Tasos Kakouros, Sarah James, Jen Palinkas and Takis Notis are all smiles after the Sunday afternoon clean-up
On Sunday afternoon in the basement of the Ancient Corinth museum, associate member Sarah James had expected to continue research on Hellenistic ceramics but was greeted to the sight of water pouring from the ceiling. Ioulia Tzonou-Herbst made several quick phone calls interrupting family lunches and siestas. Once the water was turned off, Conservators Takis Notis and Tasos Kakouros, Senior Associate member Jen Palinkas, the museum’s head guard Stavros Mpelitsis and Architect James Herbst answered the call helping to move delicately conserved pottery away from the deluge and to clean up the standing water. Plumbing and water problems are relatively common in the museum which was built in 1931 and added to in 1950 at least his time it was not a broken sewage line. The problem originated from a faulty modern supply hose.