New Publication: The Tiled-Roof Phenomenon in Early Helladic Greece: Evidence from Zygouries

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens is pleased to announce the publication of The Tiled-Roof Phenomenon in Early Helladic Greece: Evidence from Zygouries (Hesperia Supplement 53), by Kyle A. Jazwa.
This study presents the Early Helladic II ceramic roofing tile fragments from Zygouries, a site excavated by Carl Blegen more than a century ago. It is the first publication of an entire assemblage of Early Helladic roofing tiles, an oft-neglected find on archaeological sites. Details about the tiles’ forms, features, and variability are presented first, followed by a production-oriented analysis reconstructing much of the chaîne opératoire and complementary volumetric and energetic analyses. The results of these studies allow for the local reception and sociopolitical implications of Zygouries’s ceramic-tiled roof to be explored. The assemblage is then contextualized alongside other Early Helladic roofing tile assemblages and the material culture of the period to gain a clearer understanding of the broader cultural significance of such tiled roofs.
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. The Zygouries Assemblage
Chapter 3. Ceramic Roofing Tile Manufacturing at Zygouries
Chapter 4. The Cost of the Ceramic-Tiled Roof at Zygouries
Chapter 5. The Local Context of the Ceramic-Tiled Roof at Zygouries
Chapter 6. The Tiled-Roof Tradition of the Early Helladic Period
Chapter 7. Conclusion
Appendix 1. Catalogue of Tile Fragments
Appendix 2. Gazetteer of Sites
Hesperia Supplement 53
320 pp, 83 b/w and 7 color figs, 28 tables
8.5" x 11"
Paper, ISBN: 978-0-87661-555-3
The Tiled-Roof Phenomenon in Early Helladic Greece: Evidence from Zygouries (Hesperia Supplement 53) can be ordered from our distribution partner, ISD. The ASCSA gratefully acknowledges the support of the Archaeological Institute of America in the publication of this book.