The multifaceted Angelos Terzakis and his Archive at the Gennadius Library
Spyros Evangelatos of the Academy of Athens, award-winning author Menis Koumantareas, the cataloguer of the Archive Leda Costaki, researcher Bart Soethaert, and the novelist’s son Dimitris Terzakis will speak about the life of the novelist Angelos Terzakis, and the riches of his Archive. The event will be held February 18th at 19:00 in the School’s Cotsen Hall. The event will be accompanied by an exhibition of manuscripts and photographs from the Gennadeion Archives, costumes from the National Theater of Greece, and excerpts of the movie “Night Adventure” (written and directed by Angelos Terzakis, 1954).  The presentations will be in Greek. For more information contact: 210-72.10.536 (ext. 101)