Brendan Burke, Professor of Greek and Roman Studies at the University of Victoria, who is teaching a semester abroad (Greece) program, and his nine students visited the School's Archives yesterday, to look at the Heinrich Schliemann and Carl W. Blegen Papers and hear stories about Troy, Mycenae, and Pylos. One of the students read an excerpt from Michael Ventris's letter to Carl Blegen (July 4, 1952) announcing the decipherment of Linear B. The students also heard about poet George Seferis and read one of his most famous poems, "The King of Asine," which resonated well with them since they had been on the site just a few days before. They were also introduced to the paintings of Edward Lear, which are hanging on the walls of the Dinsmoor Room. It is a bright group of students, and I am sure that we will see them again at the School, either in one of the Summer Sessions or at the Regular program.