School Director Lectures at the University of Ioannina
The Director of ASCSA presented the second in a new lecture series (“Lectures by Distinguished Personalities”) at the University of Ioannina on 19 November.  As a guest of the Rector of the university, Professor Dr. Ioannis Yerothanassis, he addressed an audience of 200 in the Ceremonial Hall of the university, named in honor of the eminent archaeologist George Mylonas, first burser of ASCSA in 1925. The subject of the lecture was “Greeks in the Adriatic: What, When, and Why?” The following day the Director described to an enthusiastic group of students the results of recent research at the Palace of Nestor at Pylos.  He was hosted at the university by the faculty of the Department of Archaeology (including Professors Yannis Lolos, Mihalis Fotiadis, and Andreas Vlachopoulos),  as well as by Dr. Katerina Synodinou, Professor of Classics.  It is interesting to note that Dr. Synodinou, now a prominent scholar of Euripides, began her association with ASCSA as a babysitter for Professor Topping, when director of the Gennadius Library! The Director was presented by the Rector with a silver oak wreath and a silver pin with the eagle of Zeus at Dodoni.