Angel Bustamante

October 4, 2011

Kostis Palamas Letters on Display

Professor Agne Vlavianou Arvanite has donated to the Archives of the Gennadius Library a small number of letters from poet Kostis Palamas to Nikos Fandrides, as well as books given to Fandrides by Kostis Palamas.

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First Trail of the Proposed Parrhasian Heritage Park Now Open

September 22, 2011

First Trail of the Proposed Parrhasian Heritage Park Now Open

Managing Committee member and co-director of the Mt. Lykaion excavation David Romano reports that on July 30, 2011, the first trail of the proposed Parrhasian Heritage Park of the Peloponnesos was opened between Ano Karyes (Arcadia) and Neda (Messenia). The Park will protect the area of Mt. Lykaion but will also extend to protect and unify many other ancient cities and sanctuaries in the region.

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September 22, 2011

ASCSA and Cultural Society of Chora Bestow Honors

ASCSA and the Cultural Society of Chora presented commemorative certificates to nearly fifty members of the community in recognition of the role they or members of their family had played in excavations of the "Palace of Nestor."

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September 19, 2011

Wiener Laboratory in the News

Kathimerini reporter Christina Sanoudou interviews Wiener Laboratory researchers.

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School Director visits Australia

August 31, 2011

School Director visits Australia

August is vacation time, but for School Director Jack Davis and wife Shari Stocker a trip Down Under served as a working vacation. The pair traveled to the Antipodes as guests of the Australian Archaeological Institute in Athens to participate in the Institute's Visiting Lecturer program. The indefatigable Professor Davis delivered 30 lectures in 9 cities while there.

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August 1, 2011

Hesperia 80.2 Now Online

The latest issue contains articles ranging from the Mycenaean to the Roman period, addressing topics as diverse as LBA ceramics from the Peloponnese, the reminting of silver coinage in Athens, the leasing of sacred land in the 4th c. B.C., and the evolving character of a Roman road at Corinth. Subscribers can read the issue on JSTOR, Hesperia’s new online home.

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About Edward Capps

July 19, 2011

About Edward Capps

Edward Capps was one of the luminaries of the American School, and many recognize him as the "Second Founder of the School." This summer the great-nephew of Edward Capps came to Athens to remember the Capps legacy.

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July 18, 2011

U.S. and Greece Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Reduce the Incentive for Looting Artifacts

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs Stavros Lambrinidis signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on June 17, 2011 to reduce the incentive for further pillage of Greece's cultural heritage.

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July 13, 2011

School Director Honored in Pylos

ASCSA Director Jack Davis, was made an honorary citizen of Pylos on July 11, 2011 for his contributions to the community where he has excavated.

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July 12, 2011

Wiener Laboratory Director Researches in Erbil, Iraq

Wiener Laboratory Director, Sherry Fox, began work with the University of Athens' first field campaign at Tell Nader in Kurdistan (Erbil, Iraq) this past April under the direction of Prof. Konstantinos Kopanias from the University of Athens.

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Susan Rotroff Honored at ASCSA Archaeological Conference

July 8, 2011

Susan Rotroff Honored at ASCSA Archaeological Conference

"The Matter of Antiquity: An Archaeological Conference in Honor of Susan Rotroff" was held on June 17–18 and filled with colleagues and well-wishers of this noted Agora scholar and recent winner of the AIA Gold Medal. Read more to see why we think Susan is "kind of a big deal."

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Alumni Trip Triggers Memories Old and New

July 7, 2011

Alumni Trip Triggers Memories Old and New

Samantha Martin-McAuliffe and Jenifer Neils report on the first-ever alumni trip in June. Diverse ages, experiences and nationalities made for animated and convivial camaraderie and a memorable experience.

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July 7, 2011

Gennadeion Newsletter for Spring 2011 Now Online

The issue of Gennadeion News for Spring 2011 was recently published and distributed to all members and friends of the Gennadius Library. Read the issue online and in color.

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July 7, 2011

Spring 2011 Issue of ákoue Now Online

The Spring 2011 edition of the School newsletter ákoue can be read online and in color here.

