The Foundation has recently donated $2 million for a new Laboratory.
Read MoreΦορητή εικόνα από τη Συλλογή Σταθάτου συμμετείχε στην έκθεση «Θαύματα και Τάματα. Αφιερωματικές πρακτικές στην Κέρκυρα και στην Ευρώπη».
Read MoreOn December 4 2008 musical group En Chordais gave in Cotsen Hall a concert titled “Winds West and East. Our Byzantine Inheritance, Lyrics and Melodies from the Mediterranean, and Contemporary Compositions.”
Read MoreOn February 7, 2008, the Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division of the Association of American Publishers presented Hesperia, the journal of the ASCSA, with an award for Best Design of a Print Journal at a lunch held in the Mayflower Hotel, Washington D.C.
Read MoreThe Corinth Excavations were the subject of many papers at the 2008 AIA Meetings in Chicago. Read what was presented here.
Read MoreOn the Bay of Naples, wealthy Roman collectors created an elite culture based on the art of ancient Greece. An exhibition recently at the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC, (moving to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art in May) and curated by ASCSA alum Carol C. Mattusch, explores luxury living in the shadow of the volcano.
Read MoreAn ambitious program of scanning and cataloging some of the treasures of the Gennadius Library has been underway since 2007.
Read MoreThe latest season of excavations at Mount Lykaion in Arcadia will be starting in late June 2008. Investigation will focus on the Ash Altar and sacred temenos on top of the mountain, and on the Stoa and Bath area below.
Read MoreThe Chair of the Managing Committee gives her views on ambitions for the School, the study of Roman Greece, the role of Chair, and more.
Read MoreThe Master Planning Study continues in Athens with the architectural firm of K. Kyriakidis examining various solutions to space and renovation issues at the School. The Master Planning Committee, composed of Trustees from the School and Gennadius Library Boards, staff, and Managing Committee, met in New York during the Board of Trustees meeting to look at some preliminary concept drawings for a new archives facility, a new Wiener Lab building, renovations and additions to Loring Hall and the Annex, and a reception area for Cotsen Hall. Concepts are being revised and input sought on these and other space reallocation and building projects in Athens, as well as Corinth. A presentation will be made at the Managing Committee meeting in January regarding this study.
Read MoreThe managing committee meeting will take place on Friday, January 4th, 2008 at 6pm in the Columbus Hall (AB Meeting Room) at the Chicago Hyatt Regency Hotel. The materials for the meeting were transmitted by e-mail to all members on December 12. Please contact Mary Darlington at the Princeton Office if you have not received the mailing. You can also download the packet by clicking on this link. As well as the Minutes of the last meeting, the packet contains an Agenda, Reports from the Standing Committees, and a Report from the Administrative Director. Reports from Athens will be mailed separately.
Read MoreA new publication series shows that an understanding of archaeological context is an essential companion to art historical study of the ancient world. The first volume was launched at the meetings of the Archaeological Institute of America in Chicago, January 2008.
Read MoreAll members of the ASCSA Alumini/ae Association are invited to e-mail me with ideas for the 2008 gift from the alumni/ae to the School, following a very much-appreciated set of donations last year. As well as the annual Summer School Scholarship, the 2007 gift included uniforms for the maids and a closet to store them in, a coffeemaker for the saloni in the main buiding, and lamps for the saloni in the Main Building and in Loring Hall.
Read MoreGenerous bequests from Katherine Babbitt and Richard Howland have recently been received by the School.
Read MoreOn December 14, the movie Triumph over Time, made by the American School in 1947, was shown to residents of Ancient Corinth, where much of the film was shot.
Read MoreThe 2006-2007 Annual Appeal was the most successful in School history
Read MoreDistinguished geologist Professor Floyd W. McCoy of the University of Hawaii will conduct research and teach at the School in 2007 and 2008.
Read MoreStarting in October 2007, the School will receive around $90,000 each year for the support of overseas postgraduate research and education from the US Department of Education.
Read MoreΤο σχήμα ΕΝ ΧΟΡΔΑΙΣ έδωσε στο Cotsen Hall στις 4 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 συναυλία με τίτλο «Πουνέντες και Λεβάντες»: μία μουσική αναδρομή στις λόγιες και δημώδεις παραδόσεις της Μεσογείου από το χθες στο σήμερα.
Read MoreGrants totaling $1.2 million are helping ASCSA develop a digital library. Over 200,000 photographs, archival documents, archaeological notebooks, and maps/plans will be available online in 2008.
Read MoreExcavations Director John Camp summarizes work done between 2006 and 2007.
Read MoreCorinth curator, Dr. Ioulia Tzonou-Herbst, regularly introduces local elementary school pupils to archaeology. As they examine ancient figurines, and then craft their own copies using plaster molds, the children learn about techniques used in the same area 2,500 years ago.
Read MoreFor the Athenian Agora's conservation professionals, no pot is too fragmentary or coin too degraded. Karen Lovén, assistant conservator, reflects on a year full of new discoveries. She also describes the lab's important role in education.
Read MoreThe Director of the American School speaks about his return to Greece over 30 years after his first visit as a graduate student. What advice would he offer the new students? What are his ambitions for the School? Find out in this article.
Read MoreCotsen Hall is the School's state-of-the-art auditorium and available for public rental for lectures, concerts and other events. Opened in 2005, the space seats 370 and is already becoming one of Athens' cultural hubs.
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