Agora I 7525, the Philiste horos stone
Recently published in Hesperia, the Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens is “A Funerary Horos for Philiste” by Kevin F. Daly, a professor at Bucknell University. A 4th-century B.C. funerary horos (I 7525) discovered in the excavations of the Athenian Agora in 1981 preserves the woman’s name Philiste. A previously published funerary stele found in the Agora in 1934 is inscribed with the same name (IG II2 6133a). Although it cannot be demonstrated conclusively, it is possible that these funerary inscriptions originally belonged to the same grave plot, that of Philiste, daughter of Pythokles of Erchia. While thousands of funerary monuments have been unearthed in the Agora, just 21 horoi of grave monuments are now known, and only eight preserve the whole or partial name of the deceased.
The complete article can be read online by clicking on the follow Digital Object Identifier doi: 10.2972/hesp.77.2.359
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