Update from Corinth Excavations
Vasilopita baked and decorated by Nicol Anastassatou, Corinth Excavations Conservator
As Corinth Excavations prepares for a busy 2017 excavation season starting in April, here's what we have been up to recently:
Operation Odeion
Corinth Excavations collaborated with the local Ephorate of Antiquities of Corinthia, The American College of Greece (PIERCE) the local elementary school in Ancient Corinth, Diazoma, and Olympia Odos to present a program highlighting the Odeion and show students that music was found in all parts of life, from athletics and religion to dining and social gatherings. Students visited the museum for a hands-on look at musical artifacts from the Ephoreia and Corinth Excavations and spent time behind-the-scenes overlooking the Odeion for a presentation by music students from PIERCE. To finish the day, Corinth Excavations Assistant Director Ioulia Tzonou-Herbst read a scene about the Judgement of Paris performed in Corinth in the 2nd century CE as described in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses, after which everyone participated in a collaborative musical performance lead by teachers from PIERCE featuring instruments made from creative, unconventional materials constructed by local students.
Conservator Nicol Anastassatou created a beautiful vasilopita that was almost too pretty to eat. Director Guy Sanders cut the cake, which was enjoyed by all staff and visitors.
Conservation Training
For the next six months, Corinth Excavations will train four conservation technician students from the Public Vocational Training Institute of Nafplion. Conservator Nicol Anastassatou is excited to teach conservation methods and techniques to Eleni Maniatis, Thomas Paschalidis, Michael Polatidis, and Nicos-Arion Rigopoulos, who will gain experience in all types of excavation materials including ceramics, metals, organics, stone, glass, and mosaics.
Το Εργαστήριο Συντήρησης των ανασκαφών Κορίνθου, για τους επόμενους εξι μήνες, θα απασχολεί τέσσερις σπουδαστές του Τμήματος Τεχνικών Συντήρησης Αρχαιοτήτων και ‘Εργων τέχνης του ΔΙΕΚ Ναυπλίου, στο πλαίσιο της πρακτικής τους άσκησης. Υπό την καθοδήγηση της υπεύθυνης συντηρήτριας Νικόλ Αναστασάτου οι σπουδαστές Ελένη Μανιάτη, Θωμάς Πασχαλίδης, Μιχάλης Πολατίδης, Νίκος-Αρίων Ρηγόπουλος θα εκπαιδευτούν επάνω σε θέματα συντήρησης που αφορούν ολα τα ανασκαφικά υλικά όπως κεραμικό, μέταλλο, οργανικά υλικά, πέτρα, γυαλί και ψηφιδωτό.
Ask an Archaeologist II
Today, Corinth Excavations is holding a live Ask an Archaeologist event on Facebook. Free and open to the public, this event will be livestreamed from Ancient Corinth so you can tune in worldwide. Like the ASCSA Facebook page, join the event, and we'll see you at 17:00 EET (for those in the US, that's 10:00EST/9:00CST). Feel free to comment on the live feed or event page with any questions about archaeology.