Videocast: Exiles in Pisa, 1821. Mavrokordatos the Shelleys and the Greek Revolution

Roderick Beaton delivered a lecture in Cotsen Hall on December 8, 2010 entitled “The Exiles in Pisa, 1821: Mavrokordatos, the Shelleys, and the Greek Revolution.”
The lecture is in English with introductions in Greek.
Roderick Beaton is Koraes Professor of Modern Greek and Byzantine History, Language and Literature at King’s College London, a post he has held since 1988. He has written widely on Greek literature and culture from the twelfth century to the present. His books include An Introduction to Modern Greek Literature (2nd edition 1999, also published in Greek), the award-winning biography George Seferis: Waiting for the Angel (2003), which became a bestseller in its Greek translation, and the novel Ariadne’s Children (1995). He has published translations from Modern Greek verse and fiction, including works by Embirikos, Seferis, Solomos, and the novel Fool’s Gold by Maro Douka. His edition and translation of A Levant Journal by George Seferis (published by Ibis Editions, Jerusalem) was awarded the Hellenic Foundation for Culture Prize for Translation in 2008. His most recent books are Kazantzakis as Modernist and Postmodernist (in Greek) and The Making of Modern Greece: Romanticism, Nationalism and the Uses of the Past, 1797–1896 (co-edited with David Ricks), both published in 2009.
This year we are able to share videocasts of presentations worldwide via the Internet thanks to the generosity of Alex Zagoreos, president of the Board of Overseers of the Gennadius Library. The School also thanks Lloyd E. Cotsen for support of the Gennadius lectures, the Cannellopoulos Foundation, and the U.S. Dept. of Education.
Approximate running time 61 minutes.
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Roderick Beaton “Exiles in Pisa, 1821 Mavrokordatos the Shelleys and the Greek Revolution” Part 1
Roderick Beaton “Exiles in Pisa, 1821 Mavrokordatos the Shelleys and the Greek Revolution” Part 2
Roderick Beaton “Exiles in Pisa, 1821 Mavrokordatos the Shelleys and the Greek Revolution” (final few minutes)