January 25, 2009

Maria Zelia Pease Philippides (1906-2009)

The School is saddened to announce that long-time School Librarian Mary Zelia Pease Philippides has passed away at age 103.

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January 24, 2009

Miscellaneous News from Ancient Corinth

Small snippets from life in the village of Ancient Corinth since late 2008 including the conference honoring the sesquicentennial anniversary of New Corinth, Menes Arberorres, the baptism of Georgia Kakourou, a rescue excavation, and an addition to the local souvlaki joint's menu.

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January 22, 2009

ASCSA Lecture Series on Video: A River Runs Through It

ASCSA continues its 2008-09 lecture series with the January 20, 2009 presentation, "A River Runs Through It: The Vorotan Project, Southern Armenia" by Professor Susan Alcock, Brown University.

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January 22, 2009

Director Speaks in Zagreb

The ASCSA Director was recently invited to give two lectures in Croatia.

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January 17, 2009

Corinth at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the AIA

Corinth and the Corinthia were well represented at the 2009 annual meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America.

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January 11, 2009

ASCSA Named Digital Library of the Week

The American Library Association named ASCSA its Digital Library of the Week in the December 24, 2008 issue of its electronic newsletter.

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January 5, 2009

New Publication: Roman Pottery: Fine-Ware Imports

This long-awaited seminal work by John W. Hayes, one of the world's leading experts on Roman pottery, will be an essential reference work for scholars throughout the Mediterranean.

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January 5, 2009

New Publication: Fragmentary Decrees from the Athenian Agora

In Hesperia Suppl. 38, Michael B. Walbank presents the editiones principes of 100 fragmentary inscriptions from the Athenian Agora, providing new insights into the workings of the Athenian state.

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January 3, 2009

ASCSA Lecture Series on Video: Alexander in the Age of Augustus

ASCSA initiates its lecture series with selected speakers now available on videocast. This lecture was given Nov. 18, 2008 by Professor Peter van Minnen, University of Cincinnati, and entitled “Alexandria in the Age of Augustus: The View from Cleopatra’s Palace (via Green Mummifiers).”

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January 2, 2009

Angeliki Laiou, Professor of Byzantine History [1941-2008]

Angeliki E. Laiou, one of the world’s leading historians of the Byzantine empire and of the Crusades, died on December 11, 2008. Ms. Laiou was a past ASCSA Samuel E. Kress Professor as well as an advisor and lecturer at the Gennadius Library. She is remembered here by Gennadius Library Director Maria Georgopoulou.

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Summer Session 2008: Understanding Ancient Greece Through a Modern Lens

December 30, 2008

Summer Session 2008: Understanding Ancient Greece Through a Modern Lens

Summer Session '08 participant Mindy Wolfrom describes her six-week tour of the best of archaeological Greece. As she explains, it's not "just" about the ruins. Through the students' varied backgrounds and a series of thought-provoking onsite discussions by their leader Gerald Lalonde and others, she gained an understanding of ancient Greece through a modern lens.

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Conservation of a Coin Hoard

December 29, 2008

Conservation of a Coin Hoard

Getting a find out of the ground is only the beginning of the story, as Conservator Amandina Anastassiades and Assistant Conservator Karen Lovén demonstrate in this case study of a coin hoard from the Agora Excavations’ conservation lab. (Updated for 2009)

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Research Spotlight: Sarah Lepinski and Roman Wall Paintings

December 29, 2008

Research Spotlight: Sarah Lepinski and Roman Wall Paintings

Sarah Lepinski was recently conferred her PhD for her work on Roman wall paintings in Corinth's Panayia Field, and she will soon publish the first extensive study of pigments from Roman Greece. She writes here of her time at the ASCSA and the Corinth Excavations.

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December 17, 2008

School Remains Strong Despite Economic Challenges

A message from the Board of Trustees on the state of the School during these turbulent times.

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December 11, 2008

ASCSA Announces Trip to Central Anatolia

The American School invites members and alumni on its trip to Central Anatolia on May 2-15, 2009. Find itinerary and registration details here.

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December 2, 2008

Elemam Extends Corinth Network

Thanks to the Mellon Foundation, EU/Information Society grant, and the School's Information Systems & Technology Manager, Tarek Elemam, the ASCSA workrooms in the Ancient Corinth museum and Hill House now enjoy coverage under the same network.

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December 1, 2008

Corinth in Denmark

From November 27-29, Guy Sanders and associate member Sarah James participated in the Pottery, Peoples and Places conference organized by Mark Lawall and Pia Guldager Bilde.

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November 20, 2008

Rehak Fellowship Available for Members

Information follows on applying for the Paul Rehak fellowship.

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November 10, 2008

Anne Gilliland Gives First Archives Lecture

On Tuesday, November 4, Prof. Anne J. Gilliland of UCLA gave the Annual Archives Lecture at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Her topic was, "Digital Records, Digital Documents, and Digital Archives: The Past, the Present and the Future." Anne Gilliland is Professor and Chair of the Department of Information Studies at the University of California Los Angeles, and Director of the Center for Information as Evidence. A Fellow of the Society of American Archivists, her research and teaching interests address the various intersections of information technology, recordkeeping and cultural heritage, including digital records management and digital curatorship. You can view her presentation and read her text.

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From the Archives: George Bass’s Travelogue

November 5, 2008

From the Archives: George Bass’s Travelogue

The recent issue of ákoue included excerpts from a journal written by former Managing Committee member George Bass detailing his trip as a student to the Nedha Gorge in 1956. Included here is a slideshow to illustrate and illuminate Bass's journal entries.

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November 2, 2008

Students Greeted Warmly in Pylos

Members participating in the trip to the Peloponnese were treated to the hospitality of Eleni Samaraki.

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November 2, 2008

2008-2009 Annual Appeal Underway

The annual appeal has recently been sent out to all members and friends of the American School. Read the Director's special message here and consider making a gift to the ASCSA.

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October 22, 2008

Digital Records, Digital Documents and Digital Archives: The Past, the Present and the Future.

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens invites you to a lecture by Professor Anne Gilliland, University of California at Los Angeles, Digital Records, Digital Documents and Digital Archives: The Past, the Present and the Future, Tuesday, November 4, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. in Cotsen Hall, 9 Anapiron Polemou Street (Kolonaki).

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October 20, 2008

A Full House in Ancient Corinth

Hill House and the ASCSA workrooms in the Museum of Ancient Corinth are very busy places this autumn. Things began to pick up at the beginning of October with a visit by Conrad Steinman and three of his colleagues studying ancient auloi...

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October 13, 2008

$1 million grant from Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

A recent grant award of $1 million from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation provides endowment support to augment pre-doctoral fellowships and for the School’s core academic program.

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