Angel Bustamante

Modernizing the Libraries: Q&A with Librarians Maria Tourna and Irini Solomonidi

November 29, 2018

Modernizing the Libraries: Q&A with Librarians Maria Tourna and Irini Solomonidi

The Library Reclassification Project to integrate, customize, and modernize the classification systems of the Blegen and Gennadius Libraries will improve the experience of the thousands of international patrons who use them each year.

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«Η ζωή είναι αγρίως απίθανη» στην Αθήνα 2018 Παγκόσμια Πρωτεύουσα Βιβλίου! Kinonό, Δευτέρα 3 Δεκεμβρίου στις 9 μ.μ.

November 28, 2018

«Η ζωή είναι αγρίως απίθανη» στην Αθήνα 2018 Παγκόσμια Πρωτεύουσα Βιβλίου! Kinonό, Δευτέρα 3 Δεκεμβρίου στις 9 μ.μ.

Η Αθήνα 2018 Παγκόσμια Πρωτεύουσα Βιβλίου σε συνεργασία με το Θέατρο Δωματίου, τη Γεννάδειο Βιβλιοθήκη και τις Εκδόσεις Ωκεανίδα, καλούν το κοινό σε μια ξεχωριστή εκδήλωση με αφορμή τη συμπλήρωση δέκα χρόνων από το θάνατο της συγγραφέως Μαργαρίτας Καραπάνου.

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Hesperia 87.4 Now Online!

November 26, 2018

Hesperia 87.4 Now Online!

Topics in this issue include a gold necklace from the grave of the Griffin Warrior at Pylos, a Protoattic votive deposit from the Athenian Agora, the pediments and akroteria of the Hephaisteion, and Sir John Beazley’s notebooks.

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VIDEOCAST - Continuity and Change in the Dramatic Festivals of Early Roman Greece, 2nd-1st c. BCE

November 19, 2018

VIDEOCAST - Continuity and Change in the Dramatic Festivals of Early Roman Greece, 2nd-1st c. BCE

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November 16, 2018

George Castriot Skanderbeg at the Gennadius Library

An exhibition of rare books marks the 550th anniversary of the death of the Albanian hero George Castriot Skanderbeg in the Reading Room of the Gennadius Library.

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VIDEOCAST - Celebrating the 550th Anniversary of George Castriot Skanderbeg’s Death

November 14, 2018

VIDEOCAST - Celebrating the 550th Anniversary of George Castriot Skanderbeg’s Death

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 Leda Costaki Discusses Stratis Myrivilis on the ERT News

November 13, 2018

Leda Costaki Discusses Stratis Myrivilis on the ERT News

On the occasion of OXI day (October 28th), Archivist Leda Costaki, who has processed the personal papers of novelist Stratis Myrivilis, was interviewed by ERT about Myrivilis's coverage of the Greek-Italian War in 1940, as a war correspondent.

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November 12, 2018


Οι "Βιβλίων Τόποι" και η εμπνεύστριά τους δημοσιογράφος και φιλόλογος Λαμπρινή Κουζέλη ξεναγήθηκαν το Σάββατο 10 Νοεμβρίου 2018 στην ανακαινισμένη Ανατολική Πτέρυγα της Γενναδείου Βιβλιοθήκης, όπου έχουν μετεγκατασταθεί όλες οι αρχειακές συλλογές της Αμερικανικής Σχολής Κλασικών Σπουδών.

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2019 Aristeia Award Announcement

November 8, 2018

2019 Aristeia Award Announcement

Nancy A. Winter has been named the 2019 recipient of the Aristeia Award for Distinguished Alumni/ae of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.

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Studying the Architecture of the Athenian Acropolis: An Interview with Nancy Klein

November 8, 2018

Studying the Architecture of the Athenian Acropolis: An Interview with Nancy Klein

Meet Nancy Klein, Associate Professor in the Department of Architecture at Texas A&M University and Senior Associate Member at the ASCSA.

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VIDEOCAST - Crete in the Ice Age. Clever Seadogs and Gullible Deer

November 2, 2018

VIDEOCAST - Crete in the Ice Age. Clever Seadogs and Gullible Deer

Thomas Strasser, Providence College

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Recent Gifts Support School’s Work in Lab, Lecture Series, and Library

November 1, 2018

Recent Gifts Support School’s Work in Lab, Lecture Series, and Library

The School has recently received three important gifts—each in the amount of $100,000—that reflect the generosity of the individuals who made them, as well as the scope of the School’s current projects and initiatives.

