New Publication! The Historical Greek Village (Lerna VIII)

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens is pleased to announce the publication of The Historical Greek Village (Lerna VIII) by Brice L. Erickson.
This volume presents the Protogeometric through Hellenistic material (ca. 970–175 B.C.) from ASCSA excavations conducted in the 1950s at Lerna in the Argolid, one of the most important prehistoric sites in Greece. The material derives from two main sources: burials from a Geometric cemetery near the settlement and Late Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic wells from the mound proper. Although the material consists primarily of pottery and other ceramic finds, it also includes human remains, animal bones and shells, coins, inscriptions, and bronze and stone objects. Heather Graybehl provides a petrographic analysis, Mark L. Lawall discusses the transport amphoras and import patterns, David S. Reese presents the faunal material, and David Scahill presents and catalogues two Doric capitals. This study not only gives scholars greater insight into ceramic developments in the Argolid, it brings much-needed focus to the material culture of a historic settlement not known for strategic trading, politics, or military prowess. Lerna VIII will greatly facilitate comparative studies with other modestly sized communities in ancient Greece.
Chapter 1: Historical and Political Narratives
Chapter 2: Geometric Cemetery
Chapter 3: Late Archaic and Early Classical Wells
Chapter 4: Classical Wells
Chapter 5: Early and Middle Hellenistic Wells and Early Hellenistic Pit
Chapter 6: Miscellaneous Pottery, Figurines, Loomweights, and Coins
Chapter 7: Village Society and Economy
Appendix 1: Petrographic Analysis of Table, Coarse, and Cooking Wares, by Heather Graybehl
Appendix 2: Archaic through Hellenistic Transport Amphoras, by Mark L. Lawall
Appendix 3: Faunal Remains, by David S. Reese
Appendix 4: Stone Architectural Elements, by David Scahill
Lerna VIII
520 pp, 357 b/w figs, 9 color figs, 32 tables
Cloth, 9" x 12"
ISBN: 978-0-87661-308-5
Lerna VIII can be ordered from our distribution partners: Casemate Academic (in North America) or Oxbow Books (outside North America).