Richard Freed out front at the start of the stadion race at Olympia.
Richard Freed, Summer Session II, 2009: "My ASCSA summer session in Greece was a transformative experience in my career as a secondary school teacher of Latin and Greek. There is no substitute for actually being there. Seeing the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. Walking on the Acropolis and into the Parthenon. Visiting Knossos and imagining the minotaur. It was spectacular to learn about Greek history, literature, art, and archaeology from the leading experts in the field, in the very places where it all happened. More importantly, I have been able to bring those insights I gleaned back into the classroom, which makes for a deeper and richer experience for all my students. I would recommend the ASCSA summer session to any teacher interested in ancient Greece."
Richard Freed teaches Latin, Greek and Physics at Boston Latin Academy