Martha Jones Art Exhibit at Loring Hall

Loring Hall converts to a modern art gallery for the day as students and staff review the work of Martha Jones

Martha Jones, a well-known abstract artist in Virginia and former fellow of ASCSA (1990-92), exhibited a selection of her paintings in Loring Hall on Sunday afternoon, May 4.  Martha, a Classicist, who did her post-graduate studies at the University of Colorado and the University of Texas at Austin, derives much of her inspiration from ancient art.  About 50 visitors viewed her work in her first Athenian exhibition.  The artist described her debt in the case to Antiquity in the case of several paintings, and emphasized how deeply she has been influenced by an ASCSA trip to eastern Turkey, led by Bob Bridges, secretary of ASCSA, in 2007.  Martha has been living in Athens this year with her husband, Bill Hutton, a senior fellow of the School.