
Volume 51, Issue 3 (1982)

A Hellenistic Terracotta Group from Corinth (pp. 239-247)

by Nancy Bookidis

A Portrait of Cleopatra II(?) in the Vassar College Art Gallery (pp. 269-276)

by Christine Mitchell Havelock

Note on the Piecing of Bronze Statuettes (pp. 277-283)

by Dorothy K. Hill

Amphoras on Amphoras (pp. 284-292)

by Carolyn G. Koehler

Some Rhodian Amphora Capacities (pp. 293-320)

by P. M. Wallace Matheson and M. B. Wallace

Greco-Italic Amphoras (pp. 338-356)

by Elizabeth L. Will

A Terracotta Herakles at the Johns Hopkins University (pp. 357-364)

by Ellen R. Williams

Bibliography of Virginia R. Grace (pp. 365-367)

by Virginia R. Grace

Bibliography of Dorothy Burr Thompson (pp. 369-374)

by Dorothy Burr Thompson