This week the American School of Classical Studies at Athens will visit Naples, Miami (Coral Gables) and Boca Raton.
Read MoreChristopher Pfaff, Associate Professor of Classics at Florida State University, began as Director of the Corinth Excavations in July. He shares his reflections on and plans for the site in this Q&A.
Read MoreThe American School's Mellon Professor Sylvian Fachard tells us what he is excited about in his first year teaching as Mellon Professor, his research interests, and what it was like to see the Olympic flame pass through Greece in this extended Q and A.
Read MoreJohn A. Georges recently donated $500,000 to name the Georges Family Courtyard Terrace. Thanks to Georges’s gift, the School is delighted to announce that the new Ioannis Makriyannis Wing of the Gennadius Library will be inaugurated on Saturday, June 2, 2018.
Read MoreWe are proud to announce that during the months of August, September and October 2017, the research collections of the Gennadius Library were tagged with RFID security tags and the books, including the periodicals of the “Dory Papastratou Reading Room,” were moved to new mobile shelving in the new Ioannis Makriyannis Wing, which will be officially inaugurated in June 2018.
Read MoreΕίμαστε στην ευχάριστη θέση να ανακοινώσουμε ότι κατά το τρίμηνο Αυγούστου - Οκτωβρίου 2017 ολοκληρώθηκε η πρώτη φάση του εκσυγχρονισμού των συλλογών της Γενναδείου Βιβλιοθήκης, η οποία πραγματοποιείται χάρη σε χρηματοδότηση των ιδρυμάτων Σταύρος Νιάρχος, Mellon και Goldsmith.
Read MoreThe American School of Classical Studies at Athens is pleased to announce the publication of The Early Iron Age: The Cemeteries (Agora XXXVI) by John K. Papadopoulos and Evelyn Lord Smithson.
Read MoreCorinth Excavations' newest outreach effort is aimed at bringing K-12 students to Corinth... digitally.
Read MoreΕισαγωγικές ομιλίες - Μαρία Γεωργοπούλου, Γιώργος Μαγγίνης, Μαρία Φακίδη & Ντόρα Μηναΐδη
Read MoreThe ASCSA Annual report for its 135th anniversary year 2015-2016 is now online.
Read MoreHoliday Greetings from the American School
Read MoreSariel Shalev, University of Haifa
Read MoreJorge Bravo, University of Maryland
Read MoreWhat does a day at the Publications Office look like? What do they have coming up on the docket?
Read MoreMeet John Haberstroh, a Ph.D. student studying Ancient Mediterranean History at the University of California, Riverside. He is currently is a Regular Member at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
Read MoreDuring the Christmas holiday period, the Blegen library will be closed to visitors on the following days: December 25-26, 2017, January 1, January 6, 2018. No new cards will be issued and no orientations will take place between December 25th and January 6th.
Read MoreNatalia Vogeikoff-Brogan, Doreen C. Spitzer Archivist ASCSA Annual Archives Lecture co-organized with the Fulbright Foundation in Greece.
Read MoreMeet Elina Salminen, an Associate Member at the American School working on a dissertation on the mortuary record of northern Greece from the Archaic to the Early Hellenistic period.
Read MoreThe American School of Classical Studies at Athens is pleased to announce the publication of Hesperia 86.4. Topics in this issue include the presentation of a recently discovered Late Minoan I sealstone from Pylos; a look at Solon’s abolishment of debt in Archaic Athens; the publication of a previously unpublished votive deposit uncovered near the Sanctuary of Zeus at Nemea; and a look at the work of Georg von Peschke, a celebrated artist employed by ASCSA excavations in the first half of the 20th century.
Read MoreΓιάννης Στουρνάρας, Ευαγγελία Κουνέλη, Δημήτρη Α. Σωτηρόπουλος
Read MoreMarco Galli, La Sapienza, Rome
Read MoreMeet Eliza Gettel, a PhD candidate working on a dissertation on political institutions of the Greek world under Roman imperium.
Read MoreOwing to the transfer of the Archives in the Blegen Library to the East Wing of the Gennadius Library, researchers will not be able to access the School’s archival collections between January 15th and May 31st, 2018.
Read MoreΟι Επίτροποι της Γενναδείου Βιβλιοθήκης της Αμερικανικής Σχολής Κλασικών Σπουδών στην Αθήνα θα απονείμουν στο Ίδρυμα Σταύρος Νιάρχος το «Βραβείο της Γενναδείου Βιβλιοθήκης» του 2018 για την εξαιρετική συνεισφορά του Ιδρύματος στην προώθηση του πολιτισμού της Ελλάδας από την ύστερη αρχαιότητα και μετά.
Read MoreRobert Ousterhout, University of Pennsylvania
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