Ancient Corinth Serves the Community

Curator Ioulia Tzonou-Herbst with school children

Ioulia Tzonou-Herbst, curator of the School’s collection in the museum in Ancient Corinth, enjoyed her recent public outreach encounters with schoolchildren of the elementary school of Ancient Corinth. In February about 60 fourth grade students and their teachers came to the museum to learn how Corinthians made pots and figurines in antiquity. Using artifacts excavated by Agnes Newhall Stillwell in the Potters’ Quarter between 1928 and 1935, for example a miniature votive kiln and numerous figurine moulds, Ms. Tzonou-Herbst explained the processes involved and the ingenuity of the makers. The children made figurines using plaster moulds, replicas of the ancient moulds from the Potters’ Quarter prepared by the School’s conservator, Nicol Anastasatou. Teachers and students were grateful for the donation of the plaster moulds to their school so that other students can make figurines from them in the future.