A planned gift is an important way to help the School in the future. Naming the ASCSA to receive a percentage of your estate – even a small one – can have a great impact on the School. In addition, percentages of life insurance policies, qualified retirement plans, and savings bonds can be transferred to the School via a simple beneficiary designation form. Your IRA or retirement plan may be an ideal asset to leave to the School. The School welcomes bequests of all sizes! You can designate it for a specific purpose or leave it unrestricted – often the most useful gift of all! These bequests have recently been received by the ASCSA: Bequest of Katherine Babbitt We received notification in November that Katherine Babbitt passed away at the age of 93 leaving the ASCSA 5% of her estate in her will. She was the daughter of Frank Cole Babbitt, Professor of Greek at Trinity College, who was appointed Visiting Professor at the ASCSA in 1931-2. Katherine wrote a charming account of her year at the School in the Fall 2006 issue of our newsletter, ákoue. Bequest of Richard Howland The School Archives has received the papers and photographs of Trustee Richard H. Howland relating to the ASCSA. Mr. Howland also made the ASCSA the beneficiary of a life insurance policy. In recognition of his deep interest in historic preservation, the Board of Trustees has approved that this bequest be used as a starter fund (quasi-endowment) in Richard Howland’s name for the preservation of records in the School Archives.