Videocast - From Kallias to Kritias: Athens in the Second Half of the 5th Century
Day 1, June 6
Opening remarks by the organizers |
Day 2, June 7
Session I, Attic red-figure vases
Chair: Tyler Jo Smith (University of Virginia)
Session IΙ, Sculptures from Athens and Attica
Chair: Carol L. Lawton (Lawrence University)
Day 3, June 8
Session ΙΙΙ, The Athenian Agora
Chair: Yannis Lolos (University of Thessaly)
Session ΙV, The Athenian Acropolis
Chair: Aliki Moustaka (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
Session V, The Parthenon
Chair: Dimitris Plantzos (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
Clossing Remarks
![]() Closing Remarks |
Complete List of Videocast from all speakers:
( Please click on any of the speakers bellow to start watching )
Day 1, June 6
From Kallias to Kritias - Opening Remarks from ASCSA on Vimeo.
Day 2, June 7
Session I, Attic red-figure vases
Chair: Tyler Jo Smith (University of Virginia)
From Kallias to Kritias - “Nests of Oligarchs on Classical Red-figure Vases” from ASCSA on Vimeo.
From Kallias to Kritias - Kefalidou from ASCSA on Vimeo.
From Kallias to Kritias - Session I, Attic red-figure vases Q&A from ASCSA on Vimeo.
Session IΙ, Sculptures from Athens and Attica
Chair: Carol L. Lawton (Lawrence University)
From Kallias to Kritias - “Athens and Neapolis in the Fifth Century B.C.: The View from the Parthenos Sanctuary” from ASCSA on Vimeo.
From Kallias to Kritias - “A Bronze Paw Possibly Connected to the Parapegma of Meton on the Pnyx” from ASCSA on Vimeo.
From Kallias to Kritias - “Two Votive Reliefs of Herakles” from ASCSA on Vimeo.
From Kallias to Kritias - “New Insights into the Iconography of Attic Votive Reliefs of the Late Fifth Century B.C.” from ASCSA on Vimeo.
Day 3, June 8
Session ΙΙΙ, The Athenian Agora
Chair: Yannis Lolos (University of Thessaly)
From Kallias to Kritias - “Civic Spaces and the Classical Ideal: New Evidence from the Tholos in the Athenian Agora” from ASCSA on Vimeo.
From Kallias to Kritias - “The Crossroads Enclosure in the Athenian Agora: A Preliminary Report” from ASCSA on Vimeo.
From Kallias to Kritias - “The Sculpture of the Temple of Ares/Athena Pallenis in the Athenian Agora:Research and Retrieval" from ASCSA on Vimeo.
From Kalias to Kritias - Session III, The Athenian Agora Q&A from ASCSA on Vimeo.
Session ΙV, The Athenian Acropolis
Chair: Aliki Moustaka (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
From Kallias to Kritias - “Managing the Open-air Sacred Space on the Athenian Acropolis” from ASCSA on Vimeo.
From Kallias to Kritias - “Archaism and Autochthony on the Post-Periklean Akropolis” from ASCSA on Vimeo.
From Kallias to Kritias - “The Area of the Chalkotheke on the Athenian Acropolis during the 2nd Half of the Fifth Century B.C.” from ASCSA on Vimeo.
From Kallias to Kritias - Session IV, The Athenian Acropolis Q&A from ASCSA on Vimeo.
Session V, The Parthenon
Chair: Dimitris Plantzos (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
From Kallias to Kritias - “Fragments des statues des frontons du Parthénon” from ASCSA on Vimeo.
From Kallias to Kritias - “News from the Parthenon Cella: the Question of an Inner Frieze” from ASCSA on Vimeo.
From Kallias to Kritias - “Kekrops or Erechtheus? Re-reading the West Pediment of the Parthenon” from ASCSA on Vimeo.
From Kallias to Kritias - Session V, The Parthenon Q&A from ASCSA on Vimeo.
Clossing Remarks
From Kallias to Kritias Kritias - Closing Remarks from ASCSA on Vimeo.