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Traveling North to Thassos: School Members on Trip 1

October 29, 2018

Traveling North to Thassos: School Members on Trip 1

ASCSA academic programming begins as Members leave Athens to explore northern Greece on Trip 1. View these photos to follow their travels!

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Φιλό-ξενη αρχαιολογία

October 29, 2018

Φιλό-ξενη αρχαιολογία

Presenting in a conference at the Acropolis Museum, the American School showcased its history, mission, and future innovations.

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Celebrating 2018-2019 Fulbright Grantees in Greece

October 29, 2018

Celebrating 2018-2019 Fulbright Grantees in Greece

The American School hosts the 2018-2019 Fulbright Fellows and U.S. Embassy Athens staff for a reception garden party.

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Welcome 2018-2019 Members!

October 29, 2018

Welcome 2018-2019 Members!

The 2018-2019 Members arrive as another school year begins at the American School.

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From the Trench to the Lab: Learning to Conserve Archaeological Material at the Agora

October 29, 2018

From the Trench to the Lab: Learning to Conserve Archaeological Material at the Agora

What is it like to treat freshly excavated material? Meet the Conservation Interns of 2018 Summer Agora Excavations and find out!

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VIDEOCAST - Oropos and the Messy Margins of the Attic Polis

October 22, 2018

VIDEOCAST - Oropos and the Messy Margins of the Attic Polis

Jessica Lamont, Yale University

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The Mystery of the Bones in the Well: Reflections from the Authors

October 4, 2018

The Mystery of the Bones in the Well: Reflections from the Authors

Maria A. Liston, Susan I. Rotroff, and Lynn M. Snyder discuss their new publication, The Agora Bone Well (Hesperia Supplement 50).

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October 2, 2018

Closure of the exhibition “Ioannis Makriyannis. Vital Expression”

The Gennadius Library and the Association of the People of Krokylion organized an event to celebrate the conclusion of the "Ioannis Makriyannis. Vital Expression" exhibition.

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October 2, 2018

Ολοκλήρωση έκθεσης “Ιωάννης Μακρυγιάννης. Ζωντανή έκφραση”

Η Γεννάδειος Βιβλιοθήκη και ο Σύλλογος Κροκυλιωτών «Ο Μακρυγιάννης», με την ευκαιρία της ολοκλήρωσης της έκθεσης «Ιωάννης Μακρυγιάννης. Ζωντανή έκφραση», διοργάνωσαν εορταστική εκδήλωση, στο πλαίσιο της οποίας προβλήθηκε η ταινία μικρού μήκους του Παρασκευά Μπακαρέζου με τίτλο «Γιάννης Μακρυγιάννης - Αβορίτι 1797 - 1804». Προλόγισε ο Κώστας Γραβάνης.

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New Publication! The Agora Bone Well (Hesperia Suppl. 50)

October 1, 2018

New Publication! The Agora Bone Well (Hesperia Suppl. 50)

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens is pleased to announce the publication of The Agora Bone Well (Hesperia Suppl. 50) by Maria A. Liston, Susan I. Rotroff, and Lynn M. Snyder.

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Presentation of a short video on the life of Makriyannis

September 28, 2018

Presentation of a short video on the life of Makriyannis

The curator of the exhibition “Ioannis Makriyannis. Vital Expression,” Maria Georgopoulou gave a tour to the friends of the Benaki Museum three days before the closing of the exhibition.

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Προβολή ταινίας μικρού μήκους «Γιάννης Μακρυγιάννης - Αβορίτι 1797 - 1804»

September 28, 2018

Προβολή ταινίας μικρού μήκους «Γιάννης Μακρυγιάννης - Αβορίτι 1797 - 1804»

Τρεις μέρες πριν κλείσει η έκθεση «Ιωάννης Μακρυγιάννης. Ζωντανή Έκφραση» η επιμελήτρια της έκθεσης, Μαρία Γεωργοπούλου, έκανε ξενάγηση στους Φίλους του Μουσείου Μπενάκη.

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Hesperia 87.3 Now Online!

September 13, 2018

Hesperia 87.3 Now Online!

Topics include terracotta votives from Acrocorinth, defensive watchtowers at Mantineia, Hippias of Erythrai, and marble statuary of Asklepios from the Athenian Agora.

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