Finally in Our New Home!: The “New” Consolidated ASCSA Archives

The new Reading Room
After several months of extensive remodeling (Nov.2017-March 2018), two months of relocating (April -May 2018), we finally made it to our new home: The East Wing of the Gennadius Library. We received our first researchers on June 18th.
The remodeling included dismantling existing partition walls to open up space, removal of floors and suspended ceilings for rewiring in order to improve lighting and facilitate network access, the installation of new mobile shelving for archives and works of art, and most importantly, the installation of four close-control units that will provide high precision air conditioning (with humidity control). The architectural and engineering plans were prepared by architect Liana Loukou of Kyriakidis and Associates and by ELTEME (Nikos Bartzakoulias) respectively. It was a laborious project which was carried out successfully, thanks to the attentiveness of supervising civil engineer Dionysis Stamenitis and his assistant, architect Sofia Toumanidou, and under the watchful eye of the School’s General Manager, Tellos Panos.
The remodeling of the East Wing and the consolidation of the School’s Archives under one roof would not have been possible without the great generosity of two women: the late Doreen Canaday Spitzer, an ardent supporter of the ASCSA Archives, and Dorothy Dinsmoor, who wanted to commemorate the work of her uncle, William Bell Dinsmoor Sr.
Check our slideshow below.