Archaic and Archaistic Sculpture

by Evelyn B. Harrison
Athenian Agora XI
211 pp, 68 pls
9" x 12"
Cloth, ISBN: 978-0-87661-211-7
Publication Date: Nov 1965
Status: Out of Print
Over 170 catalogued pieces of sculpture from the Athenian Agora are divided into four sections: the genuinely Archaic in date and form, the archaistic imitating Archaic originals (late 5th century to early 4th century B.C.), and two restricted groups of sculpture common in Athens. The latter are the Hekataia (a triple Hekate figure) and the herms. The chronological range is thus from the earliest Archaic kouros (ca. 600 B.C.) through the herms and Hekataia of the Roman period. Among other questions, the author explores the nature of the archaizing movement and the different types of herms and how they were used in the Agora.