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Alumni Week: We Remember. . .

June 9, 2011

Alumni Week: We Remember. . .

More reminiscences from School alumni in celebration of Alumni week. Next up: The Famous Professor and the Lowly (but clever) Graduate Student, as remembered by Ron Stroud.

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June 9, 2011

Congress Cancels American Overseas Research Centers (AORC) Program

Help us restore U.S. government funding to American Overseas Research Centers! Please sign the petition and make your voice heard!

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June 9, 2011

New Exhibition Showcases 130 Years of the Academic Program

Photos and documents—both illuminating and amusing— from the American School’s academic program are on display in the Basil Room of the Gennadius Library through September 30th.

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130th Anniversary of the School Celebrated with Honors and a New Exhibition

June 8, 2011

130th Anniversary of the School Celebrated with Honors and a New Exhibition

ASCSA marked the 130th year of the School's founding with tributes to 5 great Philhellenes—Alan L. Boegehold, Lloyd E. Cotsen, David W. Packard, Malcolm H. Wiener, and Charles K. Williams, II—and a new exhibition. Watch the event here.

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Alumni Week: Let’s Cook!

April 20, 2011

Alumni Week: Let’s Cook!

One cannot reminisce about time spent at the School without including food in some way. A memorable meal, perhaps in a spectacular setting. . . and with true xenía. To commemorate Alumni Week, alumna Kathleen Lynch took on the task of compiling some of those culinary experiences into a cookbook featuring alumni of the School. Read more to see how you can get a copy!

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Fluffy’s Trip to the American School of Classical Studies at Athens

April 18, 2011

Fluffy’s Trip to the American School of Classical Studies at Athens

Who needs Flat Stanley when you can have Fluffy? Fluffy belongs to Hesperia editor Tracey Cullen and is an old friend of ASCSA Director Jack Davis. On March 30, Fluffy traveled to Greece with Andrew Reinhard, Director of Publications, and spent 10 days in Athens, Corinth, and Isthmia visiting the School, seeing old friends, and making new ones.

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April 7, 2011

Videocast: Mycenaean Wall-Paintings in Context New Discoveries and Old Finds Reconsidered - WORKSHOP

The following videcasts are from the two-day workshop of "Telltale Depictions: A Contextual View of Mycenaean Wall-Paintings", that took place at "The National Hellenic Research Foundation" in Athens.

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Videocast: Telltale Depictions: A Contextual View of Mycenaean Wall-Paintings

April 7, 2011

Videocast: Telltale Depictions: A Contextual View of Mycenaean Wall-Paintings

On February 11, 2011, John Bennett (University of Sheffield) delivered the lecture, "Telltale Depictions: A Contextual View of Mycenaean Wall-Paintings" to lead off the 2-day weekend workshop on the subject.

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Videocast: New Excavations at Stobi, 2009–2010

April 7, 2011

Videocast: New Excavations at Stobi, 2009–2010

On February 22, 2011, Silvana Blazevska of the National Institute of Stobi lectured on "New excavations at Stobi 2009–2010" in Cotsen Hall. Watch the lecture here.

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Videocast: Baldness in the Greek and Roman Imagination

April 7, 2011

Videocast: Baldness in the Greek and Roman Imagination

Are bald men smarter, more attractive, more accomplished on the battlefield?  Some ancient Greeks and Romans certainly thought so!  At least sometimes!  In a brisk and often humorous overview of ancient texts, Corey Brennan, Mellon Professor at the American Academy of Rome held his audience enthralled in his lecture "Baldness in the Greek and Roman Imagination" on March 1, 2011.

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Videocast: Open Meeting 2011

April 7, 2011

Videocast: Open Meeting 2011

ASCSA Director Jack L. Davis gave an update of the activities of the School and affiliated excavations for the past year to a packed audience in Cotsen Hall on March 11 and again in Thessaloniki on March 17. Jeffrey Soles also gave the lecture, "The Goddess and the Ancestors at Mochlos, Crete." The March 11 meeting was the first time this event was broadcast live, allowing institutions and friends of the School in the U.S. and elsewhere to watch in real time.

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