Scholarships for Teachers
The American School of Classical Studies at Athens has multiple scholarship opportunities available for teachers to attend the Summer Session and Summer Seminars.
The Summer Session is 6-week intensive introduction to Greece from antiquity through the modern period with visits to sites across Greece. The Summer Seminars are 18-day sessions focusing on specific topics with visits to major monuments with exceptional scholars as study leaders.
Applying for a Scholarship
Applicants must apply to the program(s) they wish to attend in order to be considered for a scholarship.
To apply for ASCSA scholarships for the Summer Session or Summer Seminars, indicate your preferences by checking the appropriate box on the ASCSA Summer Session or Summer Seminars Application. No additional forms are required.
If you are applying for a scholarship with an outside funder, you must submit an application for the appropriate ASCSA Summer Program AND apply for the scholarship with the sponsoring organization. The ASCSA does not review applications for funding with an “outside funder.”
Relevant scholarship opportunities are below.
Learn More about the Summer Programs
Testimonials by Teachers about the Summer Programs
ASCSA, Rea Silvia Borza Scholarship
The Borza fellowship is reserved for a high school teacher in history, art, literature or some other field whose career would be enhanced by a summer’s study at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Preference will be given to teachers in public high schools.
Amount: $1,500
Availability: Summer Session and Summer Seminars
ASCSA, Katherine Keene Scholarship
This scholarship is endowed by Katherine Keene, a retired teacher and ASCSA Summer Sessions alumna. It is awarded to a public high school teacher who teaches Social Studies or has shown interest in aspects of the Classics, and has been able to include that material in his/her offerings.
Amount: ALL FEES
Availability: Summer Session and Summer Seminars
American Classical League Scholarship
ACL wants to help our members enhance their teaching by encouraging them to travel, take courses, attend professional meetings, and engage in professional development that is concerned with Latin, Greek and the ancient world where these languages prevailed.
Application Deadlines: January 15 and March 15
The application form is a fillable form which you can download. After you have completed the application you may attach as an email and send to the ACL Office.
- ACL members at all levels of teaching are eligible to apply
- Must be a member of ACL for at least 3 consecutive years, including this current year and the two preceding years. Undergraduate students, graduate students and new teachers with less than 3 years experience are exempt from the requirement of three consecutive years of membership.
- ACL scholarship recipients may apply every 4 years
Funded Activities: Bona fide summer study programs (ie. ASCSA Summer Session or Summer Seminar) at home or abroad
Awards: Awards range from $250 - $2000
All applications will have an equal chance to receive funding. The Scholarship Committee wants to ensure that funding is available for attendance at Institute once pricing is announced March 1.
Avaibility: Summer Session and Summer Seminars
Learn MoreArthur Patch McKinlay Scholarships of the American Classical League
The applicant must have been a member of the ACL for at least 3 consecutive years, including this current year and the two preceding years. ACL scholarship recipients may apply every 4 years. Amount: up to $2,000. Deadlines: January 15 & March 15.
Download and send application to:
American Classical League
Scholarship Awards
860 NW Washington Blvd. Suite A
Hamilton, OH 45013
Tel (513) 529-7741 and
Availability: Summer Session and Summer Seminars
Learn MoreDavid D. and Rosemary H. Coffin Fellowship for Travel in Classical Lands
Candidates for the Fellowship must have been teaching Latin or Ancient Greek at the secondary level (grades 9-12) in North America as a significant part of their academic responsibilities for three years out of the five prior to the award. Membership in the SCS is not a requirement for application, although it is expected that applicants will have demonstrated an active interest in the profession and in their own professional development. Deadline: February 28.
For more information, visit the SCS website at
Availability: Summer Session and Summer Seminars
Learn MoreE. Adelaide Hahn Scholarships of the Classical Association of the Atlantic States
In honor of E. Adelaide Hahn, one or two awards of up to $5000 will be made toward the cost of study at the summer session of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) or the American Academy in Rome (AAR). Applicants must be current CAAS members at the time of application. Preference will be given to members with longevity, pre-college teachers, graduate students, and those who have not previously received this award, with priority given to those who live and work in the CAAS region.
Scholarship winners are expected to report on their summer study experience at the CAAS annual meeting in October.
For additional information please see the CAAS website ( and or contact Stephen Ogumah, Chair of the Hahn Scholarship Committee, at the following email address:
Availability: Summer Session and Summer Seminars
Learn MoreNew York Classical Club ASCSA Summer Session Scholarship
This is a special opportunity for Club members to win scholarships of up to $3,000 toward the cost of study in the summer session of the American Academy in Rome, the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, or the Paideia Institute for study in Greece and/or Rome. All members with one year of paid membership in the Club are eligible to apply for the award. The award is open to secondary school teachers and graduate students. Interested individuals should obtain applications from the Academy, School or Institute, complete them, and send copies of all applications materials by January, 15, 2019 to Prof. Alan Shapiro (
For information contact Dr. Shapiro or consult the NYCC website:
Availability: Summer Session only
Learn MoreSemple Award of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South
The Semple Award is for a current member of CAMWS who either holds a teaching position in Greek or Latin in an elementary or secondary school within CAMWS territory or is enrolled as a graduate student in a degree-granting Classics program within CAMWS territory. CAMWS members teaching at or students at a school outside CAMWS territory are eligible to apply for these awards if their schools are current institutional members of CAMWS. Award amount cover program costs (tuition, basic room and board) as per the ASCSA summer school fee. Airfare is excluded.
The application form is available at
Questions regarding the application may be directed to:
Availability: Summer Session only
Learn More