Alfavitario: A Greek Alphabet Book for Children

by Alexandros Delmouzos, Pavlos Nirvanas, Zacharias Papantoniou, Manolis Triantafyllidis, with illustrations by Konstantinos Maleas
114 pp, line drawings throughout
5.5" x 8.5"
Paper, ISBN: 978-960-86960-2-0
Publication Date: Nov 2005
Status: Out of Print
Methods of teaching small children how to read and write the Greek language have changed substantially over the last 50 years, but the beautiful alphabet books, used as teaching aids in the 1930s and 1940s, continue to fascinate modern generations. This facsimile color reprint presents one of these books, first published in Athens in 1938 and recently obtained by the Gennadius Library. The book presents, in short texts and pictures, the lives of three children over the course of a year. It starts at the end of the summer, when the whole family leaves the countryside to move back to the city, and follows the children through the fall, winter, and spring . . . to the start of the next summer. The team of writers who compiled the book includes noted Greek literary figures such as Alexandros Delmouzos, Pavlos Nirvanas, Zacharias Papantoniou, and Manolis Triantafyllidis, while the illustrations are by the well-known painter Konstantinos Maleas.