Corinth Excavations Archaeological manual has been published by the The Digital Press at the University of North Dakota
Read MoreConference on Environment and Human Activity in the Peloponnese, 6-9 April, organized in cooperation with the Swedish Institute at Athens.
Read MoreMaria Georgopoulou, Director of the Gennadius Library announces that Constantine (Deno) and Marie Macricostas, through the Macricostas Family Foundation, have pledged a $1.5 million gift in support of the Library’s new west wing. In acknowledgment of this significant gift, the space will be named the “Ioannis Makriyannis Wing” at the wishes of Mr. and Mrs. Macricostas, in honor of the Greek patriot General Makriyannis (1797–1864).
Read MoreThe Overseers of the Gennadius Library of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) will honor Lloyd E. Cotsen, former President of the ASCSA Trustees and the first Chairman of the Overseers, as the second recipient of the Gennadius Prize for “outstanding contributions to the advancement of knowledge of post-antique Greece” at the ASCSA Gala in New York City on May 10, 2017.
Read MoreThe Trustees of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens have named Malcolm Hewitt Wiener, Aegean prehistorian and Chairman Emeritus of the Trustees, as the second recipient of the School’s Athens Prize for “outstanding contributions to the advancement of knowledge of ancient Greece.” Wiener will accept the award on May 10, 2017 at the ASCSA Gala in New York City.
Read MoreThe ASCSA has chosen Jennifer Sacher to be the next editor of its journal, Hesperia.
Read MoreMeet Carissa Nicholson, an Associate Member at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens working on a dissertation in Art History at the University of Florida.
Read MoreThe American Academy of Arts and Sciences, one of the U.S.’s oldest and most esteemed learned societies, has elected Dr. Panagiotis Karkanas, Director of the American School's Wiener Laboratory for Archaeological Science, to its 237th class of members. He is the 24th person in the ASCSA's venerable history to receive this honor.
Read MoreΗ Γεννάδειος Βιβλιοθήκη της Αμερικανικής Σχολής Κλασικών Σπουδών στην Αθήνα διοργανώνει από κοινού με τον Gregory Jusdanis από το Πολιτειακό Πανεπιστήμιο του Οχάιο στις ΗΠΑ συνέδριο με τίτλο «Εκατό Χρόνια Διαλόγου. Λατινοαμερικανικές Προσεγγίσεις στον Ελληνισμό». Το συνέδριο θα διεξαχθεί από τις 18 έως τις 20 Μαΐου στο αμφιθέατρο της Αμερικανικής Σχολής Cotsen Hall (Αναπήρων Πολέμου 9).
Read MoreThe Gennadius Library of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens is organizing with Gregory Jusdanis, Humanities Distinguished Professor of the Ohio State University, a three-day conference entitled “One Hundred Years of Dialogue: Latin American Approaches to Hellenism” on May 18-20, 2017.
Read MoreThe famed international art exhibition Documenta 14 is officially open in Athens, and the Gennadius Library is one of the hosts.
Read MoreΣεμινάριο: Ασφάλεια, συντήρηση, καταλογογράφηση, ψηφιοποίηση και χρηματοδότηση
Read More2017 members take an incredible journey to the Holy Land (via camel at times) for their optional spring trip.
Read MoreDr. Dylan K. Rogers, Assistant Director, ASCSA
Read MoreΤο Λύκειο της Νέας Ερυθραίας στη Γεννάδειο Βιβλιοθήκη για να δει από κοντά τα αρχεία της "Γενιάς του '30"
Read MoreProf. Paul Kalligas, Director of the European Cultural Centre of Delphi
Read MoreDr. Cristina Dondi, Oakeshott Senior Research Fellow in the Humanities, Lincoln College, Univ. of Oxford, Secretary of the CERL
Read MoreMeet Kaitlyn Stiles, an Associate Member at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens working on a dissertation in Anthropology and Archaeology at the University of Tennessee.
Read MoreΜε ιδιαίτερη επιτυχία πραγματοποιήθηκε το συνέδριο που διοργανώθηκε, από κοινού, από τη Γεννάδειο Βιβλιοθήκη της Αμερικανικής Σχολής Κλασικών Σπουδών στην Αθήνα και το Ίδρυμα Αικατερίνης Λασκαρίδη και τελούσε υπό την αιγίδα της Κοινοπραξίας Ερευνητικών Βιβλιοθηκών της Ευρώπης (CERL).
Read MoreWork continues in the West Wing of the Gennadius Library but the dates of the necessary move are not fixed yet. We anticipate the closing to happen sometime in the summer months and not in the spring as previously announced. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Read MoreThe Gennadius Library will remain closed the following days: Thursday, April 13, 2017 from 5:00 pm Friday, April 14, 2017 Saturday, April 15, 2017 Monday, April 17, 2017 Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Read More"Continued funding by US government agencies of efforts such as the School’s is an important signal of the United States’ commitment to continuing the tradition of scholarly enquiry and public education that continues to enrich and improve the world in which we live."
Read MoreSeth Jaffe opens his first book by explaining its contradictions: “This book is the work of a political scientist (a political theorist), but is my sincere hope that it will prove of interest to classicists, from whom I have learned so much about Thucydides and this world.”
Read MoreJames C. Wright, Director of ASCSA, "Work of the School During 2016" and Keynote Lecture, "The Pastness of the Past: Reflections on Archaeology in Greece."
Read MorePresented by EBSA, Belgian Embassy, ASCSA, Aegeus Society, Minoan, Cycladic and Mycenaean Seminars
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