The Potters' Quarter: The Pottery

by Agnes Newhall Stillwell and J. L. Benson
Corinth XV.3
447 pp, 126 pls, foldout plan
9" x 12"
Cloth, ISBN: 978-0-87661-153-1
Publication Date: Nov 1984
Status: Active
Retail Price $100
The long-awaited final part of the publication of the Corinth Potters’ Quarter is based on the work of the excavator, A. N. Stillwell, edited and supplemented after her death by J. L. Benson. The pottery, although frequently fragmentary, can often be assigned to known painters or workshops, and the deposits, especially in view of the defective pieces in them, can be argued to contain material almost exclusively of local manufacture. A brief introduction serves to explain the organization of the catalogue and to characterize the principal deposits, most of which contained material from several periods; a summary of represented painters and workshops concludes the chapter. The catalogue presents over 2,300 examples from more than 4,000 inventoried pieces. Almost all are illustrated with photographs, frequently supplemented with detail line drawings of motifs; selected profile drawings represent the principal shapes. A new foldout plan of the Potters’ Quarter is included.