In 1947, the American School of Classical Studies at Athens commissioned a color movie entitled Triumph over Time to accompany its fundraising campaign. Directed by the archaeologist Oscar Broneer and produced by numismatist Margaret Thompson with the aid of staff from Fox Studios, the documentary shows Greece rebounding from the horrors of World War II. Footage of excavations at the Athenian Agora and Ancient Corinth are mixed with scenes from everyday agricultural life. A large portion of the film shows the village of Ancient Corinth and some of the staff employed by the American School during the War years. Corinth was where Oscar Broneer conducted many of his most famous excavations, and the site and its environs were very dear to his heart. You can view a short clip from the movie using the player below (just click bottom right on the screen to make it larger).
You can also buy the movie on DVD by following this link. At a showing in the cultural center on December 14, 2007, the film was shown to an appreciative audience. Natalia Vogeikoff-Brogan, the American School’s Head Archivist, described the making of the movie, the historical background to its production, and its place in both the institutional history of the ASCSA and the political history of Greece. The Deputy Nomarch, Mr. Lakis Papafotiou was among the dignitaries who attended and enjoyed the film. In the photograph are shown (L-R): Dr. Ioulia Tzonou-Herbst, Curator, Corinth Excavations; Mr. Papafotiou; Dr. Natalia Vogeikoff-Brogan, Head Archivist, ASCSA; Dr. Jack L. Davis, Director, ASCSA; Dr. Guy D. R. Sanders, Director, Corinth Excavations.