Sarah Rous with Google Glass. Earlier in the day, Sarah captured a series of videos with Glass while she and Rebecca Worsham excavated an infant burial.
Regular members of the ASCSA began excavation on April 7 south of the museum and Temple E with the goal to unite the conserved portions of the Frankish area with the ‘plateia’ south of the museum. This area will be open to the public once the area is consolidated. ‘Trenches’ were also opened within the Church and north of the church. Participants in the first of three sessions include Maggie Beeler, Morgan Condell, Hans Hansen, Stephanie Kimmey, Jenn LaFleur, Sarah Rous, Alex Seufert, Colin Whiting, and Rebecca Worsham. Ross Brendle is working in the museum with our black figure pottery collection. Jody Cundy is the site supervisor and Rosana Valente is assisting in the pot sheds. Google Glass is one exciting addition to the recording system, thanks to Andrew Reinhard, Director of Publications, who has generously lent his unit to us.