Studite Project on Byzantine Bookbindings
The Gennadius Library participated in the European Project STUDITE focusing on Byzantine and post-Byzantine bookbindings ( The STUDITE project aims to highlight the technical and artistic contributions of Greek and Byzantine manuscripts to the history of the book. Byzantine binding influenced the culture of the book in both the Orient and the West, and these connections are the subject of considerable cultural and scientific interest. STUDITE therefore aims to preserve and enhance this shared heritage to foster better historical understanding and intercultural dialogue. A group of distinguished paleographers and manuscript specialists from France, Rumania, Italy, U.K, and Hungary, were shown some of the most significant early Byzantine manuscripts and bookbindings from our collections and had the chance to work on them closely on January 27, 2012. Special thanks are due to bookbinder specialist Vangelio Tzanetatou, who assisted in the selection and presentation of the manuscripts. The STUDITE Program is currently holding an exhibition on the art of bookbinding featuring bindings of the Byzantine and post-Byzantine period and new artistic creations inspired by them. The show is at the Christian and Byzantine Museum of Athens from September 19, 2012 to January 13, 2013.