December 2, 2010 Dear ASCSA Alumni, Here is the preliminary program of events in Athens in June 2011, to celebrate the 130th Anniversary of the School. There will be more detailed information posted soon, including the costs for the events and trip. Meanwhile, please mark your calendars and plan to come to Greece in June.  And, please pass the word to friends and classmates of whom we may have lost track. With best wishes, Irene B. Romano, Ph.D. Administrative Director PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE 130th ASCSA ANNIVERSARY EVENTS ALUMNI WEEK—JUNE 3-12, 2011 Friday, June 3:  Alumni and Trustees arrive and get settled in Loring Hall and hotels. (Rooms in Loring Hall will be available for alumni and trustees on a first come, first served basis. Reservations will be accepted beginning January 1, 2011.  Please contact Niamh Michalopoulou through the online reservation process at The School will also be providing the names of several hotels at which rooms will be available at a reduced rate.) Lunch will be served in Loring Hall. 8:00 pm: Cocktail reception in School Garden. Saturday, June 4: Breakfast in Loring Hall. 10:00 am: Alumni welcome in Director’s house.  Open House at the School (Kolonaki) (with schedule for groups).  Lunch in Loring Hall. 7:00 pm: Award Ceremony in Cotsen Hall (honorees to be announced). Opening of a special exhibition, curated by Archivist Natalia Vogeikoff- Brogan, on aspects of the history of the ASCSA, in the Basil Room at the Gennadeion.  Reception in Gennadeion garden. Sunday, June 5: Breakfast only served in Loring Hall. Day trip to Isthmia and Corinth with lunch in Corinth. Monday, June 6: Breakfast only served in Loring Hall. 9:30-11:30 am: Alumni and School Trustees Tour of Agora. Afternoon free. 5:00 pm:  “Tea Talk” in Loring Hall. Alumni speaker to be announced. Evening:  Dinner for trustees and alumni at a local taverna Tuesday, June 7-Sunday, June 12: Breakfast only served in Loring Hall. School Trip to Macedonia and Thrace, led by Mellon Professor, Margaret M. Miles. Open to trustees and alumni (see the following itinerary) [Monday, June 13: Start of Summer Session I] Friday-Saturday, June 17-18: “The Matter of Antiquity: A Conference in honor of Professor Susan I. Rotroff on the award of the AIA Gold Medal for her distinguished contributions to archaeology,” organized by the Agora Excavations, in Cotsen Hall More information, including the costs for these events, will be posted here soon. Alumni Trip to Northern Greece: Macedonia and Thrace Leader: Mellon Professor Margaret M. Miles June 7-12, 2011 June 7 (Tues.)  By bus to Thermopylae; Dion (Macedonian sanctuary/Roman camp). Night in Litochoro (on lower slope of Mt. Olympos), Hotel Aphrodite Archontiko June 8 (Wed.) Vergina:  Royal tombs and museum Lefkadia (painted tombs) Pella (excavated town and new museum). Night in Thessaloniki, Hotel Egnatia Palace June 9 (Thurs.) Thessaloniki:  Roman Agora, Rotunda of Galerius, Arch of Galerius, Archaeological Museum, Byzantine Museum; to Stageira, birthplace of Aristotle; early evening swim. Night in Olympiada, Hotel Germany/Liotopi June 10 (Fri.) Amphipolis:  Amphipolis Museum (Hero-shrine of Brasidas[?]) Lion, walls, wooden bridge. Ferry from Keramoti to Thasos, late afternoon drive to Aliki marble quarries for walk/swim, southern tip of Thasos. Night on Thasos, Hotel Timoleon June 11 (Sat.) Thasos:  Agora, museum, walls and acropolis Lunch on own and free afternoon until late afternoon Ferry to Keramoti. Night in Kavala, Hotel Imaret June 12 (Sun.) Kavala:  leisurely morning at the Imaret, view Kamares Aqueduct; Philippi Evening flight from Kavala to Athens Night in Athens (Hotel accommodations should be made by individuals. Loring Hall will not be available for alumni upon return from trip) Maximum of 28 participants, on a first come, first served basis.  All alumni will be asked to contribute a 15 min. report at one of the sites or in a museum. Topics will be distributed. No children under 13. This trip will be strenuous and will require considerable walking. Lunches will be short, informal, and mostly on your own. Some group dinners will be arranged and will be included in the cost. Hotels will range from basic to wonderful (Imaret). Sites are subject to opening and closing hours which might fluctuate due to economic austerities. Flight times and ferry times also subject to change. It will be a wonderful experience evoking all the good times on the School trips you remember! Some people may opt to continue on their own to the island of Samothrace—highly recommended! Costs for the trip are being calculated and will be announced around January 1.