Hesperia Volume 78:4, 2009 Available
All current and recent issues of Hesperia are available online to subscribers on the Atypon Link platform. If you are not a subscriber, you can subscribe online using a credit card. You can also buy individual articles by clicking on the links below. Hunting the Eschata: An Imagined Persian Empire on the Lekythos of Xenophantos by Hallie Malcolm Franks doi: 10.2972/hesp.78.4.455 The so-called lekythos of Xenophantos presents an image unparalleled in Greek vase painting. In a scene that belongs fully to neither the world of reality nor that of myth, Persians hunt griffins, among other prey. The author offers a new reading of the scene as a fictionalized account of Persian conquest, in which the borders of the empire have reached the edges of the earth, the eschata. Such a scenario has parallels in Herodotos’s stories of the Persians’ (inappropriate) territorial aspirations; in these accounts, as Persians seek to expand their power beyond its natural limits, they are met with failure and punishment. A Roman Athena from the Pnyx and the Agora in Athens by Aileen Ajootian doi: 10.2972/hesp.78.4.481 Two fragments of marble sculpture, one found in late fill on the Pnyx and the other in the Athenian Agora, join to form part of a large helmeted head, probably from a Roman statue of Athena. Unusual, wavelike curls escaping from beneath the helmet suggest a date in the mid-1st century a.d. The Pnyx/Agora statue may have been commissioned in Athens during a period of renewed interest in the Panathenaic festival by Athenians who saw the promotion of their city’s religious traditions as a way of enhancing their own status and that of their city. An Early Ottoman Cemetery at Ancient Corinth by Arthur H. Rohn, Ethne Barnes, and Guy D. R. Sanders, with an appendix by Orestes H. Zervos doi: 10.2972/hesp.78.4.501 The authors report in this article on the excavation and skeletal analyses of 81 graves containing the remains of 133 individuals in a 17th-century cemetery in the Panayia Field at Ancient Corinth. Two distinct styles of burial reflect Orthodox Christian and Muslim traditions. Osteological analyses revealed a preponderance of adult males over females; more young and middle-aged males and fewer small children than might be expected; and numerous instances of physical violence, including two obvious cases of punishment. The presence of iron boot-heel reinforcement cleats and the mixing of Christian and Muslim burial practices suggest that the cemetery may have served a garrison population in Corinth under Ottoman rule during the early 17th century.