The Director of ASCSA, Jack Davis, received a special award from the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce on Monday evening, January 30, 2012 at the Athenaeum Intercontinental Hotel in Athens. ASCSA was recognized for its profile of excellence in the field of education in Greece through the presentation of an inscribed gold coin (flouri) at the cutting of the basilopitta at the Chamber of Commerce's annual New Year’s Reception. After an introduction by Yanos Grammatidis, president of the Chamber of Commerce, the coin was presented to Director Davis by Theodore Pangalos, vice-president of the Greek Republic. This celebratory event marking the Chamber’s 80th year anniversary was attended by over one thousand guests. It strives to bring together Chamber members, leading government officials, members of Parliament, Ambassadors, organization presidents, media and other prominent executives of the business community to enjoy a pleasant and rewarding networking event. Welcome remarks were made by Pangalos, US Ambassador Daniel Bennett Smith, Minister of Development, Competitiveness and Shipping Michalis Chryssohoidis, Kostis Hatzidakis and Notis Mitarakis, Members of Parliament, New Democracy Party. Special awards were presented to international educational institutions for their excellence in education and innovation.  In addition to ASCSA, these included the American Farm School, The Fulbright Foundation, and Corallia Hellenic Technology Clusters Initiative.