Volume 81, Issue 3 (2012)
The First Wheelmade Pottery at Lerna: Wheel-Thrown or Wheel-Fashioned? (pp. 343-381)
by Maria Choleva
Geophysical Survey as an Aid to Excavation at Mitrou: A Preliminary Report (pp. 383-432)
by Gregory N. Tsokas, Aleydis Van de Moortel, Panayiotis I. Tsourlos, Alexandros Stampolidis, George Vargemezis, Eleni Zahou
The Oath of Demophantos, Revolutionary Mobilization, and the Preservation of Athenian Democracy (pp. 433-465)
by David A. Teegarden
Syeris, Diokonos of the Priestess Lysimache on the Athenian Acropolis (IG II2 3464) (pp. 476-505)
by Catherine M. Keesling