October 23, 2009 “Migration, Gender, and the Economy in Byzantium: A Conference in Memory of Angeliki Laiou” December 7, 2009, 7:00 pm                                               Cotsen Lecture Series “An Evening in the Company of Stratis Myrivilis” December 8, 2009, 7:00 pm Cotsen Lecture Series Dimitri Tziovas, University of Birmingham “The Myth of the Generation of the 30’s” [The lecture will be in Greek with an English summary] January 27, 2010, 8:00 pm                                                 Cotsen Lecture Series Theatrical Performance based on the “color books” of Stratis Myrivilis. By the Company “To Kochyli.” March 2, 2010, 7:00 pm 29th Annual Walton Lecture Robert Ousterhout, University of Pennsylvania “Byzantine Constantinople: Visualizing a City in Transition” March 16, 2010, 7:00 pm                                                   Cotsen Lecture Series Derek Krueger, University of South Carolina, Greensboro ““Pilgrimage Shrines, Relics, and the Formation of Identity in Early Byzantium” April 20, 2010, 7:00 pm Cotsen Lecture Series Reinhold Mueller, University of Venice “The fall of Negroponte to the Ottomans in 1470 and female sanctity in Venice” May 20, 2010 “Mystras: Identities and Perspectives”. International Symposium co-sponsored by the Gennadius Library; the Istituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantini e Post-bizantini; and the Center for Byzantine Studies at Mystra