The American School of Classical Studies in the news.
Regular members of the ASCSA began excavation on April 7 south of the museum and Temple E with the goal to unite the conserved portions of the Frankish area with the ‘plateia’ south of the museum. Google Glass is one exciting addition to the recording system this season.
Read MoreThe Balkan Dimensions of the Origins of the First World War. 33rd Annual Walton Lecture Christopher Clark, Professor of History, University of Cambridge, St. Catharine’s College
Read MoreLong-time Agora Excavations secretary Jan Jordan retires from the school after 30 years of service.
Read MoreDuring the fall of 2013, Sebastian Prignitz, a scientific researcher at the Inscriptiones Graecae program of the Berlin Academy, was in Athens to work on Greek inscriptions from the epigraphical collection of the Athenian Agora.
Read MoreΠλήθος κόσμου παρακολούθησε, την Τρίτη 18 Μαρτίου, την 33η ετήσια διάλεξη προς τιμήν του Francis R. Walton. Εισηγητής ήταν ο καθηγητής Christopher Clark και θέμα της ομιλίας του "The Balkan Dimensions of the Origins of the First World War".
Read More"Building Archaeology: Corinth’s Forgotten Architects” Kostis Kourelis, Assistant Professor, Franklin and Marshall College, Department of Art and Art History
Read More“Same River, Different Waters: Official Dining in the Agora” Ann Steiner, NEH Fellow, ASCSA; Shirley Watkins Steinman Professor of Classics, Franklin & Marshall College
Read More“Work of the School during 2013” and “Rupestral Inscriptions in the Greek World” James C. Wright, Director, ASCSA; Professor of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology, Bryn Mawr College Merle Langdon, Research Professor, University of Tennessee at Knoxville; former Mellon Professor, ASCSA
Read MoreOn March 11th, Professor Kostis Kourelis of Franklin and Marshall College delivered a fascinating lecture about architects who worked for the Corinth excavations from 1903 to 1933.
Read MoreAs of Thursday, March 13, 2014, visitors to the Athenian Agora will be able to tour the site via Google's free Field Trip app.
Read MoreASCSA Trustee Hunter R. Rawlings III was the 2014 recipient of Princeton University’s top honor for Graduate School alumni, the James Madison Medal.
Read MoreIt was full speed ahead for the Regular program after the winter break as the students traveled around Athens and Attica, then on to Crete. Join Mellon Professor Margie Miles as she takes us on a tour of the past two months.
Read MoreThe bitter cold weather did not keep a large crowd from enjoying the warmth and good cheer inside Kellari Taverna in New York City on March 3, 2014 as friends of the Gennadeion gathered for the library’s primary fundraising event in the U.S.
Read MoreΕπισκέπτες και Αναγνώστες στη Λαυρεντιανή Βιβλιοθήκη την Εποχή του Διαφωτισμού και του Ρομαντισμού Paschalis Kitromilides, Prof. of Political Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Read MoreThe First Lykeio Vouligamenis Visits the Gennadius Library
Read MoreLandscape Ecology and the End of Antiquity: The Archaeology of Deforestation in South Coastal Turkey Nicholas Rauh, NEH Fellow, ASCSA; Professor of Classics, Purdue University
Read MoreGeorge Metaxas, former cook of the Corinth Excavations, died Thursday, February 6, after a motorbike accident the previous week. He will be remembered by residents of Hill House during the late 1980's to early 2000's for his humor, cheer, and lavishly decorated cakes.
Read MoreΗ χαρτογραφία του Κλαύδιου Πτολεμαίου - Άρτεμις Σκούταρη
Read More“Bouphonia: Killing Cattle on the Acropolis”, Jeremy McInerney, Whitehead Professor, ASCSA; Davidson Kennedy Professor, University of Pennsylvania
Read MoreEver harbor a desire to cruise the sites of ancient Greece and Turkey on a vintage luxury yacht? And to be guided by experts in the field along the way? Now is your chance to join us for a 10-day excursion this summer planned by R. Crusoe & Son.
Read MoreThe annual report of the American School for the fiscal year 2012-2013 has been released and can be viewed here.
Read MoreBetween October 23-25, J. Lawrence Angel Fellow, Dr. Effie Nikita presented a seminar “Introduction to Basic Applied Statistics” for ASCSA members and staff. This was a first for the Wiener Laboratory and by all accounts a success. Since statistics is of enormous value in analyzing information and in testing conclusions that researchers draw from it, it is particularly useful to have instruction from someone whose experience is based on working with archaeological data.
Read MoreThe new volume by Voutsaki and Valamoti's 2013 is out! The book entitled Diet, Economy and Society in the Ancient Greek World: Towards a Better Integration of Archaeology and Science. Proceedings of the International Conference Held at the Netherlands Institute at Athens on 22-24 March 2010.
Read MoreThree interns worked at the Agora this summer in the conservation lab under the supervision of Maria Tziotziou where they gained invaluable experience in the field.
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