“Agora Scholars Speak” series. Each month, a new interview will be released featuring a different specialist who will share their experiences and expertise of working at the Agora.
Read MoreThis gift is yet another extraordinary act of generosity from Fred, honoring the memory of his beloved wife, Diana.
Read MoreThe American School of Classical Studies at Athens is pleased to announce the dedication of a room in Loring Hall in memory of Helene J. Kantor
Read MoreFaithful to its annual commitment to all music lovers since 2015, the Gennadius Library organized, in partnership with the Schwarz Foundation and the Curtis Institute of Music, the "Nights of Classical Music at the Gennadius Library" from September 27 to 29.
Read MoreΠιστή στο ετήσιο ραντεβού της με το φιλόμουσο κοινό της Αθήνας, η Γεννάδειος Βιβλιοθήκη διοργάνωσε για 10η συνεχή χρονιά, σε συνεργασία με το Ίδρυμα Schwarz και το Ινστιτούτο Μουσικής Curtis, το φεστιβάλ «Νύχτες Κλασικής Μουσικής στη Γεννάδειο Βιβλιοθήκη».
Read MoreWe are pleased to announce the publication of Hesperia 93.3! Topics in this issue include the publication of terracotta figurines from Corinth, a look at the development of lead-glazed pottery in the Mediterranean, and a study detailing events at the American excavations at Sardis during the Greek-Turkish War.
Read MoreOn September 26, 2024, the Archives of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens and the Poets Circle presented the closing ceremony of the 10th Athens World Poetry Festival and the Barbara Fields-Siotis Award Ceremony for 2024. The awardee was poet Alicia Stallings.
Read MoreΗ Γεννάδειος Βιβλιοθήκη έχει τη χαρά να ανακοινώσει τους υποτρόφους της για το ακαδημαϊκό έτος 2024-2025.
Read MoreThe Gennadius Library is happy to announce the Gennadius fellows for this academic year.
Read More“Agora Scholars Speak” series. Each month, a new interview will be released featuring a different specialist who will share their experiences and expertise of working at the Agora.
Read MoreThe 2024 CERL Annual Seminar will take place in Rome, National Central Library, on 23 October 2024.
Read MoreΤο Ετήσιο Σεμινάριο του CERL θα πραγματοποιηθεί στη Ρώμη, στην Εθνική Κεντρική Βιβλιοθήκη, στις 23 Οκτωβρίου 2024.
Read MoreThe American School of Classical Studies at Athens is pleased to announce a gift from Stella Phillips, Executor of the Estate of Costa Constantine, to name the exhibition hall in the Makriyannis Wing in memory of her late brother, Costa Constantine.
Read More“Agora Scholars Speak” series. Each month, a new interview will be released featuring a different specialist who will share their experiences and expertise of working at the Agora.
Read MoreLindsay C. Spencer discusses her new book, The Middle Helladic Pottery (Lerna IX).
Read MoreThe American School of Classical Studies at Athens is pleased to announce the publication of The Middle Helladic Pottery (Lerna IX), by Lindsay C. Spencer.
Read MoreΆρθρο της Λαμπρινής Κουζέλη στο ΒΗΜΑ (Κυριακή 4 Αυγούστου) για μια άλλη, άγνωστη όψη του γνωστού συγγραφέα της Γενιάς του '30 Άγγελου Τερζάκη βασισμένο στις αναμνήσεις του γιού του Δημήτρη Τερζάκη και σε έρευνα που πραγματοποίησε η δημοσιογράφος στο Τμήμα Αρχείων της Αμερικανικής Σχολής Κλασικών Σπουδών.
Read More“Agora Scholars Speak” series. Each month, a new interview will be released featuring a different specialist who will share their experiences and expertise of working at the Agora.
Read MoreA collaboration between the ASCSA, The American College of Greece-PIERCE psychology society, choir and orchestra, 2nd Gymnasium of Corinth, Diazoma, Olympia Odos, the Greek Ministry of Culture, and researcher Matthew Larsen in 2024.
Read MoreKyle A. Jazwa discusses his new book, The Tiled-Roof Phenomenon in Early Helladic Greece: Evidence from Zygouries (Hesperia Supplement 53).
Read MoreThe American School of Classical Studies at Athens is pleased to announce the publication of The Tiled-Roof Phenomenon in Early Helladic Greece: Evidence from Zygouries (Hesperia Supplement 53), by Kyle A. Jazwa.
Read MoreTopics in Hesperia issue 93.2 include an examination of the dating and design of the Hephaisteion in Athens, an overview of terracotta jointed dolls from Corinth, and a study that identifies the Boudroumi as a prison in Late Antique Corinth.
Read MoreΟ διπλωμάτης και βιβλιόφιλος Ιωάννης Γεννάδιος δώρισε την προσωπική του βιβλιοθήκη στην Αμερικανική Σχολή Κλασικών Σπουδών το 1926 και τα βιβλία του αποτελούν σήμερα τον πυρήνα της συλλογής της Γενναδείου Βιβλιοθήκης. Μεταξύ αυτών περιλαμβάνονται περίπου 6.000 εκδόσεις Ελλήνων Κλασικών, που αποτελούν και τη μεγαλύτερη ενότητα της προσωπικής συλλογής του Γεννάδιου. Το βιβλίο Ο Όμηρος στη Γεννάδειο Βιβλιοθήκη παρουσιάζει 39 εξαιρετικούς θησαυρούς από αυτή τη συλλογή, αναδημιουργώντας το ομηρικό σύμπαν από την οπτική του Γεννάδιου ως συλλέκτη.
Read MoreOn Tuesday June 11th, 2024, the American School of Classical Studies at Athens hosted a garden party to welcome its new Summer Session students.
Read MoreThe American School of Classical Studies at Athens is pleased to announce the dedication of a room in Loring Hall in memory of Evelyn Lord Smithson.
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