is built later.”
433 Gotland, Sweden “an excavated grave from about 300-400 A.C. in Vallhagar. It was plundered probably in the middle-ages”
434 Gotland, Sweden “The fire-place in House G. To the right of it you can see part of the burned roof ceiling. 8 whole pots lay around this place when it was discovered.”
435–448 Unidentified
449–450 Costumed Greek women
451–455 “Rhamnous Inscription 26 June 1932”
456 Eleusis, Telesterion
457 “Athens, Mycenaean Wall”
458 “Athens, Mycenaean column base on the Acropolis, beyond on the left the steps of the Erechtheum”
459 Delphi
Box 65A
(Please note: The negatives are not available for consultation)
Box 66
Folder 1
Plans of Odeon in Corinth (18 including duplicates). Most are from Corinth X, The Odeon
Large plan of Odeon by Y. de Fomine, dated 1930 (two large, one small)
“Figures 20, 45, 129, 130, 131, 134, 135, 136, 139, 145”
Small reprint “Plan of Odeon 1928”
Sketch “Corinth Odeon 15 Dec 1930”
Folder 2
Plans Corinth (6):
“Τοπογραφικόν διάγραμμα εμφαίνον τας προς απαλλοτρίωσιν εκτασεις παρα το θέατρον Αρχαίας Κορίνθου”
Pencil sketch “South Stoa Corinth June 20 ’48 G. P. S.”
Plans of South Stoa and environs (2 reprints)
Small pencil sketch “Corinth ~ South Stoa (recreation interior)”
“Peirene: Plan of Underground System” (reprint from Corinth II, plate III)
Folder 3
Printed plates of drawing of architectural pieces from Isthmia, Temple of Poseidon (21)
Folder 4
Miscellaneous drawings (38)
Sketch of pedestal for bronze bowl reconstructed by George Kachros, Corinth, 1950s?
~ see OB Personal Photos #289 (Box 65)
Plan of Salona Theater, Croatia (excavated by Ejnar Dyggve)
~ see also photographs of Salona excavation in correspondence of Ejnar Dyggve
Four ink sketches of Byzantine church floor plans by same unknown person: “S.S. Sergios and Bacchos” (Cairo?), “S. Irene” (Istanbul?), S. John of the Studion” (Istanbul), “Turking Buildings”.
Architectural pencil drawings (3) by Mary Zelia Pease
Unidentified printed sketches and pencil drawings (25)
“Inscription drawing from the first stone (by convention called by the Latin name lapis primus) of the Athenian Tribute—Quota Lists.” [Identified by Kevin F. Daly (4 copies)]
Lion of Amphipolis: a) GPS [Stevens] 5/18/1950 for model of Lion of Amphipolis small museum at ASCSA, b) JT [Travlos] 19/7/1947 The Lion Monument at Amphipolis.
Folder 5
Watercolors (3)
“Plate I. Poros Head of Herakles” from Hesperia 8 (1939)
Two panthers
“Plate I Painted Pinax from watercolor by Piet de Jong”
Folder 6
Folder 7 (rolled and wrapped in tissue paper)
Poster “Archaeological Institute of American 1879–1979”
Box 67
Large box with woodcuts from Broneer's publications
Box 68
Large box with woodcuts from Broneer's publications
Box 69
Large box with modern pottery and other objects. Ten pieces: large beige clay lekythos, large lekythos with red and white designs, red clay piggy bank, red clay glazed and unglazed vase, small red clay vase with relief designs, grey glazed handled cup with designs, “old” Swedish cup and saucer with green-on-white designs, red clay squat vase, white glazed teapot.
A very old leather wallet
Small box with Leica attachments
See catalogue here.